I Made The World's STRONGEST LEGO L-Motor!!

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this is one lego motor as you  can see it sounds very weak   i can literally stop it with my  hand and this is eight lego motors and they sound like this today we're gonna take  all these motors and battery boxes and combine   them to make the world's strongest lego motor and  then we're gonna run a bunch of experiments and   tests with it to see how strong it actually  is i have no idea how we're gonna do this   so we need to create a circular shape and then  we're gonna connect gears to each one of these   and each one of those gears will connect to a  central gear so that all the power from each   motor will be converted into one central axle will  be essentially a giant version of one of these so   let's test something all right say we do this and  we put two of these axles in here and we connect   those to this gear right here in order to connect  those all we have to do is put a gear right here   and now that spins and now we need to build  three more of these to put on the sides and   so we'll have a square of motors that  are running with the gear on the inside perfect okay now we have four okay now that is perfect and then drop that in drop  that in drop that i'm kind of scared this is   gonna be it's probably gonna be just a little  bit dangerous when it's running at full power   we need to put a couple gears in here and  then attach a central gear i'm shaking i'm   a little i'm a little freaked out don't do this  at home by the way and again we're not trying to   increase speed we're trying to increase torque  because we can do whatever we want with speed   if we use a gear ratio on the other end right  now we're just trying to fix the motor part so all right we got those locked together we got all  the gears in there those aren't going anywhere   on the inside of this let's grab a piece these  tables are not put that right there and that'll   give us a little bit something to attach stuff  to on the inside let's put one on each side here at some point i'm going to put on eye protection  because this thing is going to get dangerous   and by dangerous i mean dangerously  powerful and dangerous gears spinning fast   that could pop off and hit me in the eye now  main gear goes right here so we got to figure   out what size of gear we can put around that  so this one's if they're all rotating this way i think that's going to work guys oh my gosh bro i'm so scared this is not  a good idea let's see moment of truth   eye protection okay here we go yo it actually works let's go wait how strong  is that let's show this lego tire right here   and if i can grab the tire  then it's not that strong okay so we got to reinforce it quite a bit before  we can actually see if this is the strongest lego   motor this is promising though okay so the little  bushing came off of this so we're gonna replace   this with a longer one and then we're going to  put a bunch of these yellow things on because the   more of these you put on the harder it becomes for  this thing to move around okay so that right there too much power is going through yeah three just  turned off yo i just realized we just completely   twisted this axle look at that that is insane the  question is how do we get it to be more powerful   because we have eight motors running in it  but something about how we arrange the gears   i don't even know as with every great  project we need to figure out some issues all right i'm about to call my friend marcel  from astonishing studios he's an engineer   so i'm hoping he can help us solve our motor issue okay so i bought eight lego motors i'm trying to  build the strongest lego motor but i'm running   into a problem i'm trying to figure out how i  can maximize torque with the gear setup the way   you maximize torque is by trying to get the fewest  rotations at the output for as many rotations as   possible at the input right so say if you put  like 10 rotations into a system and it causes   one rotation at the output you're getting like 10  times the torque there in theory so what i need to   do is make these gears little gears and then this  a big gear to a big gear am i correct essentially   nice okay cool i'll work on that thank you guys go  check out marcel from astonishing studios link in   the description you make some sick food automation  machines so check them out the next step now is to   replace all the gears that were attached to the  motors with smaller ones and hope that works out okay so we just replaced those gears like  marcel said we should with these smaller   gears i'm thinking this is going to be  a lot more powerful we're most likely   going to have to reinforce all this but here we go no we just like busted the inside of this wheel i  mean what could i really expect that's an engineer   it works okay let's reinforce this again and then  we're going to attach one battery box to each side   i think um we really don't want to strip any  of these gears but that's what it's coming   down to essentially is just the power of  the gear shoe yeah let's reinforce again okay so we got four cables coming out quite  a bit sturdier than it was quite a bit larger   now what we're going to do is we're going  to reinforce these edges right here because   these things are going to want to pull apart  so the way we're going to do that is like this all right now it is very restertified   that's not even a word now we've got to  attach these four battery boxes to the motors yo i hear something cracking i am thinking this  is one of the strongest lego motors in existence   if not the strongest lego motor so  let's put this thing to the test and   get some things that are hard to  do to see if this thing can do it   you can see i also added this big button on this  side and that allows us to turn on each of these   battery boxes independently like this  or all at the same time like this i think this thing's gonna work really  well i reinforced the front let's go   do some tests to see if this thing actually works all right the first test we're gonna  do with this comes from lego joe they   say see if it can lift 100 pounds so  that's what we're gonna do with this   box is awfully here but there's a hole in it  right here so the plan is to have this thing   right here and then a box on this side and  a pulley to see if this thing can actually   lifts so we gotta build that up real quick and  then we can test it all right guys here we go   let's see if this can actually pick this up  we're gonna turn it on first test five pounds hey five pounds successful let's go  this is coming undone we gotta fix   this up here but it can lift five pounds to  start test number two ten pounds here we go we're good for 10. oh gosh oh  it's bending so hard right now okay guys that time it lifted up 10 pounds  let's fix this and then try 20 pounds 20   pounds is heavy stuff you guys i don't think  this is gonna i don't think it's gonna work   i am definitely glad i'm wearing eye protection  though okay here we go 20 pounds in three two one yo we totally did it let's go i think the knot  just came off that was i kidding that was it   i'd say success 20 pounds it lifted like this far  this is pretty strong all right so in conclusion   can it lift a hundred pounds i'm gonna say no but  it can lift 20 pounds and that's a lot of weight   uh that's pretty insane it weighs two pounds  and nine ounces for this entire thing that's   actually pretty heavy the next test we're gonna  run is to see how long of a gear train we can make   by gearing up so that it'll go faster and faster  before this thing just can't turn the gear anymore   it's already spinning a little faster  look at that now let's add more all right here's three as you  can see it works with three gears   let's try more getting  harder and harder here we go dang that is spinning i don't know how many rpm  that is but eventually i'll do the math and it'll   be right here wow that is also very loud look  at that it's gonna fly up and hit me i wonder it's still spinning all right let's  see if we can get a couple more of this   okay at this point this one  over here will not even turn we gotta hold this motor it's really hard to  determine how strong this is the problem is that   the axle is just coming out of this little hole  this motor isn't stopping i just can't get it   to hook onto that no matter what we do to it it's  just bending the axle the motor is more powerful   like i can't figure out a way to stop this motor  with all four segments running i can't stop it we just bent the axle this motor is unstoppable  you guys these things just broke i think if we   get like more motors in each of these we could  literally make a rideable lego car all we need   is metal axles it has enough torque i think  to run like a car you could ride on i think   there's only one thing left to do with this  you guys guys make sure you click this video   over here that's video that youtube recommends  specifically for you comment down below if you   want to see something ridable built with  these i'll talk to you next brick science what am i doing
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 5,525,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego motor, strongest lego motor, which lego motor is the strongest, lego power functions motor test, combining lego motors, worlds strongest lego motor, brick science lego motor, brick science, riley scott, brickatecture, lego, lego power functions, lego technic, lego technic motor tutorial, lego tutorial, lego diy, lego diy show, brick science lego, astonishing studios brick science, astonishing studios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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