When My Students Found My Youtube Channel

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hey you do you like stickers I love collecting stickers but I never know where to put them I mean just look at all of this I don't have a problem shut up well now you can collect digital stickers and other collectibles on the free app quit with quid you can collect licence goodies like trading cards stickers and 3d figures from all of your favourite phantoms like Steven universe Game of Thrones a gret schoo My Little Pony and so much more I've been collecting a lot of Steven universe stickers lately just cuz I need every Pro sticker I can get my hands on recently they've released anime collectibles from attack on Titan Tokyo ghoul and Naruto with many more on the way I've also created a few of my own face emotes stickers which you can use in your conversations with friends and for decorating your shelf II look at all these cute backgrounds ooh now you can express your inner weave with style use the link in the description and download quit today and don't forget to add me so most of you probably don't know this about me but I used to work a part-time job as a youth development teacher for before and after school program since I don't work there anymore I figured it'd be fun to talk about it now you're probably like what's a youth development teacher and to explain it in the most brief and least boring way possible basically we watch students before school when their parents drop them off and after school until their parents picks them back up some of our duties included helping students complete homework study for a quiz or test Fitness arts and crafts and teaching them the importance of the 4 respect rules also occasionally some kids had social anxiety or we're really nervous about going to class for whatever reason so we'd help comfort them before school started in the morning although we had our own classroom in the school we obviously weren't on the same level as the other classroom teachers so the kids refer to us as mister or miss first name I was known as the artsy staff and kids would often ask me to draw them pictures and fun fact the first time I ever heard of the odd ones out was when a student asked for a drawing of him Miss Emily can you draw me something sure if what would you like the odd ones out the odd the odd one what the odd ones out he's my favorite youtuber okay let's see uh do you want me to draw what he looks like or know just how he draws himself okay that's a lot easier and then later I went home and watched some of his videos and had a good laugh so thanks kid from work who I can't name for privacy reasons I started making YouTube videos after having worked at this job for a while so naturally some kids found out about it and we're gonna focus on two of them names will be changed of course so the first student was a sixth grader who will call Katy I had my first conversation with Katy one day when I saw her drawing in her sketchbook hey what's a draw in their some Oh Sees I made from my favorite show what show it's called miraculous ladybug oh and love miraculous ladybug who's your favorite character you like miraculous and from that day forward every day after school Katy always talks to me about her favorite shows and fandoms like Yuri on ice or on High School Host Club Hamilton dangan ronpa miraculous Black Butler etc coincidentally a lot of the same phantoms that I was into - Katy reminded me a lot of what I was like when I was around her age she was protective of her sketchbook and art supplies and she watched a lot of anime now imagine my surprise when during the summer after the school year was over she found my youtube channel and commented miss Emily it's me Katie from don't post your school name when the school year started up again I asked her how she knew it was me and she was like Miss Emily I've seen your drawing so many times I could spot your art style immediately also your voice gave it away Katy was super low-key about it though and she didn't treat me any differently afterwards which I really appreciated I think the most excited I ever saw her was the day after I posted my more annoying anime tropes video and she ran up to me yelling Miss Emily your friends would see non-va huh-uh yeah why turns out he was one of her all-time favorite channels he's lovely by the way go subscribe some of her friends also found out about my channe but they were really casual about it too so it was nice I'd sometimes pass them in the hall and they'd be like hi miss Emily I really liked your last video thank you so if you guys are watching this thanks for being cool about it and for all of our hallway discussions about musical soundtracks anyways Katie was a really sweet and talented young artist and during her end-of-the-year party a few months ago her mom came up to me and said I'm really glad Katie was able to connect with someone older who shares the same interests as her she really looks up to you and your influence really inspires her to keep going so thank you so much I also she showed me your YouTube channel the second student in question was a third grader who will call Lily Lily was a sweet little girl who was always really comfortable talking to me because she also really liked to draw and because talking to me before class helped calm her nerves Lily also watched a lot of YouTube every other day she would tell me about a youtuber she enjoyed watching that week miss Emily do you know Bijou Mike I watched him play doki-doki literature club miss Emily I really liked Kat soon have you seen her videos Miss Emily here's my OC I based it off of Wolfie choose OC one morning Lily came into the classroom at like 6:18 in the morning while I was still barely waking up and she goes Miss Emily I found a new youtuber to watch her name is also Emily oh that's cool who is it Emmy reach you oh wow that's an interesting name I've never heard of her she kind of sounds like you she didn't really mention it to me ever again for the rest of the school year but to this day I still wonder if she somehow knew the whole time but didn't want to say anything so Lily if you're watching this it was me for a short while my roommate Soleil actually had the same job just at a different school and one day one of the students came up to her miss Soleil do you know that youtuber Emmy reach you Oh you asked I thought I saw you in one of her videos oh yeah I live with her what and then slowly came home that day with fan art that the student drew from me which I thought was really sweet thank you so much Melissa if you're watching this you may be wondering why I chose to assess my part-time job and it's because I went to college for teaching and needed the experience most of my co-workers were also college students in the same major except I later realized teaching wasn't my true passion but I'll probably get into that in another video I remember during work trainings we were always told that everything we said and did could make an impact on a child whether it be positive or negative and then in a way we were partially responsible for building the characters with the students that we worked with near the end of the school year I started worrying about whether or not I properly fulfilled my duties as a youth development teacher did I make a lasting impact on the kids I worked with did they see me as a figure that genuinely helps them does me not wanting to be a teacher make me less efficient at this job I've had for two years but on the last day of school Katie handed me a goodbye letter which reads dear Emily you have been an amazing friend to me you're my favorite artist and a big source of inspiration to me you're funny cool and really nice you inspired me to draw more and improve my art I idolized you and hope we'll still be friends in the future you've been one of the few aftercare staff I can really connect with thank you for being my friend for drawing pictures for me and being nice to me I'm so glad I met you it really touched my heart and I realized that even if I didn't meet my own expectations for how effective I was at being the ideal role model and even if I didn't get to really connect with all the students as long as I positively impacted one child then I was happy and I'm sorry if this video got a little too sappy but it's an experience that I thought was worth sharing and before I end I'd like to mention that working with kids made me feel really really old now listen I consider myself to be young and sprightly after all I'm only in my early 20s but man being around actual children on a daily basis made me feel like an out-of-touch grandma hey have you seen the trailer for Incredibles - it look so good know what why it's only the most anticipated Pixar film don't you remember how amazing the first one was Miss Emily I wasn't alive when the first one came out miss Emily Wow I'm gonna die sooner than I thought time is passing so quickly have I squandered the days of my youth so foolishly I imagined death so much it feels more like a memory once it gonna get me in my sleep seven feet ahead of me it's okay miss Emily you're still waiting on my parents alright so recently I hit 500,000 subscribers which is insane to me thank you all so much for your continuous support I've been wanting to do something for it like making a celebratory drawing or a livestream or something but I'm currently in the process of moving so it's been a very busy few weeks I really appreciate all of you and whether you're a new viewer or a longtime viewer I hope I can continue to entertain you for as long as I can thank you so much thank you to everyone who drew me fan art and of course thank you to my patrons
Channel: Emirichu
Views: 11,123,540
Rating: 4.963757 out of 5
Keywords: Emirichu, storytime, quidd, teacher, school stories, 6th grade
Id: bSxXOtFnU8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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