Fujifilm X100VI Accessory Guide

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today's video is brought to you by Squarespace in yesterday's video on the Fujifilm X100 Mark 6 a ton of you asked questions about the things that I've added to my X100 Mark 6 these are some things some things are just for fun like I just think that this is a really good looking strap but some things have much more utility and today we're going to go through all that my gear guide for the X100 Mark 6 and I have about a dozen things on the list so let's just jump into the very first thing that we're going to talk about is the the little bits that kind of live on the camera and the first one up is is this little thumb rest piece it slides into the hot shoe on top and it gives me a place to put my thumb now these cameras notably don't have much of a grip it's a very skinny grip there there's something to hold on to in the front but when you hold on in the front there's kind of nowhere to put your thumb in the back like when you're holding the camera your thumb is either accidentally pressing buttons or accidentally wrot dials there's kind of nowhere to put it so you add this little bit up top and now your thumb has a perfect spot and you have like a good squeeze on the camera now it feels much more secure in your hand with a thumb rest on top I will link this one down below but there is another thumb rest that I've been looking at I might pick it up and I think it's by lens mate it has a hinge on it so that when you press this way it doesn't go anywhere but that you could lift out this way and the reason for that is you see how see without the thumb rest I can easily grab this dial and I can rotate my shutter speed just like that but when I add that thumb rest in there it blocks this backside and now I kind of have more of like a Pinchy grip on turning that and it it does In fairness it makes it a little trickier having this thumb rest on there so if it had a little hinge and I could just kind of slide my thumb in it would push up out of the way and then I could grab that Di every time as if I didn't even have a thumb rest on there but then when I put my thumb this way I had a it it seems clever I have't not bought it yet I'll link it below also but it it does seem clever having a thumb rest in general almost seems essential to this camera next up let's talk about this camera strap from clever Supply Co it is very stylish a ton of people asked about it because it's just a it's a goodlook camera strap and it's skinny you don't you don't find a lot of these skinny camera straps fitting kind of more these small smaller bodied cameras even from clever Supply Co from my other cameras I've had this strap in the past and this was like a skinny strap but if you take this strap and you put it on this camera like it's just too big this strap is great when I'm I'm like walking around with my a74 it does have the peak design quick connects on it so I can have these on the camera quickly put on and off my camera strap and I think clever Supply coat also makes this skinny version with the peak design pieces on there and for some of you that were asking this is the 40in skinny strap which if you're always going to have your camera on the front here I think you could go for the shorter one like if it was up here it feels like that would actually be better and I could still pull it up take horizontal photos take vertical photos probably pretty easy but the 40in version allows you to also go crossbody I like walking around my camera on the back I can hold my kids I can do different things with my hands without worrying about the camera swinging in front and then when I want to take pictures I can bring it around here still shoot just like that and even when it is just hanging on the front it's not terrible it's like a like a belly camera okay next up is this lens hood and I'm going to show you two lens hoods because I've tested both of these one I have on here and that I've I've been rocking probably most is by hog and you see like like look how much that pinches in at the end and then this one is by niss nii I think it's ni and check out the difference in size of opening where the Hogue kind of Narrows down like it's a circle and then they kind of narrowed it down to make that square front face that's pretty much like the limit like if you were any tighter than that you would see it in the frame whereas the N kind of flared from the circle to make a much larger box and the only thing that that I think the only reason that I tried this and I took it off pretty quickly was because of this let me show you and I can I can adjust the hood really nicely this is actually a benefit if it's crooked I just kind of slide it but that's because this piece just pops off so it kind of has a base ring that goes on there and then this Hood slides over that and my only issue with that is this is it's not held on super tight two issues one The Wider opening means that it's less protected like if it's just hanging on my hip things that are going to kind of try to go in there and maybe hit my lens it's less protected it does have a buil-in UV filter with this one but it's just it makes me want to put this lens hood on all the time and my second issue with it is this um it can just get knocked off so if you are going to hang this around around your shoulder like this maybe you're walking through crowds maybe you're in a busy spot the lens Hood could just kind of get knocked and you're going to lose this piece whereas on the hog it's not it's not designed like that scw that back on the hog is still a base ring and a hood but the hood screws onto the base ring that screws onto the camera all of these pieces are Totally Secure and it leaves you open to if you want to you can still use the original