Create An AI Song and Music Video That's Actually Good

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At the very end of my last video I showed a frog  cyborg music video and I ended up getting a lot   of comments about it so I decided to make a  tutorial on the whole process of creating it It was done using four completely  free AI tools but there's other   tools that could be incorporated into  the process so I'm also going to make a   second music video with a different  song and a different set of tools and then a third one with another tool So this should be a good comparison of the  different tools and demonstrate all the options   to choose from then you can decide what will  work best for whatever it is you want to create The main tool in common across  these is Suno to create the songs It generates the music and vocals which is the  most mind-blowing part of this whole process to me I generated everything in Discord in  the last video but they released a web   version recently which makes it much more  user friendly so I'll use that this time It's pretty straightforward once  you're in here in the prompt box   just write the genre and topic you  want it to generate that will have   ChatGPT write the lyrics for you or you can  switch it to custom to use your own lyrics I'll use the same Frog Rock concept then it  generates two options in just a few seconds These come back up to 80 Seconds long  now so I'll just play parts of these [Music] I'm into it but it's a little more experimental  than I'm looking for I wasn't very specific with   my prompt you can guide it a lot more  than I did but let's try number two [Music] That's what I'm looking for and over  here you can either re-roll it with   the same prompt or if you like the song  you can continue it that will pick up   right where it left off then you can add  more lyrics like a second verse and chorus but I want a guitar solo so I'll put that in the  lyric box and the style let's check that one out [Music] That doesn't really sound like a guitar but the  drums with the double bass pedal are awesome So that's the process then  you just re-roll and generate   different variations and continuations  until you have a full song you like For the music video we need  to start with some images The free method is with playground  AI if you watched my last video I   did cover this you can jump to the  next chapter if you'd like I use   a completely different combination  of tools for the next music videos Here's the generation box I'll just  drag the corners for a 16x9 aspect ratio frog playing a guitar for the prompt and  I'll generate four options then over on   the left I'll select a style neon mecha  gives the futuristic look I'm going for it generates pretty quick and that looks great I also need a singer and a drummer that made it seem really easy but in reality   I generate a ton of these  and then pick the best ones and that neon Mecca style looks  awesome for this there's a ton   of other really cool styles in here  depending on what you're going for Next up we can animate these  for free with Pika Labs Pika 1.0 is the web version that just came out  it has a big jump in quality and user experience   it is still on a wait list you can sign up  for it at they are letting people   in a lot more regularly now if you don't have  access you can use it in Discord until you do So I'll upload the image here then  add a basic prompt of frog playing   guitar down here there's options for  aspect ratio and frames per second then we have camera controls then negative prompting which is really  helpful to get better generations I'll   do just a standard copy paste  here and then run it with that right that looks solid but there is  some weirdness to it so just like   with the images I re-roll it a bunch  of times and pick the best options with the web version the organization  is so much better all your re-rolls   pop up right here underneath and  once there's a good generation   you can extend it beyond 3 seconds if  you'd like it's another big upgrade you also have the option to inpaint  where you can just change specific   areas of your video and a bunch of other  features it's a big step up from Discord and I know they will be coming  out with a paid tier for this   but I don't know any of the details about that yet The most difficult part is  editing this all together well this one's actually the most complicated to edit  out of all three of these the final one doesn't   even require any editing at all you'd think this  cartoony frog one would have been the easy one since this will vary based on what you're  creating and what software you're using I'm   not going to do a step by step I'll just cover  the main issues I ran into and how I solved them This is the timeline in Premiere Pro the first issue was lips syncing,  the common lip syncing tools don't   work for characters like these.  