I Built WORKING LEGO Power Tools!

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oh God today I'm gonna build Lego power tools and then I'm gonna try and build something with them to see if it's actually possible first we need to build up some basic tools to get started so I'm thinking we build a wrench a hammer a saw and even like a tool belt also this video is sponsored by Shopify but more on them later [Music] all right so here we have our tool belt as you can see everything is accessible it's actually pretty legit we got a hammer and then we got our stock we need to use that it comes out we got little Technic pieces so they can snap on and come off the wood we're actually going to use for this project is balsa wood and the reason we're going to use Balsam wood is because it's really soft and thin we're going to build three power tools in this video and the first one is going to be a Lego table saw because we need to cut this wood down to size and we're going to build a mystery build which you'll see at the end of the video so the first thing we need to do to build table saw is figure out what we're gonna use as a blade I was thinking we could use a gear because it can spin super fast and it has a bunch of teeth which I think could cut through our pieces pretty good however it won't cut through these so I don't know so the plan to build this thing is to build a super motor using four regular Motors and two battery boxes we're gonna take four Motors and we're gonna put them around to Central axle so that way the power from all four of them will be translated into a single motor sounds pretty loud which means more power obviously more loudness equals more power gears first we will attach these together [Music] a couple technical pins it goes into there and then theoretically if we do that that this piece should fit right in the middle there the motor should spin that look at that look how powerful it is it's flying that is actually really strong okay so now what if put it on this side and then we just add more Motors here let's see if this works now that's really strong okay and now we can do is we can just take this gear here or the output of this thing and we can attach it to this [Music] now we have our table saw right here and this isn't sharp so I can touch it will this actually cut me thinks it'll work okay so the next step is to make this not dangerous which means we need to hook these up to a switch for the switch we're just going to use two of these Lego switches which I literally hate but it's all they make so connect these two together like that okay so now we flick the switch it turns on and we'll put a little stop right there so it'll turn off now we got to do is build this into a base with a flat top so we can slide the boards across it and make sure this part here is protruding to connect this to the base what I'm actually going to do put on a bunch of these things and then I can connect it to the edges and now that locks into our base plate and holds it up so I'm just doing that all over this to make it really strong okay and make this thing actually useful I'm just going to take this and mark the little inches on this white thing and that'll add actually use to it and now it's complete as you can see that's where the blade matches up right there and this thing is done so now this thing's actually done we can turn it on using these switches and we're ready to cut some Lumber now the danger here isn't really cutting your finger it's sucking your finger in so we're just going to keep our fingers clear don't do this at home we need to cut two of these down to 12 inches so we can use our little measure here all right now let's hope this actually works foreign I think there's a problem so you see that I can hold this and it bends the axle which is not what we want so look how destroyed this axle is no wonder it's not working we just need to put a metal axle in there let's just replace it with this here foreign dude okay so it works it's just slow and really inefficient and but it works though so now we just need to cut one more of those and there we go we have two pieces and these are the pieces we need for our mystery build now we also need to cut these two pieces in half and I'm not sure if it'll work for that but I'll try let's see thank you all right so now we have all our wood pieces cut and as you can see there's a lot of Burrs and it just it needs to be sanded so the next power tool we're gonna build is an automatic sander I think it'd be pretty easy so this is an orbital sander basically what it does is you can take a piece of sandpaper put it in here and once you turn it on this thing will vibrate basically going in little circles and do all the sanding work for you unfortunately I don't have an orbital sander so we're gonna build one out of Lego for this we're going to use two battery boxes and four Motors and each motor is going to control a little vibrating mechanism that'll basically spin these battery boxes fit in with the bricks better so I'm gonna use these and then for the mechanism that actually vibrates what we're going to do connect this to a gear and I think these little eight tooth gears are perfect because they have these little holes so we want to do is to connect this to a gear like that and then to the top of the gear we'll attach a pin into one of the holes like this so if we have this like this see how that kind of goes in an orbital pattern and vibrates that's exactly what orbital sander does just like super duper fast so if we have one motor on each corner of this box we put a piece of sandpaper on top of it first we gotta make it spin a little faster essentially what we're going to do is just have the large gear on top and the smaller gear on the bottom will attach to this so now look how much faster that spins that's awesome now we just get that going four times we'll attach two of these to this so we'll go bang bang and these ones go on here bam okay so now that's Square which means we can add something to these that'll just lock together you gotta make sure to use perch on this pin too and then we can go Bam Bam we just want to make sure that each one of these is connected to the same side of these gears here and that'll really make it so that it doesn't break when we turn it on and they won't stretch apart all right let's see if this works hold on hold on let's put these bushings on that's literally it guys that's an orbital sander right there look at that's gonna do great dude all we gotta do is attach the Sandpaper to the bottom they're using some sort of clip thing and then build these wait will these fit right in here they just mine all right so now we've got the mechanism complete for this all we got to do is fill it out basically make it look like an orbital