I made a GIANT LAMBORGHINI and It was a Mistake... - BeamNG Drive Crashes & Chases

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good luck everybody oh no it's going to become as big as the world oh oh what the heck's happening zoom out zoom out oh no this is like a lamborghini godzilla edition [Music] hello youtube motogaming here bringing you guys another episode of bemidji drive and yes folks we're back once again and today we have a fun new mod so today we're gonna be crashing into this new guard rail this is the crash hard guard rail yes that's the crash hard that made the maps the cars the explosive barrels and all the fun and we're going to be revisiting a mod that now works with other mods so if you recall we did a episode where we made a indestructible car and we ran from the police and this is the same mod except for it now works with stuff like the porsche here so what we're gonna do let's go ahead and open up the uh the menu this is gonna be the modded porsche uh the other one's gonna be the vanilla one that we crash into the same barrier so we'll go over to vehicle configuration and then on the license plate we can actually uh adjust it here so you go to the agent y cars values skill mod which i'll have this in the description if you want to download this mod and then we can go into tuning and folks we're gonna break some stuff because it's gonna be amazing so if you guys are excited for all the destruction that's gonna happen here today maybe hit that thumbs up button and hey if you like the porsche maybe hit the thumbs up button and if you still haven't hit the thumbs up button hit it okay so the first thing we're gonna do let's hit this with the vanilla porsche here let's go ahead three two one go watch the wheel spin all right oh boy i'm excited to hit this all right looking for it there it is okay and oh oh oh okay so we're gonna hit the barrier sideways i wanted to do a crash where you hit it like this and it kind of pierces through the car and obviously you can see it's pretty devastating also the guardrails that's amazing like i would love to see this installed in just a bunch of random maps okay let's go ahead and pop that back and let's repair the guardrail so we're gonna use the same car but let's go adjust it so you've got several different things that you can adjust you can do the braking scale which i believe that's what we want to actually do so if we move this all the way to here this car should just basically bounce or i guess the guardrail is gonna still give so maybe it's just gonna maybe go into it but not actually break we'll have to see here all right so let's go and apply by the way we're also gonna mess with the scaling them up because i want to make like a super big porsche i feel like that could be fun all right here we go three two one go all right indestructible porsche let's see what happens here all right gonna hit it probably about at the same miles per hour and oh wait what did i not apply it let's let's go check that again i feel like i broke something so komodo is a bit of a dingus i didn't do the uh deformation skill too so now this thing shouldn't break so basically the braking is i guess making it where uh parts don't break off and the deformation that's what's keeping it from bending okay i got it oh boy all right here we go third run okay let's see are we gonna bounce off it what's gonna happen here okay looking for it there it is okay and oh oh so it's not completely indestructible but i mean that's pretty darn close hon does it still run listen to that i mean for hitting that guardrail as fast as we did we chopped a part of the bumper off and we got a ding and a couple busted headlights engine still runs suspension looks like it's pretty much intact it still actually turns uh it looks like the door's got a ding in it too but i guess that's all the force okay so the porsche pretty good car what if we go a little bit faster let's uh maybe make an indestructible lamborghini all right here we go vanilla lamborghini run three two one go okay so how do you think this is gonna hold up against the uh the guardrail here oh these sideways hits are devastating and oh no that felt like it was worse than the 911 there jeez okay that's a that's a thing all right let's go ahead do one more run here let's make it indestructible all right here we go there's something wrong with the back bumper it looks like a flubber or something all right let's just go okay question is can we uh break this thing okay [Music] oh man look at that it basically popped back out there's actually guardrails stuck inside huh can we pull this out okay it's kind of really really stuck uh the headlight's a little sideways by the way how much does a lamborghini headlight cost like i picture it costing a lot of money unfortunately but hey it saves the vehicle we have a pretty much indestructible lamborghini now okay so we're gonna step it up now we need to actually get this guardrail sideways so that we can actually take the full impact with it and i think we're gonna go even faster we've got a dodge viper i feel like is gonna do the job and then stay tuned folks because we're going to try to scale up these cars and i have a feeling it's going to blow up the game which is good for us all right so on the other end of this street i have a barrier just sitting there waiting to get hit oh boy so we've got the top speed viper here here we go three two one go okay oh man the wheel spin on this thing is insane okay try to shift through the gears okay here we go oh don't lift don't lift don't lift off