I Made the Ultimate Skyblock Challenge

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today i have created quite possibly the grandest skyblock bingo card of all time allow me to explain i invited two of my friends time to you and 30 virus each to a round of skyblock bingo we each made a brand new ironman profile picture the line we wanted to go for and whoever completed their line first would win the entire game and because the profiles were iron man profiles it means we couldn't use the auction house the bazaar or trade with any other players also i know every youtuber ever says this but if you do enjoy this video then please do consider subscribing i don't upload all that often right now so even if you think you're subscribed just make sure you check the subscribe button so yeah the first round of this video is with time to you and the second round is with 30 virus so let's just get into it i hope you enjoy three two one go all right i definitely didn't purposely start early why am i mining so fast this is so weird i have like you're getting the mining level what are you doing with the my weight did i miss something all right first objective just get uh okay so i'm going for the first line the very top row is my objective so i'm going for i i got farming that's the first thing i did i did farming i got the coins to get me this uh i got the zombie sword and i got this which will help me fight the slayer boss and also it's putting me towards the bazaar unlock i have to go to the deep caverns to get an enchant table which i have to get like mining five uh and then using the bazaar it just says obtain a ghast here so i technically don't even have to go to the nether so i can just buy one from the bazaar it works it works pretty well like they go hand in hand i've revealed my strategy i'm going for like three potential paths right now just kind of going for a bit of everything but then kind of prioritizing one in and of itself yeah that's that's what you're doing wrong i'm pouring my heart and soul into one and if it fails then i lose that's my thought right now no okay that was cringe should have made this in hardcore mo in hardcore mode so if you die you have to restart the profile that would have just been evil i'm in the obsidian area right now with a bunch of mobs around me the obsidian sanctuary i'm guessing you're going for an enchant table oh wait you told me that i already forgot oh i forgot dying loses coins i'm used to having a booster cookie all right come on where is obsidian oh here we go yes find a couple of these okay collection unlocked obsidian pog hmm i just thought of a big brain plan that i don't think you've thought of oh no i'm trying to find an area with obsidian but also no skeletons which is not an easy combination to find is there not like a corner where mobs don't spawn i feel like yeah i just found the corner i think it's in like the very back yes give me this obsidian yes i got it all right i can leave let's go or can you don't say that are you sure you have everything i have like three paths path ideas now you had three path ideas like 10 minutes ago i mean did you get another path idea i don't know it might have been the same i'm kind of like switching between that's not a good thing like i'm not i'm helping out my enemy but that's not a good thing to do what are you going for a very fun one a very easy one i don't i don't know if you've seen it i'm guessing not actually it's possible you did one thing you got the enchant table which implies it's part of your row it is but i'm not going for the enchant table yet i have a clear plan in mind everything will go perfect nothing will go wrong nothing can go wrong it's actually impossible i made a fatal mistake i i can't use iron man i'm bizarre i can't use iron man i'm sorry dude i was just gonna oh how am i gonna obtain a gas tear how am i gonna obtain a gas here how do you obtain a ghast here i i was looking at this dude i was told iron man at the last minute no actually no how am i gonna shoot down a gas how can i get a guest what can i choose to kill a guest do i just pour can i pour everything in here do i just hope and pray at first i was going to go okay middle left to middle right and then i was like okay you know what i think enchant table might be easier then you have to get the nine talismans but now i was like okay wait the placeable island one isn't that hard getting a b pet to 100 is not that hard either this is not going as smoothly as i would have anticipated would a wolf tooth count as a gas tier because technically it's the gas to your item i am back what's up i thought i didn't have to go somewhere and then i just remembered that was part of what i was doing so i'm gonna go like this bam i have acquired one out of 25. i'm taking a risk i'm pretty sure i'm gonna big brain you what if i'm just acting stupid on purpose no no you're definitely not you're definitely not okay i don't i don't like this okay oh wait i already had that why did i oh i am a little my big brain got uh immediately crossed off with my uh slight stupidity i think this will work but i tested this and i'm pretty sure okay good see i'm going for uh i'm gonna go for the top line now because i think i i already have one in the top line getting a piece of treasure is incredibly easy killing the rebs they have a thousand health i just need a bit of gear this would be the one thing that pig would not look at and say that's a little too difficult especially with double health or maybe he was right about the guest here how are you doing what's your what's your progress looking like so far so good what huh wait wait wait what that's not fair bro it literally spawned it immediately despawned i'm so upset i need to go get more coins why does this guy have a jungle axe no i'm being grieved [Music] dude you're kidding i'm upset what has something gone catastrophic and my lobby's rebooting nothing's gone catastrophically