We Win Every Prize at an Arcade!

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so today we got a weird one we're playing arcade games to win an arcade game this gets ridiculous stick around till the end to see who wins and also if you've ever played a video game hit the like button below the video make it turn blue what hit the subscribe button let's do this are you boys ready arcade games for an arcade okay boys listen the winner of this whoever has the most tickets at the end of playing all of these get an arcade wait what okay okay so we're gonna we're gonna play each game once whoever has the most tickets okay let's first go to uh prize master prize master oh no okay so boys how this works we're all gonna play look at this so here here's this prize master all of these are tickets in here right hold on let me zoom out look all of these are a bunch of tickets we have to choose we have to figure out we gotta get the key in the little hole i'm gonna go to the top right i'm going i'm already going in boy i'm going i'm going i'm going light it up light it up right there and then i gotta hold the left click once i let go of left click it automatically starts okay i gotta line this up perfectly did i get it no i missed all right one more time i'm gonna try this one one more time okay try again yes okay one more time then we'll go to the next fourth game ian just wants to see his points dude i'm trying to get an arcade game dude i'm trying to get an arcade i want to put an arcade game in my in my toilet room right there no way that's it that's it that's it this is hard i don't like this game dang it alright boys we didn't win anything on this one game no all right all right it's tie game none of us have gone so we're gonna keep playing all of these board games guy or all of these arcade games boys if you think i can win hit that like button second once we get all of them done we're going to run over to this machine it's going to tell us how many tickets we have winner i'm nervous yeah okay which which one do you guys want to play next uh devoid to do what is it no you're not gonna front middle all right stack them up you guys ready okay so how this one works you have to stop the stack immediately right to get a prize like you see in the top left that's the minor prizes look right there so we gotta stack this up to the minor prize if we get major prizes boys we get beats by us wait hold on beats by us okay so i gotta light you every day i think it's left click right is it left okay so we gotta stop this okay i stopped it now i gotta stack it up on top of that perfectly yes i got it oh my gosh boy that moaning okay so now it's down to two oh no no i messed up the very first one okay god i gotta breathe i gotta breathe i gotta breathe i gotta breathe i lost yes yes yes i'm holding this yes there's no way i fail this there's no way he's gonna bail there's no way there's no way he fails yes i need one more one more and i get my enterprise yes wait okay so except minor prize i or i can go for beats but beats don't give me tickets i need tickets uh i don't know except minor prize i got tickets boys gary move joystick okay do i want to no i don't want to play again did you guys get any tickets no 100 uncounted tickets look at my hand i have tickets i got tickets i've got no tickets all i have is my shoes oh boys i'm gonna win this arcade game which one do i want that's what i'm trying to figure out which one do i want i'm gonna win dude i'm gonna win and then everyone's gonna come to my house i have the expensive one which game now which game you want you pick a go and pick a good one treasure in the sand treasure in the sand oh this one this one this is okay okay this treasure in the sand what is this insert card hold on what do we do here okay hold on let me do this put the thing in loading what do we do use joystick to arm and knock off coins don't touch shovel handle shovel handle never okay ready how do oh okay i get i get we use that thing to knock off all the the money once we knock it off okay i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going go i got 29 seconds oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i get it literally crack okay do the do the thingies the the treasure chest give more money that's what i'm hoping oh dude i am owning this i got 14 seconds so if you hit that blue treasure that blue shovel it does it just like end i don't know i didn't do it because i'm not terrible oh crap i hope i did good i hope okay did i do it did i do it oh oh three seconds two seconds one second how many did i get tickets 30 tickets i got 30 tickets boys look at him you can see down there i almost got 50 tickets try again no oh that is what i'm talking about bring it to you free okay go go go go go go next one you pick one do you want to go to the next one big bass big bass okay good we'll give this one three goes you guys want to do three well you remember this from the arcade like chuck e cheese right okay so we got to spin it and give it power so hold left click spin it boom full spin oh i just come on i'm going i'm going come that almost landed on a honey no i'm 40. i got 40. i got 40. so