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cops what are you doing oh no they're just sitting there oh [Music] what the f oh oh [Music] no hello youtube motogaming here bringing you guys another episode of beam and g drive and yes folks we are back once again and today's episode is going to be about speed so as you can see here we're on a little bit of an outdated map but it's perfect for this type of competition because we're in the salt flats here uh ignore the whole fact there's some orange out there some no texture it's gonna be fine also this is a little prettier than the uh the grid map so you're probably asking yourself well what kind of speed do you have here well we've got speed from the base game we've got mods we've got automation mods we've got ridiculous stuff and we have the batmobile because reasons so comment down below who do you think is going to be the fastest vehicle we might have to make some adjustments to these and i'm hoping to break i want to say the 400 mile per hour barrier here today which i do think it's possible with uh one or two of these so comment down below also while you're down there maybe hit that thumbs up button for some more beaming g drive and let's do this okay so this is gonna be our baseline vehicle this is a bolide it's a v12 version of it uh let's see what kind of speed we can get we can always add jado's and nos to this here we go three two one go all right this is about as tame as it's gonna be oh dear okay shift there's no real end point i mean i guess the mountain on the other side might be your end point but uh we'll see how fast we go and where we top out it's pretty much unlimited space out here okay we're up to the 150 area let's go ahead and go fifth gear so this one's geared out like this one takes a while to get up to full speed here it's really really stable so this is about as stable as they get i believe it's only gonna get a lot more ludicrous from here but it's not that impressive to be honest with you it could go faster so how about we uh we add some jado's to this and see if this is the speed we need like i want 400 plus but i want it to be controllable that's the big thing here and i think that's right around the range where the tires go pop so we'll see if we can get that okay gonna make some slight modifications here i'm going to only show this once this is still using the jado on anything mod so i'll go down to the license plate and universal jado and ram plow let's install those real quick and we're going to move these to i think the door mount it's gonna be the best option here oh those don't set on there very well do they uh this is fine okay we're ready to go three two one go oh okay 400 might be easy mode here dude this is stable oh there oh no we blew out the back tires that would be the scariest thing ever what did we get to like what was the exact miles per hour there i feel like we almost need to make another run that and i need a new change of pants uh okay let's do that again all right here we go boom all right watch our speed here we are up to 300 there okay there's four it's right after 400 so i'm going to say 405 here that is intense okay so this thing's going to move on to the next round we're going to keep this over to the side i want to see if there's maybe something i can do with the back tires uh to make them a little bit more or i should say less explodey so let's move on to our next vehicle we've got the uh the fan favorite the dodge viper this is the top speed version of it same rules apply we do have the dados if needed all right here we go boom we do also have the drag version of this uh oh dear oh the will spin that's ridiculous okay komodo just made a fool of himself let's try that again okay traction is not a thing with this let's short shift a little bit that way we can let it try to get some traction uh it's all about top speed it's not about getting there oh my okay we're good we're good hold on to it okay ease back in okay it's gonna take a second here what's this gonna be like with jado's also is the universal number 405 for the popping tires okay here we go looks like we're gonna get over 300 in this but uh question is what's gonna happen here come on look at this folks we're approaching the 400 oh don't stop here come on i need 400. oh 396. 97. uh oh we're gonna run out of salt flats here i don't think we are we're good okay that's gonna be four come on you're not gonna get stuck at 399 are you yep we are stuck oh wait no there's not how am i so stupid okay here we go three two one hit the nos the nos does nothing at the speed also we are coming to the end of the salt flat oh this isn't going to be pretty oh no it wore a missile you know could you imagine being there on the mountain having a family like picnic gathering and next thing you know a dodge viper comes missiling over you yeah that's the thing and we just fell into the map also missiling is not a word but i'm gonna use it all right let's put the jados on yeah there's a point in time where you have to ask yourself is this too much speed like maybe the bull wide is the best option because it's really stable all right here we go three two one go oh no wait why is it more stable with the uh jado's could it be the whole fact that it's pressing the old body down a little bit okay i didn't even read the miles per hour there also the back wing is all flappy uh let's try it again i know we got over 400 wait what the heck uh what is happening okay that was not good i think we over ripped slightly there it was a bad run by the way never let me uh have control of like the salt flats competition or the land speed stuff they do out here because that would be bad all right here we go oh we're shifting there we go look at that oh it's that was at least 410 to 420 so yeah that's kind of the mark where these tires are blowing out these back tires cannot take it okay well with the jados the viper handles better so i would say the viper is better than the bolide so let's move on to the lamborghini here we got the stock version of it it's a little actually a wide body version of it this thing is sweet looking all right we're ready to go boom there we go come on shift oh yeah feel the power there okay oh too much power wow we blew the motor at 180. uh okay that was not expected at all um we're gonna need some assistance here all right here we go lamborghini with the jado's i mean it's always nice seeing the speed without the jado's obviously the viper is winning right now at 3.99 but let's see what this does all right boom oh it's stable oh it's beautiful oh okay 400 oh dude that one went a little bit further