I Made It For 3 Seconds in Will Smith's New Movie (Bad Boys For Life)

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Great video! #MadLove from SebasCbassGaming! Been watching your great content and channel grow for well over a year now! Keep up the inspiration!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SebasCbass 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
unlike a fair amount of people who moved to Los Angeles becoming Hollywood actors is actually not one of our dreams but making a cameo and a massive Hollywood blockbuster for just a few seconds on the other hand is absolutely on our bucket list getting to spend the day on a movie set to understand how these massive productions are made while also sneaking our faces into one of the biggest movies produced that year would be both an insightful and hilarious experience to be a part of now two years ago I was supposed to appear and get killed in a movie that my cousin was producing called the big break we filmed an episode about it and in the end needless to say my appearance was extremely memorable did you see me let's play that again yeah nobody else saw me we never released the episode and given that this also wasn't an actual blockbuster movie our itch to appear in one was still present and a few weeks ago while Mr Matt were attending the premiere of Will Smith's new Facebook show the bucket list they suggested directly to him that I should make a cameo in his upcoming movie bad boys for life and will loved it so before I knew it I was on a flight to Miami without any idea of what my role in this movie would be Miami place where all my dreams of becoming a famous Hollywood actor are gonna come true move over Will Smith I'm the next guy sure Avengers I'll be Iron Man in the next movie no photos please no photos maybe later I gotta stop I need to be normal again are you here for me all right finally going into the production buildings here's a bartender oh yeah oh wow is my outfit yeah love it don't get to keep it where we have to now we're gonna go to Sam let's go to sin oh look at this thank you so much please go you're walking another scene a bit tried to get you killed yes like so that your third I'm the third a third yes it's gonna be killing this is like my moment yeah yeah yeah but I'm gonna have people call you so like you should chill at the thing and then I'm gonna have them call you when it's time yeah I'll just chill go get something to eat all right have my big moment getting a pep talk from the director I'm pretty sure I'm like the third most important person in this movie bartender right that's right I've never been in like a big movie ever in my life what should I know you should know that you know every detail in the movie is really important if you like a little detail set up the whole scene one seems stuffed and the whole sequence any of the whole sequence stuff but basically the whole movie you don't believe that you're a real bartender means that you're a faker you means that you're a liar and in the movie theater where people they eat popcorn and really in the movie and then I see one element that out of the movie yeah they feel like I I'm watching a movie you don't want that spend a million dollars hundred million dollars all your show what's my name you guys know my name is a bartender what should my name be lazy named Jeffrey Jeffrey yeah yeah just just make that up yeah sure you're like super social you can talk with anyone like making love to do dishes that's why we got you brother I believe you got this thing was maybe you should talk with will too and assam advice with him on that act yeah it's done all right is that all right yeah that great career ahead of them that wraps up the first day didn't really film anything today I was just kind of hanging out on set getting to see how the directors work how will act see you guys tomorrow all right heading to day 2 on set and I have a guest with me today Maddie can poop welcome to the Hollywood Life man Wow Thomas your guns so cool since I became an actor all right so here's the thing Thomas has always wanted to be an actor we've been trying to get him some big roles in movies for a while now and nobody's accepted him they usually say he's a little too it weird luckily wills is a close friend did you see him here they see I'm like too good right this is my my mom's like I'm too good for the others yeah they always say they were much better than everybody else my mom pays you anyways so Wow I'm supposed to be like actually mixing cocktails are you supposed to be behind that bar yeah is that the bar I'm bartending at don't ya this is the bar this is my bar yes actually getting like a little anxious now so there's like lightnings and rain going on so they've shut down the whole set it's on hold until or safe to continue filming hopefully we filmed my scene tonight piece of advice that he's giving you that it's changed a lot of things for you I think the big thing and how he teaches is that acting is not separate from life a lot of times people sit and talk we're talking about things in my life that I could relate back to the character not trying to get me to learn how to make a face that looks like what's in the script and then once I can tap into what's true for me then the scene becomes easy a mistake the young actors make is trying to cry nobody tries to cry what looks real they're trying not to cry you shouldn't be thinking about the physicality of crying or not there was one thing one day established coaches brilliant in my life right so the whole remember what the scene was but it was an expensive see everybody was rushing and coach was like eh I want you to go in there this scene up on purpose and I was like coaches or hundred people standing around they're rushing oh good it was Hancock yeah right and then what happened is like I'm like oh no oh no oh no so the reality is if you can't be free in that space you're not going to find authentic moments you're just gonna try to be getting