I Evolved My Sharks To INSANE LEVELS in HoloCure

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so I'm a little shark with a trident whose job is to just murder these weird little fish things Miss galgara is gonna guide me today as I pick my fun little upgrades and murder everyone normal anvils can be used twice that's amazing anvils are used to upgrade my other items oh I'm off to a great start to just murder everything in existence or they're gonna beat my teeth in and I'll be sad what is it he's got like got a little disco Groove going on this little skeleton Got ourselves another level up weapon enhancements increased damage by 2.5 I feel like I should just upgrade blacksmithing gear before I get anything okay these skeletons actually take a lot of hits to murder now maybe I do just need to focus on getting other weapons back you headband wearing fans leave me and my comfortable outfit alone chickens give me yes my next upgrade 15% chance to negate one hit that sounds pretty insane considering I can level things up so that'll probably be like a 30 chance to ignore damage eventually and now we're looking at another upgrade just increasing my damage by 20% honestly sounds like it'd be pretty good I'm doing 22 per hit now it looks like okay these guys are closing in there's not really an escape do I just die immediately oh no they disappeared all right a lot of enemies on the screen it's time for mega shark mode a giant shark just pops up eats everyone and then I go Super Saiyan God it looks like that is one big lizard over there hey buddy can I interest you in getting poked in both eye sockets it sounds like it would be nice just die for me so I can get your stuff okay this guy's got way too much health really wishing I would have saved that shark wait it's almost built up just stay back for a second oh no I killed him and I got a holozon box giving me a sweet amount of gold and a free item making my Trident even better yep I'll take you thank you what is this a vending machine no wait throw a glow stick yeah I want that too oh it's weapon mods now my attacks have a 20% chance to slow targets and deal 30% weapon damage yep that's insane put that on there thank you it looks like the more little guys I kill next to each other also the little upgrade tokens appear what is this thing what is this well hang on I've got an upgrade power of Atlantis every 10 seconds create a Whirlpool that draws in targets that's insane CC abilities are the best things in all games oh I found another stamp increase attack size yeah I'll take it can I okay I murdered him what did he give me attacks have a three percent chance to hit Hollow coins out I mean sure coins sound like they're gonna be pretty important in all of this oh okay hello everything just yep we're sharking we're sharking now I don't want to die here why does this oh that was one of those waves that disappeared I thought I was just being mobbed that's fine hang in there galgara we'll get through this more headphone negation at the end of all this I still have to face a giant boss and things just keep getting harder like every 20 seconds I'm still not upgrading fast enough and that's what's scary that and deep open oceans that is all right I mean I'll just take more blacksmithing gear I think I don't know what the max level of stuff is but I've yet to see an anvil so I might as well make it really good whenever I get there and that's a mini boss tell you what shark mode this is good just hit it ah why are there chickens running after me stop it everyone go away oh these guys not disappearing okay that was just a real mob that time I get too comfortable in my ideas and all of a sudden I get blindsided time to keep up with the times old man all my headphones just saved me right there there's so many oh cheeseburger yes free health okay oh no more enemies this is bad I'm getting surrounded so badly have health Oh no just let me get to the Box oh more things I just took an extra little glow stick for more stuff and I got another box here that's more Trident damage yep I'll take that man I got another level up wow I think my skills are all independent of the six weapons and armor I'm allowed so I'll just pick up my other skill that weakens enemies the more I hit him which now that I think about it gonna be very helpful cause I have to hit these guys a lot excuse me I want the mystical rainbow orb in there with everyone mind just leaving all right we're going shark mode more Trident thrust level up oh I'm I'm absorbing everything that I've made okay we'll upgrade my Whirlpool and then upgrade my glow stick again well that does make me feel a little bit more comfortable I can't even lie okay there's a lot of enemies right there I'm being bullied all my upgrades were for naught oh there's another disco ball here thrust three times absolutely thank you well I've just tripled my attack and now my attack range is uh pretty much one side of the screen this trident is just gonna pierce the heavens I think and no the skeletons have bats now where did they get those who's supplying them with weapons oh another skill 15 Dodge after an attack yep I'll take it the goal here is to stay alive after all and get this mini boss out of my existence punch him punch him in his face he's not dying please pretty pretty please murder him dude I love these whirlpools they just absorb everybody yes get it gain a shield that absorbs damage sounds extremely helpful and another little holozon box with spider cooking that sounds very gross oh but it's just dealing slow damage to targets inside it's AOE pain and I love it oh what is this detective alligator doing here no the last time a sentient detective animal came after me I was in jail for three years so let me get this hit negation at 25% it's just a one in four chance that's crazy and we'll just keep moving around thank you shark mode for making me attack faster and move faster I do love you friend that's a lot of angry lizards in a circle oh my Whirlpool opens up a little gap for me that's so nice the whirlpool is now my new favorite