20+ Ways To Pay Your Bills Without A Job! (LIVESTREAM)

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so what's up live how's everybody doing good morning to you uh where i am it's 8 38 a.m but you guys will watch this whenever you get time and that's fine so this is a continuation from a conversation that started on instagram if you guys don't follow jtl's on instagram be sure to follow me over there as well um also be sure to smash that like button share this video with anybody you think it could help and if you're new to the channel uh consider subscribing what i want to talk about briefly with you all for the sake of time is uh just give you guys some ideas of what i would do if i was working a job that i hated well because i needed to pay the bills so everything on this list either i have done before to make money i currently do to make money or a good friend of mine uh has done or currently is doing to make money uh without having a nine to five job so these aren't theories that i'm trying to to sell you here these are actual things that either i personally have done or doing or one of my close friends uh have done are currently doing to pay bills at one point or another in their life for anybody that's new to the channel i'm not anti-job but i am very pro happiness what i mean by that is that i want to encourage people and inspire people and give you the resources to make more money but we all know people with money that are unhappy we hear about people with money that take their own lives and all these other things so it's not just make a lot of money jt it's about once you make that money you take that money to buy back your time and you do whatever makes you happy so that's what i want you guys to get out of this and that's why i wanted to have this discussion with you in case you are a man or woman out there that's saying you know what i'm doing this to pay the bills but i don't really enjoy what i'm doing first and foremost first thing on this list is automated websites i got youtube videos out on my channel that's talking about this and there are a ton of companies out there that will sell you an automated website or you can build an automated website and then they do all the back end work for you so you'll have your web page will be the the landing page or whatever page you decide to design that they land on but then on the back end they do all of the fulfillment and we can talk more about that as well you guys know i intentionally want this video to be something that anybody can understand whether you're a beginner whether you've been in business for years so i'm looking forward to you guys comments in this live stream to decide uh what are we going to go deep into and what i could just state and you guys understand that again just for the sake of time second thing on this list written a vehicle out on touro i'm sure you guys have seen youtube videos about it or there's so many out there you can easily find some youtube videos out there that'll teach you about uh investing in vehicles for touro or using your personal vehicle on touro they'll tell you the dues the don'ts the pricings how do you protect yourself but that is a viable income stream and there are people on social media that make six and seven figure businesses uh off of renting vehicles leveraging resources like hire a car and tour right rent out a property using airbnb um as many of you all know that been keeping up with my journey we travel a lot more now so we visit cities we're working with communities shout out to everybody that congratulated me on receiving a proclamation when i was in chattanooga tennessee so uh we travel more now and everywhere we stay is an airbnb right so um by the grace of god we've graduated from hotels and motels nothing's wrong with that but now we um we just bounce around houses from house to house as we network and work with different communities different entrepreneurs and continue to just add value the best way we can so if you are in a city where people come even if it's just for the holidays that might be a viable income stream some people have houses that are dedicated to airbnb i know people as well that they'll rent out their personal home uh in short windows of time to make extra income so it just depends on how much you want to do and how far you want to take it but renting out a property on airbnb i can tell you as somebody that spends thousands of dollars a month on airbnb that of course there's people making a full-time income just off of airbnb right as we travel around we're spending no less than three thousand dollars a week just on airbnbs alone all right so i'm not guaranteeing that your airbnb will make you three thousand dollars a week of course it depends on your area how nice it is and etc but what i want you guys to know is that not just me there's a ton of other people that i know that also go and they travel a lot and they prefer airbnbs uh over hotels and motels so even if you don't make three thousand dollars a week if you make a thousand dollars a month right that all helps all right so the goal of this for anybody that came in late i want to give you guys some ideas of what you can do if you work a job that you hate so that you can make money but it's bigger than just making money so as you come in smash that like button alright so i'm all about happiness it's more than just making money once you make money you should buy back your freedom right buy back your time and then use that time to spend it with your family your friends to travel whatever it is that makes you happy in life that's what i'm one thousand percent about uh and i think that life is too short right regardless of if you live 60 years 100 years or whatever uh most people will spend the majority of their life working a nine-to-five job and like i said in the beginning i'm not anti-job but i'm pro-happiness and you can see the studies out that the vast majority of people will say that they don't like their