I Played Pokémon with ONLY My Least Favorite

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I hate mil tank it is my least favorite Pokemon of all time and has been pretty much my entire life and how could it not be Whitney's mil tank is the most infuriating Gym battle in all of Pokémon due to how op her mil tank is no and I've had a long Battle Mason streak ended by a mil tank but even if it wasn't horrible and infuriating to fight against it's got giant sausage nipples on its belly flopping around all the time that's weird and gross so why would I do this why would I play a game using only my least favorite Pokémon of all time well last year M&J TV plays this channel that you're watching this video on was getting closer to a million subscribers and I decided I would bribe you all to help me get over that Milestone saying once it hit a million subscribers I would do a playthrough using only mil tank a Pokémon you all love to torture me with so much that we had to ban miltank memes from my subreddit but then you replac it with drowsy memes which are still annoying um but I just haven't disliked it as long and drowsy thankfully doesn't have giant nipples but then mjtv plays past 1 million subscribers in January of 2024 my second channel to do so and I am very grateful to you all for that but now it means a Deal's a deal and it's mil tank time I'm doing this in Heart Gold feel like it would be disingenuous to do it in any game that did not have Whitney and also the nipples aren't as bad in 2D as they are in 3D now one thing about milang is that it's got a base at a total of 490 which is uh very high for this point in the game so the first part of this playthrough is actually going to be pretty easy after that things will get stickier the first trainer battle the rivalz Chikorita I chose Totodile cuz it might be useful for HMS because I will need the Totodile to Surf and stuff okay actually no miltank can learn some surf oddly enough but the other ones like you can't learn cut yeah so as I predicted that was really easy one thing I didn't think about when I uh decided to do this in heart cold was how I would have to look at mil tank bouncing about at all times when I'm not in battle but at least the nipples aren't floppy indeed subscrib was his name but it is a good reminder we're over a million but we could always get to two mil tank is level eight and already has stomp I feel like that's kind of busted oh look at that milk drink got to have that the move that implies that mil tank is sucking on its own utter who how how was this ever do I even need to fight the gym trainers let's just see if I can beat him just outright if I can credit where credit is due this will be my fastest first gym badge in ever maybe I've only been playing the game for like 10 minutes okay well that's one am I faster than Pidgeotto I am this freaking cow goodbye birdie nice job Millie tank that you can guess that's where that name comes from I found rock smash I did do a bit of digging and I am going to teach miltank rock smash I was a bit worried because it's an HM move which means I can't delete it until the move deleter which is not until Blackthorn City however I will have no other ways to hit rock and Steel type Pokemon for super effective damage prior to that point eventually I'm going to get the TM for earthquake but that's in the victory road which means I could delete rock smash by that point a helix fossil was in the rubble what are the chances of that was that a sign from God my first rock smash in the mil tank playthrough is Lord Helix himself now it's just got to be dumb luck hello proton you're often labeled as the scariest and cruelest guy in Team Rocket well I'm often labeled as the scariest and crul guy in this room cuz there's no one else in it and I don't consider myself particularly scary or cruel anyways I don't have roll out on mil tank yet but I don't feel like grinding up to get it if I lose this this then I just get roll out and it becomes trivial I always forget he leads with Scyther in this game cuz the U-turn but maybe he's not going to leave uhuh not yet Focus energy time oh okay I can live with that you stinky boy you stinky man boy you're a boy oh a crit shell does not recover very much I I almost one shot that thing and I got like three HP back well now I just have to beat a Metapod and a Kakuna that's the Metapod and that's the Kakuna like I said early part of the game very easy ha it is I go run tip boy and are you using miltank you hate miltank long story short I hit a million subscribers and this is my thank you to the viewers wa seriously a million well don't let that Fame go to your head cuz it's already gone to mine give me the special seat what no the hey I gunti boy whose playthroughs are the main reason this channel has a million subscribers I'm here to present to you the sponsor of this video Dragon City Dragon City has over 1,000 unique dragons to collect by hatching them then evolving them into powerful beasts you can then take your dragons into exciting PVP battles or take on challenging quests and events how dare you take my chair you can also design and build your city the games called Dragon City after all constructing magical habitats buildings and decorations download Dragon City at the link in the description below or with the QR code to get a special bundle with 15,000 food 30,000 gold and the very rare Neo isumi dragon all right you finished now give me back my seat fine but only for now a million subscribers YouTuber deserves the special seat every time T oh I forgot about this Rival Battle very well subscribe subscribe hey you want to see something fun watch this quack I just stomped a Gastly cuz Millie tank is Scrappy and there's the roll out I actually am going to delete the milk drink I don't really see a need to keep it unless I'm like I'm not going to use any items in battle which so far I haven't had to I need rock smash I need stomp but I also want roll out with defense curl I knew defense curl helped roll out but I didn't know the actual mechanics until just now you you use one defense curl and roll out is doubled for the rest of the battle I think until you switch out oh that's right headbutt yeah so headbutt is just a superior version of stop and now I can headbutt trees to get Pokémon that I won't catch well two of my least favorites together I don't know what else you want me to say I'm not happy about it Golden Rod City for the first time I think maybe ever I'm going to go straight to the gym never mind I have to do the quiz first hello you V woman okay now the gym this is it this is the big moment can mil tank be the one to finally take her down one thing that is nice is that she likes to use a tract here um and uh it's not going to work both of her Pokemon are female and my mil tank is female and not allowed to be gay beneficial here but frankly let the cows be gay all right all right so I defense curled first and I'm going to roll out so by the time her mil tank comes out the roll out should be really high power don't do anything crazy or what I mean it's not that much damage it's just now I'm taking the chip okay mine should be faster it is faster and roll out and does not one shot it oh wait magma storm ended when Clefairy died okay well that's nice stomp's not going to do that much oh oh poor me yes indeed poor you look at that the easiest Whitney battle I've ever had the only thing strong enough to defeat her mail tank is another