I make a Steel Knot by Bending Rebar - Bowline Knot - without Heating, Metal Art Project
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Gavin Clark DIY
Views: 48,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bowline knot, Rope End, The bowline knot, Knots, tying a knot, Bowline, How to make a steel knot, Industrial Style rebar knot, Steel knot, Tying a knot with steel, knot out of steel, rebar knot, rebar, re-bar, Blacksmith, hammer, steel, art, diy, metal, fab, fabrication, hand made, design, Gavin Clark, fabricate, metalworking, Industrial Style, steelwork, metal rod, bending, bending steel, tying, how to, I make, make, heat, without heat, tie a knot, project, easy, metal art, knot tying, decor
Id: Bn90YW4wicg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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