I Made Working MINECRAFT Mobs in LEGO...

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this is a Minecraft Magma Cube made out of hundreds of Lego bricks and if I lift the top of it it splits into sections to reveal an orange cord just like the in-game mob and this is me spending hours motorizing a Lego Minecraft silverfish so it can move like in the game in this video I made realistic Minecraft Mobs out of Lego and then made them functional to make each one even cooler okay so I have this small magnitude from another set I bought for this video and it has a really satisfying mechanism that lets it split into sections when you lift the top I want to scale this design up to make an even bigger version but I have basically none of any of the colors or pieces required to make it so I hopped onto Bricklink AKA did slash game mode creative and spent about 300 on a bunch of pieces but while I wait for those I'm going to make a mechanism that makes this tiny Magma Cube jump up and down and this Minecraft set called the rabbit Ranch has this mechanism that makes one of the rabbits jump up and down too so I went to Target and bought it foreign okay so basically at the back there's a little lever that pushes up on this axle when you push down did I just spend 35 dollars for the probably most simple mechanism in this video yes but now I own two Minecraft bundles so I'm not complaining but now I'm going to replicate it for the small Minecraft Magma Cube but we don't need this set anymore so drop test I built it out of dark red and added a small diorama of Vanessa around it including this little lava pool using a 2x4 plate with these small holes in it for the axle to go through and then we can add our little Magma Cube and it's done wow that's really satisfying now I want to motorize the medium-sized Magma Cube I found that if you push up on the axle inside this magma cube with another axle it lifts the top up and fully extends it but what will work even better is if I switch out this three stud long axle for a 5 stud long one that way when the Magma Cube is fully extended the axle on the end just has to be pushed up to the bottom of the cube then I can use a cam mechanism to push the axle up and down repeatedly as this motor turns we can build a box around the cam making sure there's enough room for the cam to spin in all directions and then hook a motor to the front of the build and since the magnitude was built sideways I changed out the 4x4 plate on the back for a 2x4 plate so that I can hook it sideways with these snot bricks then I tiled it over hooks the motor up to an IR receiver and tested it out wow that's actually so cool oh and I also switch out the cam for this round piece so it ran smoother now that the two small magma cubes have leveled up their jumping abilities I want to build a silverfish and then motorize it so that it moves side to side like this now you're probably wondering why I would want to make a silverfish of all mobs it's small annoying and usually forgotten while silverfish are an ancient creature destined to guard and protect the ender portal from the player who has a ruthlessly killed and slaughtered all the silverfish's Hostile mob brethren in order to open the portal just kidding they are just small and the motion will look cool in Lego that's literally it my idea for this build is to build the silverfish four stud long sections so that I can control each one separately and make them do some sort of wave motion so I started with the head and worked my way back I also added some blocks sticking out to act like all the spine silverfish have in the game okay now that we are finished we have a not very intact Lego Minecraft silverfish top comment gets the side what it gets named also for some reason it looks like a scene foreign sorry is built we need to make a mechanism to make it swim back and forth and yes I know silverfish don't swim that's just what I'm calling this motion this isn't going to be as simple as a lever mechanism or even a camshaft like I use for the medium-sized magnitude instead I need to make each section of silverfish get pushed and pulled back and forth at a slight offset to each piece next to it let's start with the 32 by 32 base plate which will give us just the right amount to fit the silverfish then I'm going to try and use these crank pieces powered by a bunch of the same size gears to push and pull the silverfish sections I built a long beam to hold all the gears and in order to make them all turn in the same direction there's a single small gear in between each bigger one then I can offset each Crank by a couple of gear teeth so that the whole knob isn't moving together I kept building for hours and finally got to a point where I could test it out I'll need to build an entire flat space underneath the silverfish to support each beam but the motor isn't strong enough to power that many gears while also pushing and pulling the weight of silverfish I tried adding another motor on the end but they don't rotate perfectly in sync and it looks bad which means back to the driving part my next plan of action after a couple seconds of thought is to use a horizontal axle to turn large gears that push and pull Technic beams yes I know that sounds really complicated you're just gonna have to wait and see the one major problem with this plan though is because yes there just has to be a major problem is that if I put every gear on the driven axle the beam will cost through the axle and won't be able to turn so instead of putting those gears on the main axle I put smaller ones on it and then built these little assemblies to hold larger axles that won't have to deal with the central axle getting in the way that was a lot of axles first I didn't space each gear right in relation to each section of silverfish but I went back and fixed it so that all the beams were centered with each section then I added these inverted Technic pinhole pieces to each section of silverfish and started building a base for the mob to sit on it needs to have these gaffes in it so that each beam can run through it so I used a bunch of long plates and then tiled it over so it's smooth then I used some pillars and panel pieces to raise it to the right height okay it's almost time to test it out but in order to make it the right speed I need to use the same infrared receiver and a controller okay Moment of Truth foreign but there's one small issue I need to fix like the fact that some of the large gears need to be shifted slightly so there's more variation in the movement between each section which I fixed pretty fast and to finish it up I want to add a front wall out of these dark gray bricks with that finished here's the finished model and it works pretty well it's very satisfying [Music] okay that's this first two magma cubes and a silverfish complete but now it's time to begin the final magnet Cube my brick link orders have finally arrived okay that's about 2 500 parts and now I'm gonna start but as I sat down to build my 32 by 32 Magma Cube I realized something 2500 pieces may be a lot but I definitely under ordered on bricks and probably got just the right amount of plates but logic says that these sadly are not equal to these so I decided to save myself the struggle of starting all over and just went with a 16 by 16 Magma Cube instead so I got to work okay so here's the first layer done and it's probably a good time to tell you how I'm going to make this whole thing work these are rail pieces and these are the inverse of that piece that I bought in this rare yellow color to match the core of the Magma Cube I'm gonna build the whole thing sideways so that the rails will be vertical meaning each outer section can move up and down I also ordered a bunch of black and dark red inverted two by two tiles to smooth out the back and really go the extra mile I added two rail pieces sticking up by one stud so that the core can raise two studs when the Magna cube is lifted up then I built the second layer of magma cube as well as the core I used a reference photo of a rail mob and replicated each pixel one by one with these two by two tiles on the front and the inverted ones on the back that part was so satisfying to tile and then it was on to the final layer just like this little mango Cube that started the idea for this whole video the top layer needs to be twice as thick as the rest in order to make it work well so I started building up the layers of bricks and got to the eyes I ordered some of these orange and yellow tiles that I've been using for the core of the Magna Cube that are just the right colors to make the eyes as well then I finished the top of the outer layer worked my way to the top of the core of the Magma Cube also adding these inverted rail pieces sticking out of the top with Stoppers to make the Magma Cube pop lift to the perfect height and not come off and with that done if I lift up on the top of the Magma Cube it actually works I just built three different working Minecraft magnet cubes of increasing sizes and a moving silverfish named well you decide and I think it would be hitting to end this video with drop test [Music]
Channel: RJMBricks
Views: 1,827,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h7Ded65y9WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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