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he guys this truck has just dropped its load of chickens to this s and a couple of days ago I went back to Spa in Preston to see how to have a chat and a coffee and a ketchup and in the Spar Services shell place right next door to The Spar Depot I noticed all these [Music] trucks uh just like that one parking up in a certain area for trucks and then they were opening all the canvas sides guys and uh turned out there was chickens in it and they were giving them uh fresh air and sunshine you okay what okay am I okay yeah why wouldn't I be okay I'm just asking you okay who are you huh who are you walk here so what you doing over here I'm just asking are you okay just asking K you okay you behal of who are you security for here why are you taking photos of the business you're security for there yeah yeah so what you doing over here I'm asking you what are you doing taking photos of the business I'm asking you what you're doing over here mate don't find it funny you don't find what funny you I don't find you funny get back to what can leave me alone uh no M I won't yes you will no I won't you will will I yeah you will oh says who you yeah don't think so me do you not no you want me to make you look stupid in front of your colleague do you oh go on then do you do whatever you need to do what you come with me do not take photos of this business what like that yeah why what are you going to do well I'll just report you I'm not I'm not going to be in trouble am I yeah just move on your camera will you get back to work you P your camera back to work move on with your camera I'm going nowhere pal are you not no all right then are you guys crazy has he been drinking has he been drinking why you been with Cameron why you taking photos of the I've been here not even 5 Seconds yeah I know but obviously it's not allowed it's a private business what's not allow it's not allowed taking photos what was I taking a photograph of no that's what we asking you that's what we asking but you haveen no right to ask no we have the right obviously it's our business it's our private if I was on your land you have the right to ask no no it's not land if you're taking a private photos obviously we have a right to ask you oh you can ask but I don't have to tell you jack [ __ ] that's what I'm that's what I'm asking that's what I'm asking you yeah I have I have a person outside my business which is a private business it's not your business you just work there sure I beg you pardon I beg you pardon yeah no no he's being aggressive as well I'm not being aggressive yeah I told him to move on he just told me to get back to [ __ ] work swearing but he's been telling me to get back to work and he said he he'll show me up in front of my colleague so I don't know what his threatening is going on about but that's threatening attitude and behavior toward me tell him as a man with a dangerous camera [Laughter] why are you not acting as crazy as him hey all I do is ask you what your business was here I'm not talking to you now you had your chance to be nice so beat it back to work why are you not acting as crazy as him there's no point you know being being like that exactly so why is he being like that you have no authority over here you can be polite if obviously we talking L pop lady has more Authority than you yeah can you still giving me abuse well leave me alone of the and I came over to [Laughter] ask oh he's crazy yeah don't forget to tell him how important you are yeah did you tell them that you're very important and to come in blues and twos can help you I've already told you no all right move on then you move on back to [Applause] work my friend was I being aggressive no yeah I've took a photograph of him he's got glasses on and shades but um he's taking photos so I'll drink place again scur guard on High Point talking that obviously I know him bit you know a bit crazy so my friend what do they do here do uh it's a chicken factory a chicken factory yeah he's getting that high over a chicken factory obviously it's a private business you know you can't obviously come and but I wish fil mean the truck coming out yeah yeah but obviously you can't do that obviously it's a private property obvious that's why we are here the truck's on a public road I know but that's what we are here obviously to make obviously things safe you know it's not like you can just come and obviously take pictures I'm a truck spotter I know but obviously it will come to us if anything goes wrong obviously it come to us that's why that's our no not here on the public no no no no that's nothing to do with you that's why I was not arguing with you I was not arguing with you I know that's a private Pro that's that's that's a government land obviously you this land belongs to you I know and me for everyone it's a citizen right obviously yeah but he's crazy he's been drinking I think he has a drink at lunchtime found in a place for a man cuz he's filming a truck a chicken factory what they grow chickens here no no they bring the chickens and everything there it's a process it's a a process company they bring the chickens and they do everything here and what do they do with the chickens they just just do everything there everything who's she is she here my friend no no no you're not allowed to do that no no no I already told you you're not allowed to do that you no no I've already told you I've told you yes but you're not allowed to do you I know but obviously I'm I'm being requesting you to be yeah well I'm declining your offer you know but you can't you know you you have no Authority on the public payment know but you can't just take private bu if you impede me from doing my job and walking impeding you I'm requesting then that's a criminal offense I know I'm requesting you but I'm decl I'm not stopping you but come on I've got to get a picture of him look how angry he is yeah I know but he made me laugh with his lies to the police why would he tell lies to the police that I'm being aggressive hey why would he do that it's a chicken factory I think I'll go over that side now cuz that's still a public payment over there isn't it what I'm saying you you got your ride obviously I'm just requesting your can't stop you obvious is that one of the bosses yeah that's the board of director yeah all right well I'm going to put a complaint in about him yeah you can excuse me excuse me excuse me love excuse me boss what's the complaint procedure about this man you want a bet yeah isn't one you will be judged I will I you will fair enough what's the complaint procedure about this man ACC costing me on a public pavement where he has no