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he yeah I ask you where you from where am I from yeah why you taking pictures for money for who for this is the money for me it's me for you the money is for me yeah but who are you from what company oh I'm not a company no I'm an IND are you taking pictures on a private land is this NHS yes it is it's not private then is it well you need permission cuz you're taking pictures of the carart with people's registration number have you had permission to come on here yeah who buy me right okay can I take your details and let me find out if that's okay cuz really you're taking photos of property just that we didn't know photographing the electric points you're taking pictures of the electric points but you just T letters you've just T you've been taking pictures of the car can I just check what you're taking pictures for can I leave this with you can just check this is that right check what your pictures of of what you've taken on other SES can you check my pictures yeah just of what you've take an our site if just man just flip just having a do I have to show you well we like to this is an NHS site isn't it so if you're going to be displaying anything if if you've got car edges in or anything like that it's just you know it's our site no it's the people's site well come we check what what what you taking pict I'm not sure I'm allowed to I'm not sure I'm allowed to I've been appointed to take pictures who do you work for I work for myself but uh what all I'm asking is was what are you taking pictures of Anya just a question I'm not sure I could tell you was under client confidentiality so you're coming on an NHS site and taking pictures of the good I've been taking pictures of the whole whole estate oh so you're not you're not specifying this side taking picture the whole estate yeah all right okay so so you give not come just onto this site to set pictures of no so what what have you taking on this site same again I'm not sure if I could tell you what what do you mean you're not sure if you can tell me Well client confidentiality so who are you working for I'm not sure I can tell you that either I'm not sure what I'm not UNT sure what you're trying to do all right then uh who's been in there this morning then what's been in there right give me some of their details you want me to give you NHS stuff anybody give me your details you you can see it it's fine look at my details I'm what's your address my well that's like anyone I Jo to the street tell you but but he be calling on NHS site taking pictures where there could be people in it or yeah but it's publicly accessible consent don't you no you don't it's publicly accessible if you're taking pictures of people in in in on an NHS site what people who no that's that's I'm asking you if you can just show me that there's no people in the pictures that's fine like of of our staff oh no I can't do that well why can't you do that well if I show you the pictures and something gets leaked I might not get paid right okay right so if you were on our site now and you said that there's no issue of taking a picture if I was to take there is for you if I was to take a picture of R now but you would just in the background that's fine is it that's what I'm getting out no because you're governed by gdpr no no that's well you know what that is yeah I I know what gdpr is so it governs you right yeah you could get a Fame it doesn't govern me I'm an individual I'm not a company or an organization or a government body well I guess it's just a bit decency is it it just to say why you were here on site taking pictures you'll not sleep any better tonight if I tell you why if you don't have the decency that's fine that's that's no problem I no that's being derogatory no what it's a simple question what why you want I take a pictures I've just told the women I was taking pictures of the what I didn't even hear that the charge points that's all I took pictures off here oh on here yeah okay that's that's it that's so yeah right there's no need to be derogatory like I'm I'm not you said being decent you know it's no and what I said what I said was if did the decency just to tell us why you on S is this a hospital it isn't a hospital no no it's just staff officers all right okay uh I've got no issue is to be taking pictures it's if you're taking pictures of if if there's NHS staff in the pictures that that that's all un bothered about no no not unless there was one hiding underneath that car no there's no NHS St in the pictures and and did not sent or if you ask to to consensus to be in the pictures and you told them what it's for that's fine but if if you telling me there's no NHS St in them pictures not unless there's one hiding up a tree or something so what are you fre freelance photographer yeah yeah so I don't even know who the pictures are for oh I just get an email from you should you should let us know cuz we're always looking for fance photographers what the NHS yeah always nah always seriously them contracts will be well sold up no they're not I I ask people uh I working digital on the person who ask people pH photographers and videographers right work an organization as big as the NHS and they haven't got their own photographers have a photography orphy Department we just paid people thousands to take pictures of just stock footage and it takes them three days yeah oh well I might come back and see you you can give me your name i k phone yeah bet you can you should be a police officer you nice all have a good day see you later TR
Views: 29,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, dj audits, marti blagborough, focus pocus, auditing, auditor, pinac, photography is not a crime, uk audits, police audits, 1st amendment audits, english audits, united kingdom auditor, public auditing, industrial estate auditor, blackpool auditor, nightlife audits, business audits, photography audit, tresspass law, get back to work, photography law, ukmtt, reggie photo, FIGHTING GYPSYS BKB, Citizen journalism, street photography, Exposing tyranny
Id: CRUqum9ayTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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