I made some presets for my Fujifilm #X100VI | Demo + Sample RAW Files

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[Music] hey what's up dice here for today's video we'll be editing some photos so yeah let's go so we're in Adobe Lightroom and so this video I'm going to show you how I edited the photos that I've shared on the last video um a few days ago um so basically I use my presets that I created for or Fujifilm cameras um that are based on some of the uh famous film simulations in Fuji X weekly so these are Kodak Chrome 64 portra 400 Kodak gold 200 and reala a so these are my favorites so these are inspired by those recipes and together with these presets I've also included some tools that you can use to make your edits a little bit faster and uh throughout this video I'm going to show you different scenes or different scenarios that you can um use these presets like if you want to achieve a like a certain mood or a certain look I'm also going to share you some techniques and tips that I use when I'm editing my photos so yeah let's start this is um Senna um she's a model um probably the first portrait session that I done using the x16 it was a very quick portrait session with her so basically we just went around the city of Christ Church looking for good light and um good compositions yeah so let's edit her photos so on her set I used the K65 preset which is this one so I'm going to quickly show you the difference between the presets here so k64 is warm and um it's good for like um anything with sunlight to it and also anything um anything with like uh warm to it like yeah it's good for Golden R those kind of scenes K65 is like um kind of like colder side um it's similar to k64 but it's like bright brighter and um a bit airier so it's like bright and Airy kind of look so Kodak gold 200 it's one of my favorite presets in this pack and one of my favorites um favorite recipes so basically um it makes your images more cinematic and film likee it adds a touch of a goldish color to your skin tones which is really nice and I love it and also b400 which is the Porche 4001 is like like your everyday um preset so it's more balanced and it will mostly work with um your raw file or most of the photos that you took or that you take and reala B and real G again these are based on the reala ace uh film simulation um I noticed that when I'm taking jpeg using the real a film Sims um it has that cast like blue cast or sometimes green cast so it really depends on the scene so I created two versions of it like reala B and reala G which is blue and then green so this will work most of the time with like bright scenes or like sunny day and this is just the difference between them so it has that blue and green cast so yeah for these Set uh for this um photo let's write K65 which is the one I use so it's a bit um harsh so let's th that exposure a little bit and then the contrast and then I think that's I think that's good for me so let's crop it um more Focus to her so yeah it's really good for me so I think that's edit and let's go to the next one again let's try K65 it's a bit bright so let's bring the warm a little bit and I think that's the edit for me it's okay to chop some hands but yeah just frame it more better you can have it like that as well but yeah and yeah we're finished with this edit I think that's really good let's add some warm and again we can try K65 again but let's try portra yeah it's good bring down the warm a little bit so yeah let's try let's create a virtual copy this and copy of this and then let's try kg gold yeah that's that's nice so it has that stylized cinematic look so compared to that so the skin tones are like gold color which I use on like um Anastasia set which I can share it later so that's good and let's try um kg 65 here again which is Bri and airing let's tone the temp down more cold colder side and let's add some Vibrance and then I'm probably going to add like a linear gradient here cool yeah that's good I added like a linear gradient from the bottom because I find it too wash like too bright at the bottom so let's see yeah it's too bright so I've added that and let's go back to K65 and that's good again let's crop it a little bit Yeah and this is a good yeah let's go to the next photo K65 bit too much like the war and then the magenta a bit to magenta is that's good and this one this is um you can actually notice the difference between the presets here I'm going to quickly show you k64 is warm K65 is more like lush green like you notice the greens are like Lush and more Greener or greenish and the K65 and then the Ed edit or look is like bright and Airy and kg2 200 is like muted and more on the yeah cinematic side b400 is like the balance of all the preset all the rest and reala B and real G probably going to use a K65 here because this was the one I used from my edit that I posted I think that's good for me and I notied this like light coming from the top I think it's the best perfect situation to use the Mist so it's just going to add like it will Target all the highlights coming from the top then like the half of the photo coming from the T top and then it will just add a bit bit of diffused um effect to your highlights so yeah so that was the so as you can see those are the targeted highlights there so it's very subtle yeah the keyword is subtle and let's just copy the edit from other photo yeah I think that's good