RAMP CAR POLICE CHASES & CRASHES! - BeamNG Gameplay & Crashes - Cop Escape

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there we go will we actually jump the ramp car nobody knows oh yes that is beautiful that is beautiful our that is totally gonna work for police chases [Music] hello YouTube moto gaming here Bri you guys another episode up beamng drivin yes folks we are back once again and today we are back with some more police pursuits so today we are gonna be starting off with me being the cop you guys seem to love these style of chases so I'm gonna be the cop here and we have three suspects that we're gonna need to chase around now by the way you're probably asking yourself which map is this Komodo well this is polish or Poland roads it just got updated I think it's actually a fairly new map and I must say this is one of the most diverse maps I've seen in beamng it's got like kind of a coastal area it's got tons of towns in here bridges train tracks some off-road portions very cool stuff I'll link it down in the description now as for part 2 I am late to the party by probably over a year but we do have a ramp car that we're gonna test out and we're gonna actually run it in a different map on the highway and try to crash some police cars with it because it looks absolutely amazing but first we're gonna jump into this pursuit now if you guys have any suggestions for pursuits here in beamng comment below and if you're enjoying beamng on the channel be sure to hit that thumbs up button it helps up my channel also by the way I accidentally released my other beamng the other day in the morning and typically my morning videos don't do well so if you missed the last episode which was monster trucks it'll be in the top right corner so anyways I try to keep this as non-american as possible besides the the road placement here but I think we're ready to go it's going to turn on our lights and oh these have the European sirens on them uh and no offense to those I just that sound kind of gets me a little bit but anyways we're ready to go three cars here let's go ahead and set them to fully oh oh where you going what are you doing oh they know to go to the right side of the road what what's he doing okay Who am I okay you know we're tasting the black car first all right so what's going going for suit oh those are some train tracks Boop uh-huh oh boy I am not familiar with this map at all it's nice and glossy though it looks like it just rained on the road and this is cool oh this is gonna be some high-speed pursuits here oh this route is bumpy alright so we got two suspects here got the red car we got a black car in front of us I actually know I did how I couldn't turn there oh no no no no oh I came in okay I can reset there I'm gonna get myself a little uh we'll call it a penalty here slow down slow down man I don't think I've ever lost it that soon in a pursuit that's actually quite embarrassing now I've got to go find the suspects oh I saw one hon do we have time alright let's swing it around here come on all right there's one suspect going down this way it's in a black car don't know where the red car went he could still possibly be in front of them they might be hopping on the highway I forgot to mention there's a huge bridge up here and actually you can only go one way can't you okay a bit lost were in a construction zone right now alright they've got to be around here somewheres boy I can't believe we lost it like that it just went and turned I mean it actually felt like a slick road you just slid right off it oh we've caught up at the black car he's actually going quite slow I don't wonder if he's sustained maybe some damage or maybe he's just not fast on this road I love how diverse the road is though like there's potholes there's bumps like it is not perfectly smooth at all it's actually quite awesome all right so we're behind our suspect here what are the procedures I know Mike kind of that some of the American procedures as far as taking down suspects and pitting are they the same like say in Poland can I just run into them or how do we need to do this let's stay behind imma stay close to see if we can make him oh oh there's the mistake I was looking for oh come on trees trees trees oh oh he ate it I I want to say we have a suspect down here oh boy oh that was a tree oh that was right to the driver door wait is that the driver door yeah it is okay alright so one suspect is confirmed down we have oh this is a big map we're gonna go track down the red car all right so my police investigation skills say that the red car was slower than the black car and the black car was by itself there so I'm assuming the red car actually turned around back here we're gonna go silent for a little bit and see if we can track it down okay so we need to look for skid marks anything oh this road texture is gorgeous is there any skid marks on the road though doesn't look like it so we should be able to see some I don't weren't they adapt they'll go off those dirt roads I don't know there was a split off back here somewheres that I think maybe the red car could have taken that turn oh no that's a dirt road we got a bit of searching to do wait wait is that a car is that a car what is that is that a car oh we got a car our suspect is down we got a crash up here on wait oh you are kidding me what are the odds of that please somebody tell me what are the odds of my two remaining suspects crashing into eat they had have crashed into each other yeah look at the frontal damage you're kidding me my two suspects two had a oh that is wait where's the starting point the starting point is right over by those red buildings there they came around I wonder how long they've been crashed oh man that is that's