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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 31 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey hey so let's talk Pac-Man yeah yeah it's a masterpiece that still holds up today in Loki revolutionized the gaming industry but in my opinion Pac-Man has to be the worst horror game of all time what a yawn Fest honestly it's like he's not even trying to be a horror game look at this oh I wonder where the ghosts are oh they're just there I can see it oh scary where's the dramatic music where's all the tension where's the jump scares So today we're gonna fix Batman by making it into a VR horror game okay so yeah we're gonna be making this bad boy in unity and the beauty of unity is that you don't have to do anything yourself we'll just copy the thing from the thing Chuck that big button and then we just grab a first person controller and Chuck that [ __ ] in and we got a game baby so already we've got a game that's better than Pac-Man but on what you might call an ambitious person a go-getter a high achiever someone who doesn't have to ask chat GPT for synonyms because they couldn't think of any so while some people might stop here I'm gonna go even further behind but how could you improve this masterpiece it's already brilliant and after a lot of soul searching I came up with an innovation the likes of which gaming has never seen whoa it's just walls I'm so I'm sick of this bit [ __ ] this it's gonna be a long [ __ ] video if I frame everything I do as genius like legit all I've done is put a player controller on a plane okay so we gotta do walls in order to get the walls to snap properly to the grid I had to do some annoying [ __ ] pixel math look at this I've even got the calculator app open the things I [ __ ] do for you why are you doing pixel math again ah don't worry about it you think too much just sit back and enjoy yourself okay Matt dungeon now time for wall placement montage [Music] and send it ah okay well I really thought they would be taller it's not quite as intimidating as I expected wait I can I can jump oh my God this is awesome Pac-Man parkour Pac-Man parkour plastic Pac-Man gameplay this is just textbook oh yeah this is the vibe I'm going for there's a bit of like a Maze Runner thing going on with these walls and I think it's perfect okay so plain white walls are cool and all but let's add a little flavor this [ __ ] actually took me ages to find an aesthetic that I thought was cool I originally tried like a kind of concrety sort of look but that just ended up looking really cheap like it's sort of my first Unity project Vibe and this is at least my second project so not really what I'm going for but I ended up on this like blue grid sort of vibe which I like I think it's kind of like retro also being like a little like science lab creepy sort of I don't know I like it I like it I added some fog and a flashlight and the abyss is finally set up oh [ __ ] me Jesus Christ who put that in little did I know I put that in I don't know how I got scared by my own game but welcome to the life of code bullet I guess okay okay okay it's ghost time no no we can't do that no no no copyright no foreign [Music] personality I'll talk about the rest of them later but let's just start with blinking blinky's main personality trait is that he's a cat all the sticker does is goes directly towards your current position it's pretty simple but [ __ ] me is it annoying later on I'll probably make the pathfinding system a bit more like the original game but for now I'll use unity's built-in nav guess navmesh navigational system and I'll be honest I have no idea how this [ __ ] works but all we have to do is set the ghost Target position to be the player's current position and then yeah that's like that's it we're done just send it oh oh really not quite as intimidating as I was expecting why is he so short oh I'm a genius okay let's add a couple more lads okay love the little conga line action we put that one let me just uh yeah it's that time baby [Music] foreign [Music] dots that need to be placed how do you think we should do that you can do it manually but that would make you the intellectual equal of a mountain goat here's what you do create a sphere color yellow position it so it looks about right write a script to add a bunch more in a grid delete all the ones in the walls and did ah magic we got him okay time is over that was that was quick but it's back to ghost time all right so let me introduce you to the squad you've met Blinky he's a company he simply directly targets you and it's just kind of a dick about it here's what it looks like in 3D [Music] oh my God oh Jesus uh yeah I may have up to speed a little bit [ __ ] me okay next up is Pinky her personality is uh well if we look at the Pac-Man Wiki it states that she represents the only female ghost and likes to be pretty that's some pretty deep character writing there finally a strong female character apparently she is a crush on Pac-Man because well she's a girl I don't know I mean Eddie's were a different timer right give him a break algorithmically this is represented by her always targeting the position four spaces in front of Pac-Man I don't know how that's supposed to represent a character that likes to be pretty and has a crush on Pac-Man but you know whatever because of this she could actually be chased if you're looking at an intersection yeah she's not really that much of a threat women am I right let's am I right okay next up we got Inky personality just dumb as hell just so stupid the wiki literally describes him as slow headed which is just rude I think I don't know who's writing these wikis but [ __ ] give my man a break at least he's not a woman I prefer to think of him as misunderstood his quote on Wiki is looks like you could still still use a close shape which I'm really struggling to imagine the context for a ghost saying that to Pac-Man and when I tried to Google it I just got viruses I don't know what sort of deep State Illuminati [ __ ] is going on but I'm pretty sure I know where Inky was on January 6. anyway algorithmically this one's actually pretty complicated because to find its Target it incorporates both Pac-Man and blinky's position it's some [ __ ] like if you draw a line between Blinky and two spaces in front of Pac-Man and draw that line again and the final position is the Target location for Inky if