Fujifilm lens cap over it so it doesn't come with its own lens cap it just comes in a way that you could put this on I will tell you though for the 5,000 images that I've shot I have never put this back on because it it's like it's narrow I don't know I just feel feel protected so both good hoods I think it's it's probably more of a of a visual thing of like do you like this look on the front of your camera or do you like this look on the front of your camera I think it's I think this is an aesthetic option H it is for me there is one more reason though that I feel protected with this guy this guy the ni comes with a UV filter built into it the Hogue does not but I uh I'm running a filter pretty much at all times on this thing now and that is that is this little piece a tiffen promist filter this is 1/8 power and then in my bag I'm carrying around a little shimoda filter pack and in here I have a quarter power so I have quarter power and eighth power prist for this camera I think I'll save why I'm using these two filters for my like how I'm shooting the camera why I'm doing what I'm doing to create the images that I'm creating but I have pretty much lived with the eth chromis filter on there and then and then I really haven't played with this one yet but I I've got some ideas of how I'm going to use the quarter Mist mostly at night next up is is this little brass shutter release button that I picked up hey let me take a quick break right there to thank the sponsor of today's video Squarespace if you don't already know about Squarespace they are the all-in-one website building platform that I've used for over 10 years for my photography business and now I am building a website for this Vlog Channel Channel my entire new website will be designed on Squarespace I can't tell you much yet but I will be leveraging features that Squarespace offers to to just make a really cool place for you guys to be able to have some some new Tools in Your Arsenal for photography and videography if you want to take your business's website to the next level shoot to squarespace.com it is super easy to get signed up for a free trial you go in there during that free trial download one of their professional templates and you're pretty much good to go like swap your photos in for their photos swap your info in for their info and you already have a very dope website shoot to the first l in the description go over there again free trial and when you are ready to go live use code David Manning and you save 10% off at checkout another massive thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring today's video and just supporting my channel in general I'm very very excited for this new website back to back to the video next up is is this little brass shutter release button that I picked up look this is entirely un necessary it's just for fun it's just for looks this camera Works totally normally totally fine without that on there but it sure is fun to add a touch of flare and I went for brass because I'm hoping that like over time this will patina and like kind of look more rustic and look look cool again you can get all sorts of different shutter release buttons there that my preference was just brass I thought it looked cool next up is just some basic things that I did I threw a screen protector onto the screen I'll link that guy below there I I put screen protectors on all my cameras doesn't matter what I buy the first thing I do is put a screen protector on there because boy do I hate when a screen gets scratched that drives me crazy as for SD cards on this thing I am running a prograde v90 128 GB but that's only because these are from my bigger cameras you can run if you're just shooting photos you can run a v30 in this thing I would say for most people you probably want to run a V60 just to to have faster read and write speeds it's going to speed things up in camera it's going to speed things up especially on your computer when you're uploading a bunch of images it's going to speed things up on 128 GB cards I'm getting well over 5,000 jpeg images so if I'm just shooting jpeg I think I'm around 5,000 images that I have on one 128 GB card and if I shoot jpeg plus raw I think I'm somewhere around like 1,800 1850 images jpeg plus raw on 128 card for batteries I picked up a first Power which I've used these for my bigger cameras so I know first power is good but it is a dual charger it comes with two batteries and the Dual charger very inexpensive this is not something where where I would say you should go buy the Fujifilm specific batteries I think there's no reason for it you should uh save some money and you get a dual charger in the process I think you get two Batteries Plus the Dual charger for like the price that you would buy one Fujifilm o battery 4 and I will gladly pocket that extra money next up is is something kind of again unnecessary but but super fun you do have a built-in flash on the X100 Mark 6 it is it is good it works well but it's it's teeny tiny you see that teeny tiny little Flash the output's not going to be crazy and if you're going to use a hood like this you have to take the hood off to shoot that flash because that flash is so close to the hood if you don't anything that's within like four or 5T you're going to see the shadow of the hood in the image so I picked up this thing this is the godox Lux Junior flash it has kind of retro dials on the back a very retro feel and when you pair it up to this you do have to take your thumb grip off but when you pair it with this camera it looks like they were made for each other look at that like very retro Vibe you've got the Retro dials on there you get a lot more controls than you do with your built-in flash I can go into manual mode I can sit there and just dial this thing in manually I can go to