I'll go over them for the second   song because I use people in that video,  but for this one I had to get creative I took the best generations of the singer's  mouth moving and played it forward and in   reverse at varying speeds to sync it up the  best I could and that was pretty tedious Let me know if you have a better  way to do that I would love to know The other issue is I could not get any  generations to go well that involved   the full band. I'd only get one  of them looking decent at a time so to solve that I took an image of the  full band then cropped a version of each   character and animated them separately,  then I layered them on top of each other   with masks you can notice where they  interact in some areas if you look close those are the two main issues I ran into which  may or may not apply to whatever you're making other than that it was fairly basic  editing just some zooms and picking   the right clips and syncing it up to the song then I exported the full video  which was in 720p then CapCut   has a free 2x video upscaler under magic tools so I'll drop this in there and  run it which ups the quality a bit I'll play this one again before we jump into  the next song this is the same video from last   time so all the clips were generated  in Discord before Pika 1.0 came out first one more thing we need is an an  album cover let's see what Chat GPT can do That is perfect. It didn't get the  text quite right that's an easy fix but more importantly it's missing  the umlaut. I can't let that slide There we go now we can listen [Music] Honestly I love that song it  gets stuck in my head every time Let's jump into the next one. In the last  video I used the lyrics from Purple Haze   with a random genre in Suno and the  song it came back with was amazing it's crazy the amount of emotion  that came out in the vocals [Music] it's weird to call it emotion in an AI  voice but that's what it sounds like I just extended the song a few times picked  the best options and spliced it together For the images I need a good female vocalist and I   want it to be more realistic this time so  Midjourney is going to be the best option I have a channel in my Midjourney server  where I enter random cool prompts I come   across this is one I saw Heather Cooper  share on X. She's a great follow,   she shares awesome Midjourney stuff all the time but purple is one of the main colors and it's  a little psychedelic, I think that will fit   the vibe of the song perfectly so I will copy  that and then run it in a different channel and that looks solid so I'm going  to run that a bunch of times and   test out some different variations on the prompt alright, instead of having you sit through  me generating images for an hour basically   what I did was run the prompt a lot and then  upscale options I thought would work well from there I'd used subtle and strong  variations to fine-tune the results I also used zoom out on some of them so I just did that a bunch until I ended up with   some images I really like then I  did a 2X upscale on my favorites I also used the same base prompt but  for someone playing guitar and also for   a man because there's a male voice  that comes in later on in the song this is what all that looks like on the Midjourney   site with all the images laid  out right next to each other This is one of my favorites of all these  so I'm going to animate the singing I'll be using HeyGen, it's a paid  tool that's really easy to use but   there are free tools if you want to learn them wav2lip and sad talker are the best I've seen here's a comparison of those hello I am Eve the lead actress of fictions dot ai hello I am Eve the lead actress of fictions dot ai hello I am Eve the lead actress of fictions dot ai there is a learning curve for those  and it runs fairly slow unless you   have a capable computer and can run it locally so I'm doing this the easy way with HeyGen I just click create video select Avatar and go to   Photo Avatar then upload the image here  then upload the audio and click submit Easy as that and it will  finish in a couple minutes here's a glimpse of what that looks like l have another image I'm going to  switch to throughout the video and   also a male vocalist so I'll do  that exact same process for those now I want to animate the guitar images I had,   also the zoomed out vocalist was a little boring  so I want to animate the background of that Since I showed Pika Labs earlier  I'm going to use RunwayML this time they have a bunch of tools but I'll be  using Gen 2 for this which is right up top I'll start with an image, I have a  few I want to test out to see what   the animations look like but this  was my favorite so I'll start there and I want to add a prompt,  I'll just keep it simple and this motion brush feature is really  cool where you can select which part of   your image you want to animate and choose how  it will move. I don't think that will work well   for this one so I'll just adjust the motion  slider and test out a few different numbers the camera motion tools here are great as well.  