I UPGRADED Police Cars with Randomly Generated Parts for Chases in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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that's all i want a single little point oh there's one there's two [Music] hello youtube motogaming here bringing you guys another episode of beam and g drive and yes folks we're back once again and today we are letting the randomizer choose our police car now you're probably saying to yourself how does that work komodo well on the left side of the screen we're gonna click spawn random vehicle and then we're gonna scramble the configuration so let's go spawn give it a second oh hey look we got the grand marshal that's actually a good start and what we're gonna do we're gonna click scramble config so you've got to be kidding me we basically got a police car already so the only things i'm allowed to change here on the car to make it a police car i can put a police skin on it and i could put a light bar and siren on it if it doesn't already have it that's the only thing i can modify now as far as the rules i don't get any resets we've got six ai cars they all kind of vary by level essentially so you have like a truck here uh it moves up to a little bit faster car and then you get a fast car over here and then on this side you got a station wagon you got a little bit faster car and then you have like the ultimate takedown car uh the lamborghini if we get that we almost get like two points i'm not being serious though so the max amount of points you can get is six so that's one per car and i have no resets so this is gonna be fun but yeah after each round we'll randomize our car once again and we'll see where we end up i'm pretty sure at some point in the video we're gonna get either a widgeon or a pigeon and it's gonna be miserable but anyways if you guys are enjoying bmg on the channel be sure to hit that thumbs up button and hmm which group we're gonna go after first i think we're gonna go after let's go after the right group i feel like they might be a little easier to catch all right i made the uh necessary modifications we have a police car now we have a light bar i change the color to make it a little bit brighter and we have a siren so i think technically we are ready to go here all right three two one flee all right they're off oh boy all right let's try to get a quick point here i feel like we could push the truck off the mountain um slow down a little bit dude these back tires don't grip at all we got really small back tires in this config oh they're going off the mat wait what uh okay that does not count we didn't get a take down two of the cars just went off the mountain all right let's try to catch the cherrier up here it kind of stinks they eliminated some of my points we're probably gonna have to go to another map after this i wanted to start on the mountains though because it's been a while since we've been in this map also if you guys have any suggestions for the random car uh videos maybe comment down below different scenarios we can do i'd be much appreciated all right we gotta catch his terrier come on cherrier i'm trying to be careful here's a lot of rocks on the side of the road a lot of weird dips okay come on come on oh that was a pretty good little drift wait where is he gonna go okay we're going left here come on stop what's up with the exhaust on this thing this thing looks ridiculous all right come on come on come on come on come on man it's hard to catch him on this road okay i'm getting a little speed here oh no no no no no understeer okay up brakes brakes brakes this is tough i want a car that actually handles decent i mean this isn't bad but it understeers a lot so you have to let off more than the cherry oh this might be our chance no no no oh okay he kind of hopped that weird oh no we're gonna spin out oh no no no you gotta be kidding me oh he's gonna get away home we might be stuck go go go go go go go go no wow this thing just has no traction all right so letting the randomizer decide our police car was probably a bad idea oh wait wait look he's stuck he's actually stuck that's a takedown the ai's dumb han let's roll him back down i feel like technically we're gonna get a point there because he stopped on the road we could make it up that so i guess the ai is a little dumb all right let's try to get back down all right so one point for us uh i don't think we can get max points because obviously a couple people draw drove off the mountain but we need to go track down the other cars so they're set to flee so if we get near them they're going to try to probably turn around that's going to be probably our best bet to actually get to people oh no i forgot how big this map was this might be a needle in the haystack folks i'm hearing exhaust oh there it is okay we caught the lamborghini no no no no no no no no oh you got to be kidding me all right uh he's flying oh we clipped him he's off hold on i knew i was hearing an exhaust crack i was just sitting there going what is that noise it's got to be the lamborghini and boy we found him oh i think we damaged him yeah when we clipped him there i think his suspension was broken all right so we caught the lamborghini that is two points uh we still have a pretty decent vehicle right now i got a little ding in the back bumper but we haven't totaled it wait if the lamborghini was there i wonder if his ai buddies followed him so technically the wait was it yes they did they did all right that's a takedown the lamborghini really is he gonna run again uh so that's three points lamborghini's dead it just flew off into the trees so it's oh geez yeah the buddies did follow it huh we got to take this one down pin it pin it if we hold it for like three seconds here that's a takedown uh there's no way they would have gotten away that's three points so uh i know it's gonna take off here folks we just have to pin it i'm not going to actually completely stop it because it's beaming gai they're going to keep going uh i'll give us three points there but there was a car behind these right no the station wagon was last in line that