i feel like also it's a missile now oh what's this mean what's why is it speeding up what is happening we are atop now uh you know it's a miracle it didn't explode completely like the driver is probably just dizzy right now all right let's watch that one more time i swear we were upwards of 420 here uh on look look look a little sideways there it's 420 close to 430 and once again it's like bmg's physics stopped there the tires just go all right so this is where we get into the little bit more ridiculous cars so i have to pull this up here uh that way you guys can see it this is an automation car so it kind of goes in its own category this is the stark e version two it's one of the most downloaded automation cards and it promises to be ridiculous also this thing sounds like a retro video game here we go three two one like it sounds like one of those old racing games like pole position or something and then it gets really really high pitch and it's kind of annoying but i don't care i want speed so i feel like this is going to easily break the 400. i almost feel like we shouldn't count this one dude what is happening i feel like i'm about to go to space whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the back wheels are wobbling really bad oh there it is okay it's 420 430 oh it blew up too that one didn't quite oh this is gonna hurt oh we're gonna take off oh this is gonna be bad okay all the extra doohickeys just blew off oh oh my so this one i believe was the fastest car its back wheels didn't explode its front wheel came off i lost the uh is it the left front of the right front okay that was really actually awesome i don't think i can mount anything to this though i think these automation cards do not have the uh do or do they have it no they don't actually have it i was trying to see if they had the license plate uh so we're definitely not gonna be able to mount the uh the jados to this but it is the fastest car so the next car we're doing is the vertex we actually checked this out we had a couple episodes on this last week uh this is the secret version of it and this is the perfect place to try to get this thing down this thing sounds really weird like the other one maybe not quite as weird uh see if we can do this also there is nos i don't know if there's a point to nos but we're doing it three two one go okay oh do the tires give up it's the question uh uh oh uh oh i don't know if the tires are gonna give up i think it's gonna take off like a plane oh man there it goes just 340 350 it's sliding a little bit come on baby okay manual gears there's 4 30 450 oh this is gonna be 500 there's the eighth gear but i think the eighth gear makes it lose speed so let's go seventh gear so 500 it's also starting to lose me look at this thing this thing is insane also the back tires are starting to get ginormous and it's shaking how's it not blown up also is the back wing growing a little bit is it starting to stretch out like i would swear it's doing that i wish there was a button to pop the back wing off you know do you think we can make a run without the back wing i feel like it might be impossible because that wing is helping a lot with down force oh no that was bad oh that was a big explosion what is happening nope uh i think we went through the map oh actually i don't know what's happening right now okay experiment time so we will put jado's on this but what i want to do can i rip this off how strong is the oh okay it comes right off there we go all right that's a little less drag can i get the brackets off okay the brackets pop right off i love the whole fact that you can do that in beam and g so we saw our top speed our top speed was like 500 can we get a higher top speed now with a little less drag i guess the uh the only bad thing is gonna be it's gonna probably be a little oh yeah it's a lot less stable okay come on come on you gotta ease into it oh no we're gonna miss that downforce oh yeah it's bad i can't even fully hit the gas yep there's a reason for the big old wing on the back of it oh no no no no no no it's virtually impossible to control now okay that just shows you how sophisticated like the aerodynamic system in bemidji is like what other game simulates arrow like that i mean i know a lot of the racing simulators do but you can rip off a wing or a spoiler in beam and g and you can actually see the effects right there which is amazing also we tore that thing up but i think we actually lived like the roll cage held up really really well okay you know we gotta do it we gotta go ahead and add oh it's already got a spot for jado dual jados really i like that okay they know what we're uh i know what we look for in vehicles here we go three two one go oh geez okay come on look at the speed look at the speed are we gonna we're gonna break 500. oh no it exploded [Music] wait why did the front tires give there they didn't give the first time also i feel like we're going really really fast right now those back tires are the size of like dragster tires uh what happens if we just try to turn and rip the e-brake nope i can't do anything with this thing uh okay hit the brakes actually there's no i mean the front brakes are probably gone uh the back brakes the rear brakes might still somewhat be there uh this thing is not slowing down i'm slamming these brakes are we gonna slow down by the time we get to the end here i think we are on i think we can scrub off a little bit of speed here oh man so there's something about the jado's that's just setting off the uh the tires you know what's weird is the tires don't even seem like they're touching half the time okay there it is yeah it pops you know that is something i did not think was gonna be like something that would happen you know i think that's a unexpected result you would think that the jado would always be faster but sometimes the tires just can't take it so i guess raw speed or i don't want to call it roll speed there's something wrong with this car but the speed of this car it doesn't need the jados okay so that was something so we've got another one i just wanted to spawn this in this is one of the coolest automation cars ever and i'm totally gonna spawn in a couple police cars run them over here in a second but let's see what the uh the batmobile's got this is a tumbler from the dark knight so here we go three two one go oh of course it makes no sound i mean i don't expect this thing to be like super fast but i just expect it to be really cool oh what is wrong with this thing okay this thing has no grip uh how is batman supposed to get around in this thing oh no there's no grip at all in this