job but the job that they work allows them to live the lifestyle that they love so they might hate what they do for eight hours a day 10 hours a day 12 hours a day or whatever the case may be but they suffer through it so that they can drive a bmw so they can live in this subdivision so their kids can go to this kind of school so they can travel and eat and do all of these things that make them happy so i want to be a resource to continue to give you guys options so that you don't spend 20 30 40 years doing something that you hate just so you can live the lifestyle that you love all right let's keep it going on the list though so uh reselling things on ebay and makari a lot of you all that have been following me but for the benefit of anybody that's new um i made a full-time income off of reselling things on ebay and makari all right so i was an independent courier that was my very first business that allowed me to leave corporate america that allowed me to not just make enough money to pay my bills and take care of my daughter but it gave me disposable income so i could invest in other ventures one of those ventures i invested in uh was uh getting into reselling and i scaled up my ebay business and my makari business which is another reselling platform to where that made just as much money some once it made even more money than my transportation company did so there's a ton of resources out there that's talking about that i'll teach you guys about that tell you guys about ebay and makari of course if you want to do the amazon route there's a ton of great people like my brother travis who gives a ton of game on amazon as well so not a discount selling things on amazon but this is something that i personally did and i made enough money to pay the bills take care of my daughter and have money left over so i could travel invest in new ventures whatever it is that i wanted to do at the time and this is something that 100 i know works right self-publishing on amazon kdp a lot of people feel like they don't have a book or if they write a book it won't make any money and they'll say well jt i don't have as many followers as you bro there are uh authors that make six figures a year consistently that have less than ten thousand followers right they just target an audience they write books in a series and i think often times when people hear author they only think about the dave ramses the gary vees the robert kiyosakis all of these high level authors that are famous and make millions of dollars and everybody knows their name uh but there are a lot of niche authors that write very good books in certain genres right whether it be the sci-fi space the young adult space they might write in business but they might not write on the same level as a robert kiyosaki as a donald trump as a dave ramsey has a whoever else that's big in business uh does but they still make great money i tell you guys all the time that ever since 2017 when i published my now multi-award-winning book the drive to freedom which teaches you the basics of starting an independent courier business and i'll link that down description below if anybody's interested in that every month since i published that first book it paid enough money to pay all of my bills right so back when i was renting they paid my rent and utilities now i know i don't have a mortgage but it does more than enough to pay the utilities at my primary residence right so i want you guys to know when i wrote my first book i didn't have anywhere near as many followers as i do now grateful to each and every one of you that did decide to join this journey along the way but way back in 2017 i published that first book and ever since the first month is generated money in perpetuity right and now i currently have five books published and uh i'm going to publish more books in uh the coming years as well so self-publishing a book using amazon kdp is what i use there's others out there like ingramsparks right barnes and nobles does have a path to have your book listed online through them as well uh i'm biased to amazon kdp because that's what i use and that's what i make money with but you can uh check out and use whatever you want to i just want to encourage you to write a book all of you all have multiple stories within you think about this my award-winning book that one book right before i have uh the five that i have now that one book was just a small window of my life the only thing that i wrote about in that book was from the time i started my business until i scaled it up to making two to three thousand dollars a week right so that wasn't my entire life right i started my business in 2014 i i didn't start talking about it until 2017 that's when i felt like i kind of understood how this thing works and i felt confident enough to start teaching others so out of now the current 31 years of that i've been living that one book just talks about a small portion of my life that happened during this three-year time span from 2014 to 2017 when i learned about this business started this business and scaled that business up all right so you could just think about that you could take a small window of your life and say i'm gonna just tell this story it doesn't have to be a business book i encourage people to write books about what they care about i like business i can talk about business all day so it makes sense for me to write business books if you're into comedy if you're into sci-fi if you're in the uh fiction right there is no no wrong answer other than you not doing this and there are authors other than myself that make a full-time income just off of publishing their own books right you can start a copywriting business all right they have jarvis.ai and all of these other services out there uh pretty much i want you guys to understand in layman's terms when i say copywriting for anybody that does not know is pretty much the power of using words to sell a product or service so underneath an advertisement