I Fused Pokémon as Team Sky

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I am the leader of Team sky and I'm in Kanto for some reason I was just minding my business when a wormhole sucked me into it and now I'm in a region I've been to before but with no Pokémon I guess I'll grab a starter again definitely Charmander future creature of the sky Landon's back Landon oh what what is that that is not a Pokemon that's a squirt saw what is a squirt saur did he fuse the Bulbasaur and Squirtle together what kind of strange Cano is this it seems I've been warped into an alternate universe where Pokemon Fusion is not only possible but Common Place well there are creatures of the sky here so that's exciting as part of a special promotion we're giving out free DNA splicers with every paral delivery you could just get Fusion technology at the supermarket this is a strange predicament I find myself in but it's it's not all bad because if I can fuse any Pokémon with any other that means I can give the power of the sky to creatures that would never otherwise have it for example I can capture a Pidgey and give Charmander the power of flight significantly earlier my first Fusion my tiny Charizard is going to look a little silly chargy oh Landon oh no oh look at that made the Nan fly respect you good sir that was wise but also you didn't battle grade there and there's his scir are I know it to be weak to the sky look at that that wasn't hard I guess I need to work on just finding a way back to my normal universe but I'm going to enjoy this while I'm here I suppose if this is Kanto though the first gym is going to be Brock who I've had issues with I will defeat your land with my sky well it could work okay I got the LI Tong what am I looking at a mime skull look I want this thing look at it it's all it's so far off the ground hey M skull for team Sky psychic ghost with Filter I thought it would have levitate tangala a Pokemon I normally would not consider with the power of fusion I can make it a creature of the sky and then use it to fight Brock and a far fetched the Glorious Bounty from this Secret Garden ha and now with the power of farfetched the leak becomes I thought that was going to look better I'd like to utilize some of the other Pokémon in my party but I need another creature of the sky to fuse them with oh look at those grippers on the man ran O A hoot hoot you're a bird now can I unfuse you I can and there's the levitate okay okay wait a second if I fuse the levitate Duskull with the electric Pichu I get oh that's so cute and now what about mime Jor with the hoot hoot ooh Flying Fairy or flying psychic let's do Fairy Oh a catbat what a significantly improved version of Caterpie it flies and it's green what more could you ask for a Mankey fighting type could be helpful fantastic need a creature of the sky to combine it with like a speiro success speo and Mankey join forces to [Music] become it's its head is so big needo R I kind of want it look at that hello Brock we've met before and you made me very sad well actually that was a different Universe you don't even know who I am but anyways I don't like your rock types they're mean please choose the Pokémon wait what do I only get to pick two oh my God not only is that actually terrible because it's going to have flying moves and my Pokemon are weak to Flying oddly enough but it removed the wings from a Pidgey I can never forgive such an injustice oh hey wait that did less than half oh man oh wait I'm still going to get the ko. oh it's fine I defeated the flightless bird IGN ooh how does weight work with Fusion cuz onx is very heavy and Diglett is very not oh didn't matter all right tan fetched you strange thing go to sleep nice sleep powder missed oh but he binded me instead of attacking that was so dumb oh yes first try team Sky what are you doing who are you my name is Dr fusen all day and night Fus using all day and night that's your name no it's doctor fusing all day and night you're saying the same thing are you not hearing but you may call me Dr fuse okay that's better now who are you I am Mikey the leader of Team Sky a formerly evil team with the new goal of protecting the sky and all the creatures within it well if that's your thing why are you stealing mine what Fusion is my thing and you've just waled in here to steal my gimmick my Spotlight and my funding you don't even look educated if you were you'd have a lab coat hold on I'm not stealing anything I was warped here against my will so I'm just trying to get back to my own Universe while creating powerful Fusion creatures of the sky in the process powerful fusions yeah and also making creatures who were never able to fly I able to do so ah I didn't realize you were a fellow connoisseur of fusion power very well I'll allow you to be my intern unpaid of course what intern how dare you I am the leader of Team Sky I don't see your team here well Fair they don't appear to have come with me but I'm sure are watching with great interest and subscribing if they haven't already we're almost to a million but anyways why would I ever be willing to be your subordinate two reasons one we have free coffee in the break room oh is there liquid creamer you know not that powdered garbage of course there's even an espresso machine holy crap seriously wow and the second reason if you don't become my intern I'll destroy you this is my rager it's a fusion of Kyogre and well I think you're familiar with the other one oh uh very well I accept your offer wonderful glad to have you on board in turn finish up your journey then write me a report with your findings on Pokemon fusion and if I deem it worthy I'll bring you on as my full-time research assistant paid not much but you know something good luck academics oh zua oh my God well now I know what it looks like the other way I kind of respect it oh look at that fairy flying it's basically just