that made any sense oh it's not overly important in first person view this sort of results in Blinky and Inky double teaming you for both sides because if Blinky was behind you then if you do the [ __ ] Vector math Iggy's Target position is going to be in front of you okay last and definitely least we got Clyde personality nah Clyde is just like what are you doing buddy he is so non-threatening that it makes you feel kind of bad for him like why are you even here are you lost what's the point algorithmically when he's far away he targets you which is bold good job but as soon as he gets to within eight tiles of you he just [ __ ] out and goes back to his corner he kind of reminds me of those dog videos where they're barking at each other until the gate opens he's just like social anxiety personified or ghost on a fight I guess I don't know just thinking about it makes me kind of sad it kind of bums me out okay [ __ ] that guy forget about client I mean they don't even use the same like naming scheme they got Blinky pinky icky and then [ __ ] Clyde is he supposed to be here anyway that's the squad those are the lines we have our three important ghosts and Clyde and let's just Chuck them all in independently they don't pose much of a threat because you can just kind of like walk away from them but together they can really mess you up except for Clyde is again he's just kind of doing his own thing in first person view this is uh especially freaky because they just sort of like pop out of nowhere hold on hold on what is that oh my God that's embarrassing you weren't supposed to see this that's a little behind the scenes kids just don't look up and you'll be sweet okay so that's how each ghost hunts but there's actually more to the ghosts AI they've got three different modes hunt scatter and frightened Hunt is the default mode where they just like go for the kill that's just like the algorithms I was talking about before but it's like a little too intense for the player if they're always under attack I mean it isn't like a Souls game this is Pac-Man so to make it a bit more chill the ghosts will periodically go into scatter mode where they return to their corners for a bit basically all the ghosts just become Clyde for a bit which as you can imagine gives the player a bit of a break this actually works really well in the setting of a horror game because it gives you times of like suspense and quiet tension before the ghosts and again not quite uh actually a threat again okay so we got all the AI sorted which of course went off without a hitch where the [ __ ] where are you going I mean actually the AI is not done there's still like frightened mode which I'll talk about later but for now it's time to handle probably the most important part of a horror game I had an idea that each ghost would be constantly playing a sound so you can hear when they're close and it's all creepy and [ __ ] so I've recruited the best of the best the most scary sounds the internet has ever produced it's sort of like the Avengers of fear-inducing audio all right first up is Blinky 10 more minutes I don't want to get up this one's like borderline cruel it's the sound of imminent responsibility which is probably the scariest thing ever at least to me this Grand pace is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test this one also is like imminent responsibility and I'm sensing a theme with what I find scary oh well that's probably doesn't mean anything let's not think about it okay oh right it's Clyde we are in no danger I just gave Clyde like the psycho sound this one was definitely the least creative which is fine because it's not like Clyde really matters anyway oh yeah this one speaks for itself okay let's Chuck them all in yeah okay yep okay yep uh [ __ ] me that was traumatic all right it's like a reverse sensory deprivation tank that was intense okay so I settled the sounds down a bit and I added an eating sound that doesn't ruin the horror game Vibe at all okay we got walls we got ghosts we got dots we got Sands what's next [Music] okay Speed Run go take a normal dot scale it up if you need to write a script that make ghosts enter frightened mode when Pac-Man collides with the power Dot yes daddy bullet let me be your little coding boy I've had a horror game appropriate sound when Pac-Man needs a power dot progressively gets more difficult as it continues [Music] now let's have the ghosts go completely ape [ __ ] when they're into frightened mode make them all like blue and [ __ ] I don't know and finally when Pac-Man eats a ghost they will play an appropriate sound [ __ ] and return to base I also added map mode I don't know if this was a good idea or not so when you press M you could actually have some idea where the ghosts are pretty sure this ruins the game and you can pretty much play the whole thing in map mode and then it just becomes like normal Pac-Man with the most cursed controllers because you're still controlling it like a first person character with like the mouse controlling where it's looking and [ __ ] it's just terrible I should probably make the player not able to move but it's in this mode but that's like one whole if statement and you and I both know that I can't be [ __ ] doing that I also delayed the time each ghost comes out of the crib so you just don't immediately have all the ghosts up your ass yeah I think we're done that's everything for like the normal 3D version we'll talk VR in a bit but let's jump in and check it out okay let's let's do this [ __ ] there's a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult oh [Music] the fitnessgram Pacer Tech oh oh my God okay yeah so she surprised me it was actually pretty scary at this point nothing like a Stephen King sort of way it's not gonna keep you up at night but didn't like a jump scare exclusive Five Nights at Freddy's sort of way and we all know that's the most impressive form of horror it takes a lot of skill to play a loud noise and shove something in front of the camera it's real Artistry okay so 3D version done and that means it's time for VR [Music] okay wow that's a that's a big ball oh my God I I do I do not like this oh wow I just dragged the VR [ __ ] into the scene I just want to set up the hands and make sure they look good the hand shouldn't be able to do that I just need to fix their positioning oh I have a laser oh that's fun okay and let's suss out the walking situation