or maybe sometimes in the advertisement now depending on how they set it up uh those words that they use to try to get that man or woman and their target audience to make a buying decision right in the business world that's referred to as a copyright so there are software out there like i said jarvis.ai you can google it and check out other ones that literally do a lot of this for you where you can fill in the blanks they'll give you a script you'll decide if you like it or not you could tweak it or you can hire uh other copywriters to do it as well but a copywriting business this is super powerful because like i tell you guys it doesn't matter how good your business is as far as how good your product or service is if you can't get it in front of the right people at the right time all right so if nobody knows you exist or if the right people don't know you exist at the right time that are interested and can afford to buy your product or service then you'll never reach your fullest potential as an entrepreneur so having somebody that is better than you to articulate your value you might be the greatest at creating or delivering whatever your product or service is but you may not have the right words to articulate it to that man or woman so that they can say you know what that is what i need so if you are very good with words then a copywriting business or you use software out there but there's a huge need for that amongst anybody that wants to sell anything all right moving on uh you guys know i've been talking about it a lot but having your own transportation company you guys know the independent courier service is by far my favorite business that's not to say that i made the most money ever off of that right but that was my first business that showed me that i can work for myself and make enough money to be okay long term so that's why it's going to always have a special place near and dear to me right so even though i went on and made more money doing other ventures as of now that's still gonna always be my my very first real business my favorite business because it was my first and all of the success and lessons that i learned along the way but you can have an independent courier service utilizing a 3pl there's amazon relay out there i have a video that i recently uploaded on my channel where chris and shaq who have now scaled their business up to having a hundred and twenty thousand dollar months are now uh helping others along the way uh teach that business so i've never made that much with my own transportation company but i highly recommend you go check out that video i made with them and learn from them right but this is something that 100 you can pay your bills all right i don't care what level your own right i know people from all over the place that have made enough money to pay their bills and live a life just as good if not better than just as good as working a nine-to-five job that they hate just because it pays them x amount of dollars per hour right you can rent out your boat right uh there's services out there like getmyboat.com for anybody that has a boat and that's interested in that you can start a podcast there's a ton of great podcasters out there um and you might already tune into some but podcasting is a great revenue stream as well a graphic design business all right whether you're going to do business cards or whatever kind of designs nfts my last video i posted was about nft so if you want to get into the crypto space right but whatever kind of graphic design your niche is because i don't want to put you in a box and say you should do this specifically because like i said ultimately the goal is to get you enough money so that you can buy back your time so you can be happy so if you want to do graphic design for whatever niche is in your mind as long as you research it right i always preach never invest in anything you don't understand but if you researched it and that's what you want to do by all means you can do that all right a video editing service this might sound something like something that jt nobody will pay for that listen i recently hired an editor right i've been on youtube full time for four years now i just hired an editor and when i say just hired an editor i mean i haven't even trained them up yet but they're the biggest youtube channels on the platform they utilize editors because anybody that has recorded a video will tell you that it takes more time to edit the video than it did to record the video i have several things going on today which is why i decided just to go live just to avoid having to edit this video today and just engage with you all uh in a live stream but the prices vary depending on what kind of videos you're going to edit how long they are but there are people that make a full-time income straight from the comfort of their home or if you like to travel like me they travel around all you need is a laptop and whatever editing software you want to use right so if you have a macbook product it came with imovie but you can upgrade the final cut pro you can use adobe you can literally use whatever it is you know how to use and i learned how to edit youtube videos for free by watching youtube videos on how to edit because when i first started out i didn't know how to edit and i wasn't going to pay somebody to edit a video and i wasn't sure if that video was going to make me any money or not all right i like many of you if i'm going to invest in something i want to have a realistic expectation that i'm going to get my money back on that investment so i watch youtube videos for free and learn how to edit and people have even asked me you know how much i would charge to edit their videos right so whatever editing software you you so choose you can watch youtube videos on it they do have courses i'm not trying to downplay a course or a book because you can get the information faster usually that way but if you're on a tight budget don't let anything on this list