a to kiss it looks exactly the same beating all these trainers was almost too easy we're almost Invincible as a group that's nothing just wait until the boss's new project is fully operational why do these guys look familiar we Team Rocket oh not again h of course it exists in this universe oh man they they made it so Zubat doesn't even fly anymore it's just a snake Fusion is a double-edged sword and charie is evolving to what what happened to Charmeleon head they just turned its beak to a charmeleon mouth thought that would look better brilliant more Team Rocket fine I'll destroy you with charie I realized the name stayed the same CU Char Zona oh whoa this is bad this is suddenly super bad this this catx just cursed and now he's going to sweep me and I missed my sleep powder hit your sleep powder's tan fet you stupid [Music] thing what is a DNA reverser reverses the DNA of a fused Pokémon to create the inverse Fusion let's try that on chargy what do you become now help me tough call on which one of those is stupider what I desperately need is for duu to evolve it's going to be actually solid once it's not a freaking Pichu it will be less cute I will give it that oh what did I just tell on the last Moonstone we need for the machine to work what is this machine oh and that's Giovani I never liked him I was just looking for fossils I don't want any part of this I'm sorry kid they're forcing my hands oh come on ew This is risky but if I can put it to sleep NOP I can't I missed okay sleep now I missed two in a row dude this thing sucks okay finally there better not be any other battles this cave is just the worst thing I've had to deal with and I fought an evil future version of myself well whatever they were trying to do didn't work oh my God I made it that was miserable ooh but this free coffee is good okay yeah sure I'll hear a joke though Pokemon is the least fat I don't know Butterfree all right that was pretty good I will I will give you $1 only one this is an outrage dude I'm poor to an experiened share well that's helpful my duu is only a little friendly why are you not obsessed with me who yells to me Landon well here we go Neato look at those wings level 18 I cannot catch a freaking prank okay fire Fang I'm making prog okay there's a lot of whirlwinds squir SAR it's evolved but it's only half evolved so that's kind of fun could you could you bubble a little less please thank you thank you goodbye Manata man rata yep it just looks like a pig that lost weight you dare pursue me oh and then just an Abra just a regular Abra okay that was actually fine go team Sky oh my God oh my God what I thought it wasn't friendly enough oh it's still duu but it's significantly spookier was I just wrong about the level up method for this Pokémon it seems in this universe that it's just different there is no friendship Evolution there's only Fusion well that's actually amazing cuz this thing was sucking and peleon is evolving again the Pidgey part becomes Pidgeotto it looks better now but now that it's evolved again what if we reverse it back oh okay choto it's got fire on his head I respect it and this one looks more skyw worthy now I do not want to join Team Rocket despite the fact it's named after something that takes to the sky hello ma'am Pokemon called Abra oh a quest there we go now go to sleep can't teleport if you're asleep Nest ball oh easy now I respect the power of Alakazam so maybe if I give it the power to fly what will these two Blind Boys create huh Hey look it's a bat what am I looking at that's an army that can't be allowed hello Misty I will defeat your witness no that sounds weird I will defeat you and your jiggly Dean go to sleep thank you that does less than half maybe I'll get lucky and she'll keep sleeping and I a nasty plot nope I didn't get lucky and now I'm asleep wow that could not have got worse okayy that take that well though don't take that well at all oh my God this sucks this sucks this sucks go back to sleep I need duu to wake up how did it wake up immediately I don't understand it slept for not even one turn I guess oh my God she's going to heal yep and I missed my sleep powder and I missed two sleep powders thank you finally okay finally I got that stupid jiggly Dean odd you well I know what Oddish is okay that went way better than jiggly Dean look at you tan fetched you're amazing oh no I accidentally deleted har LS wait what the hell I went to the move tutor to get freaking aerial Ace back and it Brave Bird sure cix wait Psyduck and Golduck do you realize what those Pokémon are flightless birds with the power of fusion I can finally give those poor creatures the power of flight I just need to find them oh my God finally I saw Togepi here in this grass and I wanted it or Togekiss is an extremely powerful creature of the sky fantastic ah Vermilion city the city of the Electric Gym Leader now normally without access to gigar I would be all out of luck having a ground type but now if I can just find a ground type and fuse it with a flying type I have discount Gligar if I get a Diglett and make it a flying type will we finally be able to see what is under it I must get Diglett or Doug Trio actually frankly way better let's go now Doug Trio with hoot hoot reveal to me what is underneath the oh it's just hoot Trio that doesn't look like it can fly but it's a flying type actually it actually kind of works cuz some owls do burrow and hrio is already evolving reveal to me more of your secrets well um technically it still flies somehow I don't know how and now manroe is evolving too yes yes more powerful team [Music] Sky it's just a really poofy FOH I love to see it the SSN vessel of the sea I could fly on a plane or something bour Mikey ble Vu Landing again why must you always resort to violence Landon there's that Neato toe again uh I'm going to try a nasty plot and hope for the best that was the right call thunder