oh yeah that is way too slow that is a problem oh my God okay hands of them too oh there they are oh oh this is just that's just an old player character okay okay oh I'm so on edge oh [ __ ] me he's right behind me isn't he okay yeah uh pretty much got everything working in VR don't worry it hasn't been too many weeks oh there's your boy yeah there he is it's easy but it's fine it's fine I love it oh my God what's happening I'm not in good job these [ __ ] paradots have been nothing but trouble okay who oh my god oh okay okay we're back to normal electric oh I'm gonna be sick oh my God this is terrible oh okay I'm out [ __ ] this [ __ ] this thing there's Blinky okay yeah VR is pretty much done it took me so [ __ ] long mainly because it kept getting like really motion sick and I'd like stopped developing for like the rest of the day and just lie the [ __ ] down it's a problem I actually really hate developing in VR it's so annoying okay and the very last thing we're gonna need to do and something I should have known way earlier is we're gonna need to do a death scene one that will have the player experience true fear and pain so I've thought of something so now when you die the player is forced to watch the entirety of Dragon Ball Z oh that that doesn't sound that bad the live action remake ah don't look away all right it's time let's do this [ __ ] let's have a go oh [ __ ] that's ominous oh the corners are so scary okay oh [ __ ] excuse me wolf oh yes let's go where are you oh there's like no one here oh no no where is he where are you show yourself oh she's right up my ass though oh someone else here as well movement speed I'm like not faster than cheers it's just like the worst sound to be playing behind which is actually the worst yes that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the fitnessgram Pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test it's more difficult let's continue yeah I'mma get that ass I'm gonna get that ass tests that progressively gets more thank you let's go let's go let's go ah deputy's following me I was hoping he'd keep going off no one likes you bro [ __ ] off no what's up oh my God is that quiet oh no oh take me huge thanks to brilliant.org for sponsoring this video if you want to learn how to make games well guess what you're gonna need to know math and you're gonna need to know computer science here are some examples from the video you've just watched lining up all the dots to make sure they fit in a grid that's math pathfinding algorithms that help ghosts navigate towards their positions that's computer science just drawing these lines takes knowledge of vector math and this stuff is everywhere in game development luckily do I have the place for you brewing.org will make you an absolute weapon at both math and computer science and they're not just going to give you massive word dumps like you're reading from a textbook they use this magical thing known as interactivity this means that you're going to be using Code blocks to control a simulated Mars Rover seeing real-time activations of a neural network and seeing how each variable in an equation affects the resulting graphs it's all good stuff honestly I've recently been addicted to the computer science puzzles which are fun little like brain teasers involving topics like decision trees and variable logic and data structures just everything it's all it's great it's all like leaderboard and everything is awesome so yeah if you want to support my channel and become a computer science Beast head over to boone.org code bullet to get a 30-day free trial in the first 200 people sign up we'll get 20 off their annual subscription thank you again brilliant hello thanks for watching um this video is a little different from my normal videos normally I do like exclusively AI stuff and this was a little more game development e let me know how it went I just wanted to see if I can pull off this sort of video I still definitely do AI stuff in the future but I also do some Game Dev stuff because I find this Game Dev stuff pretty interesting it's pretty like creatively fulfilling uh and just ai's in a weird place at the moment so um I want to make sure for job security wise uh that I can make other content if you want to play the game yourself then you can [ __ ] right off um yeah it's not uh at all done the game is like such a buggy piece of [ __ ] if you are really interested in playing it let me know I might do a follow-up video or I might put a video on my second Channel where I go through the process of uploading it to steam and polishing it and adding UI like there's so much stuff that needs to be done before it's an actual game also if you don't know I do have a second Channel where I'm uploading weekly that's right weekly code bullet content they said it couldn't be done but here I'm at I'm already at 18 whole videos that's pretty good I mean some of them are complete dog [ __ ] but I think there are definitely some Jabs in the rough so if you want more code bullet then go over there check it out another announcement is that I am going to open source so if you want to go meet me meet my real human body that was a really weird way of saying that then go buy tickets you can buy tickets right now it's in San Francisco in July at some point I don't know I'll put the dates on screen I'll be going plenty of other more famous YouTubers are going but yeah I might be just in like a big computer head I got here's a picture of William Osman with my computer head don't ask why he has it it's a long story don't worry but yeah I will be there so if you want to meet me I would uh love to meet some of you guys there and honestly and this is like a really fun like it's like an engineering event they'll be like heaps of stuff they'll be like BattleBots there they'll be like exoskeletons and there'll be heaps of cool [ __ ] if you're as much of a nerd as I am I think you'll really like it so yeah uh you can come see me there uh but that's it that's it for announcements I'll shut the [ __ ] up because I gotta finish editing this [ __ ] video and yeah I'll see you next time later lives
Channel: Code Bullet
Views: 1,656,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding, science, programming, comedy, educational, horror, pacman, game dev, Unity, jump scare
Id: a7mNUTslJNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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