jurisdiction I see the bosses are as DED as you [Music] what is your formal complaint procedure about that man's behavior um it's probably on the website is it yes you need to really think about what sort of people you're employing a security because here we've got both ends of the spectrum this gentleman has acted 100% professional as a security guard from a private company should do on a public payment where they have no Authority Zero Authority he's acted like he was a policeman even a policeman couldn't do what he has just attempted to do to me okay yeah it's not acceptable for a big company like this to employ idiots like that so you're more than welcome toise and he thinks it's funny flippant attitude in front of his boss he needs seriously retraining seriously before he causes a big problem for your company if you'd like to raise complaint we've got all the details on our please I've raised it with you okay yeah I don't it was recorded I'll if you give me your email I'll send you the footage it's on the website and you can use it to retrain your staff on how not to behave in public we're more than happy to look to any complaints whatsoever are you going to give me your email or your name it's my name is Vanessa but I'm not an employee of before you don't work here I was coming to my car to get a file ah so I thought you were the boss no I was coming to my car to get a file and you're sorting the problem out and you don't even work here very happy to find out what's going he's found the police he's come over demanding I do this I do that fingers telling me what to do and then he goes and Rings the police on me for doing what I'm I'm sure they have a complaints procedure on the i' suggest going there I can't will you recommend to the the owners here that that gentleman security guard there should be in charge I will let them know that there's been in and I'll tell them what SE 100% you know as it should be right thank you but the other one what a nice lady she doesn't even up there and she's coming over and sorting the problem out wow 5 Seconds it was here guys and they were straight over what an attitude on that one guys eh what an attitude what is it look no no names on the business guys this guy here good guy right I'll pick this up guys if uh please turn up look at this come here come here where's the other guy the other guy oh is he going home give him this yeah from me is he H put that in the office for him for me I got them from the place next door cuz he was a nice chat treated me friendly respectful give that to him wor he's not getting one him he's a bad man no worries okay my friend thank you all right you all right I'm all right no chocolate for you boyo oh my favorite as well why thank you no chocolate for you you should have been nicer give me chocolate thank you Santa Claus not like me thank you there you go just ass show him a nice guy thank you very much mate yeah I didn't mean nothing by you it's just that it's a private business yes I know you've got a job to do but your job ends at that gate I understand that you do now you do now it's my concern public property taking photos of a private business it's allowed it's not not without permission it is it's not my friend this is my job I do this every day I'm not going to tell you how to secure the is you can't tell me the law out here and know inside out yeah quick example yeah of the law if you could see it with your eyes you can photograph it but you need permission is private no property business no is if I go on your property I need permission no I know yeah you need to do that if you going on the property but not from public trust me Google it you got a phone Google it but and it's a chicken factory I know yeah if it was Fort Knox where they stored the gold I can understand but a chicken factory see you later don't you eat his chocolate that's for the security guard so next time just be careful how you're approaching 40 milligram in CBD yeah it's a new one that they're they're making really yeah mil CBD chocolate it's kind of come on you like get the brazili oil you like a puff you like a puff I can tell I can see it in your eyes I and this one this one I think he likes the Vodka yeah so I've gave away all my chocolates now so what do I get free from here free he just took me in and gave me a CH in the building nothing we don't get anything we don't even get chicken yeah we don't get anything from here so what is this here slaughter house is it yeah ah right ah so I'm guessing you've probably had protesters over the years have you animal wa you animal rights people in that we've just started obviously obviously the smells and wag like when it get like this yeah how many chickens just come out of that truck then probably around about near 5,000 4,600 it depends on the depends on the size of the chicken the small ones I think they get about 8,000 I only know all this cuz I was speaking to one of them truckers a couple of days ago in Preston Somewhere Over by The Spar place it's a stop off place or something they starting early yeah yeah they're starting early here is them ones this place oh ladies of the night yes well ladies of the day and night they don't [ __ ] matter anymore right so this is the area for it is it all down here everywhere here we're shifting in the morning man we you like some bus no you're right okay so what what was that the police did they just drive past they didn't ring them did you not because it's not the first time they've just sted up seing it's me and then just keep going want some business right I'm going are you his boss oh no no he just just do the normal security the boss never says he the boss does he you know yeah yeah yeah yeah and I should really be nice to you but it's nice to be nice yeah of course right what's your name Dev mark I might see you again might do see you later enjoy the chocolate CBD chocolate guys and we're on I don't know what it is is it Fletcher Road don't know another one coming out apparently guys I got told by one of the truck drivers that they process around 180,000 chickens a week here
Views: 18,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, dj audits, marti blagborough, focus pocus, auditing, auditor, pinac, photography is not a crime, uk audits, police audits, 1st amendment audits, english audits, united kingdom auditor, public auditing, industrial estate auditor, blackpool auditor, business audits, photography audit, tresspass law, get back to work, photography law, ukmtt, reggie photo, Citizen journalism, street photography, Exposing tyranny
Id: 6toIOnZ5jm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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