shock that didn't even KO dude what is your special attack I fear the levitate boost is uh making Pikachu's special attack way worse that a nasty plot thundershock didn't even oo like what is happening who s my God that's that's cuter than I thought it was going to be I'll give it that but that was easy picate thany radicate oh that's just a that's a that's a fuzzy Pig goodbye Landon hello sir I've heard you can provide me cut Powers thank you lieutenant surge The Fearsome electric gym leader and an enemy of Team sky as a result this time with the power of fusion I have a ground type and I will not lose to you that's imediately a water type which is a little spooky but I think I can just beat it with bulldo well that one's gone PE kill it it's so cute and so dead Ry Buzz o little worried about my ability to just bulldoze it so I'm going to switch oh he's ugly and super potion noct Trio ow go to sleep oh it's faster all right well thank you for your sacrifice tan fetched anyways here's bulldo oh don't do that don't okay I hit that one one more one more go team Sky it's so nice to have access to all of the types by just fusing whatever with a bird I wonder if fusing Togepi with Abra would work well I would need it to evolve promptly let's try this what do you create oh it's actually kind of cute and toera rapidly evolves look at that still toera now it's just white a butter drill normally a butter knife would be sufficient and another evolution oh much bigger toab bra now togga bra brings up an interesting debate this Fusion is not flying type nor does it have levitate like duu nor does it physically look like it can fly but one of the original two Pokémon is a flying type one of the other qualifying categories is being able to learn fly and with Fusion if one of the two Pokémon can the fused Pokemon can and togga can learn fly which means toab bra can learn fly which means it's fair game I'm in a region where any Pokémon confused with any others I think some Shenanigans should be allowed fear dude spread your wings Little Rock I respect you oh hello sir I admire your bird and you give me fly I immediately respect you well look at me I am quite the detective I just keep finding hidden areas with 33 I need to try and catch this thing look at that now I can fuse that with something else and immediately have something super strong wait what is that over there that's a Chimchar do starter Pokémon appear at this River I cannot reach them now but once I can surf I will return you know I'm feeling cocky let's just beat the grass gym now it's locked why is it locked I don't know what that invention is but it must be really powerful ful if the boss is so fixated on it oh away what am I supposed to be doing oh Landon again you dirty man oh that was you got an upgrade sibe oh come on quit potioning and die you have a Gyarados that's fantastic I love Gyarados all right duu is getting replaced tell us old man or we're going to have to stop playing nice what come on tell us how to make the master ball we're working at Silka and it was being developed they're shaking down an old man now let's fight the fourth gym wa what's going on here well this kid's not messing around better run indeed it was Team Rocket it made their base somewhere in the sewers wait oh you're the gym leader yeah I know i' I met you in an alternate universe no need to get into details yeah we do have to do something yo what what do you suggest you want me to follow you into the sewers e God it smells so bad in here I can't see the sky oh my God I can't believe these Team Rocket monsters they melted gold bat I put it out of its misery I caught a Magnemite that could be my duu upgrade oh we're splitting up okay goodbye Fair Lady well at least I'm not in the sewers anymore this universe's version of Giovani I respect you so little I'm not even going to look at you when you talk to me you were once a rival evil team leader but now you're just a jerk team Sky will destroy you oh no 32 that's not good come on duu I'm at Plus four special attack and minus four special defense that was plus four all right well this thing is clearly very weak to bulldo all right cool oh don't tell me he's got an ice type I'll say it that's not great 32 oh it looks so dumb how much just brick break do oh stop hitting stop anger point you crit me and now you shall face my maximum attack power Hon Kong on go well really hope I'm faster would be super sweet if I could hit this thing with a Max attack Assurance please be faster no dang it that would have done so much damage ah crap okay Yan is guaranteed right oh almost not okay why is this thing so darn fast I think I got a sack toab bra here yeah and now it's asleep please do a lot it woke up immediately what is this thing's ability does it have early bird maybe okay so it outspeeds my entire team and sleeping is basically just a waste of time I think I think I Lose I'm way underleveled Yep this is over yep okay well that thing is unbeatable unless you're closer level to it that thing's ridiculous how is it so damn fast and now I have to grind again because my life is garbage oh thank goodness now manroe is prime R his head's even bigger merro a dark type the problem with mer Crow is that it sucks until it evolves although it doesn't suck as much as you it's clear I need to make some adjustments to the team you should be way better than you are so we got to we got to fix this dark fire merro and Charmeleon become okay that's actually pretty sick I also think it's finally time to break up the tan fetched tangala has got really good special attack which means it makes more sense with knct towel Tanga and noct join forces don't to make a little round guy and I know I had mixed feelings about Doduo but like I feel like these could pair really well together they both gain heads when they evolve okay well that's that's actually lame as hell but still flying