$1 Pet vs $15,000,000 Pet in Minecraft

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[Music] this is a $15 million pet and it's the most epic pet in the entire Minecraft Dimension and this is a $500,000 pet $10,000 pet and it's my goal to sell them all starting with the $1 rat e who want thinking r as a actually Guido this guy is pretty useful for $1 the rat will Scamper away and return with food that doesn't seem very hygienic uh yeah don't ask me where he got that anyway all of this means that the rat is the perfect pet for anyone in the food business why order ingredients when you can send your pet rat out to fetch them for free Mama Mia and with the $1 rat sold it was time to move on to the $10 parrot $10 I can just go find one of those for free $10 I can just go find one of those for free what the not this kind of parent quo because this one will repeat anything you say this one will repeat anything you say that's so annoying you're so annoying hey and an annoying pet means finding an annoying owner hey what's up Katie hating is per usual what does it look like beat it Steve beat it Steve did that bird just insult you let me try again Steve stinks of rotten flesh Steve stinks of rotten flesh I got to have it how much for the parrot that'll be $10 $10 next we had a $30 minor slime a $50 hamster and a $75 pug the minor slime had the power to inhale blocks and spit out the good stuff so I sold him to the miners deep underground thank you the hamster when placed on a wheel could generate power so I sold that pet to the scientist at a lab nearby well I guess he ran too fast the $75 pug was just really cute and he was really good at doing tricks a so I found someone who really needed to be cheered up and sold them the Pug here you go buddy enjoy your new pets everything was going great but as the pets got more expensive it was going to get harder to sell them take this $100 snake for example it has one of the most poisonous deadly bites in the entire a Multiverse um what me oh oh you're right I I swear it was right here I just oh no oh no quo I'm Bing go get out of here no no no quo um okay don't worry I I can help you uh maybe there's something in that chest Guido Guido listen to me you need to fly up there's a chest go go no not that way oh jeez where's he G that's it right the front you got it oh please let there be something useful in there come on come on come on come on what the is that a flute quo's taming the snake but how is he even playing the flute he can't breathe uh okay check it out Steve I've got a new friend that may be the case quido but this snake is really aggressive still so I know the perfect person to sell it to Billy the bully H's little brother and one of my worst enemies oh uh hey Billy listen I know we don't really get on but uh I thought you'd be interested in a brand new friend this little guy who who who hold on let me get this straight so you want to give me a deadly animal KN that I'll probably use it to torment you for the rest of your life well I guess I'm just feeling nice today Billy deal now I T pets Oh Billy he he doesn't seem to be following your commands maybe you need a little more training I said attack kill destroy why aren't you listening to me [Music] Guido thanks for your business Billy see you great job Guido next up the $300 monkey and if you thought the snake was mischievous get a load of this guy if I can find him ah seriously another pet gun missing this is really annoying Guido maybe we need some security Guido uh-oh this can't be good suddenly the $300 monkey escaped from the enclosure with Guido hey no you bring him back he's stinking monkey his ability was to swing from tree to tree with ease so catching up with him was really tough yeah I see you monkey give me Guido back oh no no no no no ah he's mocking me come on Steve you got this okay almost that wait what the heck is that is that oh my gosh the monkeyy throwing his poop at me this is disgusting now think how I feel guo I just missed him all right let's keep going for as long as I can I guess this is so gross bam the monkey's car was hit by a huge truck driven by the biggest criminal in the city evil face blow it up oh my gosh dude they're robbing the bank well that's not really my problem I guess I've just got to find someone to sell this stinking mischievous sneaky monkey to you and guess what little guy I've got an idea show us the money now we're not scared of you evil face the police are already on their way besides the money isn't an unbreakable vault only the best thief in the world will be able to get in hey guys sorry to uh interrupt uh wa um yeah I heard you talking about the best thief in the entire world and uh I actually think I've got the perfect guy for It Go on little guy show them what you've got just uh give them a little moment okay so uh Le something new with your mask this is awkward yeah it really does goo here he is the Multiverse this little guy is amazing come much only 300 bucks pleasure doing business with you man you know what quo I'm getting really good at this whole pet selling thing hey Sergeant