I MUST MAKE IT - David Goggins Motivational Speech

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most people live their whole lives without ever contemplating what it means to be great to them greatness looks like Steve Curry Raphael Nadal Tony Morrison Wolf Gang amadas Mozart or Amelia earheart they put all the greats on a pedestal but think of themselves as mere mortals and that's exactly why greatness eludes them they turn it into some Untouchable plane impossible for almost anybody to reach and it never even crosses their mind to aim for it no matter matter what I'm doing or which Arena I'm engaging in I will always aim for greatness because I know that we are all mere mortals and greatness is possible for anyone and everyone if they are willing to seek it out in their own soul in golish terms greatness is a state of letting go of all your faults and Imperfections Scavenging every last bit of strength and energy and putting it to to use to excel at whatever you set your mind to even if some motherucker out there told you was impossible it is a feeling pursued by those rare Souls willing to extend themselves Beyond Reason and pay the cost in the late 1950s Captain Joseph kinger was a pilot in the Air Force tapped for experimental Aviation and skydiving Duty in New Mexico he wasn't a household name in fact hardly anybody knew the first thing about him until August 16 1960 when he dawned a red duct tape pressure suit and boarded an open-sided Gondola Tethered to an onion-shaped helium balloon he flew that rig nearly 20 mi High until he reached the thin atmospheric line where everything goes from Blue to Black he traveled to a place where the Horizon did not exist he was above and beyond all previously known limitations suspended at 102,800 FT he unclipped his harness and stepped into space his Free Fall lasted nearly 5 minutes his maximum velocity was 614 mph he plummeted over 880,000 vertical feet before his primary chew opened this was no Red Bull sponsored party it wasn't a television show kinger wasn't an Entertainer he was an Explorer a seeker of a new realm for the world his flight and his jump helped make man's space flight possible and also for himself I don't jump to Earth from outer space but I know that atmospheric line between blue and black it is the glimmer of greatness that runs right through the human soul we all have it most of us will never see it because to get there requires a willingness to extend yourself to the Limit without any guarantee of success then again success is just another mile marker on the journey Landing the jump and walking away while lighting a cigarette as if it were a typical day on the job made kiding her look cool but it didn't make him great his willingness to do it in the first place knowing that the chances of failure were high and everything it cost him made him great it wasn't a stunt to Garner fame or publicity it was merely an attempt to see what was humanly possible just as words can be redefined never doubt that we can redefine ourselves it can feel impossible at times because we live in a world filled with arbitrary boundaries and fixed social lines that are as thick as the walls around a fortress worse we allow those walls to limit Us in too many ways the brainwashing starts early and it starts at home the people we grow up with and the environments we grow up in Define who we think we are and what we think life is all about when you're young you can only know what you see and if all you are ever exposed to are lazy people content with mediocrity or who convince you of your own worthlessness greatness will remain a fantasy if you live in the ghetto or in a dying industrial or farming town where buildings are boarded up addiction runs rampant and the schools are a mess that will factor into the possibilities others Envision for you and you envision for yourself but even privileged people can feel Shackled by their circumstances the vast majority of parents don't know what greatness looks like so they are ill equipped and afraid to encourage Big Dreams they want their children to have security and don't want them to experience failure that's how limited Horizons get passed down from generation to generation should we really be surprised that almost everybody has a knack for twisting their story to work against themselves I hear it all the time privileged kids say I have too much so I cannot develop the skills that you have the the kid that came from nothing will tell me I don't have enough therefore I cannot develop the skills that you have no matter where someone is in life they never fail to confess why they can't get where they need to go the minute they open their mouths I see how limited their Horizons are and their soab stories come with the expectation that I will deliver a become great package to their front door but that's not how it works to this day say it is for me to become better mentally how I look has just become a like I have thousands thousands hundreds of thousands of miles on this body running pull-ups push-ups swimming whatever you want to call it this body is what it is now it's from repetition it's not from studying you know hey if you hold your plank for this long go that bu I I don't care about it I just do it for my mind right I want to continue to harden cuz that's the only thing I want that's what I want I want to have that mind ready for life if I had to choose one pervasive mentality in today's culture that I would deem the most dangerous I would select the victim mentality playing the role of the victim means pointing the finger at someone or something outside yourself for things that are going wrong in your own life this has to do with something called your Locust of control someone who has an internal Locust of control believes that he or she can influence events and their outcomes but someone with an external Locust of control blames outside forces other people circumstances or even fate for everything everywhere I look in today's society it seems that more and more people have an external Locust of control for example if someone is having trouble getting a job and they blame it on the current political or economic landscape they are demonstrating an external Locust of control or if they often catch colds and blame them on their co-workers or germ riddle work environment that's an external Locust of control mindset another one is when someone is constantly in debt and they blame inflation or the High Cost of Living rather than taking responsibility for their own Financial Planning and budgeting if someone goes through a divorce or bad breakup and is still in pain 5 years later and blaming it on the ex that's an external Locust of control essentially we are choosing to have an external Locust of control anytime that we are pointing the finger away from ourselves for anything going on in our life here's the problem with this kind of thinking it takes away your power by playing the blame game you're effectively throwing up your hands and saying