AI Music is Here... and it’s GOOD! Suno AI Full Tutorial

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sunno version 3 is now available to everyone including those on the free plan it is the best AI music generator by far and it just got even better with V3 they were featured in a rolling stone article recently and this sums up my initial reaction pretty well and let's just start with this prompt they used here and see how that turns out solo acoustic Mississippi delta blues about a sad AI Ino all I have to do is go to the create tab then paste it into the song description box I want vocals so I'll leave the instrumental off then click create and that's all there is to it that's the easy way we'll switch over to the custom tab next then I'll also showcase a bunch of diverse Styles genres that work really well and I've been testing it for the past couple weeks already since it was made available early to Pro users so I've got a lot of tips and tricks and a workflow I use to have a lot more control I'll go over that at the end these finish really fast that was in real time and it gives us two options that are up to 2 minutes long each within like 10 seconds so let's give one a listen woke up this morning feeling so low got the delta blues down in my soul heartache and trouble won't let me be got to find a way to set my spirit free walking down by the river so dark and wide searching for Redemption this long ride guar in my hands story to be told through the WE Night My Sorrows [Music] unfold oh the down to Blues they H my mind they nothing else that I will [Music] find the pain and the passion they inwi in the land of the Blues my soul finds it shine [Music] that is so good it nailed the style added so much depth and emotion to the voice had that little jump into falsetto near the beginning where was that at got the down my that's so crazy and I mean the song just built up really well had a nice little guitar solo at the end I mean the fact that this is possible now is so crazy to me I mean I'm a musician I've played in a bunch of bands recorded albums played bass for a circus in China that had a live band I mean did jazz band in college just a bunch of stuff like music is one of my biggest passions and this is truly mind-blowing and actually really exciting to me there's always mixed reactions to something like this but I think it opens up a lot of possibilities for musicians and I don't mean just make a song in here and post it to Spotify but the possibilities while brainstorming and writing to explore different styles and ideas especially as this evolves like this will open up all new avenues of creativity and make the production side more accessible in just whole new genres and forms of music and I know there's downsides too but I think overall this will lead more people into creating music I could talk about this forever I was going to save my thoughts for the end but I'll just leave it there let's jump back in um so I could continue that song to add another verse and a bridge and ending I'll show that a little later first let's get into guiding it a little more I'll switch over to custom this is what you'll want to do most of the time you can either input Your Own lyrics or write your topic and click generate then chat GPT will write them for you I filmed a YouTube video but can't think of a thumbnail story of my life right there it generated some lyrics and I could make tweaks or move parts around I'll just leave these how they are and down here you can write the style of music separately east coast rap sometimes when you're not in custom the style words you use in the prompt will get like mixed up in the lyrics so I basically always use custom all right gotoll flow but when it comes to thumbnails I'm at a loss just can't find a pck that'll make them all pause goinging through my options trying to find no run got to make you pop got to make it fun but every bit I take is just not right cuz he capture that clickbait life oh YouTube Fame want you come my way I'm clickbait but my thumbnails I need some captivating something that'll Dy all those viewers and keep them [Music] subscribe all right that was so good too these have both been really solid generation that's not always the case you'll get plenty of mistakes and weird moments too so you need to experiment and mess around but if it's already this good just imagine where this will be in another few months but let's get back to generating I'll do a quick instrumental this is a style I was messing around with uh dark Electro Tango Eerie trap I'm actually not sure if electr Tango is a real genre it probably is I was trying out some Caravan Palace inspired electro swing and decided to try out Electro Tango it sounded pretty cool so I added in the trap beat for some Basin there it is let's check it [Music] out I like that a lot I want to add some vocals to that but first I want to play through just some various styles to show off how diverse it can get I won't play the full song since that would take up way too much time I'll play maybe like 20 to 30 seconds of each then I'll go through the workflow I use to have more control it's a lot of fun playing with music tools but for something a little more practical let's talk about Gamma who was kind enough to sponsor this video with gamma you can use AI to design engaging presentations documents and full websites complete with text and images all in under a minute so if you need a presentation or like a pitch deck or maybe you have a TED Talk coming up or you need a website for your business gamma's got you covered it's super easy to use so let's make a site do create new web page and how about one for the new futurepedia tattoo shop we're always exploring New Opportunities all right I can move around the sections here select how much text I want and the type of images then continue right now I just pick a theme and generate okay that took 25 seconds and I have the full site with all the text and relevant images I actually don't think this theme fits so I'll switch it up black is always nice I live in Alaska so I'll go with this Aurora Borealis theme all right I like that and I can easily switch anything on this page these images don't fit now looks like they used the colors from the previous theme in the prompt so I need some that match the new theme all right that looks nice so I'll do that with all the others another note here is there are different preset styles you can generate the images with too one more thing I'll show here is you don't even have to do this part manually so I can click the help button and ask the AI to do it reite this section that looks perfect right now I'll just preview the site it has responsive design so we can check out the mobile version here too and there's a lot more I could do in here but I'll leave it there and publish the site is live I could link this to a custom domain if I had one it is incredible to me that we're able to create customized sites so easily now like anyone could have done this the presentations and documents gamma creates all look amazing too and you can do all of this for free you get 400 AI credits with a free signup and there are paid plans if you like it and need to use more I'll have a link in the description to get started for free and