unlucky okay fish again we're gonna do this three times three times each boys three times each second go full spin full spin full spin did a half and then like there is a thousand on this get past 15. no i got ten this is so i got it okay last one left it was an inch away from 100 i got four so if i'm looking at this thing hold on let me do it let me do a free thing let me do it so 40s right there a thousand is right there so i just got to do like a little small spin do it with most of them do not i almost i almost used it get a hundred wait what this hates me four i was almost on a hundred no i didn't do it i only got four all right don't do any more don't do any more all right all right boys we gotta pick up our tickets on the ground like you gotta pick up your tickets pick up your tickets pick up your tickets pick up your tickets pick it up everything's good for me guys all right all right gary you choose next right you choose next all right let's do cuckoo coins right next to the left of it to the left cuckoo coins i don't know what this is okay okay okay so you gotta you gotta drop coins down into the thingy and make the coins drop into the bin so you gotta find one that has coins hanging off yet wait how many coins how many credits are we putting in i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do the left okay let's do how many coins let's see uh hundred wait how many does this give how many credits to load oh okay so whenever you move it to the right you see in the center your credits go up 24-36 yeah yeah let's do 60. go to five go to five go to five you mad man we're gonna drop 60 coins are you guys ready yep let's do it okay so we're gonna drop six coins in all right here we go here we go drop drop drop dude so you can see every time i'm clicking i'm dropping coins down these coins are sitting on that little ledge there and they're gonna start pushing these coins into the bin come on give me some good money wait why are the coin the coin things are lighting blue yeah you get bonuses if you hit all of them really yeah i think so wait how do i hit him i'm trying to hit him but i'm going through them but it's not hitting them you can move the no you can move the thingy oh what do you move oh the thing yeah a and d boy oh i got wait uh wait a second oh i gotta oh i gotta hit it yeah when you light up all of them then on the sides those things spin and you get oh i lit up all of them dude i'm cracked how did you light them all up i i've gone through the end like 50 times like eight times dude you know what you know i'm just spamming i'm just gonna spam it oh i got it oh it's spinning five tickets are you kidding me i'm going to dump in his cereal i got mine i got five tickets this is the worst day of my life you know i'm just going to spam it i'm just going to get all of them i'm going to get all of them oh it has to go through right when the oh whenever the light is going on it i only have 15 more i only have eight oh no come on i need the o i need the o give me the o let's go yes i got a spin give me something good 45 i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it okay go go go go go go go dude this is the best game ever no i'm not gonna get it i'm waiting for final four okay now i'm waiting for these thingies to drop how many how many let it finish okay keep going keep going keep giving me small oh drop more drop more drop more get with my ticket dude what ticks did i get that's 79 just remember though i you know i i won the stack them though and i got 344. that's it one game dude okay okay so you get to choose the next game what are you choosing since i'm built different let's play hockey hut hockey okay [Music] what is this one okay oh there's a hockey okay there's a hockey stick and then you hit the hockey stick into your goal oh and you have to hit the the puck in there they have a 250 ticket is there a higher there's a 500 ticketer oh okay i missed all of them i missed okay where's the 500 where's the 500. 500 is right there on that red circle right there on that red circle okay it's going around i'm going to wait i'm going to wait here comes here go [Applause] i just got a c but i don't know what c does you have to wait and see at the top and you get the jackpot oh oh okay let me get the 500 i care about that give me the 500 where's the 500 at i haven't paid a single point it's not fair gary's dating a canadian i got a hug 500 500 no no no i missed everything good good good good okay so i have i have two more credits two more credits okay i need to get 100. i didn't get a single ticket give me that 200. where's the 500 it's coming around it's coming around 250 euro 250. dang it i missed everything okay where's the 500 i need that 500 boy i need that 500 where is this is my moment to shine there's a 500 there's a 500 i'm gonna get it there it is you're not gonna get it i got 500. no you did not no you did not no that's what i'm talking about my last hockey [ __ ] not playing again 600 uncounted tickets gary i only have 170 oh he got 600 from that one from that one well i don't know how many i have uncounted i'm gonna wait until the end to look at the machine to tell me all right