type and now magn Duo gains an extra head of power oh never mind oh it got legs and immediately another Evolution finally three heads let's go Magneto don't ask me how this thing flies round two Gio so ARX intimidated me but I still feel like bulldo might be enough to just one shot it okay it's a two shot that's a bummer that's one down easy dub the ryas my bige head bird handled it last time but now it's even stronger well it didn't do that last time that that doesn't feel Fair does anyone agree with me oh my gosh way to go to BR that was a quick little beat down there I am going to switch my Pokémon check this out meron obviously the type advantage but that's not why it's here why it's here is prankster priority scary face now it's no longer faster and now I can prankster priority smoke screen it until it can't hit anything or it could hit once but now it's less likely to and now I can metal sound it one more time for good measure minus four special defense now now for electro ball not enough there but now it is haha go team Sky what this cannot be yes it can I just had to do some work okay I'm team Sky I've beat you in another Universe a child like you would never understand what I hope to achieve what's with the child stuff do children have full beards in your Universe anyways hey girl sorry about the confusion of losing the first time self scope any goodies in here for me to Rob triple fusion experiment notes is that what they were trying to do in Mount Moon I didn't pay attention oh the Pokémon need to be of similar strength and energy signature to work I feel like Dr fuse already knew this but okay the energy requirement could be lessened by using it on Pokemon of great power the legendary birds of course I don't care much about triple fusion but this Team Rocket seeks to harness the power of the Glorious birds of the sky and I cannot allow that to happen I'm team Sky I need the birds anyways let's just body the grass Jim I don't even care what level these Pokémon are I'm team Sky grass gems have literally always been easy let's do this Erica and that's that's immediately a flying type that's fine I have Magneto I do not care about your plucking I will pluck back at you in Fury attack all day there we go that's one tangle a primeape aha look at that two primeape fusions but mine has the power of the sky sit down vile Bell ooh that is indeed a vile Bell good hit don't you but why are you synthesising synthesising synthesis synthesizing but now I got it all right I was correct I did indeed body the grass type gym oh and it's the rainbow badge the badge of the sky oh and now I can buy Super splicers that results in higher leveled Fusion that way if I get a lowlevel Pokémon I can fuse it with a higher level one and not have to worry about grinding it thank God I'm so sick of grinding to the tower uh I thought there weren't going to be ghosts but these ladies look messed up sorry I was possessed by a spirit okay but look at this meleon evolves yes yes finally fantastic Mard but now we have a problem you see mazard very cool obviously um but way worse than a Charizard you see merro and Charmeleon went together fantastically because they have the exact same basee stat total but now that it's a Charizard the merro half is holding it back ah maybe you could work I caught a Haunter so now if I unfuse the two of you what ghostly Dragon will we have to H let's let's reverse this okay that is a purple Charizard I guess I'll take it oh my God you get Heatwave oh my God and Shadow Ball just from the move reminder well that's insane wait a second I have rare candies and I learned that trade Evolutions are level up Evolutions in this universe so if I get it to level 40 hanaard immediately becomes gainard oh and it still has levitate I thought it would switch to Cursed body let's go go team Sky oh my gosh that thing's crazy and now it is by far my strongest Pokémon hello Mr Fuji I'm here to save you prototype of the master ball oh it appears I was too slow aoat you know what would be a true Testament to my skills as the leader of Team Sky making this big boy take flight come here Snorlax don't you want wings I don't know if I'll use it but what happens if I fuse it with Pidgeotto big boy with bird the Safari Z hello I'm the first person to reach a secret house surf I need the badge from Saffron City come on oh hey Psyduck a flightless bird I've been wanting to give you flight for so long but I haven't seen you let's go oh from my home region Traen you are of the land but your Evolutions can levitate come on dude thank you a temple ew I'm underground trap Vesta well I caught a golette oddly enough goerk can fly F oh well that's it Well for now I can at least give Psyduck the power of flight join together flying bird with flight oh that's that's not great in turn I have a warning oh jeez why are you even here I thought I was going to report my findings at the end I know that and I'm expecting cited sources with MLA format but before we even get there I have to warn you koga's strongest Pokémon it is nigh unbeatable what it can't be that that bad right you worthless pile garbage um hello H it is I swear to you here's its information all right sure but I I don't really see how oh oh I get it now do not fail me does giving the Brava a sword result in anything interesting no not really last thing for my own curiosity trap engine Doug Trio ooh oh thanks I hate it too much land too much land oh hello Janine oh a gift oh my gosh thank you I would love to train a goldbat do you have one I'll trade you a gigar I love Gligar all right Janine here's your goldbat thank you for the gigar wait dusk stone parallel universes can really make it hard to keep track of evolution methods okay knock duct is evolving maybe it'll be better now it wasn't maybe maybe Golduck was never meant to have the power of flight I really need a ground type that is still a creature