I Made Minecraft Youtubers Do Parkour For Money! Ft LDshadowlady, TommyInnit, GeorgeNotFound & More!

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now a while ago i spent 24 hours making this map for a video and since then i've not had any use for it until now i've transformed it into a very hard parkour course and i'm going to invite some of my youtube friends on to take it on but what is the reward if they manage to complete it in three attempts i will donate 200 pounds to a charity of their choice however if nobody completes it i will be donating 500 pounds to a charity of my choice let's invite some people on and let's see how they do before we start though here's that graph that every youtuber puts on their videos and asks you to subscribe now i am also doing that and asking you to subscribe okay thank you let's get on with it there's no rush all right it's not a race nobody's in germany okay i can't believe you've done that got this just a bit of simple parkour nice i thought i went over here those used to be end rods but i changed those so i bet you're glad about i'm glad oh it didn't bounce me but i didn't hold space oh you must have just hit the edge it looked like attempt two off you go all right i like then i thought i was gonna stop no i still jumped i was like you got it you got this i don't know why i'm feeling like the pressure no it's not that like my keys just feel not right if that makes sense like everything doesn't feel is it down here yeah it's down it's down here you see the skulls oh god you hate us no no this is just some good fun good [ __ ] quality fun right you've not given me a head hitter here you have got a head here you gotta go to the edge of the block little tip oh he's done it first time he's got to the edge of the bar she's just sprinting and he's figured out the chests as well devon to the right do you know how to do this you're not meant to do that but i'll let you do it okay oh the fact that there's no checkpoint is a hate crime well if i just run this way well there's nothing over in that direction and you won't see it you need to land in the trophy at the end can i go this way no there's no can i go this way then find a way into the trophy where are you going thanks for the money or what i gave it to you if i go this way oh my gosh how have you actually made it all right i'll let you have it i can't believe you've done this all right just go just go i don't care anymore all right oh i'm lucky well that's what you get that's karma nice try though you got it pretty you got pretty fantastic halfway which way do i go this way i'll leave go on the spruce oh is it up the wood oh i see i just thought that was part of the terrain no you gotta do some jumps oh what's that a ladder do you know how to do this oh he knows oh yeah boy and up to here i assume yep oh and here he goes again oh with speed this time he doesn't care i didn't i meant to stop it's all right okay nice all right you've made it further right ready this is good no i open the menu mid jump clutched it you clutched it it's okay we take those okay cross the skulls oh i don't really know what this is around it is it like a no you gotta jump and like hit your head on it hey next bit the chat is this can i like lag through them is that what it works there's a way do you have to like eat around the edge oh you just shut up it's very easy don't open the trap door oh he's not oh he's going straight to the next so good dude i'm so good you know no you didn't did you press space i think i must surprise jump at the bottom yeah i don't know it's just muscle memory you see the technique up here just call me dream baby nice try early nice try well done sorry poor orphan children you don't get your 200 pounds okay so calum first time off you go take my time trying to make sure we make you pay up you know yeah exactly these are some rookie jumps for you i'm sure you'd think so wouldn't you but at this point all right okay nice there you go first set it's a big jump oh you got you put a little skeleton heads little skill in it yeah it looks like that oh i see it i see a tricky one oh you don't have to do this how do you know how to do this i do but they're just a bit awkward nice first time i just do encourage a neo uh well just have a have a look at it closely yeah i'm looking quite close i feel like i'm being stupid and is there something really easy all right let's do this oh yeah easy first time first time i overshot the ladder you know what this is actually my biggest weakness here i i struggle going left to right just a couple little ladder jumps we're all right it's fine okay oh that's all right sorry all right good probably about oh oh like i like this section do you oh well i like it for now it's very reminiscent oh well done that's quite a big yeah it's quite big on that one i'm feeling powerful i'll be honest uh get myself a little bit of leeway and no oh oh this is the furthest anyone's got so far all right i'm sweating a little bit you should be oh nice try nice try we go again all right attempt number two skeleton heads this is fine oh no last time and i did it this time oh just let me trap no you go again i'm notoriously awful so well you've got the best out of our friends so far there we go so you know until you get someone really sick on i'll take that title that'll be oh you're right this