okay up i mean i really wish we could put a jado on it but i know that's not a thing i mean it's got a built-in rocket in the back it just doesn't actually activate uh what does this thing do to uh vehicles home we gotta run some cars over here so i would say overall the secret vehicle even though it's heavily modified is probably the best here without the jados uh the viper is also great at its top speed now as far as stability the bow light i think is probably the most stable but of course it isn't the fastest so this is kind of a weird payoff here i'd love to do some more fast vehicles here in the future but we've got a little bit of business at hand we've totally got to run over these cars with the batmobile so go ahead does it drive over them or oh could you imagine if you're watching the dark knight and you have one of those epic car chases and as soon as batman hits something the front wheels just fold and it's just over that's it uh okay so front wheels do not like to run into things i don't think yep i mean it'll roll over but this automation version while impressive as it is does not have the crushing power i don't feel uh that the actual batmobile has now if we can get an actual batmobile mod in bng that would be cool man i still feel like this thing might be fast enough to get down haunt let's try it one more time come on come on come on what is this thing good at i mean it's good at looking cool and it drives pretty fast it does like to land on its wheels i notice that uh oh except for when it's wheels break all right so we're gonna have a little bit of a police chase to end this off with so i'm gonna spawn in as many cops as possible and i'm gonna have them chase uh the batmobile yeah i guess the objective isn't to try to outrun him because yeah that's just not gonna happen i feel like this thing's got too much speed but then it loses control so we have to outsmart them maybe crash them into each other watch i mean it's beaming gai and that shouldn't be too hard and by the way we're gonna spawn in a ton of these things they're probably gonna crash each other on the start uh that's not the site you wanna see behind you okay so let's stop right here we're gonna go ai and chase me oh here they come oh that looks incredible wait they're actually holding their lanes i thought they would all converge on each other and run through each other oh hey you know the batmobile is actually pretty controllable once you kind of slowly ease into it oh okay past about 120 is where it starts to get a little bit loose all right let's make them turn here they're going to turn with me oh they're going to overshoot me what the it's like they know where to go here they're actually going for like a land speed oh they're starting to slow down okay so the batmobile is going to come up behind them as soon as it spins out here this is fine and uh we're going to chase these bad boys down all right we're catching the cops i really wish we had a missile or something oh uh oh okay he's in you know they don't even chase you on this map they actually take a path along the salt flat which i guess uh you could run some fast ai out here okay come on mr cop oh i'm gonna lose control before i get there i got this come on we gotta blow up a couple police i wish there was missiles on this like i could really use a gun or a missile uh okay get it beside them on i got that one up there i'm gonna take out and here we go there we go okay the batmobile instantly broke that was probably not a good idea that was that was bad okay i know what to do now so the batmobile is cool also i figured out another cool thing about the batmobile like what it's really good at look at this it can do really really awesome donuts and then flip over and break dance so it's like a big monster truck but one thing i do want to do we're gonna cause a massive pileup so there is one more version of the uh the vertex that i do want to get out real quick and it's actually one we didn't play with so this episode has been all about speed and we have another one this is a ram plow with jado's this is called the god mode obviously you can see why it also has like is that drag tires on the front i don't know what's going on but what we're going to do we're going to spawn those cops back in and we're going to hit them head on you know now that i think about this did we spawn in one of these i think we spawned in something with the ram plow maybe it was this version of it i could swear it didn't have the jado's on it okay so we are in position here let's turn around and uh we're gonna send a cop to the moon here so we're ready to go all right the cops are on the way here it is and we got the speed oh no this is gonna be bad hey looking for a cop oh this is gonna be really bad we're lifting up a little bit by the way hopefully this thing doesn't take off okay cops are over there where are they at wait where'd they go did they stop moving wait cops what are you doing oh no they're just sitting there oh [Music] what the wait what just happened did the cop just explode i don't think i've ever seen a vehicle explode that's the cop car i almost would love to see just a static camera like right here and see what that looked like that was incredible i want to do that again also oh i was about to say there's minimal damage to the ram plow but yep that's a thing all right here we come different angle and we're gonna pause it here so we're gonna see what this looks like you ready to watch a cop car disappear here we go three two one no oh that was ridiculous wow look at the damage the roof is now in the floorboard oh we got another one wait oh maybe it was one of the ones from the last uh hit where did the uh where the rocket car end up oh it's over here you know it's amazing how little damage it's got is that why it's called the god mode i don't know but anyways uh we got some really fun little uh top speed runs in here today and some destruction let me know what you guys want to see next in bemidji we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 376,435
Rating: 4.9449391 out of 5
Keywords: lambo, lamborghini, lamborghini aventador, lamborghini police chase, police chase, high speed chase, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive police chase, beamng crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, camodo gaming beamng, beamng drive mods, beamng lamborghini, beamng lamborghini crashes, beamng lamborghini police, batmobile, batmobile cyberpunk, batmobile beamng, beamng drive batmobile
Id: YvIoWtIEZ54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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