Ten North Frederick (1958) Gary Cooper, Diane Varsi, Suzy Parker, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Tom Tully

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] they're coming [Music] hello [Music] magic where Joseph V Chapin was born and where he died the house was built by Mr David's grandfather over a hundred years ago here come the distinguished funeral guest now we see Mr Arthur McHenry the late Mr Chapman's law partner and Mr Joseph V Chavin Jr miss Ann Chapin popular member of the gibbsville younger set and Mrs Edith Chapin the bereaved Widow now arriving is Governor Lloyd Williams with him our state senator white slateria Mr Robert hooker editor of the gibbsville standard all three were close personal friends of The Departed and even at this distance their greet is evident Governor give us a smile will you please now boys this is a funeral thank you Mr Paul Donaldson the famous multi-millionaire Banker from New York and Lieutenant General copes who drove here from Washington for the general Edith I call myself a dealer in words but today I have none to offer today Robert but not yesterday oh you saw my editorial consider it one of the finest pieces of writing I've ever read and not only because it was about Joe the bar association is having it reprinted it's an empty Anna when I think of well I wish the occasion hadn't arose arisen nice to meet you our guests here oh you shouldn't be downstairs here at all it's a rare Sight To see such courage in these days I've always lived for my husband my family nothing else you're very brave Edith Chapin he should be down here with us looks tacky I'll try to get him downstairs Edith oh that's a dear you were Joe's best friend stay beside me you know how painfully shy I am the good of you to come Governor Joe would have appreciated it the least I could do either and you might was always so fond of you Mike you're in trouble she wants something what for instance oh say a small ambassadorship or some other post suitable to a widow of wealth and refinement I don't owe her a thing but she thinks you are a hundred grand [Music] Madam request your presence downstairs one more Slug and I might be up to it girl you know you get plastered on two drinks this is a day to get plastic maybe you've got the right idea is she being Noble I bereaved mother yes she's being Noble too terribly stiff upper lip [Music] when you go back to Camp I have no five tonight it's time I ever look forward to it [Music] beginning to appreciate why father needed this stuff did you love him Joby he was my father the only one I ever had I don't mean like that I mean did you positively love him as a human being well not the way you did old girl in spite of what he did to you didn't do it he went along with her he let her do it only because he went by his rule book it was an awfully thin little book but the rules in it were important such as the mother takes charge when the daughter commits a social air like getting herself pregnant Joby do we have to have that perhaps I'm sorry I didn't think forget it sorry Anna Banana take almost anything but not the music music does it to you like nothing else where's Charlie now Coast Guard uh what do you call them chief petty officer beating a band he's married and lives in New Jersey it's not another one Joby come on better go downstairs foreign 's getting something out of it put on her act or enjoy I put wrong who has she got you and me her son and daughter who has she got well you left out the most important one of all who herself she has herself and she's been having herself for years and years that's why the biggest thing in Joseph B Chapin's life was his funeral are you aware of what she did to father what did she do to father poisoned him oh no Joby wait a minute I'm waiting how did she poison it with a slow poison undetectable to Modern scientific methods no I get it no you've got it she did something to him it was like a slow poison you get it why he was in a way she didn't need him anymore jumpy what did happen to him only five years ago remember he was so strong and so jolly and so eager for life say you remember I remember don't think on a banana thinking stinks [Music] foreign yes thinking stinks [Music] alive [Music] ladies and gentlemen our guest of honor has threatened to shoot me if I make a speech but I think we can all safely wish him happy happy and many many Joe Chapin God bless him frankly I don't know what we're celebrating a man's 50th birthday should be kept a secret like like all of a woman's birthdays people just a young Sprout well I guess I can't complain I have good friends as tonight has proved a pair of fine children I'm sorry Joby can't be with us tonight but he couldn't get away from school and I have eat it well I don't know about you old Crocs but I'm going to dance with a beautiful young lady I guess I have the right because I've been paying her bills for quite a few years [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] I don't feel like dancing thank you oh come on all right people are looking at us [Music] if you didn't want to be seen with me you shouldn't have invited me my husband invited you because I'm the district attorney is good and be left out exactly here I was thinking I'd made the social grade at last hi Joe and would you honor your old Uncle Arthur you're making me very happy you promise never to annoy me and I think you're drunk drunk but discreet after all I've kept our little secret for 15 years gentlemen would have forgotten it but I'm not a gentleman oh I heard of that one when I was a freshman laughs aspirin these days champagne doesn't Exhilarate it just gives me a headache Scotch of Saratoga fishing no eyes Joe you ought to take a good look at yourself in what way you're 50 years old today we haven't too much time left you and I time for what tell me have you got a girlfriend no you've got to come to New York with me sometime I'll fix you up with a little group I know you will ah they're not kids but who wants kids New York's overrun with a fanciest good-looking Dames in the world and there isn't a thing they don't know where do you get time to make all your Millions listen I'm downtown at 10 o'clock just after the Bell Rings some guys go to a gym I take it aim to a nightclub same effect tell me something have you ever been out with another woman since you married Edith or are you too much of a gentleman to add to that I'll answer it and the answer is no you poor miserable jerk you've never got anything out of life and boy you would know how to start now Paul if you really got anything out of your kind of life you