I Opened The Best Pizzeria - Roblox Tycoon

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all right let's get started today we're starting our very own pizzeria really we'll be making pizzas on this conveyor belt and then we'll sell them when we're ready wow yeah the pizzas are waiting here that's right when we collect the pizzas we receive some money once we save up enough click whoa look at this wow something's changed over here amazing this makes the dough and that shapes it and here oh that added the tomato sauce that's amazing oh i picked up the cheese at her i guess that adds cheese whoa it's a finished pizza incredible that's about it we'll keep making pizzas like that and when they're ready we can sell them to customers if we have any then we'll use the profits to keep upgrading our store how does that sound mikey whoa i wonder if our pizzeria will be popular i hope so yeah i hope our pizzeria will be super popular you think we can do it let's spend some time collecting pizzas [Music] great that should be enough money now we can afford more upgrades for the conveyor belt i hope we start getting customers soon our pizza production is increasing i hope we get customers too i wonder when they'll come well we only have the pizza machine so far right so if we want customers we'll need to build a restaurant around it so here comes the entrance of course we never get customers without that nice we go out of business i don't want to fail i want to make a super successful pizzeria watch this mikey i made a path so now i need to add a floor oh it's pure white now the counter not bad will we get customers i'm getting nervous what if no one comes the restaurant is still growing i get it i'm a little nervous too but i'm sure it'll all work out so nervous whoa look outside will we be okay it's all coming together keeps getting better but will anyone come wow the inside is filling up i should grab some pizzas i'll collect these for now hmm what should we do next hey jj come here wow we have customers i'm busy collecting pizzas huh customers hurry up come on whoa slow down this many already three customers wow we have lots of customers yeah it's a lunch ride everyone wants cheese pizzas okay then we're silly here's your pizza whoa fantastic incredibles i'll grab a pizza i think we'll get anything and sell it anyone else coming all right and sold not bad what's happening now to grab more pizzas from the oven we're a hit all right this is going well don't you think we're doing it huh i knew it they want more pizzas if you feel it they will come at this rate we'll be able to make bigger and better upgrades anyone else coming they want so many pizzas that's good all right look they're all sitting at tables while they eat we're a success keep them coming i just grabbed so many pizzas i'm so happy jj we've built a fantastic pizzeria and we have so many customers we must be almost done right not really mikey what we have so far is nice yeah but don't you want to make it bigger and better bigger and better than this we don't even have a ceiling oh right so we should work together to sell as many pizzas as we can to build up our savings oh yeah we'll make this place bigger and better which means better how much better can it get it's time to work let's get to work let's do it what will this place look like oh more customers let's get to work mikey we're on the clock i'm serving another pizza pizza served whoo now we're gonna need more of this and this not bad oh wow all right [Music] let's see now we've been working for a while and have saved up quite a bit of money we've worked so much and it's paid off but can our pizzeria really get any better we have so many customers already yeah isn't it nice enough as it is business is booming actually mikey it can get better check this out see we can add menus over the counter oh of course now let's step outside and see what we can do from here first some walls we have more walls than we did before and then what did that do oh i added spotlights we have spotlights some tables for sitting outside oh wow and now look we built a sign what a nice sign it keeps getting bigger and better absolutely how much better can it get look here we have walls but no windows but now whoa nice that's amazing what's next hmm there are no walls in the back so [Music] a building extension plus a bathroom wow a bathroom perfect it keeps getting bigger and better what's next now let's add a garage we also need a garage door look you can open and close the door not bad amazing we can also buy a bike for deliveries you can even drive it like this what else let's see we can make the walls bigger watch this [Music] but we're forgetting something extremely important what's that what if it rains ah right we have no roof that's right so we need a roof let's install it whoa wow is that everything are we done and so much more yeah even more what if more customers show up isn't this enough that's why we're gonna add a second floor a second floor check it out i built us a second floor come up the stairs it's a two-story building now yep but this floor is still empty so more walls we have walls wow a counter to sit at amazing and even some windows whoa let's put an office here too perfect nice all right awesome bigger and bigger and better and better it's so fancy some chairs higher walls and a roof hey mikey we still needed tables oh yeah how about a chocolate fountain sweet that's so cool next up some circular lights on the ceiling it's so nice now definitely i think there's still lots of upgrades we don't have yet there's more like lighting for the first floor isn't this enough there's so much left to do so much yep it's so nice already we don't have a place to store the pizzas yet right not bad we can upgrade it some more it's so fancy it has a second floor too and hmm what was that i guess it's lit up now i think we're close to being finished it's perfect what else can we upgrade oh it looks like we can add more types of pizza what really let's see well we gotta have pepperoni pizza of course how about some bacon and some olives that should do it awesome for the garage oh nice very nice it looks like our pizzeria has really come together a customer is ordering pizza and here it is wow the customer wants the bacon pepperoni pizza i designed and as you can see we can also deliver pizzas now and that's about it yeah i think our pizzeria is complete look at what we've built isn't it great wow it's amazing but jj it's still not enough we have to work hard to make even more money so that it can be even bigger and even better let's get to work all right we'll try bigger and better if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 15,842,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: S7g3oP6Zyj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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