I Murdered A PLANET To be FILTHY RICH in Outpost

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ever Great Adventure Starts with Landing my spaceship just so I can come kill the residents of this world for fun hello Mr Snake guy Goodbye Mr Snake guy oh and I get a new perk enemy killed by Bullet add damage for gun and sniper I'll take it what that means I don't know but I can upgrade my gun speed too which unlock my damage will I do one damage per bullet now and I've killed two enemies but now it's 0.20 plus all right we'll just get more speed then it's starting to sound like with every enemy I kill I do slightly more gun damage so now it's 0.80 give myself some more damage some more range I'm kind of liking where this is going more gun damage more speed and all these guys are burrowing underground that's so cheat they popped up shoot him oh I deal four damage to him my God that's good more speed then every round I survive I get a little Diamond so I can get some more upgrades in the future so I want to survive ideally for as long as I possibly can and I'm on track if I keep killing things at this rate let's get some more range out here it helps to be able to shoot them before they even get close more range again and again wow that's expanded out a lot and I can like foreshot most things except for the Giant Octopus what is this guy dead that's the answer and it's perk time each time I pick a relic get a random treasure box thank you for damage more speed and a free Treasure Chest which gave me some more stuff there's a couple of them there oh yeah I'm starting to think I got extremely good starting perks more speed more damage more range this is a lot of people approaching the base oh they have projectiles now that's not really too good for me well we've learned at wave 10 things get rough but we can unlock lightning now as well as by default increasing gun speed damage and range and default increasing my lightning speed what perk should I get add bullet damage 40 more yes please exactly does the lightning work well it kind of just gives him a little shock I guess that makes sense fitting to the name and it's perk time already give me AI learning then hopefully this time I can get a little further than wave 10 and let's increase my lightning damage up just a little bit because it hits every enemy in its radius so maybe increasing the length of it probably a good idea give them the good zap you gotta increase my gun's firing speed also please oh things are hurting more gun range then that help out a little bit more sort of more gun speed my base is kind of hurting and I'm a little scared I'll be honest it's fine hang in there we can beat the squid guy and he was one shot away well here more bass life and I think I'm just gonna focus on my gun for a bit the Lightning's good and all but whenever enemies have 400 HP well sometimes it doesn't work out ooh treasure sweet for the first start I figured I could just increase my gun speed to like half of what its Max is seems to be working out a little better more damage and damage again what do you know I'm in a much better State than last time and I get another perk fun turn coins to Diamonds when this Ram's over sweet thanks we must sell some more gun speed and now I want to increase my lightning damage because here comes a lot of people who I think stand in the lightning radius okay all right well increase mining speed and just default gun damage it's 10 more damage are all weapons activated sweet considering how good my gun is I'll start I can probably fly through these rounds relatively easy incubation and seven waves I want to know what that is so badly and oh here come the burrowing guys again this is fine I Believe in Us we can hang in here oh I got a new perk add Max life for the base sweet increase gun speed and damage how's he doing there good oh giant chest Now launch that gave me a crap ton of diamonds get the gold robot and then the diamond robot now what's my mining operation look like oh a robot brings me gold and one brings me diamonds sweet that's gonna add up pretty quick and enemy dead will spawn a bomb yes thank you done full life percent enemies and deal more damage that's also huge keeping enemies from getting to my base kind of a major help when I'm trying to survive I'm also trying something out where I increase the length of the lightning for a bit doesn't really seem to be the right approach though oh a new perk on transfers sweet get out of here because I think what I can do is start upgrading my regular gun to just kind of be a little better overall now I'm not even really sure I need to upgrade them for a while get coins for each weapon I have uh thanks I just got 20 coins dropped on my head cool increased damage increase length and it's part time again all upgrades get a 50 discount before this wave is over okay uh buy more lightning speed and damage and length now this entire middle area should just zap them at least twice which should help thin well the fodder and then I can just focus on increasing my regular gun damage and speed for a second and we might be able to break level 10 now might being the key phrase at least I do need to increase the lightning speed some more after the speed the faster the hits the less my gun has to do and I got another perk each time relaxer refresh get diamonds yeah that sounds pretty nice all right more lightning length more gun damage also and now they're just standing in my lightning hits yes oh I'm a genius wave 10 beaten any more lightning damage and give me more gun speed twice the range people die eventually the close ones not so much people might be able to survive round 12 though this is a