wouldn't brag about it so much after you've done one [Music] Joby [Music] hello Jody and a banana what are you doing here I've been five five and turn off that radio fire you know expel given the old heave hole what for well the specific crime was smoking but I think there's a lot more oh potties writing you a letter [Music] stop that I'll call Dr Potts in the morning maybe take my tip and save you 15 cents oh potty's had it you still have to prepare for college we'll have to send you to some tutoring father father you know Bill wozni in my class well his father's The Pianist you know Laszlo wisenski he gave a concert at school last month and afterwards I played for him he said I could easily get a scholarship at Juilliard what's Juilliard the music school in New York well it's famous mother you get a chance to study with the top man classical and jazz what about Yale what about Law School you know that Arthur McHenry and I have always had our hearts set on you coming into the firm with us well look there's an idea that's all well perhaps very foolish idea but mother uh we'll sleep on it and discuss it in the morning yes sir buddy good night Joby good night sir good night Josie good night mother [Music] oh were you already asleep no I just turned off the light this minute came to say good night good night you dear man my lovely father your lovely antique father oh stop boasting father what are you gonna do about Joby I haven't decided yet you know it really has talent he certainly displays a talent for getting into trouble that's where you're so different you've never given me a moment to worry [Music] Iran good night [Music] good night my lovely daughter [Music] what time do you have to be at the office tomorrow I have to be in court at 10 o'clock well you better tell Marion then Marion I'll have breakfast at 8 30. thank you good night good night sir you know I've been thinking about this Juilliard School sure let Joe be go to a place like that what would your friends say the the people that really count like Paul Donaldson for instance I really don't give a hang what Paul Donaldson would say I like Paul but he's not a man I admire foreign I want to help him help him ruin his life that's his life Edith and have we no responsibilities as his parents yes we're responsible all right and that's what makes it so tough to decide one thing is certain he's got to go through college he can't afford to miss out on that afterwards we'll see it's time enough then to go to Juilliard if if he still wants to jazz pianist what an ambition making the Ambitions what were you and Mike's later discussing at the party he asked me to have lunch tomorrow he did he's guessed anything maybe now I've got to decide whether to break the data or keep it oh keep it get right down to it I'm no politician neither was Wendell Wilkie a year ago a year from now he may be president of the United States in four years you could be the one wait a minute this is just the way we planned it now the professionals are getting interested that's what worries me why should it you need the Mike's letter isn't they need you you want me to look at this I think I see twenty thousand dollars you want me to put this in my pocket spider afraid there's a dictograph in this office I take it this isn't just your usual campaign contribution Mike you haven't picked the nominees for the top State offices yet governor and United States Senator no I don't want either of them you don't want to be Governor or Senator is that it that's it frankly a million dollars wouldn't get you either of them I'm not completely an innocent Mike my grandfather was lieutenant governor of this state oh you want the Governor is that it yes who knows you want it you will need it that's all I was speaking personally I'd like to see you've got it and not only as a friend that's good enough for me Mike now that we've got this for openers openers well you know what the boys are going to say who's Joe Chapin whoever heard of him outside of land Mingo County let's say this would impress the boys but wouldn't oppress them enough how much would would impress them enough it's for you Sergio so I'm forced to I'll go five times this amount hundred thousand dollars can I tell the boys you're good for that if they're good for the nomination if they'll shake hands on it oh they won't shake hands on anything Joe not in a tough year like this well I'll tell you what I'll do with it Joe I'll keep this I won't ask you for the rest of it unless in my honest opinion you have the inside track for the nomination but you'll have to trust me Joe and this you've kissed this goodbye no matter what happens you understand Mike you're a Wonder at least you didn't call me a smart Irishman only because I forgot to I like it when people like you forget that John Divine Mr Slattery I never even knew you worked for your husband he's a slippery lad I never let him out of my slide Pegg makes all the major decisions in this oven you live for me soon all right Mike did you get that everywhere want me to play it back later why would a fella like Joe Chapin want to be lieutenant governor it doesn't make sense unless he wants to fly even higher not much higher he ruled out Senator and go are you thinking the same thing I am what for instance I can't say it the words have a hard time getting out of my mouth the same thing Mr Wilkie wants say it girl Mr Chapin wants to be president that's all can you imagine how do you convince yourself you can be or you ought to be you know how to eat a stork's Chapin you're supposed to squeeze the trigger now aim carefully and just squeeze it off you jerked it again come on let's dance wait a minute this is important come on you're never gonna hit [Music] it there you see you know I feel pretty good about being out with the lieutenant governor's daughter don't be silly father isn't even nominated yet that alone elected Well everybody's for him who's everybody well my father and mother everybody they know it's not everybody come on Buster I get enough politics at home [Music] trumpet players good I want to find out his name what do you care what his name is foreign [Applause] could you tell me please the name of that trumpet player there hey Charlie what's your name all right what's my name no kidding Society girl wants to know what do you want to know my name for you got a safini no it's for my brother got some records made by this man and he thinks you're playing as superb really does superb huh well good for him well what's your name so I can tell him fungiano how do you spell that I better write it down for you excellent you uh you want my