time just blasting through it speedrun oh ah simple now we said yeah i spoke a bit too soon there callum but well done you get three attempts h first attempt stats now go like am i timed no there's no time there's no time so you can you can take yeah just take your time you don't have to rush it uh i rushed it you've rested there hate should you use it one of your attempts by the way you start back at the beginning so make sure you you probably should take your time what you you made me nervous you're right and the timer starts now there's no timer you can start now or whenever you want my hands are sweaty okay don't judge me this is such an awkwardly spa this is such like a troll but you just literally just small jump land on the slime oh look how easy that was look how easy that was no that was easy but you know they're not like usually that easy okay true i guess he's done it oh oh you did my weakness i hate those were other people like nailing that one i don't like those yeah everyone else managed to do that you just start go right to the back and start and just spam space joel if i fail this and i trust you i swear to god okay okay you trust me like honestly start at the back you'll see if you get there shut up joel i'm concentrating remember it's down to the right if you didn't see the sign i almost forgot thank god this sign is here nice girl i need you to be quiet and let me concentrate i'm i'm i'm studying okay okay i'm gonna take your word for it and i'm just gonna spam the space bar and if i fail i'm yelling at you space forward and sprint obviously hey who's the master of parkour now h is you are yeah there we go oh he's pretty awkward at this point now shut up joel i i don't like i don't like being on the easy ones the easy ones are the tr oh george he found the first slime jumper this one hang on hang on give me a moment here oh he's taking off his jacket yeah yeah i need to feel the wind on my my body oh i hated that yeah you messed it though okay the ladders this is a fire jump i see oh h ah h it's unlucky it's unlucky you deserve that all right turbo are you ready i am ready i am ready i'm ready okay wait actually i have a plan i have a pla i'm gonna i'm gonna take off my jacket h-bob did the exact same thing what is this i've left one arm on though i left one arm on the lucky arm you ready three two one go take it nice and slow nice and slow it's a relaxing car car in some places oh man i suck at this and it's for charity it's oh no there'll be okay there'll be money for charity no matter what i don't cope well under pressure i'll be honest okay okay i can just go all right okay it's fine it's fine it's fine you've got two more attempts off nice and nice and oh speedy starts speedy starts beautiful okay okay okay okay i'm just gonna lots of okays he's just he's in there yeah yeah yeah i've gotta i'm focusing i'm real focused how long is it i need to it's quite long um oh i'd say where you fell you're about a third of the way through so yeah it's fine my arch nemesis we meet again nice he's done it he's passed it all he does is improve down to the right turbo so look down to your right you got it yeah okay so i just got to do a little little hop easy you should be able to get the launch he's done it first time like an expert okay this is actually really quite difficult charity's never easy it's never easy that's gonna be my favorite quote of all time oh he just made it through okay would you say i'm about halfway i'd say about two fifths third attempt i hate these little corner ladder things i know i put quite a lot of those in i probably i should probably just put an actual ladder but oh well you've done them oh no think of all the children i fall in such dramatic ways i'm the easiest jump george are you ready to take on the parkour i'm ready okay off you go also it's not a race by the way you could take your time take your time i'll just say like do i have to go we don't get that one all right so this is still the first attempt yeah the first attempt that one didn't count we don't count those oh i didn't see that okay okay um can you use the slime you don't have to it's a nice nice simple jump there which is at the early stages still i tell you about fifth of the way through it's quite long i might have made it too long all right this fits oh i thought the block was on top okay this one's fine getting under here yeah is kind of you gotta use it you gotta use it to your advantage uh so i think you can go round but that might be riskier than just doing that okay just mastered it surely you can just creep around yeah yeah okay okay let's just hop down here let's try it oh okay okay all right you do well you do well this is a really good first attempt best we've had so far yeah this is totally the first time not technically the second yeah it's the first we don't count okay okay basically done a bit of slime nice yeah slime oh no okay i got it got it you got it how far am i right now i'd say you're probably about halfway through at this point i think i just need to go like oh no i feel like i'm going to mess this one up this is the one people have messed up so far but he's doing okay and then one more yeah oh come on come on yes this is good this is the furthest anyone's made at george you're winning at the moment yeah okay oh trapdoors no no no no no this is not too tricky just i'd