all right all right next one next one next one next one all right so we played that we played that one uh is it my turn it's my turn yeah [Music] okay so how this one works check this out you see all the lights are blue one of them turns green if you hit this ball up and spin it around to where it lands perfectly on green you get the max of 500 tokens okay oh okay okay what does this say let me read this what does it say bonus tickets 2500. oh boys i'm gonna get it okay okay here we go here we go here we go okay so i gotta charge up my thingy you can see in the center right there go go go go okay i got 30 tickets for hitting purple okay let's play this three times play again three times three okay let me find the green where's the green where's the green okay green's there oh let me zoom out let me zoom out easy easy easy okay so i need to go up up up up up oh i stop that's like nothing okay okay i cannot go far here can i go far here okay right there please please what did i get 20 tickets no i didn't get past purple 100 tickets gary gary all right where's the green where's the green one right there okay hold on a green one let me check it let me check it let me check it let me check it let me check it our green one's there so i gotta go all the way around all the way around all the way around okay so i'm gonna do this into the yellow into the yellow this is going in no get past purple you idiot all right i got 20. dang god i want to make sure you don't play against 110 140 tickets i got 30 30. oh dang it all right all right you guys ready for the next game right next time i'm ready ready ready you're ready all right uh gary schedules gary you pick okay so there's two claw machines to the left of it right we also have the ski ball we also have this keyboard let's do one claw machine now and then we'll save on a column okay i got it which one do you want to do the one called larry's cause that's almost gary larry's yeah oh claw machine larry oh so these are okay okay these are letters oh so the s is 500 oh we have four credit we have four five credits for this one well good to know good to know come on come on i was right on that s i went a little bit too far for that s um um um i got the s i got the s this one's very bad you got the s i got the s s i told you oh no okay okay let me put this right right there this is the s this is the s this is it come on come on this is no this is it give me that s i got two letters i dropped them both this is rigged this game is rigged this game is dumb and it's stupid what happened you know i'm going for this s i'm going for this s right here no no no no no no no give me the a give me the a come to me oh crap i've gotta get another s if i can win this i dropped in an l oh that's only ten when you take the l oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my no i got two asses and i almost had a y i got a thousand times how did you get two s's give me this give me this s i'm getting an r i'm getting an r give me this s i got this s i got this s don't drop it no i had an s in my claw use your muscles use your muscles no that was my last goal i am all out of tries [Music] did i get anything i got one s okay good so we're not playing this again right no no no not playing this game not playing all right where are we going next where are we going next where we going now um mega drop because it's the only thing that he got enough tickets hey kid get out of here this isn't my i got a gun get out your gun i shot him get out of here yeah it's my game my oh we have four credits okay so we have to drop oh gosh i look weird okay so we have to drop the ball down this little chute and it's gotta land in the hole and we have four we have four balls to drop okay okay so i'm gonna do what do what do we have here 40 question mark 30. jackpot there's jack oh mega jackpot's in the center bonus round what's bonus round do let me try bonus round i'm gonna try to do i'm gonna try to make it land in bonus bonuses right there so it drops kind of slow dude isn't it jackpot no you did not gary mega jackpot or jackpot 405 tickets gary ian make him leave make him leave oh my gosh okay i need first ball i want that bonus want that bonus give me that bonus oh it's bouncing i'm never gonna have an arcade or a girlfriend we know ten tickets what did i get what did i get what's he gonna land on landon bonus thirty twenty five come on this is making me sweat all right one last ball right here okay i want to hit bonus i want to hit bonus i need to hit bonus okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna stand over here and wait for bonus to get right there bonus oh no it ran around the rim and bonus i got 30 480 tickets for me ah this is gonna be circuit there's still time though gary we're coming for you yeah ian i don't know how to tell you this but yeah i don't all right all right next one next one next one next one next well let's do speed drop you guys wanna do speed drops what's that one right behind it right behind it when did jackpot catch all 50 balls before time runs out oh okay okay all right oh okay do you control it or not press button to drop balls into bucket all right oh i get