telephone number too no thanks how about a drink there's an animation in a few minutes hell yeah both of you I got a little jug I'm sorry we can't make it okay we'll meet you at the intermission what's the matter with you anyway trying to pick up a bum out of the orchestra like that bomb Betty makes more money than you than you well at least I won't be making it that way let's go in the car no I'm not going out in the car is that final yes it's final as the Declaration of Independence then excuse me find somebody else to take you home your lousy trumpet player for a like you [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign what's your name where are you from I gave you mine but I was too dumb to get yours I'm in Chapin and I'm from Gibson Gibbs Villa how do you know about that I played their last winner so that's where you live huh all my life I was born there I was born in Jersey City New Jersey are you married am I married not in this business are you no huh well I don't know who belongs to this but be my guest s this stuff keeps me going through the intermission I don't get tired of playing but when I stop I do uh you tell me when none of that stuff for me thank you where did you learn to play oh one of the sisters you know the nuns I want the pro now who played the trumpet why sure good musician can blow anything she was good too she taught one of the kids clarinet me the horn she used to beat her ears back too if we didn't practice one hour a day sister Angelica she didn't have to beat my ears back because after at first you know I liked it said are you like a good trumpet well I don't really know much about it it's my brother oh I love a good one why for one for the OLX I guess I could have been the ax don't horn the trumpet you know oh well like I was saying I could have been a dead gangster by now yeah a couple of friends of mine we grew up together they ended up on a jersey Meadow Could Have Been Me thank you hey what would your family say if they knew you were out with a guy like me [Music] plenty are you wanting to be I'm glad you are but you know some guys with bands they'd have half your clothes off Palestine I was taking a chance wasn't I well what'd you do it for kicks no no don't think that please I was just interested in yours truly what do you know the boys I go out with well when you fold a paper over and over and cut out a paper doll you get a lot of dolls just to lie you know what I mean when I quit playing with paper dolls but I know what you mean well you're different what you're doing is real I guess I respect you for that respect me even foreign just to show you how much I respect you like I didn't even want to kiss you and you're pretty too you know you're real pretty soon I don't know I don't know but I heard it somewhere doesn't it make your lips sore are you want me to kiss you don't you if you want to have a good time Sonny Boy sure oh this is your car Roma I'm sorry Mister sorry don't you know no better than to take abroad to somebody else's car look I said I was sorry how do we know you weren't gonna steal a car from the back seat I was going to steal it up look your car was just handy that's all yeah I'll say it was handy cute chick come on come on let's get out of here [Music] come on Johnny let's go [Music] you did thank you Joby Joe do you think you should you just we have to celebrate if you learn to drink at New Haven anyway to my son on being accepted by Yale Joby I'm proud of you I wish I could share your enthusiasm well Bula Bula I'm here to see you sir ask him in come here all right well Mike this is a pleasant surprise would you join us Hey Joe there isn't time I picked up the Evening Sun Grayson's column the second paragraph Dog Days in Lantern angle County for some reason Mike Slattery is trying to convince the powers that be that one Joseph B Chapin of gibbsville or to get the nomination for lieutenant governor friend Mike must be getting in society of lantern and go away this Mr Chapin is so high and mighty such a snob that perfectly revolting I never even met this fellow Grace you've been running out in front now the opposition's had a chance to develop cheap political columns that isn't what worries me he's the mouthpiece for the powers of B that he mentions here what are we going to do about it well luckily go on to the Daily News and Tony hates this Grayson maybe we can get him on our side well I'll be available all day tomorrow I mean now Joe we're taking him to dinner tonight my car's outside well just did you say Mike you're the doctor sorry to break up your evening either perfectly all right we're very grateful to you don't be this peace not only makes a horse's hindquarters out of your husband it also makes one out of me let's go Joe hello Anne hello Mr Slattery father could I see you for a minute please well I'm just on my way out there will it keep till tomorrow sure guess it'll keep all right [Music] what's wrong with you nothing's wrong of course you didn't think people [Music] is the matter I'm just a little bushed it's very hot we've been mooning around the house all week like a ghost [Music] foreign [Music] to person call to Atlantic City Charles Bongiorno at the Regal Hotel my name is Ann Chapin [Music] come here well Mrs punchiono where do we go from here back to gibbsville where are you folks but first we're gonna have some strudel inside here hey uh hey what kind of funny lingo is that anyway so then you Dutch get a lot of it around here I wonder what my old lady would have said me getting married by judgment instead of my Breeze and I hope it's legal it's legal you are stuck I'm stuck well you know something I love it [Music] love love really um let's try not to be markish haven't you ever loved anyone don't you know what it is I know what it isn't my dear child you're not the first nice girl to lose her head over a completely unsuitable man mother Charlie's my husband and I'm going to have his baby the baby of course does present a problem not to me it does your father and me people still count on their fingers you know why won't you let me see father are you afraid to let me see father for your father's own wish he's talking to the young man and I'm talking to you such a lovely honeymoon oh and please try and be realistic marriage is real and the baby is real father isn't a monster he's lying that I am no no but you know how to hurt and he doesn't you have hurt your father more cruelly today than he's ever been hurt in his life there's never been a scandal in the Chapin family before I'm coming at a time like this when he's he's fighting for his political life for you to let