ability it is just the ultimate no one hit me everyone stay over there while I punch you with Trident Spears and what's not to love about that back back I say oh a box there was healing and little coins inside did that level me up at all no well I'm getting there almost please I'm so close to being level 22 what is this shoot at a powerful horizontal laser beam that sounds sweet it's important to have weapons that work even when I'm not looking at things and I've only got one weapon slot left oh I gotta make sure my last one's at least cool heck oh there's a mini boss too oh God it's a giant skeleton with a giant bat is that even a bat who makes bats that large does the attack on Titan Universe have a baseball team I just don't know about die stay in the whirlpools yes okay a lot of skeletons with riot shields what oh my gosh just keep running just keep running that's find the open Gap okay when do you guys stop spawning this year just keep getting closer huh this is oh Whirlpool yes consume them what did I do to make everyone this mad I'm just a cute little guy in a shark outfit and why are these chickens angry I have so many questions in this world provides me with no answers very similar to real life huh I think to 10 minute marks coming up though which concerns me because the boss appears at 20 is there gonna be like a mega mini boss at 10 can these chickens calm down actually wait keep running that's just a bunch of free experience and I love it I still have yet to see an anvil though but looks like this item helps with that hello credit card now I've got a higher chance of them appearing anytime game just go ahead still got nothing all right still descending absolute wave after wave at me lovely glad some things never change man oh yes it's a rainbow thing give me all of these however Atlantis level three absolutely that skill has saved my life so much more Dodge chance absolutely giant cat who shoots laser beams that can't be good does it only shoot them horizontal though do I just have to stay above it okay well the laser beam is gigantic so that's concerning that's fine just stay on top of it ignore these Rushing crocodiles this is just my brain's getting overloaded I need three brains to process everything that's happening right now but I got him in the whirlpools yes cats notoriously hate water it worked get out of here I want his corpse ooh credit card upgrade level again that was 40% what do you got for me no this makes their Anvil appearing rate 60% yes I just want to see one I put so much effort into it I mean I'm doing good stabbing things and throw an additional glow stick absolutely my glow sticks do tons of damage it's like I'm doing little Sith lightsaber tosses too which is sweet I feel like the enemy's spawn rate has gone up what are these rats there is a ton of you know what special time that didn't kill all of them I thought that was just gonna like cause rat genocide oh God I need to Circle back and grab all the little tokens I've been missing okay now you're forming a circle huh you're forming a circle around me that's fine get Whirlpool idiots yes I came at the perfect time so much Bloodshed all for my upgrades let's get some more hit negation with the headphones because I think that's been keeping me alive pretty heavily what is this weapon will fire backwards like as well as forwards oh my weapon only fires backwards now oh what a horrible thing I've just done can I remove it oh I can't oh and I could have just kept it right here well I want to sell it because it sucks it's important to live from our mistakes oh new things weapon attacks will look pretty yes this is much better now I've got the rainbow trident we have to find the little things that bring us happiness when I'm being hunted down by 5 000 random people I've never met I'm also beginning to think there's no such thing as blacksmithing anvils in this world the game made that up just because it knew I'd want one it didn't want to make it happen this is fine just keep murdering more fan beam power up there's just so many enemies on my screen go shark mode and just run around the movement speed helps the giant shark attack helps the golden clock oh God stab him stab his eyelids I don't even know does he have eyelids the answer is probably not but he's trapped in my three whirlpools so just beat him up there he's got so much HP I've been attacking him since he's been born and he's still alive just die yes fire an additional AsaCoco I don't know how to say that one but I'll take it it's just more damage and yeah Anvil's 80% chance of spawning this time it would be nice if I could at least see one the stamp would only increase my attack by five percent so that's getting sold wasting my time no way there's an anvil move everyone move get out of my way I'm touching it yes enhance my credit card and I ah wait use it again is that Max I think I've doubled my Anvil chance all right enhance my glow stick now run away run away I did it I finally got one okay now the Anvil chains has doubled so surely I'll see it at least one more time right right reduce attack cooldown by half a second absolutely and I'm going shark again is it oh the lizards learned how to put on kimonos and grab an axe oh no the skeletons are in a gang why must we fight this way can we not live in peace every time they have a little Shield that means I've hit them a bunch and they just have refused to die luckily my whirlpools just absorb all of them I didn't even realize there's three of them now it was right to get that upgraded and I just got put down to half health because I got caught for like one second oh my gosh let's get a better Shield going then please and thank you it's like if I make one mistake I'll just get all of my health erased and there's uh hello new there's too many bosses this time there's a big shark man and lizard Komodo man oh I see an anvil hang on I want to get to it I got more plug damage from an upgrade I just had but I need to find my way through yes go go more glow stick cause that Maxes that out and I wasn't able to hit my Anvil