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[Applause] is everything right you speak to me hello hello hello hello can I just ask why you're taking pictures and videos this is a cob swabbing area mate not really meant to be doing that around here it's just a matter of privacy you're assuming a lot here aren't you sorry no it's not the case of assuming a lot I've just been asked by our operatives in there for you not to do that do what but taking pictures and and so you're assuming I'm taking pictures what you doing then what I'm doing is my business what are you doing I'm actually checking people in for patience right well go back to your job then no no I've just been asked for you to stop that right well I'm asking you to stop annoying me and go back to your work no that's not very nice I going to make a report oh not a report now I'm going to take you a picture do I get a copy of this report idiot hello Mr nosy do I get a copy of this report there you go guys I'm rude cuz I didn't comply do as he says instantly dear or dear where do they get these people from where do they get these people from guys I'm in trouble he's going to put in a report against me guys [Music] [Applause] 1856 all that stuff has been chucked in the bin guys could have been recycled he no because they're a a Big Rich multi-million pound organization they just throw it in this Skip and get new stuff left SE take office what I'm curious about guys is I've just noticed here now another NHS now why when we've got all these hospitals yeah why are we as taxpayers paying cuz presumably this is owned by the Blackpool football club this here but it'll be leased by the NHS which means we're paying for it the taxpayers why are we leas buildings from Rich organizations hey guys why is that I think I might have something to do with corruption guys see black pool in the F College is that on by the council the people I don't know I have to do a bit of research there guys but it seems we've got a big multi-million pound organization here Blackpool football club and we all know they are corrupt because a lot of the uh Champions League or whatever it was it won they won some years back where they got supposedly 90 million pound I don't know much about football I don't give a about football so you'll not get me doing any Research into it but quite a few millions of that money went missing so there's corruption at this club at high level right up to the top which means there's corruption in the council yeah cuz they're putting taxpayers money into the pockets of these corrupt people that own Blackpool football [Applause] club so y away guys I relas private buildings and private organizations the rent they're paying there for that would probably build a new hospital somewhere and it would be fully owned by the people hey corruption guys corruption I've still not seen any signage to say this is a CO testing station so this guy here whatever he is stops doing his job comes over interrupts me his tone gets a bit High rate because I don't comply instantly and he says I'm rude was it and he's going to put in a report about me so who's the rude one there guys who's the rude one there oh is that place or what oh yeah there's a s now same C test and driveth through it's a bit more discreet than all the other big yellow signs that they put everywhere on the roads and Pavements de
Views: 6,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, dj audits, marti blagborough, focus pocus, auditing, auditor, pinac, photography is not a crime, uk audits, police audits, 1st amendment audits, english audits, united kingdom auditor, public auditing, industrial estate auditor, blackpool auditor, business audits, photography audit, tresspass law, get back to work, photography law, ukmtt, reggie photo, Citizen journalism, street photography, Exposing tyranny
Id: _PiCDouNbLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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