of the sky of course and I have two options after what Dr fuse told me it's clear I'm going to need a way to deal with koga's strongest Pokémon well what if I just fuse my two ground types together oh well it's ugly but maybe it won't always be knock Gala oh look how large it is growing such a powerful form I don't even know how it gets Airborne but I'm not complaining glorious oh my God toab bra is evolving I was not prepared for this hello Koga Dr fuse warned me about you so therefore I'm prepared oh there it is already it's fine I've thought this through one of the biggest problems with this monstrosity is that it never stops healing thanks to its black sludge so the first thing I have to do is get rid of it goodbye black sludge there's the double team that is unsurprising but if I can land an earthquake which I do oh he's going to heal but I have a chance to hit it again no he's going to withdraw already it's fine it's fine let going to Knocked growth I'll just air slash it don't care about toxic spikes shinuk is coming back in we go back to Shinobi he probably heals here but his double team boost is gone oh I'm just faster he doesn't heal let's go go team sky that wasn't so bad I don't know why Dr fuse was so freaked out oh oh that's how I could have done it cuz that looks pretty much like a charmeleon with wings now it's finally time for Saffron City excuse me please leave all right that's fine Team Rocket wants to mess with Team sky with a v v okay oh all right that wasn't actually very hard boss is he going to be happy when he hears about this no he won't good seems I can't take on the gym just yet oh maybe I can wa this fighting Gym's crazy look at that magnet choke it's got screw nipples I'll give it to you that is a pretty cute little farfetched boy but overall this fighting Dojo is uh very easy for team Sky hello the karate master I will challenge you for I am team sky and I let no one stand in my way and I just acrobatics a lot that looks very silly Sky uppercut my favorite fighting move and Shinobi wants to learn it oh what the heck that was crazy and Shinobi is evolving the Flygon portion turns flager it is no longer gliding it is flying let's take him on top because the sky is on top well let's save [Music] silco Little M fetched nice job leting those weights Sky wa that's a super cool looking Pharaoh what a beautiful skull-faced creature of the sky oh look again a charmeleon Fusion that looks kind of like a Charizard okay it can it can be done oh hi you're not a rocket you came to save us why thank you this is a Teleport ped that leads to the president's office ooh all right hold up hold on I was just about to fight the boss Landon what are you doing here now is not the time Landing you dumb that's all right I'll admit that's pretty cool it's dead but it's cool I like to do who is AD do and why should I vote for them oh I see well let's hope I'm faster I am yay I'm also ripped can we talk about this Tauros just Tauros Landon buddy what are you doing get out of here with this unfused creature of the land oh it's this thing Landon you are not proving yourself to Be an Effective battler I'm also okay I admittedly I'm significantly higher level I had to do a lot of training for that Koga battle but anyways that was easy oh you're healing me you're going to help me very well Landon I will team up with you only because you are assisting me in destroying this evil team your employees are just telling you that the machine you've kindly provided to us seems to have stopped working entirely after producing only three master balls three of them you know this is making me nostalgic for my own Universe you know where I was able to capture all three legendary birds I only got one Master Ball though I have to stop him here and take those master balls away before he can claim the birds for himself the president I are discussing a vital business proposition it's extortion I was once an evil team leader I know what you're doing all right Landon don't let me down ryus and prearo well a psychic destroys this thing gain card he has evolved the Beast I wonder if it's still has early bird anyways go to sleep now seems like a good time to go into Shinobi because okay never mind now I can't earthquake dang it well I can acrobatics the gang con that did so much and it did wake up early definitely has oh nice discharge come on buddy you know oddly enough Landon actually the two Pokemon he used so far are valid team Sky ones I know electad do isn't a flying type but like Gyarados team Sky sit down game con nice hit sand Queen no electos oh and now you're just using a stupid Tauros well I'm going to sword stance come on there we go well pretty good work Landon I liked your team Sky Pokémon you may join as a grunt it's less than IDE deal but these three Master walls that it's already produced will be enough to achieve our Ambitions how about you hand them over considering you have no Pokémon H give me the master balls Giovanni Giovanni give me your balls no God he's so fast dang it well I'm sorry sir I did what I could oh this popped out of the machine just after Team Rocket left you can have it oh my un master ball now it's finally time for Sabrina by beating you I will gain the power to Surf and be able to get Pokemon I have craved for so long hype MIM you think my gain isard is going to care about that Shadow Ball destruction how how am I so much stronger what what happened eston ooh dark psychic maybe I just need to burn you okay you took that pretty well but you know still anyways alabo look at that tail good blood someone with that but I cannot Shadow Ball let the Shadows consume you finally gain Kazam oh you are so cool but you must fall to team Sky my powerful ghostly Dragon surf outside a battle finally I just need to return to the Hidden Forest and begin my search for the starter Pokémon I have craved since the beginning beginning