uh be out of your reach because you say i don't have the biggest budget right starting a virtual assistant business this is a venture that me and my team have been playing around with so online jobs.ph is the service that i use full transparency right i know some people don't like that but it is what it is all right we'll talk about that on instagram live after this live stream so follow jts on instagram because we're going to talk about something else on instagram but getting back to the point of starting a virtual assistant business in the world that we live in today uh you shouldn't have a dream that's big enough for you to accomplish by yourself i'm going to say that again you shouldn't have a dream that's big enough for you to accomplish by yourself if it is then you're dreaming too small so you should want to add so much value and do so many great things in life that hey i don't have the time to do it by myself all right i don't i can't do all of this right i want to impact so many people's lives i want to add so much good product and service out in the world and you should as well as an entrepreneur that it should be something bigger than you can squeeze into your eight hour work schedule or whatever work schedule you have or whatever minutes you give it outside of your job so all that to say that we all are in need of a competent team so if you're new to entrepreneurship or if you just don't have the time to train your new hires there are companies out there that make six figures a month just off of having a virtual assistant business so they'll go to onlinejobs.ph they'll find some people they'll train them up themselves now they'll either train them up by making a pre-recorded video and say hey watch this pre-recorded video take this test if you pass this test or higher if you don't then you're not hired and then they'll bring those people up to speed and now those people can help people that are interested in the real estate market if you're trying to flip houses and you got to do a lot of due diligence and a lot of cold calls to find motivated sellers they'll train up va's specifically for that they might train up va specifically to answer the phone and act as a call center they might train up va's to edit videos right literally they'll have va's to do whatever people need virtual assistants for but they'll go out they'll make that training video one time or an updated as needed and then they'll have the va's watch the video or they'll train them in person maybe over zoom or something like this uh but they'll train them up and then they'll find mr so-and-so miss so-and-so hey do you need a virtual assistant to help you scale your business i have one that already knows how to do it right and they'll make money off of the spread so they might pay that va 500 a month this man or woman may say i can afford to pay uh 800 a month for thousand dollars a month whatever the case is and you just middleman the transaction and i know people that have done this and made great money continue to make great money as well um if that interests you but a virtual assistant business uh of course you yourself can be a virtual assistant as well but nothing wrong with that but like i said that i want you all if you're a part of my community to have dreams that are bigger than you right i want you to want to add so much value via your products services information impact whatever it is that you gonna do to get to financial freedom right i want you i want it to be so big that it ain't enough hours in the day for you to do it on your own right because if you got enough time to do it by yourself you're not helping enough people and your product or service should add value to people's lives whatever it is i don't care if you're giving out massages if you're fixing cars if you're selling t-shirts if you're selling dinners whatever it is right your vision should be bigger than yourself if you really want to live a legacy if you really want to achieve financial freedom which is the reason why most people tune in to me anyway all right create a youtube channel is pretty obvious like i said i just crossed over my four year mark full time on youtube uh youtube is a six seven eight figure business just depends on the channel just like anything else though you gotta put in the time to learn it and you've got to be consistent with it so you will hear a lot of people discourage you and say oh you don't make any money or it's so hard to make money but i have partners of mine that had less than a thousand followers and it was making money now they got a little over a thousand they still making money i met people that have five thousand followers making a hundred thousand a month so uh of course like i tell you that if you're looking for somebody to discourage you and to tell you that this doesn't work and this is a scam you'll find them right but if you're looking for somebody that'll tell you the right answer and i've done it and this is how i've done it the right way you'll find that as well it's way easier to find somebody that will put their insecurities on you because they never done it and they don't know anybody personally that that has done it so it's way easier to find those people than to find the people that are highly successful in it because they're actively doing it so they may not have the time to talk and complain as much as somebody that tried it for a little bit it didn't work out so they quit all right an affiliate marketing business is a great business as well you can actually merge that with the first one if you want to uh which is the automated website business all right but having an affiliate marketing business is a fantastic business right uh upwards of people i know personally right uh people i know personally make upwards of twenty thousand to fifty thousand most that i know somebody currently makes is a hundred thousand a month doing this i'm sharing you uh these numbers with you guys to let you know that it's