wrong i have a few hiccups all right i'll give me one i'm going for alchemy oh you're probably going for the private islands aren't you perhaps perhaps or it could not be you never know that's the fun part i tell you nothing i've told you too many things i always do that in these ah another big mistake you always reveal your secrets you never ever do that actually i'm revealing too much i think you yourself have you have made the critical fault fall fall take your time i can english let me go here i got that and then yeah pog got another one off the list where's the npc that sells like fish and stuff i know that's uh they removed them did they actually that's cap i refuse to believe that oh wow what's this fish merchant guy who's here he snuck back in i found my fishing destination you're going for the very top row aren't you yeah okay that's the same what i'm going for wait you said you're going for alchemy what does the alchemy have to do with literally any of those oh i guess gasp here in the end the nether no i was uh i was going for slayer boss and i needed money because he he kept despawning because he would go in the village how did you lead into the village well i'd well i spawned okay well the boundaries are so messed up so he would like the first time i spawned him and he immediately despawned because he was apparently in the village the second one i was like running in the graveyard still he went poof and uh i just killed him yeah it turns out you didn't have to uh mine obsidian in the thing you can buy it from the builder bra seriously yeah yeah [Music] i hate everything yeah so now i'm also fishing i don't know where to try and chant this rod that's probably something i should do first try are you serious like a treasure no i got a puffer fish want to say in chat that you got a treasure is that what i think it would say good catch or something okay i can tell whenever you were making this you made the first five like insanely easy then you're like oh yeah we need more of a challenge yeah no seawalker don't kill me no no cause don't ghast only spawn like a certain time we're counting a good catch right that's true what'd you get grand xp bottle that's treasure let's go [Music] no no i'm not enjoying this off to kill a ghast i go yes i don't want a puffer fish actually i have 24 different fishing items not including sea creatures in my inventory so surely this is the one why is the sea walker walking on water huh no no okay it just killed me why are you so weak i think that's the better question trying to think of the best way to do this i need combat five wait i didn't think this through oh i'm only combat three i got a c guardian and it instantly killed me bro well i'm getting so unlucky with fishing my favorite part is that you're also uh you should have done the rev first because you've been dying and losing all your coins no i just watched a gas dive right in front of me oh i have the wrong lobby for this yeah the gas one's actually pretty hard when do they spawn only at night bro it's like just becoming daytime i am going to get a piece of treasure on this catch do you think i'm going to no oh i bet the challenge on it wait so if i would have just gotten a treasure there i would have won yeah you won't get one this time either all right you betting the trump the challenge on it no i already did that one okay well that one also was a raw fish this game is messed up it's just baiting me man what's your fishing level six not even five bruh i know i'm done i'm quitting i'm not doing fishing anymore i'm finding him i'm actually just this is literally such a waste of time all right you know what i have no idea my arrow just hit like an invisible wall no no hey oh god don't tell me you got a gassed here no are there even not yet yeah they don't seem to spawn often yeah they're uh don't spawn i'm just gonna collect as many gas years as i can oh i'm out of arrows okay can i uh can i direct you to discord ah sure how do you get you got five how did you get five gasps i've been done for like 10 minutes are you serious yeah bruh i just did it through the night i just ran out of arrows i got five of them and a few my kills got stolen you're out here saying like oh i need to change up my strat no i i wanted to see like how long i could keep it going for bruh so after i finished this round with time deal i decided to make a couple of changes to the bingo card to make it a bit more balanced for the next game this basically resulted in the bingo card being a bit more interesting and having more paths to go for so yeah on to the 30 virus round okay you ready jace three two one let's go i don't know what i'm doing enchant an item with 15 levels craft minions kill mobs i have a general idea of what i want to do which might incidentally do a lot of things that i'm supposed to be doing when i was doing this with dio he was a lot more like planned out than me i guess now the other end of that where i'm not planning anything there was a couple of routes i was deciding on but i think um i i've decided i'm going to define just to explain real quick okay all right so my plan for this one is top left to bottom right i want to be a lot more prepared than last time because i was i've already edited most of the deal footage so far and i realized that he was a lot more prepared in terms of like you know one thing leads into another and then all of a sudden he won so right now i'm basically getting the uh farming level for the bazaar which is also going to bleed into the farming talisman there we go let's see i can actually make that right now make that we got one talisman at a nine so that's good the engine table probably won't be hard i'm also getting coins so i can do that killing an enemy isn't bad mainly the arachne one is gonna be kind of weird i don't know i think that should be simple so my plan i think i'm gonna go for bizarre there's a lot of things that come with unlocking