sander and I'm gonna go with blue for a color scheme because I like blue to do most of the filling out I'm just gonna have these Technic pieces which have a stud on the end so let's build this up and make it look nice [Music] all right so here it is this is the sander as you can see it works so it has these two switches on the side which activate the battery box you have to push them at the same time and there you go you're ready to sand you take your sandpaper and this thing you wrap it around this little technique piece here which is the perfect size by the way the technique pins just snap this into here like this check it out and there you go so before we build our next tool to actually assemble this the next step is sand all these pieces smooth while I'm doing that I'm going to tell you about this video sponsor Shopify Shopify is an all-in-one Commerce platform and buy all in one I mean Shopify is a virtual storefront product manager analytics viewer in-person sales tool social media platform integration and a great way to sell products that you're proud of as someone who's used Shopify to sell Lego crash dummies I could tell you it ran super smoothly so here's three reasons why I recommend Shopify number one they have a bunch of useful tools integrated into their platform to help you run your business like a pro like my new favorite tool the business name generator generate brick science evolution why does that sound like a show that I would make in the future science Advanced six-pack brick science you know that one not only can you sell your products online with Shopify you can also sell in person with the Shopify POS app literally making your selling efforts Unstoppable you know this thing is not actually working too bad things run out of battery though and three they're empowering more entrepreneurs than anyone else in the world with millions of businesses using Shopify and over 175 different countries and they're all turning they're selling aspirations into reality with Shopify so what are you waiting on for a free trial of Shopify go to shopify.com Brick science or click the link in the description you just think Shopify sponsoring this video and making this project possible now check out these parts they're so smooth the next step in our mystery build is to screw all this together which means we need to build a Lego power drill and I'm really confident this is gonna work because I figured something out that's pretty cool so my plan is to use these which are clutch gears I don't really know the specific term but the reason I like these is because you can actually put a drill bit directly inside them because it's like the perfect fit check it out and then you can take this and put it on like our screwdriver admittedly the system isn't perfect but it does work to screw things in so all we got to do is attach this to a motor and that will be at the end of our drill and we can have several ones that you can just snap on in the end of the motor so that's the plan okay so we need to turn this into a drill which means we need a switch for the trigger that will go in the battery box now we have an extension this controls our motor here so let's build up a quick Technic frame to kind of get all the parts in the right positions because this is a drill all right now we got the trigger attached for the most part put this behind the trigger that'll work way better I'm guessing Okay so to attach the battery box we have the frame built up here as you can see detach this we're gonna put it right there so my thought is if we just grab two of these put in a few Technic pins these are great because they're like lift arms but they have holes on both sides so we put one here and we put one on the other side it's genius guys grab our drawer of these which are like half pins and they also have zero friction so we're gonna do is we're gonna stick these on our battery box which means we're actually going to get half the connection so that we can take the battery box off easier and now all we have to do put that on there and there we go we can take this off really easy and all the attachment points stay on the battery box so we can swap it out once it runs out of battery that is so sick oh my gosh now we gotta do is make this look like a drill this is usually the most time consuming part but I think it's totally gonna be worth it okay so I've got it built up a little bit more now actually a lot more as you can see I got this piece on the bottom using in illegal technique the trigger works I'm building out the handle to make it actually comfortable we're very close [Music] all right guys so here it is our Lego power drill as you can see it doesn't do much unless you switch the battery on and then it does put in your bits this is like the coolest system ever by the way it's super sturdy except for that part so now using all the Lego power tools we have we can finally assemble our mystery build have you guys guessed what we're building yet I bet you haven't okay so first up we're gonna screw these together just like this so the first thing I want to do is pre-drill some holes through these Lock and Load that in there dude that actually worked [Music] well that didn't go as far as we wanted it to however I forgot this was made of Lego for a second I was ordered so well uh missing strip so we gotta replace that hey we gotta attached after a little bit of trial and error I'm actually surprised it worked as well as it did now we gotta attach this one right here this motor is actually pretty strong for what it is it's just a large motor I thought I'd have to gear it down but actually it's working pretty good just can I just say that we made this with Lego Power Tools basically now I'm just going to keep screwing stuff together and then we'll have our final product [Music] it's so beautiful [Music] all right everyone the grand reveal in three two one it's a chair like look at it we built it and I gotta say this is probably the most sturdy thing I've ever built we were limited to soft wood and Lego Power Tools so to answer the question do Lego Power Tools actually work they totally do huge thank you guys for watching this video If you enjoyed check out one of these two videos popping up on your screen right now and I'll talk to you in the next brick science see ya
Channel: Brick Science
Views: 1,093,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego tools, brick science lego tools, working lego drill, lego power tools, lego saw, working lego saw, working lego sander, lego power sander, building using lego tools, only lego tools, brick science contstrucion, lego mocs, legos, lego tutorials, comedy, lego diy show, DIY, shopify
Id: LctmyYlRKD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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