let's add some magenta to it and add some contrast yeah it's good for me um next one uh for this photo I'll be trying portrait and let's just add a bit of warm back yeah I think that's really good like the skin tones are nice and warm yeah it's really good yeah the grain off is just basically removing the grain that I've added so if you don't want the grain yeah some people doesn't want the grain why not like you need to embrace the grain embrace the noise but yeah too much screen sometimes is bad like if you're shooting like 300 3,600 I so so yeah sometimes it's bad it's bad but most of the time it's good so yeah that's set for from Center um so it was a quick shoot like we just went around like the city and then did some photos like yeah just natural light and this this one is interesting because this is um the shoot here is held by or hosted by light Chasers rentals so it's like a gear rental company here in Christ Church so it's like a free um creative meet up so photographers videographers can come and then shoot with models so the models like just two of them so this is Anastasia and then like 10 15 photographers came so it's really like packed and I I was the only one who's using like a 35 mil or a wide kind of wide angle lens and then most of them like using 85 and zoom lens so I'll be super quick with my shoot with her so I think from the two hours sheot in the on the beach like I only had like 10 to 15 minutes with her to shoot her like basically I need to go in front of the other photographers to shoot her because I'm using like a wide angle lens so yeah it's very interesting shoot but yeah I got some nice photos and um Anastasia is really good so yeah so this set I use the preset kg 200 so just bringing the warm back from the photo so again this is based from the Koda gold 200 film recipe um so um um yeah so I basically base it or use this photo to create it create this preset so if you click this so it's just one click so it's right away it's really good so doesn't need to be edited or something but if you have like a photo like direct sunlight um in front the model or the face or the person you're probably going to uh tone down the contrast a a little bit and then exposure but right off the bat the colors and tones are nice so I'm just going to bring back the blue um color a little bit of the Sea and the water yeah I think that's already nice and then you could just copy that and then this one it's a bit dark so right a little bit and then just yeah crop it and yeah so this is a detailed shot of like the waves and the Rocks so let's just use 200 kg 200 again and then add some warm and then it's a perfect um time again to use a Mist plus that's just a bit of cinematic case to your images yeah so this this is other model um jrey so I hadn't got the time to shoot her because a lot of photographers shooting her that time so um I had like a few photos from her of her from that shoot so this one like one of them which is like she was like turned back from me so probably going to use riala B here I think it's best um scene for the that preset so yes just add a bit of um blue cast to your images and also um the Shadows or blacks are washed out it has that uh vintage look to it so yeah I think this one is already edited and probably going to going to bring back the vignette so let's just add a bit of natural vignette when you use the tool vignette on and also probably going to add like a just a linear just accentuate the light coming from her back so yeah that's good add some more it's perfect yeah it's good and also this another shot from um with a jri so let's just use that code of gold one and then I'm probably going to rec compose this to like a horizontal is nice and add a vignette I'm not using this probably going to use this just add a little bit so let's just add more so let's invert that and then exposure yeah I think that's good yeah yeah she's really good as well I hope I can shoot her um in the future yeah this one yeah Cod a code or maybe portra portra is nice let's just add some more and then I think that's it so it be um just editing this super fast because yeah uh presets are made to make your edits fast so let's make it fast so I'm probably going to use code up Cod this time so this is not a good uh Port of her but just uh yeah I rushed calling this just to bring out this video but yeah the edit's good also I had a set of her like swaying and dancing um she is really good like um yeah probably going to work with her again the future because yeah I just basically told her to like Sway and then maybe do a few spaying and dancing then he did he did it oh she did it really well yeah and that's good for me and for this one I'm probably going to use this K65 make it bright and Airy the skin tone is a bit magenta so I'm going to tone that a little bit yeah it's good let's um make a virtual copy of this and then let's make a moody version using kg2 200 so KD is like making it more cinematic yeah that's good and yeah the sharpness of this um f2.0 23 mil or 35 equivalent is like ridiculous let's use kg 200 for this one let's crop it like that yeah super sharp and portra for this one and just let's let's just bring some warm to it to the image so it's good and yeah so these are like samples of other images that I took so different scenes different lightings different places um around Christ Church and since I had this camera some photos are like