the bazaar so that might be helpful for me i do not know but first i need money i have explained my uh thought process i dedicated like three sentences to describing my plan and i don't know if i have much more than that so we're just gonna go for it i guess you can buy harvesting books somewhere right harvesting are you going for like seeds or something well a lot of these have a certain requirement that must be fulfilled first i'm trying to think of what it could be you know i i sound all sophisticated and well thought out with my plans but i'm really not like oh it requires oh okay that throws a wrench in my plans i'm already making decent headway i'm doing uh two things at once right now oh you hello oh no i'm not finding a particular quest item that i'm supposed to be finding a quest i found it don't worry about it what are you going for in a quest item it's fine also it doesn't work i'm going to take that as a good thing for me why didn't that work what quest i mean dude i'm just foraging right now i'm so confused you're foraging right now oh geez i'm unlocking bizarre and i'm willing to tell you that because that can be like eight different paths yeah i'm also that's part of my plan but my plan's kind of not working right now because that okay there's a few things i'm going for right now that might help me see i did that for the first like 15 minutes when i was doing this with dio and then i was like you know he's going for only one path and maybe i should only be going for one path too i think i have a good idea of what i need to be doing i'm actually somewhat confident in my abilities here i i have a pretty solid plan now it took like three seconds for me to look and figure out what i want to do but i'm doing it okay i'm gonna take a break from what i was doing before because i don't really know where that was going um i'm very confused right now please refer to discord uh why why why why am i x-ray i think one of my textures okay i have this issue in patcher where my textures don't load i gotta refresh the text there we go i think i'm i'm officially directly tackling my first challenge oh i'm stuck in a lobby where someone's oh come on man you already failed just give up rage quit rage quit you missed four of them what are you doing i have to wait because i'm getting this i have to share the harp i'm doing the harp okay i figured you are all right uh we gotta get this yo much more speed i think the person that was in my lobby rage quit but he hasn't left the lobby he's just kind of looking at the floor disappointed in himself or he's like in another room just like telling his parents to get off the wi-fi so he has better things guys uh how many people on the wi-fi right now i didn't all right that's one thing done i i would put an x on the piece of paper i have but my pen is dead wow my pen died okay well it doesn't take too hard to remember it's not too hard to remember it for me it is oh uh all right well that is one thing accomplished very good i'm kind of just multitasking right now like right now what i'm going for literally contributes to four things granted they like barely connect like one of them i require blocks and a mining cobblestone how many things do you have on the on your on your list already like how many things have you completed i'm about to be done with bizarre is that the first one on your thing or no yeah i instantly started doing that just because it kind of going for bizarre is just kind of like a general resource gathering session oh i got i already got mine seven why am i still mining screw you lazy miner i don't care about you yes there you go that's that's two things done off the list i already had two i just got one right yeah one of mine's gonna be difficult it's gonna be really bad okay well you're doing melody here which implies it's one of two and if you say it's difficult i have a feeling you're getting private islands all right how much is this that's not bad that's not terrible i can do that all right all right so i'm making a little platform here to spawn enderman now the thing is going to the end it's a bit extreme but what you can do on your island is uh build a massive platform and then just go like a million miles away all right um i'm gonna do this later i'm just setting that up all right so i've gotten five talismans you know that five talismans that's not bad but it's not nine so i'm gonna go for the speed talisman because it'll get me to six very easy to get here we go all right i have acquired a very important item for my quest ah i have assuming that is a b pet because that's literally both of the ones that use the melody npc you would be correct that it does have to do with a b pet and i haven't equipped it because i'm a small brain no wonder i'm not leveling the pet right now you're leveling the bee pet maybe wow i wonder which one you're going for yeah i wonder all right so that one's that one's no longer a mystery so you know the path i am on now i guess now that my secret has been um exposed the difficult part's gonna be the diamond minion i always think the difficult part of the private island well the private islands can't be that bad but i mean there's one at wheat collection right there's a wheat island is a farming island that's not too bad you need two islands though i already got what i needed i'm still farming this okay oh yes the serotonin levels are through the roof right now and is that the right word because look at all the things look at all the things leveling up also i don't know what other collections i should get um i've gotten six all right i'm on the skyblock wiki right now um netherwar that's probably what i want let's see oh yeah netherwar and these two emerald ones so i'm probably gonna get these ones farming island recipe acquired and then i go into the trade menu and then that's one island now time for the other half of my ultimate plan that officially makes three things out of the five