the line and save right so you can move on and that's not what my character would be thinking and you know he wasn't happy using that's one of them so what happens is you get free and you get loose and then once I dive down to that free space of ownership of the set everybody has to back up and move while I find what I need to find to deliver the true that is character be careful how you say what somebody else is said we'll just have you removed [Laughter] you should've looked here no I mean I got Will Smith's acting coach and we'll submit the directive I don't think any extra has ever had this right extremely qualified people give advice I'm ready to get you dressing through hair makeup now here we go I'm like a little nervous it's almost harder not to have a line cuz I'm just standing there you know I think they gave me a whole trailer I made it boys tritium like yes can't come this is for me hey dude we came up together no I don't know you sweet sweet smell of Hollywood was it this might actually be Michael Bay's trailer and he's not here yet so I think what kind of bothers me is when we first started making videos together you promised each other that one of us succeeded we will all succeed together you know the ice penises means you know who i am i'm thomas of iraq PR ain't you i'm the bad boys to be mmm eight seconds you're nobody it's have a trailer that's my name on it kinda kind of Michael we have this book and nothing else I maybe tried a little less in Lafayette a little more Castle Miami do you want this big drinker who can kill you money you see that boys every time hey buddy want a beer or wine a guy I would you like a guy [ __ ] me I make a special doctor with this [ __ ] bleeding do you wanna impact ill from the society I think the special ones with the pills inside during development some say I'm a medical anomaly yeah I really have makeup on but I'm excited who doesn't sometimes rhyme so yeah yeah man we'll put it on Friday night it's too big for us now they're announcing the arrival [Music] all that practice was from nothing and we just did the Risso I'm supposed to do the actual scene now I'm just handing over cake so this is where the monitor is so this is where the director sits and watches what it looks like here Wow freakin sick first line of this entire scene is Joey one of the main characters going hey hey big guy cake not you could tell us heart is just beating a million miles a minute Thomas makes a certain face when he's nervous and he's making it the entire time come around why please stand by for picture yeah before you ever make in the movie leaguer so we don't see him clearly enough since he asked him to England I'm running away from the scene too fast I want to make it in the movie I got a stick around he is delivering how much into his work I've been doing this for a lot of years I never ever have seen an actor deliver cake it's like I'm getting teary it's like he is the cake [Music] good luck here we go I squeeze the line in need anything else now I've seen a lot of people deliver cakes before I gotta say I reckon and never seen so much awesome cake delivering in a motion pictures as a way Thomas Bennett Daniel day-lewis level cake delivery action there would be an Oscar for cake delivery you gotta give three of those to Thomas movie history right there and the Oscar goes to Thomas Bradford cake boy well I'm more serious now one of the biggest reasons we were excited to come here is actually because of this guy other than black or the directors Belgium rockin director went to film school together had the dream to come and do a Hollywood film with Will Smith and now they are actually 30 that's not to Millennials directing come on now on that before you broke but that was the best cake as much as we spent most of this video joking around spending a day on this movie set with the 30 year old directors a deal and Bilal while also seeing what Smith and his element was such a surreal experience the directors told us that growing up it's always been one of their biggest dreams to actually direct a bad boys sequel so to get to see them accomplishing that at such a young age was while the inspiring at this point there's really no way to know what makes it into the final edits but we can only hope that for this one I'll be in the movie for at least a few seconds hi everyone Thomas bragg here yes it's me from bad boys for life in flesh I'm actually here to tell you but our own movie coming out August 11th it is a biggest documentary and the biggest production that we've ever created but we are not gonna be releasing it right away on YouTube it's gonna be available and yesthey recom / documentary under a people it's a fair model which means that you pay whatever you want for it this is a massive opportunity for us to go into independent film support digital creators in a way that we've never done before I tell a story that's extremely personal to us at a scale of a Netflix production but do it exactly the way we want to do it we are going to explain everything in detail next week some mark your calendars because August 11th is going to be a huge day for us here yes theory and for our community another meantime keep an eye out for me as I become a massive Hollywood celebrity so go to yesthey recom / documentary for early access to the film we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 5,502,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, will smith, bad boys 3, martin lawrence, bad boys for life, bad boys, bad boys 3 trailer, bad boys 2, behind the scenes, will smith youtube, youtube will smith, will smith channel, will smith yes theory, bad boys cake boy, bad boys cameo, smith youtube, will smith vlogs, vlogs will smith, bad boys three, mike lowery, bad boys 3 movie, new bad boys, will smith bad boys 3, bad boys 4, bad boys 3 release date, michael bay trailer, will smith genie
Id: BY66FuC2W8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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