How to Bend Rebar into Rings fast! Ferrocement

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okay so peter harris here renaissance workshops again and dream space another how-to video about ferris men and a detailed little look at how to make little round loops of really strong rebar this is d10 10 millimeter deform and i'm marked off here on the board 1300 because that gives us a good convenient um that's a 750 millimeter um bulk cutter that does do these if i'm lazy or feeling too tired i can use a cut-off wheel so we're going to this uh oh what we're building what we're making is these perfect little circles of d d10 you can do those in about two one minute each sort of thing so they are good for making pillars you can do them any size if you if you have a different size post or as i was thinking you could put a bigger pipe over it over a post like that so all this is a post bolted to a secure bench and it's got one bolt uh over here to um to act as a as i started and then i've got a nice pipe here one inch one and a half inch is it there's a good good leverage because not being uh quite as young as i was i like to take it a bit more easy i've been getting pretty stiff doing this big project so here we go so we're bending it round and uh it's pretty effortless so just keeping that pipe close to the post and each each turn we're making another ring so this is just long enough to make three rings so it's like a three ring circus around here so this platform is so we can build the some of the ferrous cement under under cover and also get at the inside underneath to uh to plaster them we have a triple spring so all we have to do is cut across here and we'll have our three rings it's very convenient it's safer to have it on the post when you cut them and as i was thinking safety this is a makita cut-off wheel with a very very thin cut-off wheel for cutting off um steel really thin it's about i don't know a millimeter or so the cuts really clean and quick so now i'm just cutting down which will get rid of those ends and there we go there's a purple [Applause] three now we uh i i've already got this little set up here which oh these are the benders so they've got a groove that fits in simplest way to bend so there you go there is a perfectly serviceable for absolute strength you could weld but i usually i don't bother because they're so strong um so we'll just do one do the others now if they're not quite meeting up just give it a whack the dogs like to uh hang around chew a bit of wood that little white one tends to chase after sparks which is discouraged you have to wear eye protection or in my case i've got plastic lenses and i look straight at it when i'm grinding and trying to grind away from my eyes because i've had a splinter of steel in my eye twice and uh they have to be taken out and just flicked out and it's a pain and you have to wait in the emergency department and that's not advisable so here we have three oh actually one was previous so these can just fit in here like uh like so and then we use our little twister i'll do one here just to demonstrate just to complete the uh the thing so one turn around another turn around there seems to help it to twist better this little stainless stainless steel bolt it's got four holes with little countersinks it's quite easy to locate the ends of the thing and then you can twist cordless drill cheap little quick cordless drill so four times around there so this whole pillow with six six uh six rings only took 13 minutes to to attach so we're ready with this one uh to uh put him on this so uh it's gonna be a tripod for this good for a local park well memorial play so uh now if you want to learn more follow my this channel the renaissance workshops and uh also on amazon we have fantastic ferrous men and there's fantastic ferrous there's a website with more pictures and things and we're on youtube facebook as well so thank you for signing in you
Channel: Wizard Workshops
Views: 388,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Renaissance Workshops, bar bending, bend rebar by hand, bending, concrete sculpture, ferrocement, ferrocement house, rebar, rebar circle bending
Id: kE0f7AjziZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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