Fujifilm X100VI - 12 of the BEST Accessories for your new X100VI

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[Music] hey guys I've had the Fuji X100 6 for a couple of weeks now and I've also owned the X100 V for a few years and these little X100 cameras are just the most fun cameras to customize and pick up accessories for so in this video I wanted to talk about a couple of my favorite accessories that I've been using on my Fuji x16 all right so probably my favorite accessory to get for the x16 is this lens Hood from niss over the years I've tried all kinds of different lens hoods on my X100 V and I've tried the same on my X100 6 and I disliked most of them coming down to things like they maybe feel too cheap or they're just too expensive or they're too awkward to get on and off and that's why for me ni have by far made the best lens hood for the x16 because yes it is very aesthetically pleasing I love this Square lens Hood look it reminds me of almost that lier range finder style of camera when you have it on your x16 it is very wellmade you can tell it's made from some pretty premium Metals compared to a lot of the cheap Alternatives you'll find on Amazon but it's also very well fought out and practical too first of all a lens Hood helps with this lens on the x16 it keeps glare out and that can really reduce the contrast of your images and a lens Hood like this will really help shade it from the Sun but not only that the main thing that I love about this Square Hood in particular from niss is just how easy it slides on and off you don't need any external tools like you do with some of the more expensive ones like from Square Hood themselves so there may be times when you want to remove this hood and it is just as simple as popping It Off as quick as that and that's what's special about this lens Hood in particular is that ni have built a UV filter into this lens Hood system so that means you have very high quality clear glass in front of your lens so for me where this is mainly a travel camera for me and it's been thrown in and out of backpacks and been hung from my neck for example and swinging around this UV filter on the front of this lens Hood really protects that front element from scratch or anything like that and if you remove the lens Hood again it's so well fought out because the original Fujifilm lens cap fits right over the top of it and I almost forgot the UV filter doesn't stop you adding an additional filter it has a filter thread in front of it so you can screw on for example your Mist filter just like that on the front of the UV filter and you can even just slip on the Square Hood over the top of the extra filter it's also also worth mentioning that the inclusion of that UV filter on the front weather seals your x16 as well so that's also great so yeah all of those little features combined make this far and beyond my favorite lens hood for the x16 right now another accessory that I would recommend for your Fujifilm x16 is a foam grip this is a compact camera and I like to keep it that way so I don't like to add things like grip extenders but one thing that really helps hold this camera make it more comfortable in general to use is a foam grip and I've tried so many of these foam grips and to be honest with you none of them are perfect especially on the x16 there are some downside to all of them but I have settled with the foam grip from Square Hood the main reason I really like this foam grip is that it doesn't obstruct the rear dial or the rear buttons If you like to back button Focus like I do Square Hood haven't released a new version for the X100 6 so I'm still using the X100 V version and it does a very good job but it does leave a little bit of a gap in the hot shoe it is not a perfect fit so hopefully we'll see a new version of this one soon the only other Thum grip that I can recommend is from lens mate it's a really cool design because you can flip the Thum grip out of the way of the dial and the button and that really frees up access to those areas but I just found myself preferring to have something more static like this but I'll leave a link in the description to that one too another one of my favorite accessories for the Fuji x16 is a Mist filter and the one that I swear by is the glimmerglass one filter from tiffen and again I've tried so many different Mist filters on my X100 cameras and a lot of them the effect is either too strong or they just sap all of the contrast out of your images and for me the best one that I have tried is the glimmerglass one filter I like to try and add as much character to my x16 photos as much as possible in camera to cut down on editing and that's where glimmerglass comes in because it brings down highlights it soften highlights and it blooms bright areas giving a really beautiful almost film likee look to your photos right in camera and despite doing all of this it's still retains a good amount of contrast compared to say the black prist which to me just reduces contrast too much I still like a contrasty image at my x16 and the glimmerglass gives me that beautiful blooming of highlights and softening of skin details too which is another reason why I really like it for portraits it's also a really cool filter to use on a night because it will Bloom out city lights and give them an almost glowing look and it looks really really cinematic here's a quick look at a shot with no filter at all so this is without the glimmerglass and now here is a shot with the glimmerglass filter so you can see what