mail tank amazing never thought I'd be that excited about miltank trivial battle for babies give me the badge you inferior miltank trainer I can't believe I'm saying that body slam o yeah I got to go body slam that's just a significant power increase hello sudoo take this witness and die to some rock smashes cuz I do not care about you hello subscribe does he have the Magnemite at this point I feel like he does so I don't want to lock myself into a roll out there it is all right the first Steel type that I almost one shot with rock smash here's the Thunder Wave that's one of the worst things about solo runs is that if your Pokemon gets significantly hampered by like a status condition or like an intimidate I'm just I just have to deal with lower attack for the rest of the battle not looking forward to dealing with intimidate all right Morty I hope this battle will be done in four turns all right that's one that's going to be maybe two oh it is two and only two glad they don't have cursed body in this genin body slam ooh not enough the second one should be just don't curse me mean look you buffoon and I know this Haunter goes down oh that was rude I was about to say wow we beat it without taking damage and then that stupid thing I just Sucker Punch man y'all this like I said I think it's going to get harder but so far it's not am I having fun the miltank farm normally a place I avoid but today I shall frolic behold these these weird other creatures are actually very powerful all right I made it and I'm going to get you medicine from sandwood all right can I just say it's it's weird that I can't have my own mil tank make moooo milk I have to get the seven Orin berries to heal that one and then I think I can buy it but it's like why don't I start my own business well not even business probably health code violations there but why don't I just like start it so I can make my own you know be like a modern-day self-employed milkman I don't know feel like that should be allowed all right Chuck's gym the first and only gym where I am weak to the Pokemon in it let's do this Chuck just a prime ape and a Poliwrath I don't think either of them have guts so I don't need to worry about body slam paralysis even if it happens which it is don't have guts and it can't even move who cares and that body slam is going to do it that's one down one to go here's the Poliwrath I don't expect this to one shot because because I didn't one shot the priming he went for Focus punch which means he gets to do nothing that did less than half well I just keep body slamming cuz a focus punch definitely ends me if he only has Focus punch I'm golden and that's all he's going to do good thing I didn't try to set up or anything oh come on well now I'm getting slightly worried about PP only slightly the Pokemon League is where I'm most worried about PP I will say I uh ethers aren't you can't buy them which I feel is stupid and there's not easy ways to get Lepa berries like there is in the hoen games but this battle we're escaping unscathed actually did not take any damage so pretty cool cuz if we had taken damage I may not have won oh here's that youen battle right easy peasy utter squeezy here is the medicine give it to the other farm animal Pokémon all righty steel gym is next let's see how this goes when I can't effectively use body slam or roll out this is going to be a mash rock smash battle if I get paralyzed by Thunder Wave with these magnemites though that's really going to suck all right how much does rock smash do more than half oh it's a one sh oh it's a crit okay pretty exciting no paralysis rock smash again okay not a crit defense drop okay that's helpful if she heals there's the paralysis okay okay well I took it out but ooh that's so bad oh no that's so te oh that's also really bad okay uh this might be our first L it didn't just immediately attack how much does this do holy crap okay so this is a significant spiking difficulty Iron Tail missed that's nice I got a defense drop I feel like I need to get my defense back oh okay I may not have a chance okay I'm not out of this yet but I probably am if I stick to not using items in battle I think this is over yep it's over man the first loss and a bad one like I said the first part was going to be easy breezy beautiful well not beautiful actually pretty hideous I'm going to give it another shot before leaving and coming back cuz that is something I can do in this game I can go do price and the Team Rocket Hideout and come back at a higher level I don't want to all right so since I know that to one shot the Magnemite I have to get a crit I don't think it makes sense to just attack here because I think I'm going to get paralyzed no matter what so what I'm going to do is defense curl it paralyzed no matter what like I said but what I can do is defense curl a bunch against the Magnemite ooh glad that missed and okay well it balanced out yeah that's annoying um I'm going to have to get kind of Lucky on this at least that doesn't do very much I wish I had leftovers but I can't get leftovers until the Snorlax Encanto okay I'm at plus two defense now I think I go for rock smash now oh come on okay crit how is that only 4 HP maybe this wasn't the best strategy cuz I have to take in them the Thunderbolts do a lot yeah I don't think that works maybe this is a battle where I do need milk drink but I don't have access to the move reminder yet yeah okay that didn't work dang yeah I'm Heming money damn it mil tank I'm going to do one more try just spamming rock smash and doing nothing else and if that doesn't work I'm going to have to come back but also the reality is is like against the Steelix if I get screeched and paralyzed like even if I healed up potion I feel like the Iron Tail just does too much to deal with no crit this time uh defense drop doesn't matter there's the Thunder Wave yep all right go for Supersonic and Miss right well I koed it but no crits this time and the first one ended up being the best attempt because of that crit all right just don't hurt yourself if you don't hurt yourself we escape this without taking more damage okay the run is still alive now if I can get Super Lucky with hack and stuff dropping defense with rock smash not getting fully paralyzed not hurting myself in my confusion avoiding some iron Tails maybe I have a chance I immediately am taking an iron tail to the face snapped out though defense drop no oh my God how is it hitting two two iron tails in a row that's unheard of still no defense drop God Steelix Jesus yeah this is uh unless I potion this is a loss and he missed the Iron Tail what's the chance for defense drop how do how have I not gotten any of those there's a 50% chance of lowering the defense 50% and it didn't happen in three attacks all right it's over okay I'm going to have to come back that's that's that stings the easiest playthrough of my life until this battle it's just a I hit a I hit an iron wall literally I do think some more levels will help if I can get to the point where I can one shot the Magnemite that will be a huge boost cuz then I can guarantee that I don't get paralyzed time for the Red Gyarados I guess I can try to catch it but like I'm not going to put that much effort into it like it could be a more fun hm Pokemon than Croc Anda but this is a mil tank run not a team Sky Run oh that was a crit just immediately hey what's up Lance Let's go to this Hideout now we get to watch Lance's Dragonite hyperbeam