I met a Minecraft Girlfriend - RL Minecraft - 1

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minecraft real life mind you guys wanted me to play single-player minecraft you didn't specify which one just give me what gym should give me one more day gamers for now we're playing real life craft or a really light likable craft I hope that's the name everyone's been talking about I'm playing this so let's just do it apparently this mod is like regular minecraft but harder a bunch of noobs do you think minecraft is hard it's like Minecraft but it's it's not a freaking dragon right back so there ah it's that a Griffin hey that it was our new record let's try again oh where am I in mine actual water uh cool let's try that for the third time here we go cool whoa everything is so different oh god it's got auto jump why on God's earth would you want that on that's a freaking turret pterodactyls thing dinosaur Oh God verdant maka hello merchant maka friend friend Colver call me invert and macabre friend friends okay trees look very different I don't remember there being the alien from Sarek in Minecraft that's cool as a jungle more epic dinosaurs there must be a nest here spend spend are you in this this is awful what are these buns are there stones okay cool all they make a sound it is pretty cool actually it's pretty impressive how different it is cool you can't break the stone with a stone apparently wait what are these what is happening whoa damn this Oh what why does nothing drop anymore so I think what you need to do in this modest you have to find they have the sound effects so cool you have to find Flynn why am I losing my inventory confuse Swedish noises I'm sorry piggies is liver or let die in this I'm going against dinosaurs I ain't taking no chances we're cool right we're cool right dinosaurs how did you even survive in this world this is ridiculous I'm collecting stones now oh god it's a castle sheet set Pearlie prefer a well look and I think you have to drink water in this game slurp slurp say we're cool I'm cool with the dinosaurs so far zero deaths pretty epic okay I need to find Flint it's his Flint Flint Flint oh god what's sexy hello oh heck yeah Oh Frick yeah minecraft I'll frickin all right so this is gravel I think yes okay I found gravel cool so we just need the flinty Flint so to pick up items you hit shift or you're right play dumb but I'm not getting any Flint Flint I forgot wood Oh God is that good or evil good or evil okay good it's good anything that doesn't kill me I will assume is on my side oh we got a flint shard okay so now when you we have a flint shard see I wonder how I know this well I'm a Minecraft veteran alright I know what I'm doing that's cool why does it sound like I'm wearing high heels I swear I swear I'm not wearing high ears alright so you just throw you throw the stone there you go and then we got a Flint shard just like real life why because this is real life craft now we can go against the dinosaur I feel like I'm ready no that's not what we're doing okay you get the Flint shard what do you do next you take a stick and you make knife and now we're ready for dinosaurs now for real I'm doing amazing here I've honestly never seen anyone progress this fast so now we can shop plant and make plant fiber why because real life oh my god is [ __ ] I don't like it this is fun I like this I'll say that until I die basically okay it's like minecraft easiest game of all time okay so now we have a banana plant the fiber and we can make plants string why because it's just like real life and then we can make dough okay yeah I have to shop these to get sticks I think the other one I found in nature there it is stick stick okay we have to find spend in this world any world I'll find him did I do it there it is hatchet okay cool I think we're doing good chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop god this is useless hello hello Oh what is this seed Wow minecraft that's awesome ah what do I do with see they plant oh I need hole okay interesting summer autumn what there's seasons in Minecraft okay shut up so now we have a cache of wood we flip-flop them shut actually I prefer when it's quiet and then I think right click chop oh I did it that gives us two how you need to do it again oh god this is gonna get old fast okay three oh my lord all right let's speed up a bit all right shop shop shop shop shop okay now make a workbench gosh damn I'm good at this game that's what you sound like farting noises then I have a bunch of stones oh yeah you can make a cobblestone out of stone epic I think epic and I I know this because I'm Minecraft veteran and you can make us a knife I thought you could make a knife maybe you need fiber I think I'm hearing someone farting or it's just something worse I have dagger oh okay it's you it's my sex is my minecraft wife but I think she's pretty old do I bring this with me sure wanna it's pretty nice house now what do I do here I guess I'll make armor I don't know I'm so lost it sucked to die now when I spent all this effort okay well fine I'll build a house here this is my house what it's making that noise there's bees in Minecraft world I just want to know if these guys are friendly or not that's all I want to know hey we cool check your beastie Chiba I ain't checking I ain't checking okay let's make it that sound I think we are cool can I ride you that's the real question you're not spending but I say it's you I still kiss you what doesn't kill me if you don't like it no you like it I kiss everyone okay five more gamers it's getting dark and I kind of don't want to be ill it's hard enough during the day so I think I'm gonna go bye-bye I'm