I made millions abusing sheep

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so my wife gave birth to two sheep babies and it's my time to feed them primarily because I will be using them to turn a profit so diabolical even Jeff Bezos would cry milking sheepies how do I do this oh I have to go pick up two empty bottles from my local text Market that was like instant delivery here you go sheep I have a bottle on me are you guys just peeing in it that kind of seems pretty gross actually this whole process pretty disturbing make them sleep it wants me to kill him no looks like he just wants me to give him water but I don't know I guess there's Chlor form mixed in all right good night little sheep going to make you guys play Leap Frog I'm going to be honest everything I know about raising sheep I learned in a 2hour long Tik Tock video however I've been playing farming games for a while I assume I add the water to the soil yep that's propagating it and then it kind of grew what do I just water it again oh I do hey if I had poop does that no oh it just sped out three wheat I did a great job making of butter well I just need the weird broom stick hey just dump milk in yes I don't like how that sounds that was like disturbing two sticks of gold acquired packaging of butter what do I need a butter packager yeah you actually do need a packaging table and packaging paper you put the paper on the table you put the butter on set table look at that ws it up with a little uh little heart stamp I'm so bad at wrapping things for Christmas I primarily just use gift bags so this is impressive so how do I sell this oh okay 10 gold per butter thing I think that's pretty good hey I I going to clean the bottles with a dry sink a dry sink's like the exact opposite of what I want my sink to be I feel like I won't question it all right get more wheat and now add the poop nope I guess fertilizer just doesn't exist there we go I've got a plethora oh these guys are awake here you go buddies eat your poop oh don't poop on each other that's gross you go once you finish your water get milked and then right back to sleep they go they're so simple poops to composter oh I'm broke not for long don't worry I'm a butter making expert at this point sold let me go one more again sold composter oh I bet by stacking enough poop in this I can start to get fertilizer all right sorry little sheepies I got to sell this wheat rent has impacted Us in ways you wouldn't understand can I buy another piece of soil no not yet all right if there was a competitive watering Championship I would win you see that frame one water God my mom would be so proud and that's 10 wheat sold another Quest done now quickly quietly while they're sleeping trim them no wake up wake up wake up there we go oh look at how woolly they are here you guys go get oh God am I murdering it oh it's naked God have some decency guys how much can I sell this for oh 10 what if I wash it nope my bad I should have known but six so I can use the Sheep's clothes hoop milk so many things to actually make money guys are a walking Gold Mine why don't more people have sheep also I have enough poop what do I what do I do put water in the no I just smack it on my soil no oh I got to buy an empty sack that makes sense here you go put the poop in there package this butter up so now this has like a little star on it I assume that means it's going to be the best wheat anyone's ever tasted if not I don't know I'm just probably going to complain a little bit but not do anything drastic what am I a monster wa dude that was like the jackpot it spit out so much baby sheep breed oh that didn't work dang it I guess only the happiest of sheep decide to make a baby sheep like this combine for me oh god oh this just right in front of me I get what does this thing want it either wants milk or a adrenaline shot is that what that is here have milk I'll work on the adrenaline shot where's that at not really seeing one buddy oh wait medicine here we go take some compound V right into your little veins perfect go to sleep oh that's concerning that's okay you know what it's fine though all right I need to get 75 bucks cuz then I can get myself another 10 acres it's probably not actually 10 acres but you know at least a bit of an expansion it's kind of getting crowded there's wheat all over the floor glass bottles oh the kids are awake oh I can cheer these sheep again I didn't realize there was an item limit to everything maybe that's why I need to expand my stuff here you go small baby have milk I will do my best to meet all of your needs my sheep I don't think I need to do any more farming for a second though because of all of that all right made to deal with Kronos I control time we're going triple speed now just the best way to go about it I think I've like actively got this down to a science now profits beware I'm on a roll so oh man I'm at 69 I mean that's nice but still screw it sell two wheat puts me at 77 expand look at that W I didn't even know this Market was up here dude this thing could be so large oh no this Quest is telling me I'm broken to get my money up I'm trying game I'm trying when does this baby sheep grow up so it can start making me milk I'm trying to turn it into more butter and get 30 bucks a day that's rent or door Dash from my local Chinese place I'm just being realistic with where money goes sometimes can't wait to cut your get off sorry that dark thoughts here you go little sheepies everybody drink up be happy give me your body hair oh wait that's a full grown sheep now yes soell soell oh come tomorrow we are going to be rolling in it I thought these sheeps were supposed to love each other also I have the hearts on day three Why did no one fall in love no it wasn't real all I've got 10 wheat on Deck three sheep I think what I need now is more packaging paper I'm just out of resource capacity okay what I need now is to sell to wheat I guess packaging paper smack it on the table good morning everybody I kind of have it down to a science here just got to keep moving things to where they need to go it's like playing a QuickTime event mini game and then everyone is eventually happy healthy and well rested yes they're sleeping okay so in one day now I can make 40 bucks I'm pretty good at this thing huh actually can get even more money per day see here we go I got 50 also I need more wheat we we go go spew out all of your Harvest it bothers me that these sheep are on different Cycles I'm