a guy I wish they would have animated that more rather than just like a tackle oh hold it right there yeah this is this is Trivial all right it's time for Price the technical 7eventh gym leaner despite being weaker than Jasmine I am expecting this to be very easy defense curl roll out win the battle fence curl icy wind okay the H me a little slower is kind of annoying but I I hope that won't be like too big of a factor first roll out 40 power oh the Seal's not even ice type what is this gym roster swine you're still weak to rock right maybe you're not you're not but it didn't matter and you definitely are and this is an even stronger roll out good night okay level 44 I was level 38 when fighting Jasmine before I think I'm strong enough to beat her now and I think I actually now have to in order to progress all right Jasmine fourth times the charm okay if I can one shot the Magnemite we're in business are you serious no this is another loss Iron Tail doesn't miss and I get paralyzed the sandstorm is annoying I'm fully paralyzed twice in a row why did I agree to do this it's cuz I wanted a million subscribers three in a row three in a row that's it all right God every other battle has been stupid easy and this one is freaking impossible can I get a black belt or an expert belt anywhere Lake of rage on Wednesdays wait I'm filming this on a Wednesday where are you guy who gives black belt I'm wesle of Wednesday please take a souvenir obtained the black belt that was so easy take the black belt Millie tank tie it around your Udders we have a battle to win all right moment of truth just rock smash one shot now that I have the black belt it should it does all right this is the best chance we've had we are going into the Steelix fight completely healthy maybe I'll get some defense drops nope it started with the sandstorm that's not ideal but probably better than an iron tail defense drop come on where are the oh no not the Screech I don't want a defense curl though I want to kill it give me the defense drop there's a 50% chance thank you oh my God okay I think I KO from the all right never mind never mind take that back Iron Tail missed okay another defense drop okay iron tail at minus two defense how much does this do that doesn't do very much if she doesn't heal let's go take that you giant metal snake you lost to a cow a cow with sausage nipples how does that make you feel bad I hope that's strange every battle with miltank so far has either been trivially easy which is fun because it's fun to kick butt or it's been this seemingly insurmountable challenge but I feel so good when I surmount it but I still hate milit tank to be clear never forgive them for the utters do I have to do the radio tower now here's the underground subscribe battle which I'm not really worried about he's up to five Pokemon by this point in the game jeez that are only level 32 jto man okay that was irritating cuz of reflect but doable he just monologued about whether love and Trust are necessary to become a strong trainer I just destroyed him with a mil tank they are not now for Ariana she uses vile Plum and merro I hate this Sprite of vile plume the its body is a frontal view but its flower is like a almost kind of top down view like 45° angle like we know from the 3D model the flower attaches to a point not very high above vile plume's eyes but this Sprite makes it looks like it's like and then it's the flower and it it doesn't look right anyways you can keep smelling good all day I don't care I would just like to attack dude I have been paralyzed three of the last four turns turns okay thank goodness one more right oh my God what is the paralysis chance cuz that's 60% of the last five turns and my roll out missed this is so annoying I'm not going to lose I'm just annoyed thank you jeez status conditions man they're so annoying in a Solo run hello Archer you lame loser does he lead with a Pokemon that can paralyze me he does not let's roll out that assuming I don't miss dies to this roll out cuz it's like 160 power at this point goodbye and the Team Rocket plot is done Black Thorn City access to the move deleter which means I could delete rock smash but I don't have anything I'd want to delete it for I want to delete it for earthquake but I don't have the TM yet so once I get it in the victory road I fly back here I delete rock smash I teach him earthquake so the next thing on the list is Claire with two dragonaires that have thunder wave that makes me want to pull out my hair all right right Claire normally you're the second hardest gym leader you might end up still being the second hardest gym leader except in this play t it was Jasmine not Whitney who is the worst there's the intimidate which I have no way of avoiding without just like using an X attack so defense curl first got a power up roll out and now I'll take less from any like aquata tailes and stuff I won't take less from that um but my HP stat is huge so that's fine now we begin rolling out and hope we don't miss I actually would rather twoot this then one shot okay I'm going to that works because now when the dragon air comes in roll out will be even stronger why don't you just aquata tail me man I would take that so well whatever all right Gyarados is done oh not dragon air first interesting I'd really love to one shot this smoke screen sucks that sucks just attack me just attack me please okay I should take this pretty well okay KRA is down I've done four roll outs if this fifth one hits let's go amazing amazing the problem now is that I finished roll out which means unless I critical hit all there's no shot I oo it because of the intimidate the two hit KO okay get some healing with shell Bell how much there's the Thunder Wave all right if I can hit one more body slam and I live whatever it does now which I should Dragon pulse oh no oh no I need this body okay okay oh boy oh my gosh if I had been fully paralyzed I lose I know that was a crit but it would have killed me with the dragon pulse all right that was spicy you won't concede this oh yeah cuz Johto is the region where the two strongest Gym Leaders don't immediately accept defeat because they are whiny children but I am proud of my cow can't believe I'm saying this I got eight badges with nothing but a mil tank it's weird but it happened you know and that's what was always going to happen right you know however nipply it may being hello Michael how's it going I've gotten hold of something neat very well he gave me a master ball that I'm not going to use right I don't have to catch hoo right you just had a group of beautiful kimono girls looking for you I mean of course they were look at me hi Michael where do you think you're going okay apparently that little girl is the boss of me and I do have to do the ho oh stuff how how's it possible how can I lose to Mir kimono girls because you lack the power or should I say the cow no no that's a different word let's fight the kimono girls I kind of wish it was all one battle so I could use roll out but oh well I should not have body slammed this thing has synchronized oh my God no well at least I koed immediately but I'm stuck with paralysis for all the other battles okay I didn't get fully paralyzed is this going to onot the Espeon I feel like it should oh was so close I would have synchronized that one too all righty well so far I'm okay fire blast last jeez com in hot literally no no at least I can't be burnt I'm going to lose I'm going to lose