absolutely insane I don't think I've ever seen that so yeah the two suspects must have been coming from opposite directions because the head-on collision here and they found each other and ones in a ditch and ones on the road I was not expecting that to be the end of the chase there I was expecting to find somebody just not in this way you know I feel like we needed to do one more chase with just a single car that we would explore the map a little bit more there so we didn't get a fair shake all right I got one more chase here pretty similar cars should be similar speeds let's go ahead and go flee all right here we go one more police chasing we'll go over and play with the ramp car but yeah I just wanna explore this map some more all right here we go got it oh yeah they got some speed I love these roads this would be a really really good rally map like these roads here oh that's a rally dream right there and then the obstacles like the wall here on the left side and right side some good stuff I noticed this car understeers quite a bit so if you're going too fast in the corner it just typically what the front end takes off it's uh you have to be pretty careful I thought the road was slick earlier and I think I just really really misjudged the corner our suspect seems to be slowing up here maybe possibly turning now we're passing by a garage all those bumps are killer all right buddy I'm gonna need you to pull over he might lose it in one of these fields here's kick clothes we're gonna put the pressure on him I try to force him into a mistake here Oh train tracks try drugs all right keep it keep it keep it okay we're good we're good come on get back on the road I can't believe the car's still good after that oh oh we got some catching up to do oh the car is not good the car has a pool to the left all right suspect I don't need you to slow down a little bit the police all this is a wide-open road he's all in the mail if he screws up he's dead if I screw up I'm probably dead too so oh oh he slowed up there we go we might have to take him down fast here oh I felt I'm losing speed something bust it man oh the right fronts busted a little bit but come on don't turn right dude I can hardly turn right I need you to turn left if you're gonna turn okay here we are we're back with the suspect come on buddy pull over I might need to give him a little nudge here what's he doing he's hitting the brakes okay so we're still going on the outer loop here all right we're gonna mow we'll take him a little nudge here spin okay can we pin him that's me hard to pin him I don't have anything to pin him against I don't have any other units to help me all right here we go pass by the gas station that was a risky move for a cop I just completely cut the corner there Oh is he stuck oh let's get behind him Panem hope we popped his trunk open is that a pen yeah I kind of I might have cut the corner a little bit there I kind of shot the gap I realized I was carrying too much speed for this left-hander and I was like you know what we're gonna hit the grass here and see what happens and yeah we stopped him suspect is confirmed down oh yeah he's spinning those tires as cool map a little laggy in certain parts but it is a very very detailed map actually how do you get up on this highway or is that even a highway such as a huge bridge is a huge bridge so yeah I know how to get up here well where does that go does that take us somewhere it just dumps us off I think let's say it might be a decent spot for a chase could you imagine flying off the bridge yeah it's just a actually I think it's like the midpoint of the map basically oh yeah that's what it looks like so I just kind of cut you there and spits you back out on the other side sweet all right let's go get the ramp car all right here we are we have the ramp car and yes this is and the ramp car from GTA now I was curious and I didn't know if this existed in the game I was looking for cars that basically had ramps on him I was thinking like a truck or something that way we can have like a mobile ramp now we are gonna do a police chase with this and I want to see how effective this thing is one thing I'm assuming an update broke the sound so you really don't have any engine sounds with this thing at the moment but nonetheless still pretty cool little car I just want to see if it actually works and is it strong enough to withstand like a ton of police cars hitting it but first things first we're gonna jump this thing and see if the ramp works okay so we're gonna place it there alright so we have a Barstow here let's go ahead and get this thing rolling need a bit of our over run up for this so let's go ahead and whip this thing around here alright so there's a ramp car let's go ahead and light them up here go alright so it might roll back I don't know it depends on how good the parking brake is on the ramp car there we go will we actually jump the ramp car nobody knows oh yes that is beautiful that is beautiful our that is totally gonna work for police chases actually that's a really useful car for putting a ramp I know you can spawn in a ramp in the editor but like just quickly moving a ramp around man maybe we should start to try to jump some stuff alright so one more questions this thing does it have a damage model it's sustained zero damage so if I go huh oh it's got a damage model it just oh it's dragging now it's a little fluffy not too much so we should actually be able to take these hits all right so I'm gonna start back here let me set up some cops and we'll get the chases on boy we are ready to go here in the ramp car I'm actually really excited for this one so I've got unit spread all over the city deep in downtown I've got about three or four on the