possible i do want to pause here and say that i'm not trying to sell you a pipe dream that if you start the business today in 30 days you'll have a hundred thousand dollars you're going to start at whatever level you start at depending on your financial literacy level and the resources you have available to you but i want you guys to know what's available if you decide to go down this path because it will require your time which is your most valuable resource so if you're going to spend time doing it i want you guys to know that it's a six figure business it's a seven figure business right that's not to say that day one you're going to make six or seven figures and i just wanted the pause and acknowledge that because for whatever reason some people get that a little uh twisted right moving on a t-shirt business t-shirt business probably has one of the lowest ceilings of all businesses to start because there's teespring there's printful and there's probably more being created as i speak but there are people out there that are killing it in the apparel industry right so i'm saying the t-shirt business because that's what a lot of people refer to it as but i really want you if that interests you to think of it more as the apparel business not just the t-shirt business you guys can follow my boy uh stan banks t-shirt side hustle he makes great content on it big youtuber know him personally he a brother to me you know teaches people everything they need to know to get started regardless of your budget and skill of their business to make the full-time income off of it right we also see people that have shoe line businesses this is one venture uh full of transparency and a lot of you guys may know it if you've been following me that i tried didn't know what i didn't know and it didn't work out buddy of my tried and killed it right i used something called alive shoes.com to make my own uh shoes and i got videos on the channel about it they actually went a more direct approach and work with somebody to do it and they actually have more success with it so be uh i the reason why i share this with you because a lot of people will say uh what would never tell you i tried this and it didn't work out is because that just goes to show you that just because you try something and fail doesn't mean that you can't do this and and be successful if you try again and continue to learn me i got a lot of sneakers and i thought it would just be cool to have my own sneakers so i really didn't go into it with the mentality of i'm gonna make this business work no matter what i went into it and this would be cool to have so i sold a few pairs and then when it started to fizzle out i said okay it was cool while it lasted but my friend of mine stayed with it and is making a full-time income just off of the shoe line right uh moving on uh you can create and distribute music you guys know my brother jeremiah reeves teaches about music marketing he's coming out with some music uh real soon uh one for the sake of good music but he's gonna actually document the process of creating and distributing music and scaling it up and charting and achieving all of those things that people that are in the music industry want to do right i i wasn't born with that bone in my body so i can't sing rap or anything like that but i added it to the list because you may be somebody out there that can see and grab and all that other cool stuff and you want to monetize that so i wanted to include it for your benefit you can private label a business you can use aliexpress alibaba those are the biggest ones um but there are more than that there's a ton of one of other private label companies out there it depends on what product or service you have uh because alibaba aliexpress is more of a physical product business if you want to do a private label service based business it depends on what service you want to offer all right but you can definitely private label a business as well i private label multiple businesses right now and those businesses have already paid for themselves 10 times over in their very first year all right you can create a course now i know a lot of people they hate courses right why you got to sell information why you got to sell it for that high but it's a viable income stream and your ip is valuable right your intellectual property is valued so there's nothing wrong with selling courses all right i personally believe that the current educational system is failing a lot of people which is why i'm speaking at schools which is why i'm personally my goal for next year is to put a book in the school system because i'm a product of public schools and i went to college and i earned an associate's degree a bachelor's degree first person in my family and as of this live stream i'm the only person in my family with a master's degree right i got accepted into the the doctorate program but i decided to not even attend so if i really wanted to if it meant that much to me right i could have uh become a doctor but for my purpose and what i want to accomplish it didn't really make sense it seemed more of like a waste of time for what i'm personally trying to do right so creating a course from somebody like me and others that are practitioners right if i make a course about starting a transportation company uh not a knock to teachers or professors but they're giving you theory out of a book i i actually went out there spent my own money all right learned it lost money business went down had to rebuild it had to go through the school of hard knocks and learn it all right from start to finish because if i didn't learn it i wouldn't be able to survive so i have a different level of understanding if i came in your classroom and i talked to you about starting a transportation company or if i started a course and came in your classroom whether it's college high school or whatever and talk to you about sales talk to you about social media talk to you about being an author because