that i have accomplished three and a half actually i placed the farming island down see that that's the hard part in your line i'm gonna have to say wait a minute wasn't there supposed to be am i losing my mind oh that's in this collection i was gonna make a desert island but that's a cactus collection thing it is i think easier to farm cactus now so then again that took like 20 minutes last time 20 minutes i don't know if i have that kind of time there's not even that many of them oh god this doesn't seem that good uh i think i have to do cactus does netherwort have anything or is that an obsidian there might be something another war you could go for i don't know why i'm helping him getting combat levels i don't know don't you need like combat oh it's only combat five for the blazing fortress isn't it yeah i this might be bad unless i get combat xp from beastiary but that's probably not happening i'm going for two things at once which is going to give me a two out of five i already can do another one which will be three out of five and i can also do another one which will be four out of five but the other one is gonna take some time okay i just hit combat four as well that's good progress wait how many things you have done i have three out of five done and i'm close to you're going for the the other island but what's the other one you need i need to put a diamond minion down it's not even that hard i'm close to the minion actually it's not as difficult as i thought it was gonna be okay i can get one talisman i got magnetic and then five xp level oh i need bookshelf power i need to get a oh this is not going as planned that's like the definition of this challenge just nothing goes according to plane okay well i just got another one so i'm at two out of five right now oh i just crafted the diamond minion well you just need the island now and the 10 min 10 diamonds from it yeah ooh this might be that might be a strat just leave the one spot open so he doesn't have to spend all his time placing the diamonds okay now i just need i just need combat i have to get to their arachne spawn area and that's all i got to do but that's like a bit difficult actually just a bit yeah it might be a little challenging based on like half skill half rng but more skill i'd say that's the best i'm gonna have for now all right my goal now is to get combat five which is not that terrible all right i'm at two out of five i'm at three out of five i'm gonna be four out of five once i return to the island that's probably the last thing i gotta do is collect the diamonds he made spiders then here we go this is like the last thing i need i just needed to be nighttime how was the combat how was your combat going it's not as easy as i thought it would be i'm currently about to run through a series of 10 000 hp mobs that one shot me and i'm going to not die and i'm going to do a first try yes there's a guy here no why do you not have a hyperion you're supposed to kill it this is going very go very well so far wait i'm am i about to one of the things you have am i about to do this first try no way no no that would be very wait no there's a thing of webs how do i get past this oh it's because they're doing a boss fight oh my god uh dude i got you i got to the web area which is like the hardest part on the first try and then those webs wait so is that only there when there's a boss because i can just swap switch lobbies i knew it was too good to be true oh come on i just need like four more kills i guess well i've got nine talismans on me i got it i got combat five all right now i don't care if i die all right okay okay here we go here we go yes yes yes there will not be a boss mom here there will not be a glass there is not a boss yes yes no okay i gotta stand on top of the thing there's a spider there i stood on top of it let's go okay okay i'm at four to five dude i did that in the like the second draw oh what's your last thing kill an enemy all right that was a lot easier than like that took 20 minutes when i was testing closed i need to captioning not well it's available becoming night time and that's when endermen spawn so i'm just chilling here on my island all right there are currently some uh zombies and skulls oh skyblock screw off no no not like this is it like stopping you from doing something it was stopping me from breaking the nether rack netherwar island recipe okay i have the recipe salsa another wart i need spider eyes for that why does he have oh no diamond minion please don't do that to me the diamond minions slow it's so slow why are there no endermen spawning i'm not getting as many enderman spawns or well i'm not getting any actually give me sell me things i have nobody just how many coins does it call for also i think it's a trade to get soul sand oh no it's a trade wait oh no wait a minute did i just wait how do you get the trade i don't know okay okay okay i know i know what i gotta do i've seen enemies no i have to kill it though which i'm probably gonna do because i'm probably gonna one shot it doesn't have like a 100 hm no i fell actually that's fine i don't care wow wow i like this enemy here it would be a shame if i clicked it let's go did you just win uh yeah i just got banned wow i lost because i didn't know the collection i needed to get 250 sand for the trade just to show how close it was so like if i were to for example sell that and then i bought this turned this into this then i should be able to just do this and then there you go the island's done and then i go boom and then i go to the minion he only has two diamonds well that's god
Channel: Pigicial
Views: 286,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, pigicial, hypixel, hypixel skyblock, minecraft skyblock, timedeo, thirtyvirus, timedeo skyblock, pigical, skyblock bingo, skyblock challenge
Id: Lei3iQMmn3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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