I mean I know how to not make this mistake again oh he missed his fire blast but I'm fully paralyzed ah dude paralysis is completely killer okay so what have we learned we rock smash The Umbreon and roll out the Espeon probably cuz espon also has synchronized I so annoyed I lost these freaking kimono girls oh my God smash all right at least I got the defense drop first try God this thing is a bulky Menace okay that's one down I'm going to defense curl first cuz this makes it so it requires fewer successful roll outs I didn't get the special defense drop from the psychic so that's good and I am coming into this low I feel like if this Flareon could just miss one fire blast I I miss my roll out dude the women in this game are vicious they are vicious there's a guy in Violet City who gives you berries if you give him shards so now I'm stuck just going around trying to find rocks to smash hoping to get the right color Shard cuz that's the only way to get certain types of berries a red shard okay okay that gives me Cherry Berry all right so I planted a lum a cherry a leppa and a Pacha Berry I have one single Cherry Berry so what I can do before this fight is save before it so if I use up the Cherry Berry and I don't win the fight I'm resetting and getting that damn Berry back also I might just get lucky and not paralyze it's weird that I don't want it but I don't okay that's really good body slam's a two-hit KO and I can't paralyze it when I KO it so I've escaped Umbreon safely in regards to paralysis and maybe damage too it seems okay okay that went way better perfectly healthy out of Umbreon now for Espeon how much does body slam do probably also a two shot oh so close close Okay well I took a bit of damage there but just one attack so this will be the healthiest I've entered the Flareon battle roll out's got to be the best one here right I didn't miss my first one this time thankfully oh yeah no I hate the EV lution so much that still Ko's cuz I've doubled but jeez all right jolon let's hope you just die to a body slam or well a crit body slam still a two hit ko. okay oh God come on real tank please hit it yes yes yes okay okay just Vaporeon left now do I go for roll out or body slam I think I go for body slam still it's the stab move it's the strongest roll out it's going to take several turns to get going how much does this surf do well so close I paralyzed it wait I might have a chance if it doesn't attack oh does burn kill me no God okay body slam no paralysis I am confused I took off the Cherry Berry I'm an idiot I took it off cuz I was was going to go fight other trainers now maybe maybe I won't even need it body slam K's I also will get experience and level up from this Umbreon so maybe now I can oneshot the Espeon body slam okay all right this is pivotal can I onot the Flareon with body slam I can I can what about jolon I'm not burned this time let's go and finally Vaporeon I think this is still probably a two Koo vaporeon's very bulky yep but I should live one surf no problem let's do this Millie tank go away you stupid utions how does it feel to lose to the Milky cow and I didn't end up even needing the berries oddly enough but it wasn't a complete waste of time I think they will come in handy for the Pokémon League roll out goodbye sorry hoo this is a nipple cow run it's a can toe Victory Road which isn't actually that hard in Johto the only trainer in here is my rival but also exciting because somewhere in here is the earthquake TM which means Rock and steel types are about to get a lot easier to deal with aha there it is the final battle with subscribe just kidding subscribing is a constant battle going to defense curl here and start rolling out cuz I can I regret that decision let me just body slam it come on come on so annoying at least that does nothing come on Milly Tank come on thank you there we go I don't even know why I worried about trying to roll out I'm like I said I got 20 levels on these things yeah I just need a body slight this one too how have you not snapped out no okay there we go did we stall out all the turns of reflect too yep we did okay oh this thing's very Dead goodbye Kadabra this is going to resist this and I think I will still one shot it boo yeah all right one body slam should do the trick and that's it all right what you possess and what I lack it's beginning to become clear to me what I possess and you lack is a mil tank and a million subscribers all righty get all healed up let's replace Rock Smash with earthquake and then do I just go for it all right Millie tank uh attempt one of who knows first up is will now three of his five Pokémon are weak to rock the two zachus and the Jinx however I don't want to get confused and if I'm going to defense curl I don't want to do it against this thing so I'm just going to body slam and hope I oneshot it it does have synchronized but I feel confident I will oneshot it so I don't really oh that's bad okay it's actually not bad I did not get paralyzed so that is great however clearly I cannot oneshot it I do not want to risk getting paralyzed so while he heals up I defense curl and now we start rolling roll rolling out like an Autobot oh I did not foresee this but I'm okay with it you're very dumb oh come on oh come on that's such BS oh my God that's so annoying this would be a dead Jinx if that hadn't happened oh my God that's so stupid if I fail my first attempt because of that I'm going to be so salty okay well that was was nice thank you for not missing that roll out all right another level that's nice okay there's another one I don't know what power it's at maybe 160 okay okay I don't know if the crit mattered but I don't care this might be the most powerful roll out I've already lost count let's go was that second to last or last roll out that was second to last and I missed the last one this battle would be over all right roll out again oh my goodness okay he Citrus berries I should live this hit and then I hit the next roll out and then it's over unless he crits this psychic in which case that really suck and we're good okay that was not as easy as I wanted it to be let's see how this goes so he leads with the arados which I'm not really afraid of I'm kind of hoping first turn it tries to go for spiderweb which is an entry Hazard which I don't care about or just baton passes immediately okay there's the poison jab I don't poison me please okay sweet now we roll out Aros is weak I'm really hoping this is just a one- shot kill even without any ah dang it be D and go for spider web dang it I avoided the poison now this roll out absolutely kills all right that is one down I would love if he sent in venomoth or Crobat next so I could just kill them he's too smart he didn't protect though this is neutral oh my God so close but he's dumb he just goes for Swift I thought he was going to explode okay well a really powerful roll out had to be wasted on that but that worked out I was worried about that Fortress just protecting and then exploding there's venomoth okay this should die to roll out if it does not miss it didn't miss okay fantastic and we're back to full here's the muck Earth Quake should be my strongest no point in letting it minimize or Screech I I don't know if this is going to one shot cuz muk's pretty bulky more on the special side oh let's go that's so amazing all righty Crobat if you could just attack me and not double team that would make me very happy maybe I should have body slammed