him down his favorite boil darling his lovely daughter did he say this that I'd let him know what's the difference true isn't it [Music] what can I do you can agree to the annulment of this impossible marriage my baby those things can be explained you'll go to Europe stay there for a couple of years we'll say that you were married and divorced over there bonjourno could be a final Italian family with my teeth and hinted to touch I won't agree that never I want to see my father I want to hear him say these things I wanted to say them to me I think I've been better oh Father Mike he's here good when I Buzz you slip out through the back Joe I'm staying Mike now Joe what do you hope to gain by that he's right Joe let us handle this we know these lies but we've dug up on him you'll never know what hit him I want to see him for myself all right it's your party Joe but let us do the talking [Music] can go in now foreign catch him personally I think Mr Chapin would be extremely generous okay what kind of a gag is this anyway I didn't ask for any money look I want my wife and I want to go home nobody's keeping you here you can go home alone get this straight Buster I'm not taking any dough Now where's this guy Mr Chapin anyway I was told to meet him here I have complete authority to act for Mr Chapin he wants you to take this money and clear out what kind of a guy is that anyway don't even want to meet a son-in-law not now or ever even if he got rid of me and he's going to have a kid ain't she my kid exactly and that adds up to a serious crime what crime the girl is under 18 did you ever hear of statutory rape I didn't even know she was jailbaiting I married her didn't I when you had to I don't think that'll impress the jury is that what you want to arrest me for will you just go right ahead Juris ain't as dumb as all that Mr Williams here is the district attorney I think he knows a little more about juries than you do I don't care who he is I'm calling your bluff Mister with your record what do you mean my record tell him Lord two arrests for petty theft that was ten years ago picked up on suspicion of armed robbery I was only 15 years old and I got mixed up with a bunch of guys I didn't know what nice little bunch of professional gun I tell you I haven't seen those guys in 10 years I never even touched a gun myself I always tell that to the judge you see what you're up against then you could get as much as five years for this and you play it our way and you'll be clean and you'll have it's up to you boy you guys have really got it stacked against me haven't you and this is a lot of money you can always tear it up what's that I said you could always tear up that check why don't you oh you'd like that wouldn't you what do you want me to do go to jail and be a hero or something for what yeah well I never took any Dover what would you call it escort work well if you know any other Rich babes who would like a little you know what tell them I'm available at the same rate get out hey you missed it get out of here before I kill you [Music] foreign I was just talking to her as we agreed that I shouldn't really is she all right yes she'll be all right she had a miscarriage that's all providential isn't it either I called a nurse an extremely discreet one Harry can pick it up at this address Billy I want to see Anne later she's under sedation I hope she's asleep telephone sir it's Mr Slattery tell him I'll call him back no no I'll talk to him Marion Marion you ask Harry please to pick up a mess about him yes Mike I thought you'd like to know that other matters are taken care of material evidence it was Little Dutch JP over in Pennsylvania I caused some of my connections over there and I'm grateful to you Mike doing favors is my business Jill even though this one involved the destruction of an official record I have never done anything like that before well I appreciate that Mike good night foreign here he's going man go on God wouldn't go anywhere please Andrew please listen he was no good he ran out ran out I gave him a chance if if he had torn up the check I what check he took money and I offered him money and he took it I had to I couldn't let you waste yourself waste your whole life I had to prove to you that he was worthless [Music] all right that's my good girl all right [Music] going to be such a wonderful baby strong noisy dark Talent such a strange baby to be born at 10 North Frederick Street I Can't Live Here Anymore going away we'll talk about it later when when you're stronger going somewhere New York somewhere yes sir good night foreign [Music] good night my lovely daughter [Music] personally I think we missed a bet could have had one good musician in the family anyway gentlemen this is my friend Joe Chapin Mr Chapin I think you know almost everybody here Joe I think so and you all know Lloyd Williams of course [Music] if you're sedan gentlemen I think we're ready to begin Joel Mr Chapin in this room we're all rails we don't kid ourselves we don't kid each other I don't exaggerate when I tell you that in this election we could lose this state New Jersey Pennsylvania the whole Eastern seaboard I think I can trust you not to repeat that nothing said in this room is for repetition we understand now Mr Chapin the party is deeply grateful for your generous your extremely generous contribution but please ask yourself can we afford to gamble this year on a man who was not a proven vote getter or forgive me for saying this on a man who has had an unhappy occurrence in his family that might become a public scandal at any time well that's our question and we're leaving the answer up to you of course you don't have to give it to us right now we can wait gentlemen I withdraw I told him Joe I told them class would tell what how right in the Chairman's lap it was a good punch reminded me of the old days in the coal lines after he'd quit if we're talking about Job Chapin you don't think he'd hang around or he wasn't wanted a gentleman I withdraw that's Joe Chapin in three words exactly where do you think he is now where I'd be in his place off somewhere treating my wounds with alcohol eat it don't leave me alone I'll leave you alone go easy out of me just when he comes back he's got nothing left now except you get out foreign [Music] oh pardon me where's the party what party well they said there was a party in 3 15. oh listen 2 15. you've got the wrong floor my mistake say what you doing getting drunk all by yourself that's the general idea it isn't good for gentlemen to drink by himself well why don't you join me oh what are you traveling do I travel in no what do you