Landscapes some photos are like Street um detail shot some um random shots yeah just to test these presets out so this one I probably going to use portra maybe kg 200 yeah I think that's nice again I'm doing this I'm editing this super fast I'll probably if I'm doing it like have time I can add more um edits to it like adding some linear gradient and stuff but yeah so that's good for me it's really good I like the quality of the images really good the for 3.2 megapixel it's nice so again this is like a demo of the effect of the presets to your greens so I kind of like the k64 and then maybe crop it a bit tighter remove those distractions yeah that's nice cool that's good for me uh probably getting use portra here I going to bring some warmth to the image back and then add some Mist too much bring it down add some saturation yeah that's good and this is kind of Moody scene so probably going to use uh real B again I yeah I recommended to use uh reala b or real to like Sunny scenes but this one is okay add uh mood adds mood to the image so yeah same with this uh probably going to use kg 200 head that's like cinematic it's perfect for that white um fog yeah I think that's good and going to use kg 200 again yeah that's nice let's bring out some details that um Shadows again uh portra this time and I'm probably going to crop it like that so the focus will be the that S curve it's nice cool and kg 200 nice let's bring out some shadows and then uh add some Mist bring that back down that's good and this is my close friend Rudy um he's a photographer as well let's try portra it's really good with like uh landscape and grow phography shout out to Rudy cool that's cool and this one let's try real G for this one I kind of like the texture of the Rocks that's why I took this photo yeah add like a uh orange and green teal uh color to it it's nice and let's use the same it's nice like cinematic um tones and this is just a random image basically just to show you the difference of the presets so let's just try K65 because it's like bright and Airy it's good and this one reala G it's like adds like a cinematic tone again Co oops that's it and I think reality will fit here nice they probably going to crop it that's my son Eli and let's try this kg 200 yeah that's good and real or realy will work here let's try real real Aly it's good and again every preset will work here because you have that Perfect Light probably let's keep it to k64 this is Elise my daughter or let's add some more yeah that's nice this one is a just random pine cone let's use portra make it a bit moodier it's good and again this one is a mixed light shade and Sun so it might work like most of the preset so let's just use portra add some more yeah so again this one is kind of weird because uh all will work nicely but I also noticed that reala and realy works good as well if you tone it darker contrastly enough so again it's has that cinematic uh um style to it also kg 200 work nice as well see this one uh 0% work here because it's just a detailed shot portra looks good nice this will work again most of the presets let's try portra and it's that's already good uh this one probably kg 200 accentuate the Reds W nice it's that's really nice let's crop it I actually missed the focus here I think see yeah but it's still good with this size so let's keep it that way and kg 200 maybe portra or keep it K 200 crop it a little bit that's good nice CG 200 NOP uh portra maybe yeah portra portra is your go-to preset it's like the balance it's good uh real this one that's nice this just a blue R shot let's bring out some Shadows that's good or yeah and again codeup gold bring round warm again that's nice uh K65 because I want it a bit brighter this is Luffy bring some vibrin I think that's already nice remove some grain you can add like uh noise cancellation uh the slider I forgot the name but can add more of that but I kind of like the noise here uh portra yeah that's good okay 64 is also good all of them are good let's try portra and kg 200 yeah that's perfect for it let's add some Mist to it some Mist that's nice that's super nice actually um this one is yeah Porche all the way yeah yeah it's cool uh k64 and let crop it tighter that's nice add some Mist not too much and it's I kind of like that and then lastly the phone probably portra or k64 make it a bit darker a darker edit so that's nice just a note before ending this video um so these presets are not like oneclick magic so you still need to tweak your wi balance contrast and exposure if needed and also these press will not make you a better photographer but it will definitely help you with your color grading and make make your work a little bit more consistent in terms of color and tones you can check out the presets in the description below so yeah thanks again guys for watching this little tutorial that I created um on how I edit um photos and also how I use those presets thank you for subscribing and thank you for purchasing those presets if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and please like comment and share and yeah I'll see you in the next video so bye [Music] thanks
Channel: Dice Sales
Views: 2,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dicesales, photography, tutorials, lightroom, presets, x100vi, x100v, fujifilm
Id: g63RNj5lF0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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