but I wasn't sure if it would kill and I know two roll outs will even with this Citrus Berry actually it might be kind of close please hit please hit the roll out yes okay please kill let's let's go fantastic but uh now here comes the tricky one cuz uh I kind of got a one shot his team or just get bodied and I don't know if I can do that what does this thing know triple kick quick attack dig and counter ooh defense curls up against counter great defense curls up against Triple kick not great a body slam that does not one shot and then a counter very bad all right let's just body slam and hope we one shot it if we don't I have learned the lesson for the second attempt I do not One-Shot it there's the counter I think we just lost dang it I didn't lose but I'm not doing good crap okay well I got a level I saved before this battle hitmon Le has significantly worse defenses than hitmontop though so I do think I can One-Shot it with body slam come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes okay no no all right this runs over this is uh this is this one's over body slam to oh it's not a guts Machamp I forgot about the Citrus Berry okay never mind fully paralyzed oh but now what my dilemma here is that if I go for body slam even if I live it's probably in full restore range but I can't KO it with any move at this range I'm going to defense curl cuz I don't think body slamming again accomplishes anything fully paralyzed nope okay well dang it unless somehow I live this but no way it's got 130 attack oh my gosh well um it's not over but it's probably over a crit was that a crit oh that wasn't a crit that was a roll fully paralyzed dang it all right now it's over okay I can win this fight I can absolutely win this fight I saved before so I'm just going to reload that this time against the hitmon toop defense curl all right defense Rose counter fails now I go for roll out so if it goes for counter it doesn't do as much oh holy crap oh no I forgot fighting resists that I am dumb I forgot fighting resist rock that sucks well at least that did absolutely nothing and now I think it's in body slam range you got to be kidding me well don't succeed a counter pretty please thank god well I have to body slam here cuz he's going to fold restore and while I would love the turn to defense curl that means I risk another counter whereas if I body slam here I don't risk that okay it mtops down and I am in a much better position I have defense C once and I have all of my health so let's body slam you it one- shot you last time I feel like there's no way it doesn't again okay and here's the big mean boy body slam's all I got to do here that's all it makes sense cuz roll outs resisted cuz I'm dumb I did more that time this might be a two Koo roll oh that's going to suck that sucked way less than I thought it was going to that is right I am at plus one defense would really love to KO from this range come on come on no all right well as long as this doesn't crit I will live it I hate Machamp that sucks that sucks so much I win this battle if I get that little bit more of damage all right attempt three defense curl success oh that's new now I just earthquake while it's digging this isn't something people get to do very often amazing I mean it's still the same outcome as the last time but okay simple body slam the hitmon Le now here's my least favorite Pokémon not overall that's mil tank uh least favorite Pokémon in this battle and clearly the body slam stuff isn't working I'm going to defense curl again so now I'm at plus two revenge is not double power this time and honestly I'm going to go for it one more time I know cross chop has a high crit chance but like if okay well um would really love if you did not crit me thank you would also really love to paralyze you or crit you nope there's the next cross chop no crit no crit okay okay body slam again if I don't KO it at least paralyze it I koed it fantastic hey dude um I'm not really worried about you your attack is lower than a piplups you might live this earthquake but um I successfully got to plus three defense okay your special attack is even worse if you if this paralyzes well on the bright side it can't do much damage to me two full paralysis in a row at least that doesn't do much damage to me but now I'm worried about my position are you kidding me that's three of the last four turns come on on that's four of the last five turns I am going to lose this battle to a stupid Onyx an onx okay I'm not losing to the Onyx but now I'm going to lose to the freaking Hitmonchan that's that's just garbage okay I am getting a slight amount of Hope because the Hitmonchan actually has no fighting type moves but I'm in the red if I was any amount healthier I feel like I would have a chance here but I don't oh my God I could kill it here come on please be enough to one shot oh my God okay we got shell Bell healing I don't actually mind this because it's a chance for more shellbell healing okay no full paralysis I didn't paralyze him cuz sure he can't freeze me at least come on Millie tank hit the damn boxer I'm not doing it again I need a break I'm going to get to like level 62 or something you are now my least favorite Pokémon it was mil tank but now it's you onx and of course this time ariados poisons me on the first turn and I lost and now this attempt Crobat has maxed its evasion with double team and I lost again I am really regretting promising this finally I can try Bruno again all right I'm starting this battle at 61 instead of 58 hopefully this will make enough of a difference I defense curl turn one it digs and now it dies to earthquake now is the hitmon Lee I one shot it with body slam before I I do so again here's Machamp I defense curl cross chop hopefully doesn't crit cross chop definitely crits immediately are you serious because of course all right let's try again I'm at plus two defense going into this so I'm just going to body slam immediately I crit it I crit the Machamp take that you stupid thing it earthquakes back it doesn't dragon breath I'll take the earthquakes all day the Onyx goes down with no paralysis finally it does so little damage to me the hacks would have to be like so bad I would never play Pokémon again and they're not which means I finally beat Bruno oh my God finally Karen my favorite you may speak to my manager um but what I don't want to speak to is your freaking Umbreon bulky with double team defense curl immediately please just attack me please just attack me all right well depending on how lucky I get this could lose me the whole battle dude I can't body slam you because you have synchronized okay I hit it I'm going to have to hit three in a row this should be banned this should be removed from from the game I hit two in a row okay if I can hit one more in a row which I have no chance of doing four double teams I mean at this point it's low enough health and she's not healing it which means body slam definitely koos from this range and I am safe to go for it without risking a synchronized paralysis but the problem is that I just have to hit one and now I'm confused why do I like this game why do I play this game this isn't fun because now whether I can beat this thing is coming down to luck oh and it worked thank God okay the worst part of it is over Gengar which should be enough oh that sucks that hitting is unbelievable it did less than half which I'll admit i' depreciate um so now I'm going to start a roll out while she's