oh we blew through it what the heck we popped the barrier i almost feel like we should see how many of these guard rails we have to put down in order to not do that geez we split it so i'm pretty sure the indestructible one is just gonna go through it and it's gonna be fine though correct i don't know let's try that first and then we're gonna get a vanilla one again and we're gonna stack the barriers to see if we can get this to actually stop a speeding vehicle like that indestructible lamborghini here we go let's try to get a little more speed here okay good shift okay good don't lift too much all right full speed oh oh what the okay so we broke the back tire we broke the fender uh we also broke the steering but i mean that's way better than the first result now the problem is the barrier like can we adjust the barrier strength i think the only thing you can adjust on the barrier is the end caps uh yeah there's no sort of uh strength adjust on this so we need to stack these things all right so we have seven barriers now oh boy here we go three two one go okay oh get the gas get it down you got this komodo oh i believe in myself not really though okay and oh oh so we had a little bit of a problem there we did shift a little early into fourth gear so i don't feel like we got all the speed we could but man uh it stopped in three barriers so we got through the first two and we bounced off the uh the third one okay that's fair enough let's go ahead and reset the barrier i'm gonna do one more run with that because i feel like i didn't give that a fair enough shake so here we go boom all right let's try to get that speed okay there's third gear oh wait for it wait for it there we go there we go oh okay it's still two barriers it's at two to three range depending on how you hit it that's good though so that first barrier dissipates so much energy by the time you get to the second one yeah you're probably gonna get through it but you're definitely not getting through the third one unless we find something even faster i mean we could put jado's on it or something and see how many we can get through i'm having all sorts of fun with this like these two mods between the making the cars indestructible and this wonderful barrier this is like peak beaming g for me all right this is a bad idea so we have an r8 we've got rockets on it let's go through those barriers one more time i feel like we're going to take off on the first bump but let's try it all right oh no oh no wait for it all right get up this all right now nail it oh yes it still stops it how many barriers did it take i didn't even see how fast we were going uh oh three okay four it was four barriers we made contact with that fourth one i'm not going to count the debris that hit the other one and bent it but wow like it's kind of consistent no matter how fast you're going okay so maybe it's not speed maybe it's mass let's try the ram plowed diesel with the jados and see if we can get through these barriers and then we're gonna go play with the other mod a bit more all right ram plow diesel here we go three two one go oh yes oh gorgeous all right here we go do we think we're gonna make it through them i think it's gonna be better here goes oh yes okay there's two things that i want to take apart there i feel like the ram plow acted kind of like a staple remover how it kind of goes under it and pops it up i feel like that's what it did with the barriers let me remove the ram plow and run the same test because we obliterated all of those barriers all right this is basically the same test without the ram plow do you think we're gonna make it through all seven barriers here we go boom okay we're in drive i'm not using the nos on this by the way i didn't use it last run either so here we go do we make it through all of them oh oh no oh what the okay that's something new uh we have hung ourselves on this uh red light pole yep so in looking at what happened there i lift it i actually jumped the barriers and clipped them with the back so let's run that again i need to make sure it's on the ground so here we go let off a little bit plant itself there we go all right come back through oh yeah we still make it through ouch so it's definitely weight i feel like the ram plow worked better because it just popped them right up that was a little more uh rough but definitely it's gonna take a lot to stop that which you know what this is an experimental episode of beam beaming g if you guys have any suggestions for future experiments let me know the only thing i can think of doing let's stack more barriers i mean they don't take any frame rate up basically so let's do it all right if you look we are at 15 barriers so we've doubled the barriers plus one so do we think we're gonna make it through it now oh boy all right here we go same test no ram plow okay let off a little bit and full speed oh boy look at that we stopped it 14 barriers look at the trail we made you know we even skipped over a couple didn't we how does that happen so we actually obliterated the first two and it like it's like it lifted up the truck a little bit we skipped over basically three we clipped this one and then we just plowed through these so if we were playing it to the ground i'm gonna minus two from this total because we skipped two i'm gonna keep the one we hit somewhat i would say in about 12 barriers you could stop it but it also depends on how fast you're going like you could find another map and get a ton of speed it might take upwards of 20 barriers in order to stop one of these at full speed we