of this journey what are you ooh a starter from my home region of hoen a green one that sadly could never fly maybe I can give you the powers a Torchic this is not what I was hunting but it is a flightless bird from my home region it clashes with my Charizard but maybe I could make it work there it is the long lost starter hit plop those of you who saw my journey in the C region likely remember me choosing pipop as my starter then being dismayed when I found out that this poor little bird never takes to the sky but now with the power of fusion I will finally give my bird friend the wings it deserves success I now have two flightless bird starters that I have the power to make fly I just I need partners for them for Torchic we'll start with something standard we'll do the Pidgeotto that my Charmeleon was fused with that doesn't look great but we'll work on it but for you my old friend I want something more special beon another cute little blue Pokémon with dreams of the sky you would be the perfect partner for pit blop let's go goate te Sky join together my flight craving little blue boys wow oh okay um work in progress welcome to saffron City's train station Golden Rod City the jotto I've been to jotto what glorious creatures of the sky will I find here oh what dusk stone Shiny Stone that evolves two of my team members my fly gar becomes fly score or fly core excuse me feel like it should have been score whatever and the shiny stone on Toge Kazam turns it into to Kazam less silly looking more more good looking well pip gon's evolving Quick Pitch chick is finally evolving okay all right look at that that's a kusin that can fly another Evolution for PID buin oh H don't don't look at this one and now its final form pin becomes pin look at that that is a Blazer kin that flies pring on yes pring on the powerful lawn M that didn't work quite well oh look at that the second to last evolution pron becomes mogon oh it's beautiful look at that glorious mustache oh my God finally level 50 Mogan finally impon the flightless bird takes to the sky go team sky so after that long amount of training the team is empo gainard Shinobi the fly score knock growth pin and toek Kazam and frankly I think we need some changes I kind of want to try fusing Flygon with to kiss both very cute and creatures of the sky could they be better together aw it's so cute this would be a way to get a green ho and reptile to the sky ooh need to evolve you though so tree cor becomes oo these are so cool and grow cor becomes oh holy crap you know I think I'd really like a ground type still but neither of my ground type Pokémon ended up still being ground type wait a second what's stopping me from just getting another fly gun or more strategically I fuse toek kiss with a trapinch which is very cute and then I fuse my highle fly gun with magicarp oh I have turned it into a rubber chicken fish and now magon ooh is g g g gon however I'm actually going to change this this guy is not a brown type so if I just DNA reverse it there we go it doesn't look as cool but it's green and now it's name as fly do it flies twice rare candy on toen and now it's a TOA and there's to gon back okay cabar Island ooh you don't look very nice I keep telling you I can't let you board the ship if you ain't got sea Gallop passes what about Sky Gallop do I have a sea Gallop no I don't um what's happening Grand Theft boto said they were going to mount Ember what is that did I go there oh yeah that's where I got mol trees that's where I got mol trees surfing from this Harbor why do they make me use the water why can't I just fly Mount Ember the layer of mol trees I captured the legendary birds in my home universe and I shall do it again here team right fck it you're so ugly oh hello Move Along don't touch that switch don't tell me what to do I am the leader of Team Sky Power Plant key oh for zepos and a ice pick for Articuno I can get the other boards after I get this one what's going on oh yeah there it is Mo they are so close to it oh no oh no I forgot they have master balls Team Rocket has already taken the legendary birds fr from me team sky is no longer an evil team but I don't mind some theft I'm going to get down there and I'm going to steal what is rightfully mine those birds are coming with me sorry this this is a little distracting okay quit gloating wait a second those notes that I found in his office it's been so long I haven't thought about them he's going to fuse them together I hate that you might think I like it but I don't it means you're going from Three Birds to one the very first triple fusion the start of a new age for Team Rocket this is awful I'm going to tell you what it is I want I want a free and open Sky a beautiful place where creatures of the sky can fly freely and if you are going to rule it Giovani then I must stop you I was admittedly kind of hoping to to stop you before you you did the triple fusion though no oh well um I'm going to try a dragon dance and hope I live a hit I did that out ow darn it that yeah that sucked um they're being an electric in an ice type there is a real problem for me let's flamethrower the ice part oh so close now that the icy one is knocked out I can go into toon moonblast the electric one won't resist it oh fantastic and we resist their Elemental attacks look at you you adorable Dragon that's also 15 levels higher I don't know why I got so buff Dragon pulse yes I did it I stopped the triple fusion and now I'm going to take it from you cuz I'm not an evil team but stealing from bad guys is okay for team Sky what's happening oh okay well that actually saved me some trouble I was going to do that anyways and in turn did you just celebrate unusing zap Muno yeah I'm open to fusing the legendary birds but fusing all three together into one it just cuts down too much on the number of legendary creatures of the sky but the power the power of triple