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morning guys it is a bright and sunny Tuesday morning and I'm in Blackburn just stopped at a service station here guys and noticed this this a bit uh H we're an office block I don't know what it is there's nothing signage it's not often you'll see a fountain like that outside an office block guys usually outside Bookman Palace or a big fancy spa hotel or something in London yeah black one very nice oh no idea what this company is guys it's a nice uh [Music] Fountain I can help no thanks can I just why you filming the cars say again can I ask why you filming the cars why I'm filming cars car who said I'm filming cars we've just been watching you sorry with your phone that's all and from that you've concluded that I'm filming cars well I'm just asking a a perfectly reasonable question that you walking around with your phone filming what was I what was I taking a picture of when you come out then I'm I'm asking a perfectly reasonable question as to why you filming around where the cars are I'm not being aggressive I'm just asking if there's anything I can help with I'm not saying you're being aggressive I'm just telling you I'm not filming cars public interest no I was Tak picture of the fountain okay I thought it might have been a big fancy hotel or something when I seen the fountain but don't worry man you're well within your there's no signs or anything saying what it is that's all you're within your recording public anyway well it's just an office block is it so I'm telling you don't and see that you see that in London outside a big fancy hotel so oh D's wandered up to see what was what all right Paul cheers [Music] my taxi guys [Music] [Music]
Views: 7,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, dj audits, marti blagborough, focus pocus, auditing, auditor, pinac, photography is not a crime, uk audits, police audits, 1st amendment audits, english audits, united kingdom auditor, public auditing, industrial estate auditor, blackpool auditor, business audits, photography audit, tresspass law, get back to work, photography law, ukmtt, reggie photo, Citizen journalism, street photography, Exposing tyranny
Id: 2neEV6PaFEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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