healing cuz I feel like I can KO it with two I did get up the defense curl pleas yes okay okay this thing should die if I don't miss this might be over cuz I just one shot the merro and the vile plume I hit it not resisted okay okay and the last roll out lands oh my gosh we beat Karen first try thank goodness strong Pokemon weak Pokémon that only the selfish perception of people truly skilled trainers should try to win with the Pokemon they love best or the Pokemon uh they hate most the final battle Lance all right intimidates me but I buff the power of roll out with a defense curl if you could go for one of your physical moves I'd really appreciate it waterfall okay it's stab but you can't Flinch me cuz you went second and I have plus one defense and in fact probably a good use of resources to do it again doesn't help the roll out power but like you're doing so little damage to me let's get this started Autobots roll out all right it's going to take three to take this thing down um oh that would have been so nice all right well if it doesn't miss he's going to full restore I'm going to oneshot it he didn't full restore that actually sucks I wanted him to full restore oh wait no never mind that was the same turn I got confused it's hard to tell when the turns end and start when you're just rolling out well this one koos and significant shell Bell healing from it maybe maybe I'll hit Level 63 okay that is helpful all right the first Dragonite they don't have multiscale I know that this is the fourth roll out is that enough to one shot even with the minus one attack let's go all right assuming I don't miss roll out whatever comes in dies another Dragonite I don't miss roll out this thing's Dead all right okay okay all right and of course he brings out his strongest Pokemon when I have to restart the roll outs what does this thing know the strongest one knows Safeguard outrage fire blast and hyperbeam I don't really love any of those if you could go for safeguard that would make me very happy and I missed my first roll out well at least it went for Safeguard really wish that would have hit but whatever okay this is going to take three if this Burns me I'm screwed it didn't burn me I think I just have to deal with one more attack yep I wonder if he heals after the Citrus Berry okay just don't burn me don't burn me don't burn me don't burn me okay oh all right okay if roll out doesn't miss this is over okay Charizard's gone and this could be it this roll out could end it yes yes we did it it's over look at that oh mil tank I love you wait what what did I just say no I would I can never can never say that I'm I'm mjtv like hating mil tank is my whole thing I can't have any fondness for it I that's because I'm not me I thought this was a playthrough as myself but it's not it's been a character playr the whole time I'm not Michael I am Milkman Mike and now that I've sorted out who I am it's time I spread milky goodness in Kanto lieuten and surge do you get enough calcium I will defeat you me milkman Mike and my loyal partner Milly tank the powerful Unstoppable cow it's cower full again no cower is a bad thing I need to H outspeed the electrode and KO it and again and finally a Magneton in days past your pre-evolutions gave me a lot of trouble but no longer Milly tank is Unstoppable Sabrina I like your pants they are the color of MooMoo milk I'm not going to body slam a synchronized Pokémon in a defense girl and roll out sweeper please KO here okay thank goodness roll out that's a dead Mr mime for sure and finally Alakazam spoons made for eating ice cream but not today and now that I've defeated you you must purchase my milk the mine the kind that I sell from Millie tank a CH it's Champion quality MooMoo milk I want to make my way to Lavender to get the radio card that wakes up the Snorlax that's very important but first I want to go here cuz I want return as a reminder with Max's friendship which Millie tank definitely has return's base power is 102 with no drawbacks okay flute the Snorlax opened its eyes Wind come here you glorious Beast I'll try a quick Ball but like if that doesn't work it did and finally I have leftovers Erica I understand your plants need water but have you ever thought about giving them some milk let's start with a defense curl and do some rolling out okay I'm perfectly fine with that that was a crit and let's begin our roll outs nice nice this might hurt a chunk but I think will be okay that hurt quite a bit but I get leftovers way better than shell Bell cuz I heal no matter what and I heal a lot more than shell Bell would heal there's the next roll out on the tiny baby this is an extremely dead jump fluff and now tangula dies to a I think 600 something power roll out this move is ridiculous now again watering plants with milk you give a vile plume MooMoo milk it heals let's do this Misty you probably drink a lot of water but if you drink milk instead it would be more nutritious and delicious I'm just I'm just going to hit this thing with return it's got like disable so like I have other options if that happens well I'll just defense curl while she heals and let's start some rolling out yes this thing probably goes down I mean it's the only one of our team that's weak to Rock God the HP bars take forever this late in the game oh Gen 4 roll out hits star me dies now Quagsire I think resists roll out so there's a no there's no way it lives this if if this is 600 power like I think it's supposed to be there's no chance I was right another gym badge for Milkman Mike and A Millie tank Janine cback goes down with no double team issues and if I don't miss this wheezing is going to do the same only 44 okay the venomoth's 50 but like Janine come on do your Pokémon need to strengthen their bones well do I have a drink for you arios goes down easily with a crit of the last roll out that might have killed that Aros three times and I'm just going to return I I I don't need to do roll out now that it's reset and there we go that's it another easy victory for Milkman Mike and milit tank and now for what may be the hardest Kanto gym leader literally Brock and his rock types I'm going to start with a defense curl I'm not going to be using roll out here but it would be good to just like you know lower the damage I oh interesting but anyways lower the damage I take by a bit cuz I feel like a lot of these guys with their High defense stats are not getting one- shot by earthquake this graler certainly is not oh but would have oh look at that you're just copying me wow that did so little I mean I am so many levels higher so that's the power of milk man Mike R horn no defense curl unevolved kind of strange he's got unevolved Pokémon what drinking milk improv the bone strength of rock type Pokémon Onyx my enemy I will destroy you you are not the same Onyx but I must get Vengeance for that Dragon Breath nightmare oh my star first fossil I found all those ages ago was a helix fossil a good omen for the success of my mil tank and now it appears to me again Milkman Mike shall defeat red six Kanto gy badges only two more Hello Blaine you know old people they have brittle bone problems and are also the most likely to sign up for a milk delivery service in 2024 so I'm going to defeat him but then I feel like we could have a wonderful business relationship and there we go three turns three moves but seven badges so remember when I said that Brock might be the most challenging Kanto gym leader I