sell you're a Salesman aren't you oh yeah yes I'm a Salesman at least I was still a few hours ago I just quit well what were you selling myself [Laughter] why is there any law against selling yourself now look I didn't mean to imply anything like that I'm very sorry I just meant I was trying to get a job and it fell through fell through and how say you broke or something no not in that sense of the word no well then you got nothing to worry about big strong handsome man like you I'm Stella it's your name honey sure what's my name my name is chump Chop Chop Joseph B chump now you're kidding again you know what a chump is don't you he is someone who thinks he can get anything he wants by reaching out and grabbing him just like that now that's all right for a kid but when a man of 50 does it he is a chump and a useless chump you're hurting my arm sorry I I frequently hurt people without meaning too it's my specialty you think you can buy anything you want all you have to do is put down the money and it's yours like like dropping a nickel on a pile of newspapers and walking off with a paper you want you think everything's for sale everything in the world your daughter's husband the highest office in the land everything all you need is a nickel I'm making a funny joke why don't you laugh yeah well it's been nice now and you missed it real nice don't go I'm enjoying our conservation our conversation well you see I promised these gentlemen that I'd show up at this I'm sorry my dear I've been most inconsiderate here wait a minute yeah for your time and the pleasure of your company what what this is the exactly you're spending on your heart's desire buy yourself some happiness gee thanks a lot Mr jump [Music] where have you been hotel in town I got drunk never occurred to you to let me know where you were it occurred to me no yep oh did I have a woman with me as a matter of fact I did yeah I thought so no no it is she just happened to walk in by mistake I gave her a drink and sent her away I can just picture that the way I was feeling I I just wanted to be alone I I remember one time you were angry with me we were in New York a little long ago 15 that long yes I guess it was you stayed overnight in New York remember that without me I remember it very well that time you wanted to be by yourself and this time I wanted to be by myself you're lying I never asked you what you did maybe you should have asked me what are you trying to say Edith have I aroused your curiosity something anyway you've always been so smuggly complacent about me I don't call it being smugly complacent I call it trusting you I always have and I still do and it will be Unthinkable for me to have anything to do with another man yes I guess it would why yes I'd say that why why because you're not that kind of a person but you have good reason to know that I'm not a code woman and wouldn't take some of the wind out of your cells to hear that somebody else knows that too are you trying to say that you've had affairs with other men yes that time in New York he did why did you decide to tell me this now just at this moment because you let those politicians walk all over you and because just at this moment I despise you enough to tell you what I really think of you I've wasted my life I've wasted my life on a failure you're right Edith but you don't know why I'm a failure you'll never understand that what are you talking about a damn fool who never until this minute learned what was important in life and what wasn't I wouldn't have made much of a president but I could have at least been a good father that's where I failed with Joby and with Anne above all with Anne if only I well it's too late now there's nothing left of that and long ago I guess I even failed with you or you wouldn't have done what you did oh and I suppose that you're going to hold it against me for the rest of my life no Edith there'll be no reprisals whether we like it or not we are both getting old and I'm going to bed good night Edith thank you Carl foreign yes Billy how long has Joe been taking two double martinis before lunch well Joe's had a pretty tough year but with his son then his daughter and now this political thing one knockout punch after another and another one is sort of a sneak rabbit punch getting to be 50. you're not implying it at 50. Joe's life is over oh it's foolish to say that a man's life is over while he has anything in him to respond to New Life where's that door right here and she's working in a bookstore in New York are you miss her he misses her like the very devil you know someone from the farm has to go to New York next week Maybe [Music] first scattered returns from a few Precinct to New Hampshire give will be Republican 168 votes Roosevelt Democrat 107th votes we repeat that these are scattered [Music] foreign Chapin Ann's gone out she won't be back till late well I suppose I should have called first I'm sorry I Disturbed you would you like to leave a message I thought I knew all lands friends I'm her father would you like to commend Mr Chapin thank you I'm Kate Drummond I know Ann wrote us about you may I offer you a drink you probably have an engagement no I was just going to fix myself some dinner and curl up with a bad book I'm having Scotch God's just fine I suppose you know your father and I were classmates at Yale yes how is Father Drummond did you know that was his nickname oh yes but I never knew why we thought he looked like a priest I must say he didn't behave like one soda please he refers to you as slats slats but that was a few years ago would you sit down [Music] I'm awfully pleased that you a man have become friends we were never formally introduced you know we went over a cup of coffee at the Art Club a couple of career girls on the loose I'm a photographic model I think I've seen you with magazine covers I've made a few Miss Drummond now that I'm here I would like to pump you a little about Anne if I may or you can try nothing too awkward I hope does she confide in you I know about her marriage if that's what you mean thanks you've saved me a lot of devious questioning no doubt you have some preconceived ideas about me and my wife yes wait till you have children you'll justify a lot of selfish acts on the ground that you are acting in their best interest probably and then you'll have to live with it I have to live with the realization that I've destroyed the happiness of the one human being I ever loved without reservation without limit don't you take all the blame Mr Chapin at least half of it belongs to Mrs Chapin whoever's responsible it goes without saying I want Anne to be happy