lot of people rushing at me a little bit at least half of them are dead though oh yes that was fine increase gun speed and damage again then pushing our luck to Lucky wave 13 but I have hope there's a lot of things attacking my base at once please there was just one guy that's all right I can start upgrading life restore and getting basic lightning damage down that's important because after I get my tax return I can just start upgrading lightning length immediately oh this process is going smoothly and I love upgrades another perk run all enemies when attacked that sounds fun adds 20 speed for all weapons wow yes thanks and more gun speed then too how's this look now little squiggly weirdos take a lot of damage that's what I like to see then I feel like I can probably take care of this big wave again with somewhat ease I lost like a third of my health but that is fine two upgrades go into lightning a few more upgrades going to my gun turret with speed and damage and I can probably make it through this wave alive I guess probably is really the key factor there and I did more speed and more damage to my gun let's risk wave 13 again how are we doing hanging in there yes just a couple of Tweety idiots who are dead now with my crystals I can add a second gold robot as well as a third Diamond robot so now after every round it's as simple as three diamond into gold for free electric damage has a chance to paralyze a Monster yeah that works for me too in an energy Shield yep take that ooh another perk giveaway free Treasure Chest thank you and now thanks to the paralyzing perk if I just increased the speed and length a bunch of this lightning field well most of the time things don't get close but that time they decimated me that's all right I can just get more max space life and more life restore and now we should be able to make it to wave 15 especially when I get bullet damage I'm taking a bit of a different approach this time and dumping into range and hopefully that'll work out a little better chance to paralyze monster I'll take that more damage also the thought process here is maybe if I can kill them before they even get close I won't need to paralyze anything although I don't really know how well that worked in comparison but I did just get a lot more damage and I survived wave 11. oh thank you come on hang in there DS okay I have no HP left time to launch hey what now there's 12 levels of upgrade for everything so I can get range to be perfectly in the middle along with damage and speeds just a little bit shorter but after one quick run I'm sure I can make up the difference fire damage I don't have anything that does that so I'll just have to take Hammer but you know I accept and then AI learning okay this is going to be a really good run I don't really need to focus on damage that much anymore I can start Speed dumping oh yeah and range of course and then I got another perk get a coin for each weapon I have wheat thank you that's enough to get speed up to four oh yeah it's like a magic eraser just uh not a fast enough one it looks like all right just dump damage then surprising how effective that is wave 13 big old mess of enemies now did I overestimate my gun no I did not he dealt with that pretty clearly let's try wave 14 out looks like I'm hanging in there sweet another perk refresh I don't have any of those things that work give away random Treasure Chest I will be taking that thank you I can increase my lightning speed length so hopefully that helps keep these guys down oh yeah it puts them like half HP in that case this hold on to my gun for a second there is suddenly a lot more enemies approaching my base thankfully they're getting lightning to decent amount keep murdering them you got it oh hey I can buy this count thing I just got another gun oh well that's good increase lightning speed a bunch then again there's that paralysis chance so if it keeps them stationary I'll take an in lightning length and damage my gun's damage just keeps kind of getting better and better so you know no complaints there really what are these little red guys now I'm not sure but it's another perk time at attack speed when attacking with a gun okay I mean that works for me I'd love using my guns to kill things especially when they don't even get close like that more lightning speed or well it's Max now that is a lot of freeze apps might as well go gun range Max too tell you what I just kind of want to max out both these oh no they're burrowing okay do the red enemies do more damage liked by a ton it doesn't appear to be so I'll take it more Base gun damage then also it looks like with every kill and bullet my speed keeps increasing on the guns like per round like we start at 4.3 and then it just keeps going up so let's increase their speed and they start firing very fast eventually it's 20 damage for all electrical damage yes thank you more gun damage and we're maxed there oh yeah this is nice there's so many enemies increase the length of my Lightning by a bunch and okay so much like Icarus flew a little too close to the Sun but we did reach way back to the Mothership I've got 40 gems for free which means I can increase the mining speed and add another little Diamond robot on Full Life enemies adds 100 more damage yes another AI learning what a gift especially to get is my first perk and then golden bullet wow all right this could be another pretty insane run and I was right 64 crystals banked meaning I can increase the mineral value and if I get that up to 1.6 well it should start adding up and I can also just increase my base lighting length and base gun speed now I've made it to wave 16 which means wave 17 is going to