again gosh dang it oh the whirlpools yes absorb them let me hit it yes firing additional scorpion tail thing is what I'm going with yes upgrade that's so nice thank you and run through run through weather in the whirlpool oh another level up increase more fan beam damage open this holozon box which adds knockback to my hit sweet oh this is just a normal level up well I've got one open weapon slot left this axe that spirals outwards from me sounds pretty sweet and well now my scorpion tail thing is maxed and it shoots like five of them go ahead I kind of want to see that oh yeah that's cool you know I guess I never stopped to think that these guys are trying to kill me because I'm just summoning weapons from uh nothing and then using it to murder them oh no away another anvil all I had to do was double the drop chance and then all of a sudden they're just here like flies all right well I want to upgrade spider cooking upgrade spider cooking again and now I have a larger just constant damage area which is nice and it's ooh another stamp can I strengthen my time attacking one yet there's 25% sweet lucky me all healing is doubled wait this one increases my attack size and pickup range by a whole bunch take that one instead who needs healing if I can just attack them okay I immediately took damage right after I said that though this is fine I'm just being hunted down by owls and I think those are stardew junamos now go away oh there goes my shield no I'm just stuck walking in a circle this is all they know how to do is rush me oh God fly to the owls this time game can I go down to half Health oh no this hurts so bad everything just is pain give me a better Shield please thank you it'd be really cool if I could get another one of those rainbow drops so I could collect all the XP orbs that I'm just missing from my life I bet there's a very large amount all right use my skill I'm tired of all these people they get to die now just stab him murder him all the like mini boss Elite appeared what a handy time for me to use my skill on him is he still alive in there hey buddy I kind of need you to die I need the thing oh no way another Anvil yes oh the elite is not dead okay I thought he dropped it that's fine just circle around Circle and run around we're good we're good everything's fine touch the Anvil I want to increase spider cooking and I'm okay that's oh it's another one of these guys again I'm taking so much damage and there's why is my screen shaking why are these giant bread dogs here every day I just wake up and live in fear this is my new life now oh a stamp get it I want to strengthen this one because it does like little dot damage and I think I can backpedal into my Anvil yes more spider cooking for more damage and just keep backpedaling where I murdered everything yes and small knock back on hit I was hoping that would happen now it's easier to just play keep away thanks to my Whirlpool and knockback effects it would still be nice if things would just die a little faster though oh there's another stamp up there hang on I'm also being Guided by an arrow up top what is this oh the elite died up here I somehow missed it all right well let's take 35 Dodge attack chance open up this halazan box for a better shield and I'll try to go back down towards that nice little thing what is it is this just spawning Elites like as normal enemies now that's crazy attacks have a 10 chance to cause an explosion okay that's that's pretty cool actually RGB stamp I'm sorry you're swapped and then let's strengthen this for a 20 there we go the explosions should help also got that strengthen thing oh another Anvil let's increase my fan beam oh wow yeah increase the fan beam again and then max out my fan beam fire an additional beam behind yes that's perfect oh go shark mode okay I am being bullied there's so many enemies dog piling me right there clock piling whatever you want to call it that's fine so what if you guys have 5 million HP it doesn't bother me at all it's just so many enemies piled up in one area how am I supposed to get the drops oh they're gone okay what is oh wait this is the boss okay hello I've got an upgrade let's upgrade this Shield I can combine things like my glow stick and my fan beam okay what is this throw glow sticks that explode in the targeted beams what that sounds sick and then upgrade my ax for the first time okay this boss just tried to sit on me look at all the beams just come out okay just keep moving I don't want to be right there whenever she just comes down with a butt slam and what are they no it's like a detective dogs I should have known just keep moving just keep moving we're fine we're fine keep throwing sticks I don't know how well my light beam is working but I'd like for it to work a little better go shark mode get more attack this is good I'm getting a lot of stamps strengthen you to Max run over to this other stamp and I can strengthen you to Max so now my Trident should be doing a lot more damage this boss is still just full on sprinting at me without a care in the world though all right just keep moving just keep moving when defeating a Target 30% chance to lifesteal where has this been the entire game you know how many times I've died well not died but came close and I wish I could see this boss's HP I've been beating the crap out of it for a minute and a half there's so many enemies and it borderline gets tough to even see who I'm hitting at this point just stay by the whirlpool oh there's an anvil down here move I need it and I leveled up again okay four HP regen this time upgrade it again and go up oh I can't upgrade that one all right well upgrade nightly milk this is okay yeah now look at my regen I'm back to full why didn't I get that upgrade at first that would have been so nice oh I did it I murdered the boss yes almost 500,000 score too dude this Vtubing thing ain't no joke
Channel: ImCade
Views: 70,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Id: aqXAgU54VDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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