is she that is too loving to be happy without Somebody to Love does that answer your question Mr Chapin the one you didn't ask no she isn't in love with anybody not a bit hoping it will so you can get her off your conscience I'd want her to be happy even if she weren't on my conscience well I think I've overstayed my welcome thank you Miss Drummond I'll tell Ann you were here I'm sorry I said that about your conscience and my friend I guess that's all right it's good to know she has such a friend I bought theater tickets it was to be sort of a celebration with Anne election night and it would have been fun shame to waste them or if you're really free this evening if that's an invitation Mr Chapin I'd like it very much [Music] foreign [Music] Roger [Music] friends of yours I thought so but suddenly they don't know me you're just being tactical I'm surprised to see me out with a pretty girl in fact a dish and enjoying it are you can't you tell well from what I've observed you're observing a man having the time of his life [Music] [Applause] President Roosevelt has been elected and now we take you to Hyde Park for a statement I didn't know you were in town oh and Miss Pearson matters that Mr Chapin how do you do uh Miss uh Drummond Miss Pearson Mr Donaldson wow how do you do friends four more years you can't be a professional with an amateur even a good amateur maybe I shouldn't have said that in view of your own recent experience my wife stopped thinking of myself as the People's Choice those fellas really let you have a different day you know this worked out for the best oh wear off I want to get a good night's sleep the Market's going to jump tomorrow but nobody knows which way oh glad to see you took my advice Paul I'll always take your advice on the stock market Miss Drummond is my daughter's roommate applied beg your pardon good night good night good night he doesn't believe you I don't care do you you're a model in New York and unmarried people are going to talk about you no matter what you do these gray hairs are your protection I don't feel very protected why not they're just camouflage you'd never guessed this kid had a grown family would you delivered to Chapin really I just meant that until you said that to your friend I'd almost forgotten Iran's father what does that mean well you haven't asked me if I was having a good time who are you best in years I'm a girl like you you must have a million dollars no just one one I guess I must have Airedale blood I can only hear one whistle at a time are you in love with this lucky one I suppose yes you planning to marry him why do you ask me that I'm sorry I I suppose I shouldn't have cried what's Pride Got to Do with It p-r-i-a-d Pride into your affairs well I don't mind I'm not sure that I want to be married to him for the rest of my life and when I get married that's the way it's going to be no I dislike this young man with a whistle why we're giving you cause to doubt it that's no way to treat an air deal the waiter is slapping his check when a waiter slaps the check he wants you to pay up and go he also reduces his tip is it time to take you one day how about one more dance how about a dozen more Dances all right waiter yes gentlemen you know that stuff that keeps you awake uh what do you call it I'll get you some right away not for me for you a yes to me foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're in town no no I'll call her tomorrow [Music] good night good night you want to kiss me don't you Mr Chicken at my age a kiss has other implications at least the way I want to kiss you yes I can't apply any promises promise or promise any implications or whatever I'm trying to say after all I'm Anne's father and we met tonight for the first time oh yes another time Kate I'll be back I know you will oh I know that I'm way past where I ever thought I'd be with anyone again [Music] the Yale Club 15 vantable 50 basketball Avenue low night owl Night Owl yourself oh I didn't know you had company my brother Joby Kate Drummond hi well hello Joby just woke me up demanding bed and board so I'll move in with you and he can have my room having seen Kate I could suggest a more original arrangement sophomore freshman yeah as of today that is I've seen I've seen flunking out that'll be a nice Christmas present for father Yale is his idea not mine I know Joby well I'm going to turn in where's your bag no bag all I need in the morning is a razor and a toothbrush you must have an old razor you shave your legs with you're so sophisticated and so vulgar so wrong okay if you want such an ugly old hag I could go for you it's far off raises oh my men grow beards good night sweet prince something tells me I'm not getting across you are well who's first in the bathroom you extra toothbrush in the cabinet well good night good night hope you don't mind Joby that's just the way he talks why should I mind I like it who's your new fella what new fella the one you were out with why should it be anyone new oh come on cage you stay out nearly two o'clock and then you Breeze in with that look about you do I indeed well when you've been out with Howard you always come home dragging your tail behind you you're an observant winch aren't you no merely can't mind my own business this is just a friend of a friend from out of town and you're not talking good evening bro good evening Edith there's a postcard from Joby from Bermuda what's she doing in Bermuda staying with the Harrison so is Anne oh how long do they expect to be there over Christmas with these cars over Christmas is dinner ready you have time for another drink we'll eat this I have to run up to New York tomorrow for the farm be gone two or three days oh you say Joe hello oh hello well may I come in of course I have theater tickets and a table at the Marguerite I took a chance you'd be free this evening I've been free every evening since I left and the fellow with a whistle I'm seeing you well when you whistled okay I wanted to stay away that's not quite true I didn't want to but I tried I tried to [Music] like it wonderful let's not stay for the rest of it do you mind not in the least where would you like to go walk somehow I don't want all those friends of yours staring at us not tonight [Music] cold just enough I never knew what it was like before all these years I've heard about people being in love read about it but never felt it but when it happens you know you're short yes you sure all the millions of men that's never happened to it and the millions of women but it happened to me it happened to us [Music] about 20 more miles foreign [Music] like the end of the