forgot about this guy he's got a Machamp all right so while roll out is useful for three of his 14 team members and arguably four you know it's neutral on this one Ryon and mod champ both resist it so I'm not sure that's the best strategy so I'm just going to try and kill this thing I did not kill it all right I'm I'm slow now all right that's fine I'm going to defense curl this thing's going to try to probably hypnosis me but it's not going to be able to do much damage to me okay that's fine I can defense curl and prepare myself for Machamp and then I guess I'll just return again oh it's Leaf storming okay I don't care about that I care about it more than I thought I would I will admit this exeggutor's been drinking its milk but I have my leftovers and it can't hit me that hard again hypnosis misses thank goodness and there's exeggutor down all righty thank goodness for leftovers instead of shell Bell and he's immediately bringing in the Machamp fantastic that cannot miss because he has no guard um so that doesn't do as much as I thought but it is a guaranteed confusion that's sucks boosted Dimensions return to normal so I got that snapped out okay okay this could one shot I would be so happy but I don't know if it does it's always so damn close isn't it well this is bad um he might full restore here if he does and I hurt myself I have a chance actually no if I hurt myself here I think I might lose come on Milly Tank come on come on dang it no battle's over battle's over battle's over you stupid stupid mod champ I have never hated this Pokemon so much I have 24 levels on this thing and I can't beat it all right we're changing the strategy we're just going to start rolling out immediately and he lands the hypnosis first time okay amazing there's the trick room sure there's the leaf storm I guess this isn't like a huge deal cuz like trick room being up when Maan ventured was really bad because it guaranteed that I got confused before I got to hit it so I'm actually not like really upset about stalling this more this is going to do even less unless it crits yep okay still sleeping somehow I would like to kill it before it can set another trick room up all right he's tickling me with a minus 4 leaf storm I'm taking a beating though are you kidding me this is outrageous I can't believe I'm sleeping this long all right we started rolling out that does so little if it lands another hypnosis I'm actually screwed I should have returned so it's the dimensions return to normal but this isn't going to be enough to to one shot it okay got trick room back up not hypnosis unless it hypnosis is me here he full restores do I KO it here I kind of doubt it oh I do okay all right trick room is still up but I am locked into roll out there's the mod champ if I get past this mod champ without being completely weak I win this does confuse me I think I KO this thing did it crit me anyone who trains a mod champ I am refusing service too all right I have to kill this thing before it does anything else forget the defense curl just attack me or okay fine his hypnosis missed Thank God now comes mod champ I don't have defense curl up this time but I am going into fighting it completely healthy I just need to not hurt myself two turns in a row okay that's one could I get a crit this time that is insane how close that is all right one more Dynamic punch I live and I don't hurt myself actually no he probably full restores here which is fine cuz that actually gets rid of a trick room turn oh and I snapped out when does trick room end does Trick room end here if trick room ends here that would be amazing dang it all right well I got to eat this and hope I hit through confusion did it crit me again it crit me again what is happening can I get one I would one-hot the exeggutor if I did no I don't at least he goes for a leaf storm this time if trick room just screws me is that a crit I am in disbelief well no trick room and no no hypnosis but now I'm so unhealthy like I would that would have been the best battle so far if he didn't crit the damn leaf storm I have to crit this return I cuz I think I'm in range of a just a dynamic punch straight up ko. and I don't get the crit cuz why would I get a crit leaf storm me but don't crit me or psychic me why haven't you freaking psychic me there's the trigger any lands that have noses going to crit the leaf storm too well he didn't do that at least I woke up okay I woke up fast but now there's trick room turn left against the Machamp I think I might be healthy enough if I get lucky with confusion and he doesn't crit me again I might have a chance I don't have a chance that did way too much damage and I hurt myself it's over all right um I have to come back I can't win this in this current situation which is so infuriating I am level 80 this stupid lunk head is level 56 and I can't get past it all right so I deleted defense C curl resen head butt it led with trick room this time it does that I think most of the time but it doesn't do it every time all right he full restores would love to stall out the trick room here but there's really not a way to force that um he misses hypnosis okay so I'm going into mod champ trick room is still up but I will be completely healthy so that's pretty good he's going to Dynamic punch me and I'm going to get confused if I can hit through confusion and one shot we are in the the Machamp dies okay he did not crint me please please please okay okay it didn't miss either so many things have to go right here a lot have you are kidding me you can't be serious Stone Edge okay well at least he was dumb okay I I'll take the Stone Edge why did he Stone Edge that's perfectly fine was it cuz I was already confused that was so weird Okay trick room's done Arcanine he has two Intimidators well how much does earthquake do at minus one it's a two hit ko. all right that makes sense flare Blitz oh boy okay he didn't burn me can flare Blitz burn I don't remember um but we did Escape without getting burned which would have ended the battle all righty Arcanine is done I got to deal with being at minus one but what's left is Ryon which I can earthquake probably twice and then Gyarados and Pidgeot Gyarados will intimidate me again but then I can roll them out I am glad he send out Ryon so two shot with earthquake here ises it no horn drill if he could go for horn drill which cannot seed against a higher level Pokémon that would be great I crit it I actually got a crit to go my way that mattered finally I so deserved that all right there's that second intimidate now we start rolling out no defense curl boost so this is only like 20 base power oh I'm probably going to need three on you I don't think that's going to do very much it does not okay yeah that that does about the same as leftovers it looked like okay a little bit more here's the second one don't miss I need this power to scale up I'm grateful it's not Dragon dancing okay if I hit this roll out Gyarados is dead oh no no dude I have not dealt with roll out misses so bad at any other time that was so inopportune holy crap all right well now he's a double attack so that's lovely he full restores okay I mean I get more healing and I should KO with the next roll out assuming it actually freaking hits okay okay I have no idea if I'm going to need one or two against the Pidgeot but if I do need two I think I'm okay because I should live a hit all right I hit it is that it is that it oh my God it's over oh my God it's