Beat Every Game Prank

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today we're playing three different stages to see which of us can get stronger that sounds like fun I'll definitely get stronger than you JJ let's do this woohoo what Mikey doesn't know is today I'll be playing a prank on him I'm going to cheat by using the most powerful pay to win items will Mikey realize I've been cheating by making inapp purchases let's find out oh Mikey H let's start with the balloon stage oh that sounds fun what do we need to do to win this stage for this stage you need to collect coins and use them to upgrade your balloon I need to gather coins to upgrade my balloon all right yep then we'll use our upgraded balloons to see which of us can reach the highest point huh I'll upgrade my balloon more than yours it'll be humongous first I need to collect these coins on the pass whoever collects more coins is going to win so I'm going to get lots good luck Mikey mhm well I'll be spending real money so there's no need for me to gather coins I'm going to upgrade my balloon with the power of money just like this okay now while Mikey's working so hard on collecting coins I'm just going to purchase them instead and then I guess I'll buy 1 million coins for 5,199 Robux just just like that wo I got all the coins at once for the next step H now I don't know what this infinity symbol means but I guess I'll buy it with [Music] roox okay next I think I'll go into the shop now in this shop H what should I buy I guess I'll buy Helium this helium will let me jump really high so I'll go on a helium shopping spree I'll buy this too and this okay now I have lots of helium what else is there oh right I can buy pets too pets help me get more coins and gems so I should be able to upgrade quite a lot more I think I'll buy the ultimate pets well they're really expensive but I'm buying these ultimate pets [Music] anyway I got an extremely strong pet all right now I think I'll increase the number of pets I can have H this will increase them I'll buy lots of them just like this all right this is going really well so far huh uh this guy is way too close he has a huge balloon though h I think he's trying to brag all right I'll show him by upgrading my balloon with real money I'll equip a whole bunch of pets and blow up my balloon all at once first I'll equip a lot of pets like this all right wo i equipped so many now to blow up my balloon here I go huh go my balloon expanded so much I didn't think it would get this big all right that's the power of money a the guy ran off W all right now it's time to meet Mikey to compete H where did Mikey go H oh there he is Mikey oh hey JJ you ready Mikey of course I've been working hard to collect coins JJ and thanks to that I've got the strongest equipment I've got two extremely strong pants Oh and I have this enormous balloon wo you did extremely well without using any money I worked really hard on it I honestly don't think there's any way that I'll lose look what I have Mikey let me see let me see how hard you worked h W that balloon is ginormous and you have so many pets JJ I Know What You Did you worked even harder than me to gather your coins that's impressive phew Mikey didn't realize I spent lots of real money all right but JJ H I haven't lost yet there's still a competition to see who can go higher I'll go first oh sure H all right okay let's compete Mikey all right here I go wo yes good luck Mikey yeah awesome I have the ultimate equipment so I can jump really high wo all right you're doing really well thanks I might even be able to beat you JJ now it's time for me to jump up there mhm all right here I go I'm pretty confident I'll win oh there's Mikey I passed Mikey instantly all right you went by and no time I'm heading to the top first all right wait up I'll jump way up here like this no no [Music] yes I can't even see Mikey anymore all right now I'll keep trying to reach the top yes huh woohoo it's the top wow I guess I'll wait for Mikey now oh there he is I'm almost caught up to JJ hang in there Mikey I'm almost at the top I can make this hey all right you did it finally at the top well I won this stage you're too overpowered JJ I was sure I could beat you this stage was fun though let's do the next one now sure let's head to the next stage woohoo time for the next stage I won't lose this time here whoever destroys the most vehicles in building buildings wins also breaking buildings will give you coins and you can use them to buy weapons sweet that sounds like fun I'm going to destroy lots of buildings get lots of coins and get way stronger I'm definitely going to win H good luck Mikey all righty then while Mikey's away I'll use lots of money to make the ultimate weapons okay I think I'll go to the shop here it is huh what's with this guy oh he's probably laughing at how weak my equipment is well then I'll use my money to show him now I think I'll start by buying a rocket launcher from the shop H which one should I buy which one is the ultimate rocket launcher uh these Rockets are so cheap and they don't look very powerful H which one is the most powerful rocket launcher h Huh this is the most expensive one and I think it's the strongest too I guess I'll buy this one then all right I bought it now I'll buy the ammo hold up oh it looks like I got some bombs as a bonus also this ammo looks like the strongest bomb they have woohoo I guess I'll buy a backpack next I think I want want to buy a powerful backpack so I can hold lots of blocks inside of it okay something with a lot of room to hold plenty of blocks H awesome this one has infinite storage I'm going to get this one all right I'm buying the ultimate backpack wo I think this made me a lot stronger yes that guy is still here whatever I'm going to start destroying buildings let's use that ultimate gun I bought huh wa that was awesome the buildings get blown up at once wow oh that guy from earlier ran off see you buddy all right I'll just keep destroying everything with this ultimate gun wo the buildings get destroyed so quickly wo oh it looks like I level up when I destroyed buildings H it says level five on here oh interesting the more I level up the more of the map I can