these are things that if i didn't figure out in real life right i wouldn't survive it's not i read it in a book and then i regurgitate it to you i actually can talk to you about the nuances of okay the book tells you this but let me tell you real world this is how people are going to perceive this right people can see through if you're in it just to make money or if you're somebody that's adding real value but they understand we're in a capitalistic society and it costs money to live so there's a difference between that and not all of those get articulated properly if you're just listening to somebody that's teaching you theory that they read in a book but creating a course about anything whether it's business parenting marriage working out right the list can go on and on but course creation is a necessary uh part of today's society because you'll graduate high school and most people to graduate college unless you get in a select few majors and still never know about uh money management taxes proper interpersonal skills right how to buy a house right when i say how to buy a house not just going knock on a relative door or google a realtor but knowing about okay what does this interest rate mean right should i do a 30-year mortgage or a 15-year mortgage all right what's the resale value of this right what is is this a good investment even if it is going to be my forever home right so there's not a lot of majors out there that are going to teach you about the proper way to buy a car right proper way to buy a house taxes money management starting a business all of these other things but if you get with somebody that's a practitioner that's done that and had to do it efficiently because it was directly tied to their survival of course they can give you a more personalized and in-depth understanding right having a subscription service whether it be only fans or patreon or whatever it is you want to use i know that only fans uh gets a bad rep i personally don't have one but that doesn't mean that it's a bad thing patreon was out first and i was on patreon for forever now um and i'll link that down description below as well if you want to uh support this this broadcast and this media company but there's people that are on patreon and are only fans that are teaching business that are teaching parenting that are teaching how to work out that are giving you exclusive access to other resources and information right now can you find some of that other stuff if that's what you're looking for you could say that about anything you could say that about social media you could say that about books you could say that about business right so of course you're gonna always find what you're looking for but i want you guys to know that you can go there with great intentions add value and i know somebody that that's personally making a full-time living off of their subscription service all right so they're just adding value to a small network of people that find their most valuable and they pay every month uh just like i pay for netflix so you might pay for netflix right i got a four year old so i got disney plus i got netflix i got everything that has a cartoon on it pretty much right so uh if you can deliver that same value not saying it has to be a movie or a video but just something of value to that target audience you too can do that as well right having a consulting business right you guys know that we do business consultants me and my team of full-time entrepreneurs offer business consultations for new business owners aspiring business owners right people that are already making money but they don't have any time to enjoy their life right you can do that having a marketing agency right learning how to trade stock options learning about crypto so this video is already over 30 minutes so i'm gonna go ahead and wrap it up here you guys know i'm naturally a talker and we can talk all day about business but to me this is something since i've been living it full time since 2014 that thinking about ways to make money becomes second nature because you know heaven forbid anything happens to my current investments of businesses um i always keep you know something in my back pocket that okay we can pivot and do this we can pivot and do that right now we still give 1 000 into the ventures that we're doing now but multiple streams of income is the weight all right and if you're somebody out there right now and all your money is in a single job or if all of your money is in a single business i encourage you to diversify right just not having all your eggs in one basket is always good i'm not saying that you got to get a second job i'm not saying that you got to start another business maybe you'll say this is my job this is my investment this is my business this is my investment because i don't have a ton of time to start another business or to do another job but i want to encourage you to have a portfolio of income streams right have a portfolio of income streams because what happens if your company gets bought out or if your company goes in another direction or like i posted on my instagram it's a gentleman that had a successful business uh but then times got hard and he did a zoom call with over 90 employees and fired him over zoom to save his business now you can debate whether he was right or wrong to do that right before christmas but he made a decision that was in the best interest of himself and his business so the family of those 90 plus people of whatever kind of christmas they gonna have however they gonna pay their bills right it's kind of uh left up to them they're on their own right and again i'm not debating right or wrong but i'm saying that it could have been anybody so if your company says hey you know what things ain't working out as projected we gotta downsize all right so maybe they don't fire you but they cut your hours so now you're not making the money that you were making before right so i really want you guys to say