over oh my God I never want to see a mod champ again and now it is finally time a milk delivery to the highest point in the nation red I Milkman Mike will defeat you I gave Millie tank every rare candy I had and I am still not equal to his highest level Pokémon so uh I uh we we'll see how attempt one goes thankfully this Pikachu does not have Thunder Wave so as long as I earthquake it and don't touch it I'm faster than it that's actually shocking I can't be paralyzed I was worried he might Thunderbolt me and paralyze me that way but if this one shots I'm in a great place okay that's amazing Blastoise did I not take hail damage all right I'm going to defense curl and take a hit and then start rolling out cuz roll out's great for this battle cuz nothing he has resists Rock oh my God I'm so glad that missed okay I'm going to need a few more to to miss all right how much does this do nothing at all nothing at all okay all right I uh I cannot win I cannot win I might need to be level 100 for this unless he misses multiple Focus blasts in a row he missed another one why isn't the hail damaging me I mean I'll take it but I'm confused does it not always hail up here oh that sucks that sucks that's a lot that I didn't deal with roll out misses at all really in the league and I'm dealing with them so badly in these last two battles I'm really confused why I'm not taking hail damage though I'm probably going to lose this because that roll out missed yeah I'm definitely losing this cuz that roll out missed and it crit me yeah sure okay is that not hail is this diamond dust I want to look up more information but I'm recording this while Bulbapedia is undergoing maintenance so I can't but I think there's no hail right now somehow earthquake immediately and KO the Pikachu that's happening every single time I'm not risking paralysis there's no hail I have to beat red right now okay Blastoise is risky because of focus Blast how much does return do if return's a two- hit ko. I need to clear Blastoise out and then I can do my roll out Shenanigans it is not a two hit ko. yeah I might need to be level 100 for this that Focus blast was not a crit and it did that that much okay um yeah this may not be possible at this level unless I get lucky with Focus blast misses which I'm clearly not but I if I defense curl against the Pikachu it's going to hit me but like if it doesn't paralyze me I I don't really care that much never mind I care a lot that was half my health so I that doesn't work I am still dependent on Focus blast misses which I just got one I've hit two roll outs in a row and not missed either I might KO it here if I live this Focus blast I lived with seven if I KO it this roll out then I think I can KO two more Pokémon okay I don't know what happens after those two more Pokémon and I missed another roll out what is happening I have never missed this many roll outs in my life all right I'm getting to level 100 in order to win at this level I would have to do this so many times that I'm going to be here all day and I'm only doing this today because of this diamond dust situation that I somehow stumbled upon all right level 100 Mil tanks something I've never had before but now I milk man Mike am ready to claim victory there's Blastoise is return now a two hit KO it is okay that is good to know and focus blast now does less than half I cannot exaggerate how huge it is that I don't have hail because getting the leftovers recovery rather than it just canceling out hail is insane okay if this thing puts me to sleep I'm kind of screwed so I just have to keep hitting return I would love to start rolling out but like roll out takes a few hits to really get going return as a two-hit K.O maybe a one hit K.O oh my God I crit it oh I really want to make this one work oh my god do I defense curl I got a defense curl cuz with roll out starting at only 20 power I don't think I have any chance of one- shotting it whereas at 40 I might air slash okay that's like its weakest move no dragon pulses did that crit me all right that uh really hurts my chances well I might still win if this one shots 40 base power but four times super effective nope right and he cre me twice in a row twice in a row all right Blastoise could you miss your focus Blast for me oh that's a terrible roll oh is return not a guaranteed two shot I did he did Miss Focus blast but now I'm not sure I KO here I don't KO there and he gets a focus blast that sucks return not being a guaranteed two hit ko. really sucks well he's going to full restore and I'm I'm going to return two more times and get two turns of leftover recovery but that M Focus blast was just a waste all right well Blastoise is done it's a two hit ko. sludge bomb all right there's the poison sure this battle is going to come down to luck so many things have to go right and now it's as if it's hailing except they don't get chip damage at least that was one nice thing about the hail is both you and him had to deal with it uh yeah I lose now unless I crit with this return but like I mean I'm K I'm koing the Charizard but like this this is stupid return is a two-hit KO this time he misses the focus blast okay this is the best the Blastoise fight has gone so far now for Venusaur who I would really love to one hit ko. but I can't just miss a sleep powder if you miss a sleep powder okay at the very least don't poison me he didn't poison me okay okay this is the best it's gone so far all right I need roll out to get going and a defense Cur first roll out almost koed it so maybe it's a roll and if I almost KO it maybe he'll full restore as long as he doesn't freaking crit me again did he crit me again is he hacking this thing's hit me with a total of four air slashes and it's crit me on three of them what I've never dealt with this many critical hits in my life okay I can't one shot it no matter what he missed it though okay my hope is alive again he full restores that's fine because roll out's more powerful unless unless I miss my freaking roll out I don't miss my roll out Charizard is down okay that's just Lapras and Snorlax left if he sends out Lapras next which I would prefer because it's super effective and I don't miss either roll out I think I've got it he sends out Lapras okay this is the third roll out hit which means it's 160 super effective yes oh my God okay if I hit this I think I win bro I thought out is return a two hit k. I went for return cuz roll out's going to take too much to build up it's stab and it special defense is higher if this is a two hit K.O just barely if I live this blizzard I might have it still I might have it please please I want this to be over yes I did it despite everything stacked against me the machamps the critical hits the fact I'm trying to be a Milkman in the 21st century me and Milly tank have become the strongest and that calls for [Music] celebration [Music] it's so cold this is this is the dumbest like ever it's only like 60° out here I am chilled to the phone don't forget to download Dragon City by clicking the link in the description or scanning the QR code to get a special bundle with 15,000 food 30,000 gold and the very rare Neo isumi dragon
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 454,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, scarlet violet, gen 9, miltank, whitney, solo run, playthrough challenge
Id: RWRbcvOgo0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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