means somebody probably flew off the cliff up here all right well you know what three points for the first round i'm gonna say that's pretty good uh even though two of the cars actually flew off themselves uh we're gonna have to go to a map that's maybe a little less deadly to the ai maybe let's go to guard full heights that actually is a good map for this all right we're ready for round two we have six more ai we have a truck sunburst and a lamborghini on this side and over here we have the widgeon another kind of grandma mobile and we've got another fast sports car we are in garfield heights here so i feel like the ai's not gonna die on this map i could be wrong but yeah uh let's see what kind of police car we get so let's go spawn random vehicle and okay it could be worse uh well actually let's scramble the config it might be worse wait what is this i mean i don't hate it so let's put on a police skin and a light bar and let's do this all right police car is ready to go three two one go all right turn on lights and sirens oh yeah hey this doesn't feel terrible i mean the speed isn't great but at least the car feels stable oh no the truck is faster than me all right let them uh they might overshoot the corner here oh truck's gonna overshoot it oh uh okay let him do his thing he's probably gonna be okay uh let's go after the sunburst oh the lamborghini is gone oh this is gonna be bad all right so we're going through actually i don't remember this part of the map it's like they've been adding on to the map uh all right where are we gonna go sunburst up oh okay big bump big bump uh oh we have our chance here uh oh that's a pit oh we gotta pin him uh one two no he's gonna get away you gotta be kidding me uh we gotta pit him faster we need to put him into like a wall or something where's he going where's he going okay han he's gonna stop he's gonna whip it around push him off get them in the water okay one two three i think that's a fair pin there so that's one point for us we'll let him go all right we need to go find the others we should probably just go back for the truck all right mr truck where did you go you're probably over here there's a chance it broke the uh suspension when it hit that big bump uh okay on let's go siren off i hear that sounds like a lamborghini there's like an echo in the distance and a lot of backfiring i don't wonder if the lamborghini crashed uh let's go search in here oh the lambo totally hit one of those low spots in the road all right lambo's over there oh the cars are on this side okay they're following each other okay let's see if we can chase these two down that's funny we're gonna have to go to a different map maybe even west coast that way the lambo has a chance all right we're catching two suspects here let's see if we can perform a takedown oh oh they split but one just ran over a curb uh maybe a busted tire oh that was our front bumper okay on one two no he's gonna get away okay keep going uh our bumper oh there goes the truck uh oh there's the widgeon oh quick take down no oh no they're gonna run into each other that's perfect okay the widgeon's down uh we'll go pin it here in a second i need to take down this one i'm gonna count it if the ai crashed each other that was perfect though oh oh oh it hit the pole okay come on uh going for the take down here man that thing is tough also uh my back tire doesn't have much drive on it my bumper's stuck in it right now no he's gonna get away here nope he's gonna turn around oh let's push him off the bridge okay this might be a pin one two three all right that's another point all right mr widgeon oh there goes the bumper okay that's good all right we gotta drive again okay uh oh there's another car right there okay let's pin the widget let's watch where that car goes okay go one two three that's pinned i felt like i cheated there i mean they technically ran into each other so that's on them not me how are we gonna get this lucky okay so the only one we might not be able to take down of course is the lambo which uh ate it wait uh i think i see a car down here so i think the sports car is down here we also have the truck we need to find too this is fun oh there there's the truck is up there too okay the truck went right the sports car went left uh the truck's the easier target i think um all right let's go for the truck real quick uh is there another car over here with the lamb oh he's gonna run in the lamborghini didn't he no all right got around uh the one car we pulled over is stuck over here too oh the truck has pinned itself uh you gotta be kidding me so the lamborghini's gonna take down to his ai buddies okay we're gonna count this they got stuck so that's gonna be another point there all right so we're down to the sports car so we've got a total of probably five points if we can take down this uh sports car i would say that's a win because we should have gotten six but the lambo took itself out i mean also we had uh help from the other car that took the widget out but we're not gonna talk about that oh there it is right in front of us all right he's gonna turn let's just go for a take down here oh yes dude we did it all right so five points you know i said we can get six i know he's down and don't worry about him but we had him for three seconds there yeah i would say uh that would be a full score there even though the one ai crashed itself it's fine all right let's go to another map all right here we go we have the lamborghini round we have four lamborghinis to chase down and that's four points and we're gonna get a terrible vehicle here so let's see what we get all right spawn random uh hey the truck okay that's not bad uh scramble yup that is bad oh no that's really bad this is why you don't let them choose your uh police vehicle all right well we gotta roll with it hey folks guess what i just realized this one doesn't have a fuel tank uh scramble can big again we need to have something that at least run what is this what game am i a joke to you okay let's do it again uh oh no what do we get wait what is this oh no it's got fuel all right so this is what we have