The visual for how it will move is really helpful   but I'm just going to leave it as is and add  a little motion later in Premiere if I need it That's the process. I'll generate  a bunch of stuff and then come back The hand was the biggest struggle for sure, but  the waves looked amazing on a couple of these this other one had a couple good  generations too. I extended one   and it did this sort of dissolving  effect I thought was pretty cool Some of the other guitar images I  just couldn't get to work out well I also animated the that same image  of the woman and I'm planning to layer   it with the one that's singing and  I'll just add a mask to combine them and that should be everything I need The editing for this one is pretty  straightforward, the main part is I   wanted to merge some of the singing clips from  HeyGen with the animated versions from Runway for that I'll just layer them on top of each other   and then add a mask around the  face with a lot of feathering and then I'll just do that same thing  with a couple of the other clips so nothing too difficult there, much  easier than editing the last one and the last thing that I already  did was if you can see where these   audio tracks are stacked here, I added a harmony to do that I isolated the vocals from  one of the generations I ended up not   using. I used a software called  Ultimate Vocal Remover. it's   completely free and open source and  you can download it to your computer I'll go over this part quick you  just add the song for the input select where to Output then switch process method to  MDX-net if it's not already then select the model the best one for this is Kim  Vocal 2. it won't be here your first time you open   it, so you'll click download more models, select  MDX-net -then select Kim Vocal 2 from the dropdown I only need the vocals for this one but leave  this unchecked if you also want the instrumental everything else can stay the  same and start processing   this is a short clip so it's done pretty fast and now here's the vocals [Music] then this is the before [Music] here's the after [Music] I did that in a couple parts and that was it This is the song, the vocals in particular,  that I've been most blown away by from Suno. And this is the worst it will ever be imagine  what these tools will be like in another year [Music] I'm going to do one more, so back to Suno I've been messing around with some different  genres, this one had some cool results groovy neo-soul song then we'll say about the singularity all right and I ran that a few more times  this Echoes of Infinity was my favorite [Music] to animate this I'm going to use Kaiber Kaiber is great for a lot of things,  especially with music. some big artists   like Linkin Park and Kid Cudi have  used it in some of their music videos I use it most for things that I want  to look like dreamlike or psychedelic I have an image of this cybernetic woman I'm going  to use as an input and I'll be using flip book   which gives it that kind of flickering effect  because it generates each frame independently I like that look they have an option for  smooth animation as well if you use motion here's a quick example of that  from the image I'll be using then the transform option is for adding  a style to an existing video you have But I'm going with flip book here I'll add the image and the  audio, then move on to the prompt cybernetic woman transforming into cityscape then they have a bunch of  curated styles to choose from,   I'll go with photorealistic then it  adds a bunch stuff to the prompt here now on to the video settings for camera movement I'm going  to have it zoom in the entire   time then I'll change the directions periodically and I always uncheck the show uploaded  image in the first frame otherwise it's   usually a weird transition right at the beginning we'll use evolve at five and I'll  switch the audio reactivity to   high then Kaiber will add little zooms or  speed changes and sync it up to the beat so I'll max that out and then generate previews I'll go with this one on the  top right that looks great now I want to transform this into different scenes  and in different directions throughout the song to do that I can add a scene for the next one we'll say  robots merging into cityscape then video settings and I already found  points in the song where it will be good   to switch at basically just when a line ends or  the music changed the first spot was at 8 seconds and I'll add down to the camera movement then   click generate previews, it  won't give options this time then I'll just repeat that a few more  times, so add scene, I'll leave robots   merging into cityscape but I'll add the left  to the camera movement and start it at 16 then just keep it going, robots transforming into   cybernetic woman switch it  to right and at 23 seconds now merging with the singularity,   this time I'll take off down and right and  then we'll do rotate clockwise, that's at 31 then the last one we'll say  swirling cybernetic singularity I'll bump up the evolve and  that starts at 40 seconds and that's it now create video, this is a longer one  so it'll probably take 10 to 20 minutes and easy as that ,it's all done they have the option to upscale to  4K right on the site if you want to I'll just play this exactly how it came  out no additional editing or anything [Music] I had a ton of fun making these, I hope that helps you create something awesome If you want to stay up to date on the latest and greatest ai tool, check out You'll find exclusive deals all over the site, and it's designed to be easy to navigate. You can narrow things down by category, then subcategory You can easily find the exact tool for your needs, and create a profile to save your favorites
Channel: Futurepedia
Views: 123,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai music, creating music videos, free ai tools, creating music with ai, ai tools comparison, ai music tutorial, creating music, ai tools, ai music creation, ai music video, ai music cover, ai music generator
Id: 14xZwFvhsPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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