I Made My Friends Listen To My Dad Jokes... (Joke Boat)

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what's up dudes welcome to a game called jokeboat in this game we build jokes then we say those jokes and try to make others laugh and here's the deal if i can make you laugh right now you gotta hit the like button below the video ready so you wanna know what the most dependable thing in the world is your fingers cause you can always count on them hit the like button hit the subscribe button let's do this all right boys joke vote we'll explain it as we go hit the hit the button get hand we started now let's do it boys listen if you think i can tell the funniest joke ever hit the like button if you think gary's bald hit the like button i'm in sizzle okay so how this works we are all going to be crafting our own jokes and then we're going to create dad jokes whoever makes the best jokes wins right okay test them out i just i literally just said what you said so we're eventually here in a second we're going to type in like different words and we're going to use those words to craft jokes and then we get on stage and tell our jokes guys give me give me some give me some jokes in the comments and i'll use them okay so we have to write down as many topics as you can so we have to write down a food right um chicken nugget oh i'm not supposed to say this how loud am i yes sorry i got a beard i'm muting bye a location uh south uh what it where is south at south new york an animal oh oh we have ducks i'm gonna put ducks i'm gonna put duck nugget not plural ducks a person's name uh gary zudd gary son a brand oh i got no i failed i only got a few i'm gonna be proud unless they're bad okay oh so now we're setting up our jokes okay that's right i'm muted i'm eating get out of here i'm eating i'm getting out of here i'm meeting i'm eating okay so we have um two minutes to set these jokes up choose a joke set up why did the blank cross the road my grandma said the best thing about blank is oh my grandma said the best thing about shoes is beefal is marshmallows shoes my grandma said the best thing about shoes is now i gotta give the puzzle line this is where the joke comes in i have to give a good punch line to where they'll vote for me as being the best stand-up comic so my grandma said the best thing about shoes is uh oh let me find a shoe punch doctors have a bad case of the candies my grandma said the best thing about shoes is they give you a lot of soul [Music] all right now i gotta do another check i have a minute for this next joke why did the blank cross the road i have more blank than why did those something cross the road why did the blow dryer cross the road oh no um drove blow dryer puns oh i don't know why did the blow dry across the road i have 30 seconds why did the blow dryer cross the road ah crap because it was uh ah blow dryer blow dry okay because it was hurry up wendy you're running out of time and he blew across it that's terrible nah i got a mute hey did you guys get it wait guys we went out of time okay no no we're good i got it i did it i did it i did it i did it okay so how this works it's going to be a head v head 1v1 sigils versus somebody else and then we vote on their jokes so go ahead socials oh you're going against me all right he's going to say his joke now my nickname is toe brace okay because i'm henry's favorite oh cause henry's crooked toe did someone say salami henry's really weird looking okay here's my joke i'm gonna okay i'm gonna perform this joke all right here we go yeah this is a good one i don't think why did the blow dryer cross the road why because it was windy and he blew across them and whoever wins they get the most points and at the end of all this whoever's the most points wins oh my god i know i know who has a better joke yeah people won this one what what what does that mean wait who did you couldn't and i got vote extra points for that crush that you guys are way to go gary way to go i have it on video that i remember oh oh boys please be quiet enough oh bald biffle go ahead ball biffle jokes have you ever set me up for this it's dead to me by the way you ever noticed how biffle wiffle looks like wait paul blart maul [Laughter] russell zoom in on biffle don't you don't you make me paw blart don't you damn it's not hard dude all right so what do you got oh i got a good joke i got a good one here we go have you heard about the himalayan salt lamp challenge what the heck that's where you get salty at him a land [Music] okay russell if you can put biffle next to paul blart i'll vote for that i'll vote for it he's doing is pretty good but i want to see bible next to paul blair's yeah give the people what they want set me up on this one people won them so since zod got a vote he got some points all right so now it's henry versus gary maybe all right all right yeah i got this i got the cycle this you guys ready oh versus okay my family is like medusa okay because we turn everyone into stone like medusa get it i don't know what henry are you like do you know what it is what does that city wins i mean get it and then with the one two all right here we go you ready ready ready one two one two when i was a kid we didn't have toes we had strong knees no no you have these are both okay if we okay if none of us vote they don't