reach all right I think I'll try a bomb next I'll use this black hole bomb wow I have the ultimate bombs too I'll use this gun and these bombs to quickly destroy things W yes just like that W they're extremely strong just what I'd expect from Paid items I'll put a bomb around here too set it there and ha that's really strong I'll destroy everything around here before the other players get a chance to oh and I'll destroy this over here too I'll use my gun to instantly destroy it I guess I'll use bombs here too like this W this gun is so overpowered it blew the whole thing away all right and here yes these weapons are too powerful I wonder what else I can buy let's check out the store H oh this item looks like it'll double the experience I get now buy it it doubles the experience points I get and oh this doubles the number of coins I get all right I'll buy it too nice this item increases my speed I'll buy that all right how did that turn out wa awesome I'm much faster now that I'm faster I'll go destroy more buildings all right I guess I'll destroy that thing I'll use my ultimate gun to wipe it out nice I destroyed it in an instant now for the black hole bomb wow I'll destroy this too I'll just destroy everything all right everything in this stage has been obliterated oh that still has a bit standing wow yes h i really destroyed those buildings I probably should meet back up with Mikey I may have become too strong though you might realize I've been spending money Mikey how strong have you become I've become incredibly strong JJ H in fact I just got a legendary rocket launcher MH oh there's a legendary rocket launcher do you want to see it I could make a special exception to show you this is it taada hm N I think I saw that in the shop it looks like the one I thought was cheap and not very powerful what are you talking about this was really expensive I worked really hard to get the coins to buy it I suppose it would be hard to get without spending money check this out JJ I'll show you the power of the legendary rocket launcher okay well here I go this is the power h a my rocket launcher awesome right it instantly destroys things well GJ isn't my rocket launcher incredible I worked really hard to get this item so this round of the competition is already mine what kind of weapon do you have JJ oh my equipment I have a black hole rocket launcher and black hole bombs so you bought a rocket launcher too not bad huh it sure looks strange though no offense but it doesn't look that strong that's not true Mikey this is the ultimate rocket launcher watch here I go 3 2 1 launch heyy wo all right huh watch this huh what is that weapon yeah incredibly powerful wow that's too strong nice how are you moving so fast JJ you're so fast boom you destroyed almost everything hold on JJ something's not right could it be uh JJ you've been working hard again oh you really are such a hard worker if I'm losing to that much then I have to admit defeat huh I lost pH he hasn't realized that I spent money I definitely won't lose the next stage though let's go all right let's go Mikey okay this is our final stage what kind of competition is it whoever can mow the most amount of grass in this Village will be the winner interesting so whoever cuts the most grass wins I won't lose to you this time JJ I'm going to cut way more grass than you woohoo W Mikey sure is motivated well I'll just use money to cheat for starters I think I'll use money to buy a huge number of coins all right now over here oh this is 10 trillion coins I guess I'll buy a quick trillion but I feel like 10 trillion won't be enough H how about I buy 100 trillion coins Co I'm buying a lot of these coin packs by using money like this I can quickly get coins oh this is nice if I'm going to cut a lot of grass I'll get this infinite bag wow this is good too this will double the number of coins I collect I'll also double the amount of grass I mow all right oh I guess I'll double the speed of my lawnmower too oh I'm buying so much all right now let's see here oh I'll go to that upgrade shop and upgrade my [Music] lawnmower looks like this place takes coins so I'll just use the coins I bought to upgrade my lawnmower I wonder if it'll get faster wow my speed is going up all at once let's see I want to increase the amount of grass I can mow so I'll upgrade the range of my lawnmower so it can mow in a wider radius all right I upgraded it so much what else H oh I could get a new lawnmower from that shop next door this place uses coins too I'll upgrade it all at once oh this is getting expensive still I bought 100 trillion coins so I can buy plenty more huh there are flamethrowers for sale what oh I'll be using this well I bought quite a lot so let's see how it looks it's shooting fire okay with that done let's test it out wo I'm faster too I'll mow this grass in no time awesome this is amazing it mows the grass instantly how woo there are people here oh I can mow all of this all right H I've gotten much stronger still Mikey was really getting into this so maybe he's doing some intense training all right just to be safe I'll buy an even higher level lawnmower well I've made some more purchases and got some awesome equipment I doubt I'll lose to Mikey with this I'll go meet up with him now oh here he is oh JJ how's it going my equipment is pretty strong see you sure seem confident Mikey of course I am you're ready I'm ready Mikey I also got a new lawnmower huh it doesn't look that strong let's start I have the strongest equipment so I think you'll be surprised okay let's start are you ready h I'm going to win this time 3 2 1 start see you all right wo H wo what's going on you've moan all the grass so there isn't any left for Meo how can I put this I'm the strongest no this means I win Mikey I lost how is your lawnmower so powerful I work so hard without even goofing off at all well I have a secret to tell you uhuh I've actually been spending money to cheat all day seriously I had no idea if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 1,432,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: UAvwj0ehndk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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