okay if this happens i can do this but more importantly the purpose of this particular video is if you're doing something just because you hate it right just because you hate it i want you all to know that there are other ways to make money all right i want you guys to start pursuing your passion and remember you're going to start where you start so i had a job before i had five years of work experience in my 31 years of life four of which was in the united states marine corps and to be honest with you that ain't a job you can really quit right so if i could have quit it i don't know if i would have made it the whole four years now i was honorably discharged not saying that you know i was uh troublemaking was getting kicked out i was honorably discharged and i was also um selected to go to officer candidate school which if you're in the military or know about the military uh that was pretty cool but i declined that and just got out so if i re-enlisted i would have been i don't know what by now right something on the other side of the track but i decided to pursue entrepreneurship well i i decided to pursue corporate america and then later entrepreneurship so i got four years in the marine corps one year in corporate america then i've been a full-time entrepreneur ever since but all of that to say that i had to start with a job i learned some things in the marine corps that that prepared me to be a better entrepreneur i learned some things in that one year working for warren buffett's company that prepared for me uh prepared me to be a better entrepreneur so if you're working a nine-to-five job right now even though you hate it it might be something that you're learning as you save up money to make that transition right and that's all i have for you guys i'm gonna run through the chat real quick shout out to everybody that's here appreciate you all tuning in with me especially if you're watching it live because we're doing this early in the morning but you guys will see it whenever you get time right um now i sold my transportation business i see somebody asked that right so i still have my book is still the best book teaching people how to get started and i do highly recommend my brother christian shack that i did a video with they actively do it in two different markets and they can teach you everything from how to go beyond just starting scaling it up to their level if you want to have a fleet and have multiple contracts so they took it way further than i ever even imagined uh imagine taking it all right i see some people correcting me saying it was over 900 people right so i said 90 plus but a couple people saying 900 plus people so hey that that's sad right unfortunately but i want you guys to to understand that that could have happened to anybody right you could be working a job for 20 years 30 years but if the company gets bought out right it's had a discretion of whoever bought it all right or if uh the things don't work out as projected we expect it to be at this point a pandemic hit or whatever it is happening that now we got to pivot in order to secure the uh the business right so um our minds i'll leave you with this our minds are mostly designed for self-preservation above all else all right so our minds are designed for self-preservation above all else what that means is that uh you can eat like trash your entire life and your body will allow you to lose your legs and still be alive right or you can keep putting junk in your body and your body will learn how to adapt right even though you shouldn't be drinking just coca-cola you should put water in it we all know people that are like that right but it's bigger than just food that you put in your body just your mind above all else wants to keep you alive and keep you safe as much as possible right so without going into a big science class here if you're ever in an environment where you're not in control you're not the entrepreneur you're not the investor right and it's between you and that other man or woman before you just say that man or woman is a terrible person for doing you like that or doing those people like that you have to understand that we're all predisposed for self-preservation right if it's my safety or your safety is it my kids or your kids right so of course you know granted in ideal circumstances there's enough for everybody it's all love for everybody but if you're ever in that environment where somebody has to make a decision i'm upper echelon management whatever whatever you're lower level management or not in management at all and we have to downsize right hey either i'm not gonna be able to pay my bills are you not gonna pay your bills well i feel sorry for you but hey i gotta look out for me i that's just how psychologically we're predisposed for self-preservation so knowing that all right you can say i got the greatest relationship in the world with my boss my company will never fire me i've been with them so long and i know everybody and everybody like me right but being put in a situation that is maybe even unforeseen at this point right understand that most people are going to choose to save themselves if it comes down to me or you now there's a situation where we can save each other we can save everybody cool but if there's ever a situation where it's me or you most people are going to choose to take care of themselves their kids right their family their friends over you know just an associate a colleague a co-worker whatever you are to them so get these multiple streams of income uh let me know how you feel about this in the comments section uh if you're new subscribe to the channel share this video with anybody you think you can help uh got some work to do we gonna switch over to instagram now see you guys over there peace
Channel: JT Automations
Views: 45,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1289nRMmZhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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