not shearing this one he can stay fluffy and cute no it actually needs me to Shear them all right I guess I can do that and sell and sell and sell and sell what am I at 142 bucks oh wait wait wait wait wait I think if I just tap those three that should put me at 150 yes and I don't even need to worry about it because I have fertilized Farmland at least that's what I'm going to say to cope that way I don't feel the uh crushing weight of debt and capitalism encroaching on my day-to-day life and I thought with 150 bucks I'd be expanding my farm area no I'm getting a wool washer and a wool dryer all right eat up everybody got ourselves a big day today with wool products all right snip snip give me your wool snip snip to you too my fellow sheep I assume you got to wash the wool first round and around it goes yes wet wool can't be sold it looks like some form of candy dry dry through the wind dirty wool gave me 10 bucks every time I sold it how much does clean wool give me ooh twice as much get sold and I'm going to sell one up here this time just to mix it up wait I can just buy more sheep capacity for 100 bucks that's why no one fell in love I didn't have the facilities all makes sense to me now all right well just move everything into its proper little spot we make the butter we package the butter we drink the Sheep we feed the sheep we dry the wool we get more water from the well we we drink the sheep we put the butter on the table we milk the Sheep oh when can I hire an employee oh cool I think my day's done sell sell sell get some wool and now I can have myself an extra sheep I'm also about to get a whole lot more wheat yep there we go thank you bring on day 12 the Sheep are ready to be loved they told me so themselves God there's just so many processes that go into all this here you go make more sheep we're not going to worry about how you came into this world oh God and I forgot this little sheep needs an adrenaline shot where's that at oh I'm broke sell sell oh no I bought two on accident crap can I sell one back at half the price highway robbery but don't worry all four sheep are safe sleeping and accounted for now means I need to get more wheat game is also nice enough now it finally is letting me buy an empty bucket nope I'm one gold short all right I'll sell one of the wheat and I'm just so upset now thank you Game oh and I can get more structures what other structure would I even want maybe another piece of Farmland I don't know I feel like I need like my resource capacity to go up before like anything else truly here we go just keep being thirsty little buddies here you need to drink your mother's milk this is good you need to be milked wow that second bucket of water actually speeds this up like 15 fold everyone's already back to sleep really that was so quick I also have my bag of fertilizer saved I want to see if I can make a double star soil plant soil Farm soil thing there's one star copy another poop bag drop it in no okay so that was just a big waste of time cool I know it's not the game's fault but I still feel cheated does that make sense all right good sheared idiots sweet and now I can get more structure capacity I don't know what else it's going to want me to get the water trough sheepies will automatically drink oh now we're talking where's that at under trough comma water no oh it's under empty trough 80 bucks in this economy I mean I guess if I sell two more wool I'd be at it actually maybe that's not so bad yes my other sheep is like grown up now sort of seems to be more like Teenage age or something cuz he still needs a little bit of milk but I mean he's looking he's looking larger right yes I don't really know I can however sell this wool both of these Butters and then I have the empty trough put that up here by the well cuz I assume I got to yeah do my sheep like walk over there I haven't seen these guys move once put your wool into an empty saag and sell two of them does that make it worth more could I have been doing that this whole time wa why is this guy in like super need to eat what was that about oh no the water just gets beamed into them of course what was I thinking like look at that what is that little sheepies hang on need to grow more wheat seeds before I can get another empty sack here you go eat up now buddies God that instant trough is so nice pretty much have to water that at the end of the day all right one wool in I can only put in one it's 30 bucks though I lost my sack how much does it take to buy a sack seven bucks oh so it's like an extra three bucks Profit just seems like a extra step for no reason I guess it's worth it it's three bucks maybe I'm just being a hater and that's actually super helpful don't worry everyone I'm on it it's next daytime need to buy another empty sack to clear out this poop all right go double milk is there something that will like automatically milk them for me truly I think that's something I need more than anything that all the money I can make today yeah he another 40 bucks game wants me to buy more soil which is expensive I'll do it I guess no I need more structure capacity then more soil cuz I'm growing carrots six bucks for carrot seeds in this economy I should have put it in the star one what am I thinking I have an idea hang on speedrun over to the next day real quick perfect eat up I had enough to make another poop bag coincidentally mying game in high school carrots going to be worth more no these guys definitely like only want to eat wheat so I'll probably still need to buy wheat seeds where are they at there you go farmed idiot you want to eat this no just want me to sell it can do that that's fine by me I guess buy a campfire and cook three carrots on it I'm starting to think this is just another way for me to start making money is by making stuff out of carrots which makes sense I guess the sack thing makes sense cuz this is like actually an extra nine gold now so it's all starting to add up in some way God and I also need to increase my structure capacity again here we go give me another campfire litely on fire that's how you know it's legit here you go get roasted I sold the last ones for like what four these ones are worth six ooh 1 cent difference wow I'm starting to become vindictive oh a wheat trout I'll need to buy another structure capacity thing again but it'd be pretty worth it my sheep would just take care of themselves basically don't worry just a little farming getting done hey I stand buy more wheat