have this big ugly free so I'll just increase my damage a bunch and then buy the Catapult which seemed to immediately murder that guy and add insurance I guess I'm not sure what that'll do but I'll take it and now that I have two guns and a bunch of range these next few waves should be pretty cake supercharger too I'd say after this wave let's get out of here what is a lot of diamonds in the bank which means I can just start with my second gun now and I can unlock the missile what that does I don't know but isn't it about to be fun to find out two guns a missile a Tesla turret I'm getting the feeling that I'll be all right Wow real selective options here huh game all right energy Shield boo chance to paralyze too I'll take that get coins for every weapon I have sweet they gave me a free 55 meaning I can upgrade my lightning range to be gigantic and then just get a couple speeds in there that should take care of most wave-based enemies oh well these big guys is what I mean yeah well here have some more speed heavy looking deadly that's what we like to see and I can just crank my gun range out to be Max now I've got two of them after all oh what other perk that's two view range what is what does that mean oh my gosh look at how large my lightning zone is this is kind of insane now just crank my speed to Max then too it's looking good all right Frank damage to Max onto the Boss Wave but we're feeling pretty good with it it's just a laser beam on him sweet onto the red enemies had five diamonds or 25 more damage or I could refresh maybe I'll get something good one mushroom bomb around the base okay I just kind of want to see that get used just need someone to walk into it oh there's one okay yeah that was effective I enjoyed that and now if I can just survive this wave and save my money for just a little bit oh well maybe it's survived this wave actually I can add on a third gun that just feels nice now we're getting like little mini boss freaks who are dead and another perk that's 10 damage for each weapon I have all right well I do 50 more damage on every weapon now and increase my missile speed please well look at all that lightning damage that's constantly going but the ranged enemy so no I reached wave 27 but we did not beat it am I able to get two minds per run now deposit one in deposit two in yes I am oh I'm about to be swimming in resources because I can add an extra gun and it's not even round 10 yet oh 10 more weapon damage cool that's 200 more total now gonna increase my lightning speed and day twice as that should take care of most mobs no not Minecraft something tells me I'm gonna make it further than I ever have anchor again kill enemies life present below some value so now enemies just have 40 percent less Health basically and then they just die that's nowhere near fair and I love it look at this okay it makes that lightning damage too on my big gun stats maxed out I don't really need lightning link to go up anymore AI learning might as well take that one too sure thanks just free damage on top of mass murder what's not to love oh and then they get in close and immediately die all right what insane look I just got five percent more weapon damage for you try like I have too thanks add in the fourth gun I think I can get to round 40 now I mean I just now took damage for the first time in a while just watching everyone die my gun is fully maxed here might as well switch over to the lightning category I wonder if I can just refresh add another weapon sure might as well Lightning's maxed now I can only upgrade my missile which is fine there you go more missile speed more missile damage that's a lot of creatures on my screen at once good thing there's not any more more missile radius oh and I could just add more missiles I see what is that scary skeleton guy well dead is the answer add more missile speed a bunch of it scary spiders no sorry there's nothing on my screen there's links are playing though guys what perk now more bullet damage yes increase the missile radius increased missile damage I don't know what these creatures are and they're very scary to look at all I know is I'm still alive hooray for 40 less Health it'd be crazy if I could just manage to get that perk again oh maybe I should just get partner instead that should be like an extra 200 weapon damage to everything now this seems fair to me buy another missile dude these guys are freaky to look at I want to see where did those guys come from this dropped in out of nowhere that was horrifying oh and they did it again all right good thing I'm hanging in there kill him kill the porcupines we got it more radius ooh another perk refresh refresh refresh again maybe I can ooh more gun speed yes I do enjoy me some good old gun speed and clearly the monsters do as well hello friends and goodbye they seem like nice people just not ones I ever need to get in contact with murdered oh did I actually managed to make it to a whole wave cycle wave 50 here we are everything's still dying sweet 20 more damage to far enemies I'll take that one too what is this run it's insane and these enemies actually have a crap ton of Health all of this sudden and another missile oh no they're burrowing oh no will I actually be able to survive this hang on I went down to half speed let's launch Wave 57 a thousand gems in the bank I think we can call that one a pretty productive day
Channel: ImCade
Views: 65,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, outpost, imcade outpost, outpost imcade, tower defense, best tower defense, imcade tower defense
Id: 29jWv6yOO88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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