say make sure you make this first joke okay hang on my my hands are getting sweaty right now no oh so close all the way back to the start yeah you can't start the start again sorry about that now now i know the course now i can go a bit quicker yeah it's easy when you know it when you know that know what you're doing i've done it once nice now this is where i feel this is where you failed do a little jump boom boom nice just like that nice all right all right this is sort of like a little neo ladder one oh is that the end the gold over there the gold the second gold there's two gold so you'll see oh yeah i see i see it okay you're doing well you do really well getting my wallet out already i don't i don't like this jump yes nice nice okay some glasses this is too tricky but it is glass panes and they suck so oh this one's long this is a long one yeah this is a tricky one scared for you no oh so close oh my gosh look at the speed the confidence okay boom no no no no no no come on nice no oh the safe my life flashed before my eyes i thought that was the end i'm feeling tense i'm not gonna do anything i'm just watching oh my god no nice try though you did really well let's go lizzy can't wait to fall off the start off she goes just going attacking it at speed lizzie come on oh my gosh sorry i'm just trying to get it done you know okay i'll get that money to the charity the kids need it well if you win you get to choose the charity so yeah the kids need it yeah no lucky unlucky first attempt all right you get two more that was scary oh why did this fight okay oh because that's not number two speedy again nice okay i don't need you getting scared too i'm enough scared for both of us all right i won't get scared i'll just cheer you on i got this my wrist is starting to hurt i'm starting to get repetitive strain injury oh no nice bit of skulls can i shift on the skulls you can i've forgotten how to run nice first one second one and she's made it all right nice you gotta bang your head i don't like this oh no look here lucky it's okay i hate you and i hate your parkour all right if i fall now i'm gonna be out aren't i yeah so good luck oh no i didn't even make it further it's okay it's okay you did great somebody had to be the worst are you ready i'm a little bit nervous but i think so okay go okay i would advise not not rushing through it it's not a race you know it's not a race i have no idea how well you're gonna do with this but you're looking pretty good in a solid two years since i've done anything okay this looks interesting how long is the course um pretty long okay we got to what is his head parkour head pocket clearly nice okay am i right there crouch pass yes okay i'm gonna do it down to the right oh is that a five block jump that i see oh it might be it might be a run up there you just gotta go for it just spam that space button it should be yeah okay there we go i'm shaking a little bit now the pressure is mounted there's no pressure don't worry don't worry so if i fail though i go all the way back to the beginning all the way to the back okay this is a really good first attempt all right this is you're going to be treated attempt number two how far did i get 70 50 i'd say about 50 yeah on to the head parkour breeze past that oh we're good we're back to the chat speeding through onto the slime block nice all right nearly back where you were already feeling like a ninja warrior right now you're back and forth okay let's get on this one can you do this around the corner and up here okay we're good we're clear all right oh it's ahead oh god first here though okay two three oh he fell in the exact same point george fell oh my gosh oh so who's made it the furthest so far that where you fell is exactly the furthest george fell as well and he is the favorite so you're joined first at the moment okay you got it okay let's jump again again nice try you did well though you've got joint firsts at the moment so well done go okay so what i would say is you don't need to rush like it's a it's there's no race sort of thing but true true so but if you want to go if you want to rush then fair play fair play okay okay oh my gosh all right so you are rushing but it's fine you're just nailing it all so it's okay okay all right all right all right what okay all right all right all right down to right yeah there's a little block spruce block there you don't have to go on the ice there's the spruce easy easy oh my gosh all right this is the speediest anyone's gone through it so far really yeah everyone else might be like taking that i might fall here i might fall here let's see oh that was close oh my gosh all right all right so you've already beaten a lot of people i'll tell you where i am beating a lot of people yeah you beat a lot of people not that you're not number one yet but you're progress too who's number one right now george and will it's for you george i believe okay i'm excited oh look you're looking okay this is always the it's okay you got two more tries yeah you're right you're right how far does it go dude i literally have fog on it and it just never like ends okay i'll tell you about halfway there a couple of people fail there you go there you go but you've done it back to the ladders i'm scared i'm trying i'm like taking my time everyone seems to be like really nervous i'm just chilling although