world Arthur McHenry and I used to bring the fellas up here for the hunting and fishing but nobody comes here anymore what was that I don't know [Music] what is it man out of her coach a man why it's a bear you know so nearsighted for a moment I thought it was a man he's nearsighted too much hey bear [Music] thank you he promised to call me I must have slept for an hour [Music] near it too I couldn't bring myself to wake you yeah present [Music] for me I don't see anybody else around here open it right now of course I've always been like this Christmas my birthdays the present's so wonderful lovely and mysterious before it's unwrapped what's inside is always a disappointment no but after all it's something that came from a store what's in this one came from the heart okay [Music] [Music] is too cheap and a fella gives a girl a ruby the least they can expect us to be called by his name Joe Joe thank you Joe this was presented to my grandfather in India I hadn't made up as a pendant for you I never dreamed of anything so beautiful you Christmas tonight I thought we'd run down to the lodge for dinner there's uh there's usually the crowd there for the skiing why not go out together where there's a crowd oh [Music] I've been doing a lot of thinking we have to be very clear in our minds just how things will be for us and for the people we care about I can't go on living with Anne for instance I'll have to get an apartment of my own somewhere that's where we'll always have to see each other we can't go out together anymore let me finish Now you listen to me I love you as I've never loved anyone else surely deeply completely do you really think I'd stand for that you my mistress dodging your friends in an apartment on the wrong side of town my decision Joe it's what I want to do and it's the one thing I'll never let you do [Music] Kate will you marry me how could we I'll ask my wife for a divorce give you one she might there's a reason why she might I can force the issue I never even thought about marriage I can't give you up not now I can't go back to gibbsville to Frederick Street not to that house all right I'm sorry that was inexcusable whining about my own troubles Joe he's a woman to marry him doesn't he usually wait for her answer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] much more Swift than anything in Switzerland I've never been there you like it are we going this way it'll be fun to show you all the places you've never been some of the places I've never been will there be anything else sir anything else [Music] thank you sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry all right I'm fine thank you let me help you I can still get up by myself thank you I'm terribly sorry sir okay Drummond I didn't know you were in the part hello Bill where you stay friends oh you're not leaving now we're all gonna have a dance later I'm afraid we have to go oh come on you can stay for just a little while anyway Mr Drummond you make it stay I'll uh see if she gets home all right the name is Chapin well I'm sorry I guess I I sort of reaped the wrong conclusion I mean Kate is a friend of my daughter is my daughter Anne oh yes sir I know Ann Chapin we're on our way up to Lost Lake now to meet her there that's why we have to leave we'll better luck next time good night kay good night good night sir I'm sorry I crashed in here it's quite all right son good night funny eyes I thought I'd shape was in Bermuda [Music] thank you foreign [Music] you're worried about my reputation that's not what I'm worried about it just made a Perfectly Natural mistake exactly he perfectly naturally assumed that I was your father please I can't stand any word Kate let's take a good long look at what at ourselves listen come here look at what Joe at what that young friend of yours showed us we should be grateful to him grateful I needed that bumpy gave me maybe it knocked some sense into me don't you see Kate are getting married would be just as bad as the other thing what it would do to your life I I lost my head this afternoon Joe now listen Kate the rules are there for a reason why do we always laugh the old character chasing after the young girl in the cartoon so those newspaper stories about the old hillbilly marrying some half-witted female of 11. I'm not really half witted and there's not that much difference between us enough so that our children would only know their father as an old man enough so that you'd be left alone at the time you most needed love and protection when you're as old as I am now that's why the rules are there love isn't everything Kate you can't live without Pride p-r-i-d-e laughs [Music] I'll take this up for you I'll take it don't be unhappy Kate I'm not I can't tell you how unhappy I am I'm going away somewhere far away you don't have to I'll stay out of your life trust me maybe I can't trust myself to stay out of yours here's your Ruby it's yours I wanted to give you something beautiful and extravagant I still want to I'm grateful to you for being All That You Are go on up now and I know when you're alone you'll cry Kate will always have this with we thank you [Music] foreign thanks why Joby mother what's all this about father don't you think you owe me the courtesy I had a letter from Dr English he says father's very ill doctor English hasn't even seen him that's just the point some eye doctor had to tell him father went to this man for new glasses he spotted a dangerous condition Dr English told you all this didn't he weeks ago and suppose he did mother you're gonna make father get medical help are you giving me orders just because you're a Sergeant or whatever it is do you think you could order me God orders you not me you must be higher than a massage and to be so close to the Almighty have you even tried to stop him drinking so much your father's old enough to take it has he had a hemorrhage you know what that is don't you has he ever vomited blood didn't you call a doctor for him then because because you'll love it you don't ask permission when that happens you get on the telephone yourself yelling Joby how do you think it's been for me the wife of a drunkard never able to accept an invitation listening at night to him fumbling down the stairs for another bottle have a little Sympathy For Me Maybe if you'd shown some for him this wouldn't have happened if you'd shown him just a little kindness a little human War foreign hello father well juby good to see you well get a leave well I convinced the general staff the Army could do without me for 48 hours bro this is fine just fine come on I'll buy you a drink oh I wouldn't do that Joe as I