thank you so much to gamma for sponsoring this video here's a clip from Twitter by omley Art the song is really cool but I also want to show it because of the animation she used kyber's new audio reactivity feature then ran it through animate diff it just turned out awesome I love seeing people come up with new workflows and creative styles [Music] I made of [Music] shame I tell myself [Music] tonight it's such a cool style she posted a couple other shorter ones I'll play just one [Music] more I love the animation I also really want to hear the rest of that song I just thought those were really cool another person using suo and making really cool animations was or gorilla [Music] tan [Music] [Music] another one I just thought was cool I also saw AO post that a lot of teachers have reached out and said how helpful it is for teaching I think that's actually an amazing use case for this I can see it being really helpful for learning to generate these cool catchy songs they even started a teacher program which is awesome as an example here's one they posted in Discord about mitochondria Working Day and Night powerhouses a light shining so bright oh yesing Aran nails with crucial rooll generating energy to Fel the [Music] soul out power every function you do it so well and then back Ino you can click the explore Tab and see songs other people have made public that can be a good way to get ideas as you can see it's able to sing in other languages [Music] too [Music] [Music] here's a few other just random ones I made we've got a Gregorian chant about needing Wi-Fi Wii [Music] some rag time if you played that and told me it was Scott Joplin I'd probably believe you and how about some New Orleans jazz funk or super Funk rock as Trombone Shorty called [Music] it all around [Applause] nailed it one of the Bands I used to play in was heavily influenced by trombone and shorty let's see we've got a sea [Music] shanty some bosanova secret agent sneaking on my PL and a thrash metal song about cute puppies [Applause] littley I could keep going on and on with these I made way more I want to show what I've been doing to have some more control I'll jump back to that Electro tango song I really liked that Vibe and a lot of times it's good to start off with an instrumental then build off of it cuz sunno skips the intro and goes straight to the lyrics a lot like even if you tell it to have an [Music] intro this is the section where I think the vocals should start so I'll click continue then adjust the time to 17 seconds for the topic let's do a poetic song about the difficulties of being a Pac-Man ghost then click generate lyrics I like those but I want to move first two to after the chorus then I'll hit continue and I'll do a few Generations so there's a lot of vocal styles to choose from I can guide the style a little here too so I want a female an indie folk is a style I've liked I'll also try singer songwriter so I'm just trying to nudge it toward something that tends to have more emotion in it all right now I've got a bunch to choose from so here's without guiding it which I didn't like at [Music] all then from these there were a few good ones lost in a game in gameost in I really liked this [Music] one so now I can click these three dots and select get whole song now I have the intro and the new vocals merged I can click continue song and it will use everything so far to generate the next section so basically we have the vocalist locked in now right I actually decided to change the lyrics up a little bit bit I wanted to add a pre chorus and a bridge so I jumped into chat GPT and fed it a few lines I thought would fit then just went back and forth a bit and I have the full lyrics now so I'll input the new lyrics up to right before the bridge because I want to generate the bridge a bunch of times and I'll delete the part about the vocalist from the style since I don't need that anymore then I'll find the end of the first verse to continue from which was 36 seconds and continue I got when I liked so I merged it and this song is actually turning out pretty [Music] cool free forever haunted by [Music] the and really I just need the bridge and final chorus so I'm going to generate just a bunch of these to choose from same process as before right and then this one was perfect I'm the but I'm the one that's yeah I've got the full song now this one actually turned out amazing but as you can see if I look back through these Pages it took a lot of back and forth and experimenting to get it here um I think that makes the process more fun and it does need a name still ghost in the machine I'll play this whole song through to close it out here you can also link directly to songs Ino so I'll add that to the description if you want to listen to it there and to make it a little more interesting I generated some images then ran them through kyber so I uploaded the song and used the new audio reactivity feature this was my first time using that I didn't spend time tweaking the settings or the styles to make all the videos float together or anything but it turned out pretty cool especially for a first experiment I love kyber I'll add that to the description along with all the other links but just an Yi this feature is in beta right now it's currently only available to test if you're on their artist plan which is the highest tier I'm not sure when it will be available for everyone then sadly these images didn't fit but let's check this song [Music] out thex Lo in game chasing Shadows There's No Escape I go left I go right it's all the same I C some draft I'm suuck in this place no matter how hard I try I can't break free forever haunted by the pman graening around I SP circles C in a no inside a whis of cold and a pixelated lost in a labin of bits and [Music] bites in this digital Dance I'm just a ghost Spector in the machine almost the hero Feast that just F in this pixel prison up endlessly play no matter how hard I try I can't break free forever haunted by the packman's G SP in circles call in a loop no end inside a whisp of C a [Music] pixelated lost in a Lain the bit and [Music] bites [Music] lost I'm the ghost but I'm the one that's haunted I'm the ghost but I'm the one that's Haun in the around I spin in circles in a loop no ight whisp of cold and a [Music] pixelated lost in a lab of course if you like all this stuff make sure to go check out futurepedia IO we keep that up to date with all the latest and greatest AI tools you can browse through all the categories save favorites to your profile and there's just a ton of new features on the site as well you can also sign up for the newsletter there you'll get AI news and tools and tutorials delivered directly to your inbox every week also I do have a video covering three separate workflows for making music videos check that one out if you want to go more in- depth on the video side thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Futurepedia
Views: 192,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suno ai song generator, ai music production, ai news, how to make a full song with suno ai, text to music, how to make song with suno, how to create a full song with suno ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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