fusion what power it was not that hard to beat I I have to go okay um I'm going to catch the birds now hey buddy taada go team sky now to capture the other birds and fuse the sky well okay not actually the sky is fine as it is just like do some fusion with some big you understand the Sea Foam Islands I don't know why this bird chooses to live deep in a cave there it is Articuno the next legendary creature of the sky oh okay that wasn't bad look at that clearly I am destined for the creature of the sky and now for the final one in the power plant and there it is the final bird Zapdos join team Sky got a couple more turns before we reach 10 and timer balls Max and I don't even need them Let's go Team scy all three legendary birds and now with the power of fusion I can enhance their power sub substantially equipping me as the greatest protector of the sky first fire and lightning what kind of powerful storm will you create ooh zap Trace I like you a lot wait electric fire uh does it does it get levitate no no it does not it only gets pressure looks cool uh but this is kind of a problem let's let's reverse it and see if it fixes it okay well it looks a lot Dumber still fire electric with pressure you mean to tell me that I combined two legendary creatures of the sky and created something that would die to a muds slep I don't have a problem using Pokémon that can be hit by ground type moves if they will eventually evolve into one that cannot or they can learn fly technically This falls into the latter category but not only can it be hit by ground type moves it's four times weak to them what about you two pretty cool not flying type not flying type not flying type and still not flying type it is clear that the power of fusion both gives flight and takes it I gave flight to flightless birds but the legendary birds apparently cannot provide flying type to their fusions I was pretty chill with the power of fusion got my empo and my pin which I'm very fond of but how these guys ended up I've just I want go home hello Blaine you better have burn heel that's such a good line let's do this Blaine glue Dash course he immediately rolls in with a freaking grass type I'm enraged oh and there it's it's gone now what am I looking at what that's Charizard and Aerodactyl why haven't I done this well let's Dragon Dance okay now it us a recharge I can Dragon Dance again and now you die assuming I don't miss this Aqua tail hooray magdon that just looks like a Magmar needs to lose some weight earthquake yay go team sky nine nine earthquake again it wouldn't be a team Sky playthrough if a Gyarados wasn't Dragon Dance sweeping go team Sky now there's only one gym left and giovan's gym is ground type which means he will be a pushover you vile men I will stop you yet again reros what what what are you again they ground ice I'm not that worried about you I'm going to Dragon Dance and there's the oite how did you live that you know what he's going to heal and I'm going to Dragon Dance Again it feels good to do this with a green Gyarados down it goes golyar ooh let's go I I don't know what you are I'm just going to aquata tail sweet relax I don't know what you are either I know you're weak to aquata tail goodbye Electa Trio that just looks stupid goodbye and there it is go team Sky a perfected signature team Sky Dragon Dance sweep but with a fly do instead of a Gyarados the Earth Badge gross and now that I have eight badges it's time for my final team preparations before I take on the Victory Road and the Pokémon League because if I can beat it and then write an excellent scientific report then Dr fuse will respect me enough to help me design a way to get back to my own Universe alternatively I simply become powerful enough to overpower him and force him to help me go home now I'm pretty pleased with how the team is currently but it feels weird not having any legendary birds so I'm going to do the same thing I did the last time I was in Kanto ditch my starter from ult Trace sorry buddy time for some other levitating Ghost Fire combine with the power of spooky FL ooh o I did that wrong let's just reverse this real quick oh way better look at those scary Cinders now I may not use these next fusions on my direct team but I feel obligated to give the legendary birds some flying fusions how about Zapdos and wheezing with levitate poison electric turn a four times weakness to ground into an immunity I have mixed feelings about wheezing you know cuz of the pollution of my sky but maybe this will make it better ooh I kind of regret it and then and finally why don't we do some Fire and Ice Charizard and Articuno oh and that just looks like Articuno gained a lot of weight okay well let's reverse it oh that looks way better still Fire and Ice with no levitate not super pleased about the prominent part flying type Pokémon of this region not providing the flying type we're going with you we're going to have a great time oh no Lon looks like we're duking the out now once again your Neo geot will not stop me sit down talk cute that thing is anything but cute electad do I will defeat you with my own Gyarados Fusion fly do no don't do that don't do that don't how dare you wait you Dragon Dance and then used a special move Landon you buffoon what are you doing oh I like the little Cannon coming out of the bud don't call mind on me buddy that's that's super rude oh he got greedy and now he's dead look what I bought I did some research and you use the flying Gem and then acrobatics checks if you have an item which means this is going to do a lot one hit per battle it's finally time the Pokemon League of course laurelai the ice specialist I'm prepared this time though you're mang are you fire ice or are you fire water you've got got to be fire I okay flamethrower I take that very well do I risk the Dragon Dance I think I do that did a bit more so let's just let's just do the earthquake