to use uh by the way it's already got a little light on it does it have it oh no it's got a siren all we need is a police skin oh dear all right police skins ready huh let's take off a second i think i'm stuck in the ground oh no what is this what is going on this is its speed oh we're so screwed you know we're gonna be lucky to get one point and i'm talking one legit point not some fluke where the ai crashes each other all right here we go three two one fleet oh jeez what how am i supposed to do this this this isn't even fair folks we can't even speed in this vehicle we're going 72 i'm pretty sure the speed limit's like what 75 here oh oh it's 70 oh no big time speeders here watch out um we might have to scratch this chase i can't do this in this car uh maybe we should have spawned in a couple small slow vehicles uh i wanted to make this hard han listen do we even hear lamborghinis anymore i hear popping they're definitely still driving but they're long gone okay you know what we're gonna let them continue to go here i've got to use a reset because i just don't have a really game am i a joke to you okay try it again uh come on can i at least get jado's on it no no i get training wheels and no front tire come on give me jado's at least give me jado's game uh no i get a trash can that's a feature uh they had nos on it okay this one's broken let's go to another one come on give me something i can use okay this isn't terrible if you get the right config on this [Music] uh-huh i mean technically it is a police car wait this thing sounds beefy hold on okay so we got a uh a limo police car do i have a siren on it no no siren on it i should probably fix that i mean this is faster this is actually quite a bit faster okay you know what let's change the fleece skin we're gonna work with this by the way the door hinge doesn't work i didn't know that was an optional part that could be like changed this thing is ridiculous all right so i can't put a light bar on this i'm assuming because it's in the limo config which by the way it's funny because i didn't have this config on any of the other random part videos and i was like let's just go ahead and put it in here just in case and look what i got i got the limo all right well we got some lamborghinis to hunt down oh lamborghinis where yet wait wait wait where are they at they're close you can hear them they're all crackling i it sounds like they passed under me oh no they weren't up on the highway were they hold on i'm so confused all right where are my lamborghinis at i've been searching around for i think probably 10 minutes i heard him again but it wasn't as close as the first time so i don't know what's happening like none of them have crashed so we know that's a thing but i i figured they would get separated but i feel like there's a chance they're running in a pack right wait wait i saw a flash of green oh dude there they are oh they're right there they're running in a pack what you got to be kidding me how am i supposed to keep up with them oh geez okay oh no why are they only taking the highways right now i can't give up with you guys but that's weird like i figured they would finally branch off and separate but no all of the lamborghinis are running in like a convoy right now so all i gotta do is catch the back i can hear him oh i think we're catching him here i don't think the ai's as fast in the tunnel oh you're telling me there's a chance oh that would be so cool okay come on come on come on okay gotta be careful in here oh dear oh dear we're catching the blue one oh it's getting tight oh man we're smoking the tires trying to turn oh they got a straight away here all right they're uh pulling us i need another slow corner i need to be able to just blow through the corner and just completely obliterate one of them okay the blue one's a little behind i feel like a shark we're uh stalking our prey right now come on come on come on little buddy oh we gotta run we gotta run dude we're gonna do it oh no they're pulling away a little bit okay it's gonna there's gonna be like a little bit of a curve here come on slow down this is bad oh no wait we're going into the city they've gotta slow down are they gonna actually split up here oh we got this we're gonna get a tape down here folks come on komodo can do it i just want a point that's all i want a single little point oh there's one there's two oh i want to take out the leader oh did we bust something come on i want to catch the others uh you know what i would say we count that as points but i haven't pinned anybody i just want to wreck them all no no no no come on turn there we go oh i need some more speed here i wonder if the ones are like following us now like the other two lamborghinis what the heck where did he you know what uh there's our takedown pin them we gotta pin em all right get em off here i think we're stuck together let's go one two three all right we did it we pinned a lamborghini holy man we got lucky there but yeah that was really odd they just stayed together look they're linking back up what um did i click something wrong on the ai i mean technically they did flee but i don't know it feels like it's really weird because they're following each other also what is this i see something down here why is there a tree down here that's weird anyways i think that's gonna wrap it up for this episode if you guys have any other ideas for the randomizer comment down below and we will see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,086,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, beamng random car race, random mod, randomize mod, beamng random mod, beamng random, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive car crashes, beamng mods, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng crash compilation, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, beamng.drive, beamng lamborghini, beamng lamborghini mod, beamng randomizer, beamng random parts, beamng mountain crashes, beamng mountain map, beamng random police
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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