Shaw nice day we're having cut it Steve you just helped the biggest criminal in the Multiverse robber bank so I'm bringing you in W uh listen I can see you're upset you know what would cheer you up a new pet don't be stupid it's going to take more than a stinking dog to convince me oh no no no no this isn't any regular stinking dog check it out let me show you what this $1,000 German Shepherd is really worth what in the Multiverse is this this Guido is a top secret obstacle course and the dog is going to take it on come on you've got to show Sergeant Shaw exactly why you deserve to be adopted holy smokes just think how many criminals you can catch in a day with this guy Shaw yeah I you're right and so Shaw found a new recruit for the police but the next pet was a little more dangerous a tiger correction Guido a $5,000 tiger the Multiverse are we going to sell that thing well let's find out it's sa Toby I swear hey steeve help no what are you doing get out of the way no what are you doing get out of here old lady oh nice kitty what in the Multiverse I'm going to call you mittens I had found a new buyer for $5,000 this sweet old lady had a new pet but then hey what the it's that Billy mittens Oh Come Back Billy was back and out for Revenge it was really bad timing as I was about to move on to rarer more expensive animals like this $10,000 skeleton dog what the could that be my gosh Billy is that is that you oh it's just you Guido sorry you spooky there Steve I just wanted my own pet hey what's that thing there we go okay Guido is the skeleton dog in position uh yeah I think so what are you doing I'm only showcasing what the skeleton dog can do Guido Watch Out Below oh Steve you monster what's wrong with you actually Guido check this out a dog that can never die that's amazing but I am a little concerned huh what about well who are we going to sell it to because he is kind of scary looking oh don't worry I've got an idea come on into the cave come on Guido I can hit skeletons this way they'd be happy to buy the dog and I'd be happy to mess it all up for you wa where did those zombies come from I don't know but let's take them out even though there really is no point in doing this the skeleton dog is going to be fine right actually Guido every time the dog dies the price of it goes down by $100 so we're going to lose money oh then I guess we have to protect him stay away from him oh another $100 gone come on Steve he needs me faster oh where'd he go oh no no no no no stay back stop hitting the dog and just when it looked like the price of the dog was going to go even lower we were saved by the skeleton wao quo look they're kicking the zombes buds yeah you're down guys guys that was amazing thank you so merge with the zombies eliminated the skeletons happily purchased the skeleton dog for a slightly lower price next up the frosty ferret uh wa hey hey little guy finally some peace and quiet this chilly Little Critter lets us freeze our enemies with his Whirlwind attack oh and he can also extinguish fires never do then again the fet was cool but I had an idea everyone knows that to travel super fast you need to ride a boat on Ice the problem is you need to set up all the ice first and that could take a very long time let's see if the ferret solves this issue hop on in buddy now in theory the water should free around me oh my gosh dude it's actually working woohoo yeah this is amazing I'm going faster than anything I've ever seen before in the Minecraft Dimension yeah but you I want look out the beach Wait beach what beach no I lost control of the boat but that led us to finding Rocco burning in the sun luckily the ferret had it under control that's better say this guy is adorable how would you like to be my beach buddy you can keep me cool a it's so nice to introduce friends to each other 45,000 bugs Please Rocco a I've never seen Rocco so happy you know what this kind of feels like I'm doing some good in the hey hey what theu my prank I know Roco so he'd get sunburnt it was going to be so good what how was I supposed to know anetta was mad so I had to release the next pet remotely at $125,000 infernal Phoenix oh anetta please don't do this I was only trying to help oh quo where is that Phoenix what the wa this thing is amazing that's right onetta this is one of my finest pets yet and I can see you like it and hey if you buy the Phoenix you could still technically carry on with your whole pranking pranking Rocco thing you know I guess you are right tiny boy okay I'll take it now go Phoenix fry Rocco like an egg wow Guido I wasn't expecting it to go that far that was kind of f weh not another step I'll have mittens tear your legs off oh no Billy's got quido held hostage why are you doing this Billy the bite from that snake you sold me turned me into a monster everyone laughed at I was so humiliated you took my dignity so I decided to take your robot and now Guido will be my PEX oh you're not going to get away with this Billy Sail in a straight line for as long as possible you're a monster Billy there's no need for any of this you know what I'm not going