kind of effect it gives you and here you can see the difference that it makes to the lights it really blooms them out and gives this image a really interesting look it might not be something that you're into it is of course down to taste and I don't use it all the time I mainly like to use it for portraits and nighttime photography but if you want a Mis filter in my opinion glimmerglass one is the best another musthave accessory for the x16 is a soft release button pretty much since day one of owning an X100 camera I have had a soft release button installed and for me on the x16 I like to focus using a half shutter button press and the use of a soft shutter button like this just makes it a lot easier to get that in between and Achieve focus without accidentally taking a photo a soft release button just allows me to have more sensitive control over the shutter button it's a little bit more tactile and I can really feel when I'm half pressing the shutter and you can get these in all kinds of different shapes sizes and colors and there's nothing really special about this one in terms of its function it's simply down to Aesthetics for me it's from a brand called JJC and I really only picked it because I wanted to stick to the silver and black color scheme of the camera and I felt that this one just looked really at home on my silver x16 but I've seen other people use for example red ones or ones with different designs on it so definitely have a look on Amazon or Etsy for example and see if there is one that speaks to you individually before we crack on and look at the other accessories I'm just going to take a quick minute to let you know that today's video is sponsored by Squarespace now the perfect accessory to your X1 1006 is a great website to show off your images and for me there is no better option out there for photographers than Squarespace and one of the main reasons I'm always recommending Squarespace is that you don't need any prior knowledge in website coding building or designing to get started and create your own awesome looking site thanks to squares spaces intuitive fluid engine most of the changes you may want to make to your website's design or layout is as simple as drag and draw Squarespace also offers in my opinion the best fully customizable photo galleries that are so easy to set up you will be showcasing your work to potential clients in no time and if you have products to sell whether they are physical or digital products Squarespace has all the tools you need to build your own unique storefront and start selling quickly and and easily so if you are ready to dive in and start creating your own perfect website well head on over to squarespace.com sljames reader and use the code James reader to get 10% off your first purchase of a domain or website all right that's it thank you to Squarespace let's carry on with the rest of the list now another accessory you're going to need for your x16 is a neck strap and my personal favorite look on the x16 is a leather neck strap I like to go leather because it just looks cool against the Vintage Aesthetics of the x16 but they're also really really comfortable if you go with a good brand that uses high quality soft lever now I got mine from a company called Woodgate camera straps in the UK and I have no affiliation to this brand I just really love the fact that he makes high quality Leever straps in different colors and different sizes and they come with these Peak design anchors on the end of them and these Peak design ankor links were really important to me because I like to be able to get my neck strap on and off quickly the only downside is you have to have these red anchors on your camera pretty much all the time to be able to attach the strap and the reason I went with this brand is because there are not many people out there making leather straps of this style with the these Peak design anchor links so I'm unsure if this company ship outside of the UK but if you're looking for something similar then I would probably recommend Etsy if you just search for leather camera strap with Peak design anchors then you'll probably find something similar to [Music] this and now on to wrist strap which I honestly much prefer over the next strap and my favorite by far is the wandered wrist strap and the reason I love this one so much is that you don't have to have those annoying jangly Peak design anchors attached to your camera all the time to use the strap it comes with this really really super strong Loop that you just hook through the eyelet of your camera and it sort of hooks into the strap like this and that's it your wrist strap is attached to the x16 and it is just so quick and easy to fully remove it or add it to your camera so that's the main reason that I love this wrist strap it means I don't have to have those Peak design anchors on this all the time which I think ruin the aesthetic of the camera a little bit and again I don't like them jangling around so I highly recommend this wrist strap from wanded and another accessory I love for my x16 is this 10 B Skyline pouch now I use this when I'm traveling or if I just want to throw my x16 into a backpack it might be a regular backpack or a tote bag that's not designed for carrying cameras I can just put my x16 in here and it just protects it from being scratched or from any bumps or anything like that so to get the right size you want the 10 B Skyline 4 pouch and this is the version two and I've just found this to be an invaluable asset when traveling when I may