I made a Snake that hunts People

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SpacedGodzilla 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey folks my name is adam and i like to make tiny nerdy things there i was just casually browsing the internet when i saw this guy just your everyday run-of-the-mill snake with this pet bug except spoiler that's not actually a bug it's his tail and he uses it to make friends with local burbs and like any totally sane person i thought to myself i should make a snake that hunts people of course first things first we need a snake now my knowledge of serpentine anatomy is limited but i'm pretty sure all snakes have a single long bone that runs the length of the body which i'm gonna make in shape out of a single strand of armature wire now to help the clay in the next step stick i'm also gonna wrap it in its own thinner strand of wire now admittedly it probably would have been easier to wrap it in thin wire first but i uh didn't plan that far ahead however poor planning aside i've got myself a perfect little snake skeleton ready for clay [Music] i'll roll this clay into an extra long extra sneaky wormy delete which then gets stuck onto the skeleton bone i'm also going to try my damnedest to make sure that i'm not trapping any air between the layers of the clay and the wire since trapped air leads to escaping air which in turn makes my snake look a little less scary and a little more gassy otherwise once i've got the body built up i can start adding the scales underneath by rolling various blades across the body to mark out each of the scales before coming back through with some sculpting tools and silicone shapers to refine the shape [Music] same with all snakes his neck is going to start as a thick tipped shovel that gets stuck onto the neck nub and blended together with the body then i can cut a line down the middle to separate the jaws bulk out the neck nub connection joint and hollow out the mouth i'll poke a couple shallow eye sockets using a ball stylus then jam some oversized ball bearings in place for his eyeballs his eyebrows get added and blended in before finally giving him some breathing holes by way of stabbing the tip of his head now in order to make his scales i want to clearly delineate his bottom half and his top half so i'll run some extra long extra thin wormy deals the length of his body blending them into the top now if you know me you know i love a good texture but you probably also know that i'm kinda lazy so finding the quickest easiest way to add texture is key so to save some time adding each individual scale i spent a significantly longer time trying to figure out how to do it using a roller eventually though through a series of trial and error i ended up with this little guy which i think is probably one of the greatest things i've ever made seriously making accurate uniform interlocking scales can be an absolute nightmare and this little fella at the shockingly low price of totally free is worth every penny now with roller in hand all that's left to do is make my naked boy into a scaly boy finally with the body details done i'll add a few larger strategic surface scales around his jaws before moving on to his hand now that clever little fella at the start of the video uses his tail as a lure to catch unexpecting prey and while that's admittedly pretty dope i wanted to go even creepier so instead of using his tail our little man hunter is going to have a hand that's also his tongue to that end i've stuck a little ball of clay to the end of a teeny tiny length of wire flattened it cut it to size rolled out some fingers attached to thumb and then added some padding knuckles and details finally a little isopropyl alcohol will smooth the entire surface and i can attach it to my snake's mouth [Music] i'll give the tongue a bit of a curve so it's not quite so rigid and straight then it's just a case of covering up any of the exposed wire giving the tongue a bit more of a tongue-like shape then getting to work on building out the mouth so it's as snake accurate as i can get it otherwise once that mouth is finished that's kind of it for our handsy snake which means it's prime time with the primer in place i can start painting the scales starting with the bone white followed by darker highlights with khakis and light browns i'm using pretty watered-down paint so that i can easily wet blend it that way as it dries i'm left with a nice gradient of light to dark brown for the scales i wanted to highlight all the gaps between them with a black coat so i gave the entire top a wash with black ink letting it run between all the scales and then i painted over them with a very vibrant blue i am using fluorescent paints so they go on the model very opaque but as they dry they start to become pretty translucent which lets the black hang between the scales show through i'm saying all this as if i had a plan or i knew what i wanted to achieve with this paint job but in reality i just started throwing paint at it hoping something would stick if all else fails i can re-prime it delete the footage and then pretend like my next attempt was the real one however through an indescribable series of upward fails i ended up with a pretty sweet looking paint job i have no idea what i'm doing but i know i'm doing it really really well now the mouth and tongue got painted with red washes followed by terracotta wash and then the hand got a light pinkish fleshy hue which i could then wet blend into that darker color of the tongue to keep it from looking like i just stuck a disembodied hand onto the tip of the snake's tongue then i painted the eyes a lighter green and gave them simple black slits now i hummed in hot and worried about ruining the paint job before i finally decided to just add some black bands along the body then i carried that upwards along the face making sure was mirrored on both sides otherwise with the paint job done it's time to make a watery hole [Music] now i know what you're thinking uh that's some pretty bubbly looking resin there adam you got any plans for that in fact i do after the last few catastrophes i puckered up and bought myself a pressure pot and let me tell you it makes mighty short work of these bubbles so a simple 72 hours of curing later and i'm left with this which isn't really what i was going for i'm not really sure what happened i tested for water tightness before i put it in the pressure pot and there were no leaks so i was feeling pretty good about things however being a little impatient i thought i'd crack open the pot and see just how well it had pressurized the bubbles upon opening the pot though i had a brief moment of frustration and said to myself well gosh this isn't what i was hoping for darn i guess it must have leaked i'm not wholly sure where it went wrong but when i opened it up it seemed to have seeped out of the frame and was starting to cure inside my pot now i had a moment to decide and i chose to sacrifice the snake and save the pressure pot that being said look at how clear that resin is despite all those bubbles so all in all i'd say it was a success fortunately though i happen to have another snake and this snake is far and away a better snake he's got way more body curled around in a much more interesting way his head is a better shape and the paint job is way more cohesive oh yeah and i also took the time to make some little bones to put scattered around him because i thought that was a good idea now i figured if i'm going to be building a spooky hunting hole in a water dirt pit then i should at least fill the bottom of the pit with some dirt so i mixed up a little resin made an earthy potpourri of dirt detritus leaves and rocks then i mixed it all together and poured it into the bottom of my new and improved mold in what is i think one of the more artistic shots on youtube now to keep my snake from sinking to the bottom of the i mean pit i've given him some little stilts so he's just hitting the top layer now i did start adding the bones immediately then i realized as i watched my skull sink that i probably should have waited till the resin set up a little bit more so i gave it about 12 hours to get a nice thicky syrupy consistency then added the rest of the bones around the snake i let my dirty boney mixed gear for another 24 hours to make sure there weren't any egregious bubbles sneaking out during the big resin pour and then i mixed up another batch of resin and tried again and again i was met with tragedy no i'm just kidding it worked an absolute treat [Music] if anything it was almost too clear but you won't hear me complain about that well i mean i just did but you won't hear it again anyways it's time for me to make a dirty hole which means i need a block of foam with my block professionally sized for my resin pillar i'll mark out where i want the hole to be then scored with my knife and carefully pop the center out then score it with my knife and carefully pop the center out i'll round the hole out then start hacking at it with a pair of pliers before adding some nice rocky texture with my favorite rock texture device a rock [Music] once i've got a nice rocky hole i'll give the entire thing a nice dark brown base coat [Music] and i'll add some edge highlights by working my way through a series of progressively lighter browns before moving on to my favorite part the static grass i really like the idea of the snake building its hidey hole in like some guy's backyard so i decided to go with a nice short grass that you might expect to see in a well-kept suburban garden to attach the base i'm going to use a bead of clear silicone this will work both as a glue and a sealant so when i press the grassy dirt hole thing onto the top it'll create a nice airtight seal so that when i add my next layer of dirty swampy resin it doesn't leak out the sides i wanted the main body of the resin to be nice and clear so you can see the snake but i wanted the top layer to be sort of swampy so the snake is hidden underneath to help with that i've added a bunch of twigs and roots and bits of plant matter then sprinkled leaves over the top and once the initial resin cured i added some little ripples moving outwards from the hand finally to spruce it all up and make it look a little more natural i added some little pebbles to the grass then sprinkled a little foam flocking around the edges followed by a dusting of little leaves a quick spritz with isopropyl alcohol followed by some thinned out mod podge will hold it all in place then that's it finished and we're onto the glamour shots [Music] [Music] as always a huge thank you to my supporters over on patreon to keep this channel running even when i skip a week and of course a massive shout out to my newest patrons a deities rage h buncor elenia hot mess sketch finney solace rocky star stefan philip de meyer kayla brakowski levi koren ryan m williams captain crayon weaselton the two tons tyler frenchwa zach grendel toby forrest the awesomer jonathan valencia rebecca daniels k flew skippy fan 14 martin furro boo ian lai arleigh griffin farooq logan's willing vindwraith kawaiiander damascus828 and brit you are the long danger noodle that this fleshy hand of a channel extends from if you're new here then subscribe to considering and don't forget to like that smash button otherwise we'll see you next time cheers
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 4,204,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made a Snake that hunts People, resin art, creepy, scary, diorama, snake, how to sculpt a snake, how to sculpt a hand, how to make a realistic clay, how to make a snake, deep pour resin, how to pour resin, epoxy resin, resin sculpture, sculpting with resin, thalassophobia, monster, sea monster, north of the border, giant python, king cobra
Id: YJJ64m3xu5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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