now all righty ma'am bro alternatively known as Sir sis well I need another Dragon Dance if I'm going to oneshot these things hopefully she just heals again okay sweet wait what how did earthquake Miss oh my God it as snowcloak well if you're allowed to use full restores so am I finally I KO the thing 10 F I don't think you're part poison I think you're water ice yeah well it didn't matter oh ice grass neither of those are good for me are you Ser wait no I should instantly thought if I use flamethrower right no why not how am I Frozen I made a F okay thank you we ass oh I think I'm okay I know it's a dark type but I should be faster Lapras slows this thing a lot oh how did it live that dang it it's fine we got pin it's going to Brick Break didn't heal didn't matter oh that was it nice Bruno the fighting specialist has lava for some reason historically not hard to beat that's an electric type lovely oh jeez oh thank God that o Cod my god oh o spooky no thank you just Leaf blade you goodbye look at those arms maybe it's ground fighting and not Steel fighting that did not do anywhere near enough okay yeah it's steel gain trace it goes for another submission oh no he just misses an iron tail goodbye Matt yep all right you've got to be weak to fire or not lock on all you want I will burn you down oh bug boys weak to fire goodbye go team Sky Agatha's Ghost types something tells me with the power a fusion she will actually have more ghost types yep there it is good thing I'm faster never mind how are you faster than me that's incredibly rude I'm going to do something a little crazy and I'm going to well that was stupid you're so stupid why did you do that no I just hit a two turn move oh God I hate confusion of course a creature of the sky is giving me the most trouble just hit the Thunder Fang oh it's faster this is bad okay one more ice Fang live the shadow ball thank goodness that thing was a monster um that's Umbreon Haunter so should be dark ghost and weak to fairy okay there we go snar ghost normal this is why you have Dark Pulse that does not enough no oh man all right seore tank this pretty please nice nice swords for good measure nice acrobatics all right ooh doesn't matter and that was it okay all right after I got rid of the creature of the sky she was a pushover Lance you claim to be a dragon trainer but the truth is that you are a fellow connoisseur of the sky you are by far my most respected opponent look at that dragados dragados nuts sorry anyways moonblast I don't know how toon got so many levels I'm not complaining toga Knight another fairy dragon ooh ooh he's going to full restore and I'm going to switch into implements and I'm going to iron tail and Miss cuz that's how this works Iron Tail again land it and not KO are you serious okay well he definitely is going to full restore so I'm going to sword dance now I just have to land the Iron Tail thank you I didn't care what it was I was staying in fire dragon flying is neutral so we're going for that boom way to go ement Tyran dactal how is that thing flying Iron Tail oh it's faster darn it it's fine got fly do I hate to KO another green creature of the sky but it is necessary Jesus come on okay well uh green creature of the sky for creature of the sky I guess let's just go into toon hello normal Dragon normal dead go te sky and now it's now it's Landon I know I've done Kanto before hello Landon my rival my enemy the Nido giot let's see if we can flyo sweep on this beautifully green Battlefield okay Landon I'm getting a bit more respect for you Dragon Dance whoops okay well that got to kill you now no okay oh last sawar that's his starter which I conveniently have destroyed this whole time oh it's so wide here's an acrobatics sets up the rain which I don't like but I just acrobatics again okay one more time okay really dragging this out buddy acrobatics okay you can use them all on your starter that's fine please just let me kill you how many do you have finally finally that was like four of them ripe mortar take this witness goodbye tartor what's the T oh now Dragon Dance Again I can't afford another ice Fang oh that did nothing you're psychic normal you goofy thing X scissor super effective he lived there's no way he has another full restore okay thank goodness electad do I'm familiar and I'm actually going to stay in oh that looks way worse than it looked before and I'm Leaf blading oh so close but it doesn't matter I live the Thunder Punch star Kazam that's it on your forehead looks like it should get checked out finish this sepor my green creature of the sky yeah go team sky what a glorious Fusion team of the sky congrats in turn you've done it I have and I'll get you that report soon well maybe not that soon sometimes I forget how to read no need just summarize it verbally oh okay well uh I would say that Fusion both gives and takes away it can give Pokemon that would never experience the glory of flight the power to do so but it can also decrease the flying power of those that already can then triple fusing the birds was just a cruel way to call the legendary birds numbers in the end it was an exciting experience but I'm ready to return to my home Universe all right I'll send you back wait what already how as soon as you spat in the face of triple fusion I knew you'd never be my research assistant not only are you an idiot but also I hate you I needed you out of here as quickly as possible and killing you felt excessive so I figured I would just design a device to send you back to your home Universe oh well thank you I guess this is goodbye nope just good riddance
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,340,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, scarlet violet, gen 9, pokemon fusion, fuse pokemon, infinite fusion
Id: So8hqTBHXrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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