i do get nervous for some people towards the end yeah your wallet gets really nervous too and you're probably oh this is a bit of a tricky jump but oh no no that's the one i'd say take your time on it's a bit it's a bit trickier than the others okay take your time you got this oh nice nice okay okay okay okay okay all right so go around to the ladder and then it's on to the glass this is where george gets weird and will failed this one here this is the hardest jump pad this is the one yeah of the glass but he's done it okay i've done it i've done it i've done it the first person to use the trident in the chest wait there's tridents okay so you see let me get into creative mode so you can see me is it the is the gold thing this bit right here you got to make it into there i'd say go quite a low angle oh smashed it he smashed it he smashed it i did it nice oh no oh no uh joel i don't know if i could do this one i don't know if i could do this one you could tell i did okay okay oh i'm nervous how far does this go where is it can i see the ending from here yeah you see the gold cup at the end that's the end is that it that's the ended nice bit of ice no no i overshot it from the eyes i just try we have a new leader oh well done i'm right there wait wait wait wait hold on or joel i mean no no no no no i see that you failed you fell there's no trade go go so if i fall at any point it's it's over yes you get three attempts oh my god wait surely not what it's okay okay easy easy you got it i'm done okay i'm done all right i'm taking your time i like it oh he's done it easy for you wait where am i going you go straight on see this block here just yeah yeah you got it nice oh gosh we love these the death of other contestants lovely right there jump over them i'd walk forward oh you've done it no i jumped too much i don't like these ladders these are the worst ones ah these are easy jimmy can't just do him no just do him for it just do him do it i'm holding my breath every jump right here we go nice right yeah he's pesky all right next stage wait are you telling me you haven't like a neo this early on is it in here is this wait can i wait hold shift wait oh he's figuring it out we have a little bit of a tip i believe you've not done it jimmy that's fine third time you will get it you'll get it i believe last time here we go he's done oh my gosh he's done it oh ladders you love these i hate ladders so much whenever you're ready then three two one go just get into it ready to fall also it's not a race by the way so like you can take your time on sections if you want whatever works yeah that was oddly scary there's no pressure oh that i didn't actually see the slime blocks mid jump but it's fine it's fine head hitter head here okay nice nice easy anything else just wait can i yep that's right there you go i believe nice nice nice up here oh boy oh lucky i'm looking lucky okay that's all right you've got two more times we're chilling do i throw back to the beginning yeah okay cool so uh i accidentally held a space bar there that was not very good i'm i'm running okay let's not hold space bar like last time there we go there we go that's harder by a lot those ones are a bit trickier more ladders they're good we love the ladders just jump quite a few people out so i'd say look at it carefully okay i wanna line myself up like this and do that perfect first time now this you remember uh mcc parkour like the the ice trap doors yeah this is what this reminds me of yeah that's where i might have got that idea this looks fun oh he's done it okay nice and boom boom okay so you get a trident from the chest oh boy a second yeah it okay i think i see how to do this yeah just right i'm gonna do it like that and up here and up here okay one two three okay you're doing really well consistently okay the gold cup over there that's the end now oh wow i am close okay a little neo around this fence hmm what's this way like that perfect okay beautiful look at it nervous now some this this looks horrible i'm scared let's just run it you always did it oh my gosh okay this is the first bead oh so close so close all right up here one two and three the ladder where did i fail it was the next ice neo right yeah one two three all right take your time oh baby okay i believe deep breath deep breaths we got this we got the cigarettes yeah oh he's done it he's done it he's the first to complete well yeah nice let's go all right the first winner all right well seeing as you completed it you get to choose a charity of your choice i will give them 200 pounds so you've just owned 200 pounds yeah which about 200 girls i don't know so fruit chose the charity food banks canada and 200 pounds is roughly 350 canadian dollars if you want to give as well there'll be a link in the description below off oh goodness i don't have autograph oh i already don't think if i had auto jump on oh my gosh by the way not a race you can you can chill if you want just take 10 hours to do this you know waste your entire day oh maybe not 10 hours some people take it so steady and you're just like nah really yeah oh no no the head hit the head you got this you got this i believe from a high messed it up that's an easy jump it's fine it's fine you got two more attempts no pressure uh there's a lot of pressure but you know there's not pressure at all there's definitely a