understand it Joby intends to spend the weekend reforming you hello long distance oh yes yes she's here and it's for you long distance oh excuse me take care of this nail twist hello hello Anna Banana how's that vow of yours remember to darken the doors of 10 North Frederick again good and firm thank you the old boys in terrible shape down a banana and I've got to get back to him what's wrong Joby says it's a combination of Nation me I'd call it a kind of Galloping despair give him a face to look at that he really loves get it down here as quick as you can have Harry meet the express tonight I'll be honest I'll stay as long as I can right right goodbye should be on the express tonight speculation over what will happen when Allied Forces finally affect the junction with the Russians moving in from the East tonight the main weight of the Allied expeditionary forces offensive is Shifting Southward toward Hitler's National redoubt General Eisenhower's headquarters reports that the German armies are in Retreat everywhere meanwhile General Brandon's 12th Army group prize it is what on Earth are you doing here homesick all of a sudden well that's fine here sit down I wish we'd known you were coming we've had some young people in I came to see you oh that's very nice of you very sweet afraid I'm going to start blubbering so wonderful seeing you again I think I'll smoke a cigarette if you don't mind over there in the Box how's the bookstore oh just fine I'm becoming quite the business woman last month my accounts came out even I almost fainted but you must have some fun too oh well I do don't neglect the social side next month I'm flying out to California to be made of honor at a wedding that's a long way to go for a wedding yes well this is special okay you never met her did you uh stop by to see you once and she gave me a drink very beautiful girl and she's getting married yes to a very nice fellow she met in Santa Barbara that's where she went when she left New York oh about five years ago it was very mysterious for running off like that Kate always had a sense of mystery about her she isn't an Open Face Sandwich like me that's our trouble yours and mine everyone guesses our secrets father you know Joby and I were have you seen her at all yes she was in New York last month changed much no still the same beautiful smart and lovely and in love yes no well there's a difference between loving and being in love is there well I'm sure that she loves Tom and he's crazy about her it'll be a good marriage but I wonder if she's really over the other one what other one oh it was a long time ago she really had it then Bad Case he was married I think she discussed this with you not really on my hands well let's hope she'll be very happy yes now you better run along let your mother know you're here I suppose I'd better come on come back we'll have a good talk like old times all right you dear man my lovely father when it happens you know you're sure yes you're sure the millions of minutes never happens to and the millions of women but it happened to me it happened to us good night Joe good night my love [Music] thank you [Music] sergeant colonel General what's the matter the guests are leaving we're going to make polite noises we'd better go down and do so I wonder oh oh you are stinking maybe you shouldn't nine cents never let it be said that Joseph B Chapin JR could hold his liquor come on I can't permit you to do this no let's say goodbye to him goodbye don't go anybody show me I want to pay my respects I I've been remiss in my duties as son of the house I want to express my appreciation to all my father's wonderful friends who did so much for him while he was still alive just a minute Mr Slattery I want you to do me a favor I want you to tell our friends here how you cut my father's throat with a dull knife go on why don't you tell him Governor you tell him you were there too are you Mr hooker our fighting editor no because dare you I'm so sorry he's not in here he is the greatest friend he ever had his loving wife is shy dutiful retiring wife all she ever did to him was murdering don't be foreign you apologize to your mother madam I humbly apologize for saying so rudely in public what I intended to say even more rudely and private I'll take care of him just get everybody out of here right for you Harry goodbye in a banana goodbye oh wow it's a funny time of night to have a hangover I should never touch this stuff if Madame says anything she won't you said it all well I guess this is the last time I'll ever see the old barn the last of the chapins no not me I don't count father was the last the last Chapin of Frederick Street they don't make them like him anymore you better go inside your catch call I wish you wish what I wish he'd had something Joby these last years some moment of Triumph was all defeats he could have had just one small victory you know what his real trouble was he couldn't take advantage he was a gentleman in a world that has no further use for gentlemen goodbye Joby take care and a banana take care wanna give my love to Kate come in five minute one all right I'm nearly ready okay you look so I can't tell you how you look Starry Eyed I hope and everything you should look including Starry eye thanks I still have a few things to throw in my overnight bag oh can I help you with something um my jewel case over there do you ever get this Ruby isn't it something new did Tom give it to you no I've had it quite a while but you didn't have it in New York at least I haven't seen it before or have I I never wear it Anne something to look at I'm leaving it to you in my will I wouldn't want it to go to anyone else okay did my father give you the Ruby yes he was the one you fell in love with okay okay of course I don't mind if you only knew I Kate the night he died we were talking about you and he asked so many questions I wondered why but now I understand it all okay [Music] that's why you left New York you were running away from him quiet and he sent me away I'd have done anything he wanted he made the decision [Music] he settled Book of Rules couldn't have ended any other way with my father poor dear tough shirt [Music] a staff shirt didn't give me this [Music] coming Kade rubies rubies aren't good enough for your come on we mustn't keep them waiting foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: sfinthecity
Views: 343,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8--e8KmkvE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 54sec (6114 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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