gonna go bye-bye for a little while I don't like that block it looks like a creeper and I want to frickin I'll set it and I'll say it again the Minecraft creeper block is sexy Jesus what that's a frickin lie ad that's up break it up stop but not douse my house stink you stink haha oh God oh all right I have a dagger it's okay yes yes yes yes you staying oh god yes a lot of help you can't come in my house why you smell right so where were we don't engage with Tiger got it alright okay understandable understandable I don't think that's the sound you for cobblestone I need to make a furnace I can cook this chicken I'm using the stones to break the stones gamers how epic is this can you make stone armor in this game let's look at the stuff you can make you can make it em mithril what what stone that stone okay if you can make stone dagger Shirley wolf or what I can make armor for ah I can make iron armor for spend stolen armor question mark what the Frick is in our room maybe I should just may stick to leather oh my god even the sounds it's all coming back it's a tiger gone that's a no dammit dammit ah all right where am what is happening I broke my work my mouse sorry Mouse this is still work oh god what is did I fix it I fixed it so Swedish engineering gamers okay well that was that level I wasn't too attached so it's fine oh you know what just from I changed my mind no house all right here we are under the ocean again what were you born on daddy okay I think we're onto something this looks normal I don't see any Tigers I don't see any dinosaurs I don't see any giant skeleton things this is nice it's like a Swedish Birchwood burek as we say in Sweden this could be yeah yeah yeah we can pluck virus [ __ ] [ __ ] nice nice no sexy you minecraft wives No I'm just gonna go this way what in the world hello are you nicer or evil he's cool alright nice well live here oh cool magma demon just spawned hey hey he's trying to kill me we're cool starting to understand why Auto jumping was on just kidding it was a trap joke if you're laughing with me you're dead so cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap I won't kill you cheap cheap cheap cheap I really like the sound effects makes me feel like I'm playing a rhythm game minecraft rhythm game makes me forget that I'm actually murdering innocent ship ship okay now we just need to find Flynn someone try to make a cobblestone generator dumb it's not even how you do it there's turkeys in Minecraft haha cool turkey be like dead can you ride the dinosaurs don't answer if you know the answer oh we found it Flint is minty can wait for the abundance of comments telling me how to play telling me how I'm playing this game wrong alright we got to throw these planets something hard why are your mama peepee here we go cool why am i or blurry oh I'm thirsty as Frick boy why do I get those thirsty what do I throw away can't slurp okay low-key kind of love this bed not gonna lie timber then we spread it out like a sandwich and we shop it does it have to be all the same type of wool are you kidding me duh oh there you are there you are mr. what the Sheep the door all right cool that's enough that's a nice I don't understand you can die in this game embarrassing is that my stomach am I getting hungry oh god I like a I got raw turkey if I get really bad if it gets really bad okay we need to make us frickin bed not a bed for frickin but a freak okay you catch my drift gamer slip say Frick I can't sleep okay I got to survive until 9:00 Oh God what's my best option here dig straight down come on sleep sleep I'm so hungry I need to slay hate I don't thank god yes good morning gamers I'm hungry I'm tired but I ain't giving it a name tag I found it I found things named bad guys yes huh I'm very very hungry mungry I'm very hungry mungry looking for food Oh God yes yes yes yes perfect perfect yes we're gonna live gamers yes oh oh yes yes yes yes how can you dine this mod pathetic okay I need enough for my cobblestone gym I don't trust anything okay that should be enough right yeah we got enough I might as well make one on this side as well okay and now we make cookie smoky cookie cookies monkey puck cookies with your cookie and singing there my Schuch I'm so sorry for this oh god I'm so hungry gamers oh my god num num num num num num num delish mmm mmm such a good dish all right let's find Bengt and give him back his nametag there's a house there let's do what the Viking did pillage that's what they did they pillage you just got to scream really confidently when you are no nevermind ah Oh what hello hey hey who wants the dead that's what I thought there's a freaking town there am i too hot I'm burning up dude it's too hot in here bro maybe they have a pool in here this is cool Wow hey hey oh god I'm dying I'm heated oh this is super high do they have a pool oh god I'm dying a pool I'm in water I mean actual ahh thank God it's working maybe cuz I pee pee a little Hey look his Bell Delfina her and her back I didn't know that they had it she says what is that are we friends okay I guess we're cool piston why it feels like there's no point for me to bill in the skin cuz everything I find is so cool anyway gosh they're all so poor I hear the dog I will find the dog he's calling for me he needs to me spen I'm coming I swore I swore I hear him vain submit hain it alright gamers hope you enjoyed that episode of really lie lining ok goddamn I hope you guys enjoyed that episode if you did smash like subscribe merch see you tomorrow bye bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,304,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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