get points at all guys gary's my boy us bald people got to stick together you know what you have to i didn't vote i refuse i got your back that was terrible oh i did toes i did that one all right let's hear it for the next gary blocks i'll perform the joke guys oh it's gary versus bible already got my doctor said i have a bad case the candies because i'm allergic to walnuts guys everyone's laughing guys middle school for me was like gary block's oh hair life full of life [Laughter] [Music] oh gary why are you so bold okay okay this is i don't know gary's was really good who's the who wrote my name wrong yeah it was not me yeah that's pretty embarrassing cks all right you know what i'm sticking with my boy i'm sticking with my boy i got to stick out for gary i'm going with the other ones no but you didn't vote no i did i thought i pressed it you ran out of time oh it's because of de-syncing lag got my grandma said the best thing about shoes is uh-huh they give you a lot of soul okay pretty good actually that was easy that was an easy one you know what did i put that's pretty cool okay what's the difference between most people and be full be fool is beautiful in disguise are you okay i know it's blurry up time harry's joke's okay okay i i got b4 as a prompt who put b for you that's clearly plural for bible you idiot multiple biffles yes just easy not even trying to sleep this is a good joke though i'm so old i remember when gary vlogs was not bowling it's too easy oh it's finally not me gary i'm sorry dude okay this joke is really bad why are they called dogs oh no and not licky mclicky's huh what does that even mean oh my god all right this next round is all about the dad jokes only dad jokes only dad jokes these are the top comedians i think we have one more round after this right two bottoms two okay i got it and then the final third round it's like a different style of round right i forgot yes we got the same problem move out of the way donkey [Music] so here's the plan let's rewrite another comic's joke okay look at the same setup but we'll attempt to write a funnier punchline oh better oh we can take somebody else's joke and rewrite it [Music] oh dude this is you don't take somebody else's material oh okay so there's also it's worth more points because they got a good grade i'm muting i'm muting i'm muting bye okay so i need to make up these jokes pick the joke you want to compete against why are they called dogs and not licky mclicky i'm so old i remember when gary blocks uh oh yeah dude what do i do with that one i could put gary in a grave should i put gary in a grave i'm gonna do that one i'm gonna do that guys do me a favor be nice to gary hit the like button and say gary we love you in the comments because this is gonna be mean i'm so old i remember when gary blocks was almost married [Music] jk i love you oh he's gonna be so mad at me oh this is terrible and welcome our comics back to the stage okay oh it's so gary you chose a joke to go up against that's right middle school for me was like dairy blocks oh boring oh gary that's just sad [Music] gary that was good but that's also sad thank you oh yeah these points are worth double too motion what you got this is not a good one after what we just came from i'm so old i remember when gary blocks was almost married j caleb [Laughter] [Laughter] why did the blow dryer cross the road well it was mine that was mine bring it because foot goal no you can't well you know what you know what i've been pulling pretty good i'm voting for people i don't know what else to play no that was against yeah but you didn't pronounce it correctly yeah all right got lost in the middle all right who's jokes would you target guys who's struggling this was actually good i took i took sigel's joke when i was a kid we didn't have toes we had foot fingers who have a million subscribers you invited this guy that's actually pretty funny she's pretty good i can see my little [Music] sigil it's not very hard to do oh yeah got him all right all right i battled sunday here we go me oh my grandma said the best thing about shoes is when mice wear them they're called squeakers [Laughter] [Applause] okay but you gotta compare the two which one's better uh they give you son takes a cake which one's [Music] was my own head i promise all right sigils who'd you take out this one's a banger dude all right you ever noticed how bitter whiffle looks like you're saying it don't you say heaven james star of paul blart okay okay you take my joke and rewrite it rewrite it you know what people i got you man i'm voting for sigils i'm gonna stay true to the the og i mean that's what youtubers do repackage jokes over and over again you know exactly i just think that's very true oh my [Applause] oh it's going down [Applause] we did it boys wait is that it how did i get that what is it what does it mean winner sunday does anybody know what that means no i have no idea guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button if you have enjoyed if you want us to play this again then uh you know what i'm saying dab i got last place
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,895,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 86lmCr3kj9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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