Falling Into The Genshin Impact Hole

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so it's been a while i know i'm super late to the gentian bandwagon but there is a very good reason for this for the past year or so i've been watching my loved ones descend into this gentian craze like a contagious fever looking for their next hit of serotonin with every successful 5 star pull and i knew if i were to partake it'd be the death of me and my already slow upload schedule emily look at how pretty this game is look at the environment the colors emily look there's a cute little fairy that follows you around look at how gorgeous the character designs are look at this zonely fan cam emily you would love this game yeah i know i'd love it that's why i can't touch it listen it's gonna be like the k-pop hole all over again i have a lot of stuff to do like all the time and not nearly enough time in the world to do it these characters are very very pretty wow look at that but i'm not willing to risk neglecting my work for this game you would have to pay me to make me mess up my sleep schedule even more we will sponsor you huh we will sponsor you okay wait hold on so you're telling me that i could start playing this game and it would count as working precisely oh well sign me the up i'm ready to start my anime 2d fantasy world journey let's go and yes this video is sponsored by gention impact i'm sure you already know what this game is so i'll make this brief but gent and impact is an open world action rpg where you climb swim glide and fight your way through seven regions of this huge world with beautifully designed characters that each control one of seven different elements in the new inazuma update you'll get to uncover mysteries in the final chapter of the inazuma arcon quest and unlock new characters like ryden shogun the electro arkhan supreme ruler of inazuma who's perfect for you if you're really into the type of woman who could kick your ass and intimidate you into submission another electro character you could potentially get is kudosara the leader of the tenrio commission's forces and a stern and ruthless bow user who could also kick your ass and of course there's sango nomia kokumi the divine priestess and supreme leader of otasumi island which is actually one of two new islands that you'll be able to explore with a new update i have my eye on her in particular because i mean look at her she's a gorgeous floaty mermaid like princess and despite her delicate appearance she is the leader of a resistance so she could also kick your ass there will be new events like the moon chase festival and the first anniversary celebration where you can get 10 free intertwined fate and various other awards just for logging in and since we're on the topic of a gorgeous character designs mihoyo also has a newly released game called tears the themis if you're interested in something with a more romantic approach if you're interested it'll be included in the links down below thank you so much to genjen impact for sponsoring this video use my link in the description to get get an impact on your devices and start your fantasy adventure now where were we ah yes so i'm slowly getting acquainted with this world doing my quests fighting slimes and hilly trolls picking up every little mushroom and berry that i come across and i thought to myself what exactly is it that draws people to this game so much i mean it's really pretty and the combat's fun but what exactly is it that i didn't know you were such a slacker you've actually got the power to go up against the dragon whoa who the hell is that he's cute he's cute what the heck he's so cute his eye patch has long dark hair his flirty little chest window and his shirt come on let's get moving we're not frozen in place after all speak for yourself i'm gonna go i gotta like learn how to glide and stuff come on amber leaving already see you next time then don't make me wait too long though oh my god i totally get it i get the appeal now and it isn't even just kaya kaya is but one of many characters you could potentially fall in love with which i know isn't really the point of the game at all but listen to these voices no need for small talk all that matters is that you were safe last night i can see how hard you've been working today let me think of a way to reward you we should look for a place to take shelter i'll be fine but we don't want you catching a cold i used to think interaction with others was a waste of time but after meeting you i'd rather spend my time on youth than other matters now you know what the best part about being a kia simp is he's free he automatically gets added to your party and i get to just use him whenever i want and listen to his voice lines and admire him in all his beauty but you know who else i discovered i really really like pymon yeah you heard me paimon see even before i started playing genshen i was seeing a lot of talk on my timeline about how annoying pymon was but i actually think she's really cute she asks dumb questions and she's motivated by food and honestly same so i don't want to see any paimon slander in the comments okay because i feel very connected to this character and if you're on piemon you're crapping on me too okay she's adorable and no i'm not won over by her because she's a tiny cute fairy but that's like 60 of the reason why she's so