seeds huh start cooking bugo try to water a campfire I'm an idiot all sheeps eat up I do a lot of things in a day now I really thought I would like start going to like 2x speed just cuz I was kind of speedrunning everything but now like getting the wheat washing the wheat drying the wheat shearing them cleaning these bottles putting butter in packages dude there's so much I'm like just one guy who's been following a Reddit tutorial this whole time on how to raise sheep seems like I'm kind of killing it though huh more structure capacity I'm tempted to just buy it again immediately you know what screw it might as well and then another trough I can put the weed in there we go that should work out eat up everybody enjoy I cany more resource capacity finally where's that at how much 10 bucks give me oh it's 10 bucks for an increase of one I mean still honestly that's I've hit the max of that many a time so why do they want carrots today what kind of curveball is that man you guys have never wanted carrots before what is this change of heart it's stupid there eat up jerks do you want cooked carrots your wool better be like gold oh they actually gave me orange poop H they didn't give me like orange milk though so okay just orange poop gives me two in my fertilizer bar that's it no other benefit I file a complaint against my own sheep all right well give me more carrot seeds I guess are they just going to pick which one they want every day like is there going to be any Rhyme or Reason or is it just going to be making my life harder just cuz it's kind of how they do it yeah it seems like it's just whatever they feel like going to have to start fighting my own sheep cuz they're making me mad I wonder actually can I buy another empty trough put cooked carrots in it oh no no that's too much oh I've got one of those that's hanging out over there yeah just rest of my money goes into resource capacity and wheat seeds you know what two more empty bottles too there this way I don't have to wash any I can just milk them all in the same cycle give it up for day 23 where nobody wanted carrots yeah that whole four bottle thing much nicer much better for my sanity too I'm also realizing that for my Farms I don't actually need to grow them even though I just definitely grew that Wheat by mistake whoops but I can just leave them like this and they'll be ready for me when I need them eat up everyone oh some of my sheep need medicine guys I'm flat broke we do not have medicine fund right now don't worry though I'm I'm working on it I sell one of my cooked carrots dang it but that lets me buy packaging paper gives me a profit of 10 bucks and then voila two things of medicine what's wrong with you guys did a plague sweep our Farmland in the night you guys this being babies about it could also be something I'd haven't considered yet but all right resource capacity finally up to 25 on to the next Quest potatoes or onions man I wish I wouldn't have planted these sweet seeds over here potatoes are 9ine bucks onions are 10 let's go with the onions cuz I assume that would just give me more money planted idiot I need to cook all of these things actually let me just buy potato seeds too I could plant them both what I've got two patches of soil over here going to say I am about to get a lot of wheat out all that plant my potatoes now yes good morning my sheeps hello everybody everybody give me your milk for today please potato self for five onion sell for seven okay so onions definitely were the way to go all still profit in the end butchering sheeps butchering the oldest sheepies makes more sense yeah yeah you're right about that how do I know this took such a dark turn oh I can grow tomatoes now too cool buy some seeds for that anyways Cleaver purchased which one of you guys is the oldest you probably oh man it's in your sleep too that's oh the raw meat oh God there's so many what is this your stomach raw sheep skin that's so gross I got to cook this meat up though I guess if the happiness of my sheep like isn't affected by anything like the butchering of their kind right in front of their eyes then I'm sure it's fine need sell those two cooked meats I had I need to make the fleshing beam I think that was also my nickname in high school I still kind of feel bad for murdering that sheep but he was just sleeping didn't do anything wrong I need to Def flesh a raw sheep skin on a fleshing beam okay that's a sentence I go to Walmart for a fleshing beam oh here it is for 130 I bet I need more structure capacity though which is 140 bucks wow no sell this trough fleshing beam purchase put that on there yep that's going good nice that's 30 bucks get sold that's not really that much profit for anything actually kind of bad to do that but don't worry little buddies you can have a new friend today or at least it'll a new small child oh I shouldn't have sold all that milk can I stop cancel cancel cancel yeah you're going to have to stay hungry I'm afraid making medicine no I'm at resource capacity I can't make you medicine uh add more poop to that there we go it's the best I can do for you I also made minced meat hang on Baby thing chill out for a sec there you go have some milk dramatic let me put my Cleaver like all the way in the top right corner too so I don't accidentally grab it while I'm trying to shear sheep and now I've officially saved up 200 bucks I can buy a mill I need structure capacity of course I do purchase that real quick don't worry I'll be able to get it after today at least now give me a mill this thing is nice it's a little flow sell five dough meaning I need to make wheat oh brother I'm not going to have enough hands go in go in what is that just blows beautifully With the Wind yeah that makes sense mix it with water to make dough so then I just dump oh I do and then that's dough that's where 10 bucks it's a lot of effort to get only 10 bucks well I guess it's a way to make money still just keeps adding up I say that we fully got everything set up and we're ready for Success should probably call it there for this one though otherwise it's going to end up being a 9-h hour video so thanks so much for watching if you want to see me raise these sheeps even more let me know leave me a comment until then I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 15,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Id: S5eYqiudo7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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