could do more testing with these but i think for the time being i feel like i'm pretty satisfied uh with our findings here with this crash hard guard rail this was amazing all right so we're ready to really screw everything up so we need to resize the lamborghini let's see what happens okay uh let's go to five um is this make it like five times as big what does this do oh oh maybe it's this one let's try this one uh okay let's try this again okay and oh what the heck is happening we just turned the lamborghini into the incredible hulk uh she's a thick boy what the heck just happened this is the most amazing thing i think i've ever seen we made a lamborghini monster truck thing goliath uh huh let's try repairing it oh so the camera's stuck in it now oh it does it every time so it doesn't like respawn big also the wheels exploded so let's maybe try to figure out how not to do that i feel like this would work better with the vanilla cars but this is kind of cool looking so let's make it break resistant and make sure none of the parts can fall off bad thing is that's only half as big as we can make it like let's go and make it stiff uh let's see if we can apply now okay here we go oh yeah we just popped it yep we are popping it now we have officially broken the lamborghini okay let's remove this one let's try this again uh oh boy this is why i saved this towards the end of the video cause i was afraid what was gonna happen okay so let's try to make it maybe just two times bigger like i feel like that's not asking too much and then we can go all the way because it's gonna blow everything up so let's go ahead and put the scale mod on it okay here we go so let's go ahead and we're just gonna size it up let's not let's not do the resize time i feel like that's where i screwed up so this should be an instant pop right let's go basically times two okay why is that worse than the other one maybe it doing it instantly is popping it what just happened uh can i can i try that again can we reset oh no oh what is okay oh nope it pops it pops it pops it pops it pops it pops okay let's pause that let's try that again let's actually put the timer back on it because i feel like the timer actually helps so uh increase the sizes okay let's it's obviously it's become unstable so i think this is by seconds so now it should take 10 seconds for it to enlarge that sounds weird uh okay oh yeah i don't think you're meant to drive the car after that why does it keep getting bigger uh uh did the engine break oh there it goes so i mean it resizes but you can't do it at least with this vehicle let's go and make it max real quick and then maybe we'll try one of the default vehicles and see if we can get it to work with it so let's go scale up to 10. good luck everybody oh no it's gonna become as big as the world oh oh what the heck's happening zoom out zoom out oh no this is like a lamborghini godzilla edition so what do we do here we made a monster is what we did okay let's try to make it break resistant again and see if we can get this to work one more time because i really really want this to work so you can't break and you can't deform now let's try it again we're gonna blow up the game oh no okay hey that was slightly better i mean it still kind of destroyed it and yeah does this not i don't think it counts for the wheels okay making a lamborghini the size of a highway is not a good idea but we tried it what the heck is wrong with this mod i love it okay let's maybe take our expectations back a little bit let's scale them down unlike what we're about to do to the cars let's grab a default car something that's in the game and let's see if we can make it bigger all right here we go let's go ahead and go let's go resize time i still like this option and scale this up to two apply okay it's still something that i don't think we should be playing with the wheels popped off so the wheels obviously don't work with this is there a way to make the wheels work i don't think there is all right can we uh let's try doing the braking resistance real quick and okay apply and let's do this again oh we oh we're uh we're popping the game so obviously up it's yeah we broke it yep all right let's just let's go for it here folks go for it all right in it to win it here we go oh yep oh yep this is a weird thing that is happening well we popped the game so let's try it from up here yep it pops uh that's still very unstable i don't think you're ever gonna get to the point i mean i say that the modder's probably gonna figure it out at some point or at least make it even more stable i mean it's a miracle it works with mods now but yeah making stuff like that bigger probably isn't a great idea uh i don't think it's good for the game obviously you saw that it popped it several times now if you guys have any suggestions with the settings let me know down in the comment section below thank you guys for watching this episode of bmg and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 557,193
Rating: 4.9498506 out of 5
Keywords: lambo, lamborghini, lamborghini aventador, lamborghini cop car, lamborghini police chase, police chase, high speed chase, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive police chase, beamng crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, camodo gaming beamng, beamng drive mods, beamng lamborghini, beamng lamborghini crashes, beamng lamborghini police, beamng giant cars, giant lamborghini, beamng guardrail
Id: AArxm6ka9Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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