auto mode I can adjust that within here I just have a lot more options and I have a whole lot more power with this flash I think it runs on two AAA batteries which I just keep a couple extra in my bag okay my last few must have things uh travel tripod I've been shooting this thing on a tripod a bunch and you guys know if You' watched this Channel at all that this is the greatest travel tripod that they ever done been you will save yourself a ton of money by going for the ulanzi zero tripod and it's better it's better than the peak design tripod in pretty much every way and it's significantly cheaper I opted for the f38 head on mine you can just do ARCA Swiss or you can do the f38 if you are using the f38 plates make sure you have an f-38 plate if you order the F3 38 head best travel tripod that there is lastly this bag a ton of people asked about this bag and it's also from clever Supply Co clever Supply Co that started out making these like super dope leather camera straps back in the day they sent this thing to me like 2 or 3 years ago now they've gone on to making all different styles of leather straps and then recently they came out with this bag and this bag man it's so good like if you like the utility of peak design products but you want something that like is more stylish I would say this is this is the bag that you want got Dual side handles on both sides a small kind of skinny pouch here up front we've got that nice big messenger opening up top three spots to put gear you got a zipper bit up top with a bunch of different organization to stash battery stash extra gear up top here and it's it's just a killer bag it's got enough space to fit my tablet here in the back and very cleverly clever Supply Co their dividers have SD card holders in them it's one of the most clever uses of space that I've seen out of a out of a camera bag is SD card holders in your your dividers inside the bag there I just I'm so impressed with this bag but mainly I'm impressed with it because I do like Peak design gear but I don't know I kind of find find it very what is the word technical like it looks more technical than stylish and this bag has like see like the leather bits right here and and this is webbing but it's it's a good color the the zippers are kind of like they like look brass they're definitely not brass but they look brass it's got a a full leather bottom this is just a beautiful bag to rock around with it doesn't look so like technical it looks more stylish but it has all the utility of a technical bag like a peak design bag I hope they don't mind me me framing that that way it just feels like my Peak design messenger bag that I love like my favorite bag to use before this one and now that I have this I'm like oo I have everything that I had with that bag plus some clever pockets and it looks good like my wife isn't bummed that I bring this bag with me somewhere where with my other gear bag she's like you're bringing your camera bag are you and and then one one more bag from these guys that I I got to test out in Hawaii a bunch but it's this guy this is their sidekick bag and it is perfect for this camera if you don't rock the lens Hood so if you do not have the lens hood on here you just have so there the camera is just with a normal ring cover on there and the lens cap and this thing fits in here perfect it's kind of like again like the style of this bag it it matches very closely and it fits this camera it's like it was made for you still got a spot up front you can throw some batteries an extra SD card on the inside if I pop this out of there there's like webbing on this side web Pockets there and there oh hey look new Beed human lens new Beed human lens cloths um I think I'm going to start throwing these into shirt orders I don't know if we'll sell these specifically on the store but I will send these with shirt orders or hoodie orders that come in look at that thing it's like the perfect size bag for this camera it again it really feels like they made this for hey look there's a back pocket hidden Pocket that's cool okay that is everything the gear the stuff the fun again this is like a super fun camera for me it's much more of like a personal life camera than a business camera I just I want to capture my life on this camera and because it's fun I think I can lean more into the like oh could look a little breath bit and get a nice leather strap and you know make it more stylish than my my big cameras that are for utility my big cameras are like image quality matters video quality matters dynamic range M all that matters and for this man I'm just having fun I feel like I'm having fun with photography again with this camera and that's that's really neat this is all the stuff that I'm using to uh to have that fun let me know if you guys have anything for this camera that you're like I love it you've got to go pick it up and let me know if uh if any of this interests you there will be links in the description to all of this stuff especially this camera bag I love like I I might make a whole video just on on Clever Supply CO's camera bags and how cleverly they are designed you walk through this bag and you go a photographer designed this bag like this wasn't in a boardroom office kind of thing like a photographer with real experience sat and designed that bag all right I'll see you [Music] soon
Channel: David Manning
Views: 24,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Manning, fujifilm x100vi, fujifilm x100vi review, fujifilm x100vi 2024, the fujifilm x100vi, fuji x100vi, fuji x100v, the fujifilm x100vi 2024, fujifilm x100vi video, fujifilm, x100vi, fujifilm x100v, fujifilm x100vi hands on, fuji x100vi review
Id: 3mfOGpcTeyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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