it okay okay ready three two one go drop it oh i get it i get it i get it drop it drop it i get hot oh oh oh i'm cracked i'm cracking boys i haven't missed one yet i missed one but that was dumb okay oh wait oh i need more auto clicker i need more real clicker no i missed i missed i missed dude i got 43 oh all right let's try that again one more time one time one more time one more time more time one time one more time okay ready and go i can't no i missed one oh it doesn't even matter at this point no i missed so many 40 tickets all right you know what i got 42. no i missed one right at the end dude i was gonna make it all right let's pick up our tickets all right boys so we got the skee ball the claw and then we see who wins it's gonna be me uh let's just keep all these keyboard these keyboard okay so how does this get in tickets are in you throw the ball oh that's right through the holes oh and you you do power up oh i almost got a hundred so the hundred is in the top right that's the highest 50 is there okay i'm going to try for a 50 minute drive 50 150 come on give me that oh that is all that dude that is so tough okay i got six balls a lot of six balls left come on give me 50. give me 50. i don't have any points okay that ball came back 50 boys that's what i'm talking about you got a 50. of course gary come at me ready oh i went 10. i threw that a little bit i missed okay okay i know i know how to do it 100 is tough dude i'm not going for 100. i'm going for orange no that should have been a 50. dude this hates me this hates me this game hates me no we hate you we hate you what is that i'm being robbed russell showed the robbery no no that robbed me to it like it like it flick later i'm not doing great in this one guys why is it it's like being hindered okay how many how many tickets do you get per point is it like one per point i think so it's not even out of good oh no okay i just got 140. how many tickets did i get play again no how many tickets did i get 140 tickets oh okay give me that ball back let me let me shoot it again oh that is good i'm going for 100. 100. oh no crack oh no no oh no oh i lost oh no i got 230 boys oh no i'm gonna come back all right all right the last game then we count the tickets winner gets one of these thingies on get away you dumb kids i gotta dude i really i really want this boxing one so i can show my friends how strong i am no i'm stronger i'm stronger all right last one claw madness ball edition each one of these ball thingies has tickets in it i think there's one that has 500. there is there is i see it i see it oh there's one right there are you ready i'm going how many credits do we get how many credits how many credits four credits okay we're on a timer too we're on a time or two papa come on come on come on give me this 500 give me this 500. starting off strong with the little 250 250. gary's cheating no how do i not get anything i didn't get anything either no okay okay this is fine this is fine this time no i missed this right there this is 500 this is 500 it's locking on it's not even it's not even it didn't even try ruffle make it go in the thingy no you know what you know what you know what okay okay okay i'll take 25. okay there's one right there is that lined up though no it's not okay look at this all the purple is i don't know what purple is go this way how do i know if it's lined up i can't see wait are you using free mode right now what no wait wait we'll leave it there come on give me that 500. what did you get yes dude i'm not getting anything i missed i'm gonna fart i'm gonna how many tries do we get this is so great okay no right here you only get three tries right here hold on hold on hold on if i line this up right there give me that give me that no it got caught on this stupid orange nothing i literally got nothing i got 60. i got some you got 60 [Laughter] oh no well i got it i have nothing no gary the best of the cult dude that's not fair i think that's our last game isn't it i hope so no double or nothing double or nothing double or nothing all right boys go over to the point machine the ticket redemption center boys hit that like button if you think i can win hit the subscribe button if you like the tomato sauce ready put it guys ready ready put your thing on i don't wonder about the tomato sauce thing go how many tickets put all the tickets in please 400 500 700 a thousand oh my god 12 48. wait wait wait gary don't tell me how many you have gary don't have time how many do you have i have more than ian how much do you have signals how many do you have sigils 1 428 and how much did you have 1248. gary how many did you have no 2 370 now all right gary let me know which one you want hold on dude i didn't even try to sweat no i didn't even drive lucky gary you want the boxing one just to rub it in my face no it's better you can come over and use it too dude guys hit that subscribe button hit the like button dang it gary
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,646,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jeyigrkOSeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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