have to just throw my x16 into a bag I know that it is safe in this little [Music] pouch another really useful accessory for transporting your x16 is this carry case from pgytech now I don't know the exact name of this product and I'll do my best to find this exact one on Amazon but I've had this for a few years now and it was kind of blind look really that it's worked out so perfectly for me because it's not designed for the x16 but it really does an amazing job of storing your x16 safely as well as a bunch of accessories so as you can see here it will store your x16 like this but with no lens Hood so I've had to take that off um but that stores easily in these mesh pouches above along with my neck strap a charger and in the back there's plenty of room for batteries and my wrist strap is stored in this little section in the back along with with some lens wipes so it stores pretty much everything I need if I'm going traveling and I want to just throw this in a suitcase or a bag it keeps my entire x16 kit with me and it keeps it safe because this is a hard shell so it's going to keep your camera and your accessories safe when [Music] traveling now another thing that I love for carrying around and transporting my X100 6 is this D1 fanny pack from wed I like to have a cross body bag when I'm traveling say exploring a city or going to the beach or something like that and I want to bring my x16 camera with me I love to use this as a cross body bag because it fits the x16 with a hood in this perfectly along with quite a lot of other stuff too you can easily get your phone in here and a couple of batteries it just STS it all nicely you can flip it around to your back when you want it out the way and flip it around to the front and get your camera out nice and fast when you want it it's also pretty stylish and understated in my opinion and also really comfortable and adjustable and just one of my favorite ways of carrying around the x16 particularly when traveling but it's also amazing for street photography too it's also completely weatherproof and it stores a surprising amount and again I tried a whole bunch of slings and this is the most most compact and comfortable one that I've used it really feels tailor made to the x16 so it comes highly recommended from me now there have been a few things on this list that are obviously optional and you really don't need for your X100 6 but this is really something that you shouldn't go without and that is a screen protector now I'm not even going to try and say the brand of this screen protector I don't think there's anything particularly special about it it's just one I bought from Amazon and I'll leave the link down below but it is a tempered glass screen protector and I think you really need one on your x16 it doesn't have a flip screen LCD so you cannot hide that LCD screen away safely so it's pretty much exposed all the time so I would highly recommend you put one of these screen protectors on just to avoid that LCD getting scratched and I would hate for that to happen to your x16 so I would highly recommend you get a screen protector all right on to battery and charges and the first thing that you may not know if you haven't owned an X100 before is that it flies through batteries I'm afraid so first of all I would highly recommend you pick up at least one spare battery and of course you're going to need a charger for those batteries because in case you didn't know the x16 does not come with a battery charger and the one that I've always used and recommend is the JJC dual charger again I like it because it is USB powered and you can charge two batteries at once but something that I have found invaluable for my x16 especially for traveling is a power bank like this anchor one I love this particular power bank because it has a USBC cable built in with power delivery so it's always just ready to go when you need to charge your camera on the Move there's been times where I've been out and about traveling where I've just throw my x16 back in my camera bag and had this plugged in charging it ready for its next use or maybe I've gone for a meal or a drink I can just quickly pull this out and charge the camera for a quick 30 minutes for example just to get a little bit of extra charge when I'm not using it it's just a really useful thing to have for travel in general whether you want to charge your x16 or your phone or your iPad having that built-in cable and the fact that it is pretty high capacity you can get a couple of charges out of this on your x16 makes it just super useful to own all right so that is it they are my favorite accessories for the x16 let me know what you think down in the comments and if you have any alternatives to any of these accessories that you think would be a better fit let me know down below I'm always on the lookout for new x16 accessories and as I mentioned earlier there is a link down in the description to all of the items that I have mentioned in today's video I'm not sponsored by any of these Brands this is just through trial and error and process of elimination over the years they have found that these particular accessories work really well for me but anyway that's it that's the video thank you guys so much for tuning in and I will see you guys in the next [Music] one
Channel: James Reader
Views: 41,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x100vi, x100v, Fujifilm x100vi
Id: Vx26IvkO5U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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