stinking cute look at her don't you just want to gobble her up i actually already went ahead and got this pie mom plushie look at how cute she is she's so stinking cute with her little three mouth and her big old head and ah i figured i'd end up down here one way or another what the chili you're in this hole too emily i'm in a lot of different holes oh god mind your phrasing chili please i'm sure a lot of people enjoy the really grindy aspect of the game where you hack and slash your way to leveling up and becoming an unstoppable force the team comprised of four of the hottest people alive and yeah that part is really fun and feels fulfilling especially when you're finally strong enough to battle the enemies that you kept nervously walking around before but i find that i really enjoy the least combat heavy story quests like the quest where you have to assist zhangling in a cooking contest or the one where lisa takes you all around monstat to find overdue library books and you get the option to pick different things based on whether you think it'll please her or not like a little date or when you have to be zongley's sugar mama for an entire afternoon i just think it's fun when you get to interact with the characters for longer than one conversation and you get to experience their unique personalities doing little errands in monsta makes me kind of wish i were transported there not as an adventurer but like one of those npcs at the restaurants that's how i usually feel whenever i play fantasy based games like this like wow i'd like to live here i don't want to fight monsters or anything i want to be the npc that bakes bread and sells it to the people who do fight the monsters or a noble woman in pc who lounges around in the castle and make small talk with the players the soundtrack is also really really pretty i think my favorite right now is the music that plays at the qingyuan peaks it's the one that i kept humming to myself because it was stuck in my head but that's probably because i spent eons at the three golden bird statue puzzles all i could listen to just imagine this beautiful peaceful ambient music playing in the background coupled with the sound of i have to climb that mountain too oh i just got to this one oh my god i don't think i have the stamina for this i'm not gonna make it what do you mean i can't jump past this ledge why is it blocking me wait did i already go to that mountain where's the last statue [Music] i'm sure you're all wondering how much i've sunk into the gotcha part of the game but truthfully i haven't really at all yet i'll slowly collect the primo gems or occasionally earn acquaint fates and use those to roll but i'm fortunate that my favorite characters are ones i already own got for free or aren't even playable to begin with i'm not really attached to any other characters enough to desperately roll for them but to be fair i'm still catching up to the rest of the story so that could very well change if i had to pick one character whose design i liked the most it'd probably be kuching maybe one day i'll be able to have her on my team however if mohoyo ever came out with say some super sparkly pink fairy like magical goddess character then it'd be over for me my wallet and i would be done for but until then i'm very happy with my jan fei kaya and zhangling um okay update editing emily here so i decided to buy some genesis crystals because i wanted that rolling experience and let's be honest i'm sure mihoyo knew that some of the sponsor money was gonna go right back into their game and i got i got so here's that footage that's not it i was about to rage if you didn't get that i'd reach for you here we go oh wait wait guys that means that means i've replaced kaya yeah he sucks my man she's literally kaya but 10 times better while everyone is enjoying the inazuma update i'll probably still be finishing up the main story since i am pretty late to the party but i'm looking forward to when i make it that far you know the nice thing is about having friends who played the game a year in advance hello oh hello hello can you help me with the boss yeah sure okay thank you all right here we go oh my god what is me we messed up boys thank you thanks again to gentian impact for sponsoring this video and giving me an excuse to start this gorgeous game hi sorry i went kind of radio silent the past two months i recently moved to a new place and i started playing genjin i typically don't accept sponsors for games on my channel but i'm actually really enjoying genjin so far even though i'm a total casual player and i'm really happy that mohoyo reached out to me i'd just like to remind everyone though that if you choose to roll please rule responsibly i know i joke a lot about kokomi destroying my wallet and everything but fortunately having a sponsor like this allows me to roll a bit if i'd so choose to so you know just be careful have fun with the game and if you're also playing this game and perhaps a fellow kaia simp i would love for you to tweet at me or something so we can gush over his chest window together and if you want to gush over xiang ling even better because i love her the most even more than kaya
Channel: Emirichu
Views: 3,214,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hLD9-V59BLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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