lot of pressure okay okay back at the head hitter this time easy there we go there we go oh wait can i just sneak around the edge of this yeah there we go you can't you can do that yeah oh you could spam jump it yeah at least there we go first time okay this is stressful it's fine we're just relaxing we're chilling quick i don't know i don't know joel have you done this uh yeah i could do it but it i it took me a lot of practice this is a far ladder oh not far enough though far enough so this next jump you're about to do onto the trap door a lot of people have failed here let me just tell you that so think about it i'm a lot of people yep i have to start back from the beginning that's the roughest part am i stressing you out yeah a little bit but it's fine i believe all right the trap door the dreaded trapdoor he's done it he's done it oh i hate these jumpers jump on the side of the trapdoor this is what always trips me up during mcc no lucky quick i'm unlucky if i go hi youtube am i in a video yes hi youtube nice okay i'm right what three attempts yeah yeah give me a second oh he's already gone he's already gone well i can wait okay that's fine you can go just go for it i hear you're the parkour master so your words yeah yeah they are my words i'm not sure if you've ever actually said that i might have just made that up no no that sounds like something i would say you're doing pretty well so far it's quite long but there's that's bananas it's fine i couldn't believe it oh okay all right there we go lovely yeah look at me go it's a bit bit a bit parkour it's chill this oh my god i'm chilled oh my god how long does it go on for uh you're probably about a quarter of the way through right now so something went wrong there something did went wrong but it's fine you got two more attempts that's fine that one didn't sorry i mean let's just let's just ignore that one and that one as well that's i mean i'm not even over the water it's fine it's fine just don't panic about it okay well i mean that one didn't that one i mean that one to be fair i mean at the end of the day what let's let's let's define parkour for a second what does what does it mean okay let's just make a great concept i don't remember so after talking about god right to be fair i've just been on a walk with my dog so my hands are all cold is it fine is it fine because i feel like you're making fun of me i'm not making fun of you it's laughing with me or at me i'm with you definitely with you this isn't bananas this is rigged this is rig you you owe me a 200 pounds if i fail this next one okay if you fail this next one yeah oh well you've passed it so that's all right then i really could i really could have thrown there and one if you if you can beat turbo i'll give you a hundred pounds to charity so oh gee i can't complete it if i decided to try okay well you could try no i don't want to i don't feel like it right now but it's all right you're making progress now i know i may oh i'm you're making me so angry i'm gonna get so angry at everything hold shift is what i'd say on this one what what are you shushing me just try it trust me do you want me to stop swearing it's fine i'm not going to just spam space there you go oh my god i'm like i'm like the flash all right you're doing well if you're doing well for your i know i know i'm doing well second attempt all right third attempt third attempt final attempt third attempts the charm that's why but ever since day one that's what i've said am i beating tubber yeah you have not beaten him though he got quite far he did pretty well i think this is the most attempt someone's had but we have i'm cool what does that mean what does that mean is that an insult if i find out you're insulting me i'll slay you nice stop stop pitying me that was a that was a pretty nice i don't want pitying i only want real nicest nice is that was that pitying i don't know where are you spectator you cannot see i'm not gonna up you why because it's why that is cheating now i win oh my gosh the speed when the sticks come out when the sticks come out he's gone silent now the concentration's taking place oh my god this is actually this is oh this is this is bananas oh my god oh my god oh my god i am so angry i am so angry right now i could i could smash someone's head in like oh my god you should be proud i'm not proud oh my god okay well thanks anyway tommy now there you have it and despite the fact that only fruit berries managed to finish it i will still be donating the excess 300 pounds to a charity called mind who deal with mental health and i think that is very much needed in these trying times but anyway guys thank you so much for watching this video make sure to go check out everyone's link in the description below and the link to the who charities and i shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 510,325
Rating: 4.9814429 out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, minigame, ultimate, youtuber, parkour, challenge, dangthatsalongname, smajor1995, theorionsound, orionsound, Seapeekay, Hbomb94, Tubbo, George, Georgenotfound, LDShadowlady, Lizzie, Kiingtong, Will, TapL, harvey, Solidarity, SolidarityGaming, Fruitberries, Fruit, Quig, Tommyinnit, Tommy, mcc, warrior, mcyt
Id: ff59TL9groc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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