to let you get away with this hey mittens FC see a robot for dinner tonight no no okay fine I'll do it I had no choice if I stayed Guido would die Billy watched my every move from his base using drone cameras to follow me around but the worst thing about this entire situation was that I couldn't get back to my pet store so to sell more pets I would have to find them in the wild this is it an ocean Monument I've heard that there's a very exotic pet in there worth about $500,000 oh but with these drones around me no way they'll let me get inside thanks Steve uh wait I've got the money okay uh hey uh would it be a real shame if I just dropped all this money here oh my gosh I'm so clumsy okay they're distracted some of them are even going into the water and now I'm in but of course reaching the pet wasn't going to be easy I'd have to navigate through an army of Guardians dude where in the Multiverse is this pet wao hey hey there's a little Gap there probably like a secret down here or something hello Mr pet oh jeez I got to get to the bubbles oh come on wa what is that thing below the ocean Monument was a $500,000 Abyssal seahorse but it looked weak oh man he looks so sad there's got to be something I can do to give it a little more life uh wait money hey everyone loves money I got a bunch of it uhuh not interested uh prismarine shards hey sounds like he's eating it that's it boy eat up you're looking better already and with that myself and my new pet began heading back toward the city the seahorse was amazing at underwater swimming and glided through the water effortlessly but that didn't last for long because when we got back to the city this happened what the what the heck is that oh wait I think that's the $1 million ethereal crystalline out and look at that seems like it can fly through a portal into some other realm I must have it just got to wait for it to show its ugly beak again come on where are you at there it is okay let's get to the top of this tree if I want to capture this thing I've got to time my jump perfectly come on come on oh yeah yes with this guy I'm going to be able to rescue Guido in no time woohoo W uh okay then do doesn't look good wo wao oh my gosh I'm in the Ethereal plane there's no way Billy can see me here those Rings they must do something special onwards my mighty steed as I hit each ring the speed of the owl increase when I hit enough I was able to tear through the fabric of reality itself and straight into a trap no no no no no that h Guido H you thought it'd be that easy I made sure my base was super secure for me and my p no quo what did you do to him Billy it seemed that Billy had won however I remembered what I saw earlier the seahorse was prey for the owl I wondered if the owl was pre for something else huh what is that what did you do Steve Billy thought it was me making the ground shake but instead it was something far more [Music] terrifying wait a tiny worm that's it oh my gosh the $7 million World eating worm but despite defeating Billy I was far from Happy Guido was dead no the world eating worm continued to obliterate the rest of the city there was no stopping it unless ah there's got to be some way to fix all of this wait the the pet star I've got one more pet the $15 million pet if he doesn't solve this then I'm really not sure what will the chase was on I had to reach the pet store or I would be next to fall victim to the worm okay that's the store wa what the multi here we go $150 million pets are you kidding me a turtle this thing is worth $50 million and more importantly this pet is supposed to save the city oh I'm so doomed well guess I'll just die then come on you come on out get one less good look at the world Mr Turtle because I don't think you're going to be seeing it what who what what what's happening uh okay this is uh very unexpected I don't think this is any normal Turtle suddenly the body of the turtle began to war and freak out it floated into the air growing as it did So eventually the $15 million temporal Turtle arrived huh what would you look at that the turtle used an insane ability the power to reverse first time itself with this Guido's demise Billy's plans that time Rocco got sunburned it's all got reversed and I arrived in the past with Guido Safe and Sound by my side everything was back to normal uh Steve where did you get that money from wait did I just discover a way to make infinite money no way Guido come on let's go
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 1,186,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft mods, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft survival, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, minecraft mobs, surviving 99 years, minecraft scary mobs, minecraft myths, minecraft myth mobs, minecraft dream pet, minecraft pets, billionaire pets, millionaire pets, minecraft best pet, minecraft mythic creatures, minecraft mythic mobs, minecraft pet store, minecraft animals, minecraft biggest animal
Id: ckhiQvPE9Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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