well I'm a victim and there's not a damn thing I can do about it the moment you blame someone else for something you're feeling or experiencing is the moment that you give up your power by giving your power away you are making a decision to effectively let life happen to you you are refusing to take responsibility for your own life as you might imagine that can be a very destructive pattern to set in in order to stay connected with our best self we need to always take responsibility for what happens in our life we need to find a way to have control even in moments where it just seems like the world is out to get us sure bad things happen that are outside of our control but here's the key we are 100% in control of our reactions to those things we can choose to spiral into depression anxiety anger resentment or frustration and and just pull the covers back over our head or we can choose to react in a way that benefits us and those around us if we fail a test we can analyze what went wrong and study in a more effective way before taking it again if we keep catching a cold we can learn about how to boost our immunity and overall health the list goes on and on but the bottom line is that we have a choice blame someone or something else that we can't control or find a way we can take responsibility and change what we're doing so we can change the outcome you have to remind yourself we all have a story we've all all of us have gone through very hard times but when we're when we're in a hard time our mind has a way of forgetting what all we've overcome I have a way of taking one second when I want to quit and saying okay you endured this so I look at my life and how I came up as the ultimate training ground versus most people look at it as why woe is me God why why I had to flip this upside down and say hang on a second God was training me to be one of the baddest men on the planet Earth that's how he this was this was my journey because those things beat me but they didn't kill me and I was able to work around him and figure out ways through it so when I was in the worst time of my life in hell week I looked at everybody and said I'm the most trained person here I've gone through more mental torture than any of you I can even fathom so I'm looking at the baddest people on the planet I'm looking at him like this you guys can't hold a stick so I started looking at versus like I don't belong here versus like I might be the bad person ever come here who could have pulled this off who could have been given a sewer to live in in their mind and say okay at Birth I'm going to put you in the worst place on the planet Earth and let me see if you you can go to the top of the mountain with nothing but just hard work grit and figuring it out and not putting yourself back in the dungeon every time something got hard so that's what became my daily voice was you really are the baddest person on the planet identity is a trap that will keep you in blinders if you let it sometimes identity is what we are saddled with by Society other times is a category we claim it can be empowering to associate yourself with a particular culture group job or lifestyle but it can also be limiting if you stick with your own too closely you will be susceptible to group think and you may never learn who you really are or what you can accomplish I know people who are so obsessed with Landing a specific job that once they settled into that role they clip their own Wings they never moved on or attempted to try anything new and that blocked them from evolving and developing new skills sometimes we are misled by others who categorize US based on what they perceive as our identity when I met with Navy recruiters several tried to steer me away from SEAL training and into a different opportunity because I didn't fit the mold I was overweight my ASVAB scores were low and there was my skin color remember I was only the 36 black Navy SEAL the recruiters weren't trying to hurt me and I don't believe they were racist they honestly thought they were helping me by Pres any more realistic options usually however we mislead ourselves those of us who are struggling with our selfworth like I was as a child often build identities around the very things that haunt us the most not because we want to but because subconsciously we are convinced that is how everyone else sees us you cannot allow what someone else may or may not think about you you or the issues you're dealing with to stop your progress my environment and my history made me over anxious and stressed out the color of my skin made me a Mark I was prejudged and vulnerable at almost every turn and it was my job to defy all of that no matter how troubled or hopeless or sheltered your environment is it is your job your obligation your duty and your responsibility to yourself to find the blue tobl line that glimmer buried in your soul and seek greatness nobody can show you that glimmer you must do the work to discover it on your own there are no prerequisites to becoming great you could be raised by a pack of wolves you could be homeless and illiterate at 30 years old and graduate from Harvard at 40 you could be one of the most accomplished mother in the country and still be hungrier and work harder than everybody else you know is you attempt to conquer a new field and it all starts with a commitment to looking beyond your Known World beyond your street town State or nationality Beyond culture and identity only then can true self-exploration begin after that comes the real work fighting those demons every morning and all day long is maddening because they only ever want to break you down they don't encourage you or make you feel feel good about yourself or your long odds as you fight through all the toxic mold and crust that is Self haate Doubt and loneliness they want to limit you they want you to surrender and Retreat back to what you know they want you to quit before you get to pliability where the sacrifice hard work and isolation that felt so heavy for so long become your Haven where after struggling to visualize greatness for years it is effortless that's when momentum will gather like an updraft and send you airborne and spiraling toward the outer limits of your known world it's time to level up and seek out that blue to black line the line that separates good from great it is within each one of us
Channel: Mind Motivation Coaching
Views: 55,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i must make it, david goggins motivational speech, david goggins, david goggins motivation, podcast with david goggins, interview with david goggins, david goggins workout routines, david goggins motivation with music, david goggins workout motivation, compilation of david goggins, motivational video david goggins, best david goggins motivation, david goggins most recent, david goggins motivation playlist, david goggins best speech ever
Id: mPpXAojc8T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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