highway and kind of the outer ring I've got several set up there so this is gonna be pretty epic I'm ready to have them chase me alright there we go they are in pursuit oh it's so odd not having engine noise okay it's fine though you can hear the wind now the calming relaxing win or maybe it's like electric maybe that's what it is it's an electric car oh this thing's a little hard to keep control of in high speed oh here we go comes our first car oh no oh so okay so the ramp car you don't want to take too many of those hits oh I got flat tires now oh geez oh no I'm gonna let that one blow bah those things hard to drive with flats that actually did a decent bit of damage to the front of this car alright here comes another unit we're gonna hit this one oh no oh watched up on the fence oh that's not good oh yeah this okay this vehicle does actually take quite a bit of damage it is not like the ramble oh oh no there's cops coming oh no I said helpless in my ramp car what are they gonna do hun I could probably just sit here this is fine this is perfectly fine okay so this is not yeah definitely like the RAM plow you have to somewhat avoid people that is amazing wow that's cool-looking alright I think we need to reset here all right so we're rolling again with the RAM car so no you don't want to take the hits directly it's like a mulligan like you get one or two direct hits to the front of this car and you're good but anything more you don't want to do that so we want to go we're actually gonna be dodging cars here like we're doing a full-blown pursuit this thing is so fast actually you know it's not really fast it's it sways the back end does not feel like it's actually like it's touching the ground basically feels like the back tires are on ice right now all right so let's keep moving we've passed three units so far we need to get into downtown oh no no okay we didn't need the wing anyways it's fine novalee oh we have a crashed unit up here look at that oh man how the heck did you do that buddy alright so let's get up on the exit ramp here let's go oh no no no the grass oh you know what it is I think this thing's bottoming out we're skidding against the ground that's what's making it so unpredictable as far as the movements yeah look at the smart source marks coming up from it alright we clear oh there are units coming up the highway all right we need to get moving in a downtown real quick oh man can we like pump the front tire pressures up or maybe raise the suspension or something oh boy this feels like a dump truck you know speaking of dump trucks we've also just get that thing out to man okay yeah it's worse on roads with like curves and little bumps and stuff because it really picks that front nose up I almost want to just stay on the highways alright let's get in the downtown hit the brakes the brakes don't even work on this when you hit the brakes it sets the front end down it goes straight this is an awkward car to drive I liked the the idea of it it's awesome seeing a ramp but yeah it is a pool boy I might even get stuck on a curb like there's no gap to it in the ground all right I brush it is weird all Mike offset oh I hear one where's he at I must been above us it feels like a ghost town like seriously did I do all my units somehow but it's gone maybe it's just so effect I don't have a motor sound but this is this is crazy where is everybody how am I set here for sick wait no what am i hearing am i hearing anything what is going on okay so we're gonna go wait let a unit back there oh we might finally have a unit this has been an odd oh there's another one hey buddy I feel like we need to hit somebody here oh yes see that worked fine oh we launched him and flipped oh wait this is a Calvary here oh my there's all these cops coming from no okay I gotta get moving here oh no no no you guys are not pinning me all right let's go oh boy you know when it pours it rains I was asking for one cop and all of a sudden like five of them show up okay all right there's no line you have to completely stop to get the same to turn because of the front end going down the way it does okay we're gonna wrap around those cops real quick and we're gonna give them a piece of our mind actually sing uh sing get any air okay don't crash okay it's the brakes brakes brakes this is where we just worked with all those cops we're the it okay have they circled around oh here we go on can we get this ain't at least whip around there we go you're eating up nope nope not you I'm going for you buddy oh no no no that broke a wheel that broke a wheel oh well here all the cops can okay we need to get moving oh you thought the front end was gonna drag bad in the first place it's really gonna drag bad now because I don't have a right front oh no no no no no no that's not good well we know it launches people not quite as good as the Rambla but it is a pretty awesome car I feel like this Chase is about to end though keep it going keep your foot in it come on I need to escape to the hills or something where take a left here should go downhill oh no turn I'm okay oh no no no I think wow this is like one of the first times I believe I've actually been stopped in the police pursuits like in this manner I actually just got pinned by the cops and beamng even though he's trying to kill me right now by keeping his foot - gasps what in the heck you know with the way that thing handles I think we're gonna pull the dump truck out and do one last chase here all right so the rain plow feels about like this vehicle here so this is a little bit laggy I might have too many things spawned in this uh this truck probably takes quite a bit here as far as the power here we go we're rolling we'll have to do this in slo-mo we're gonna have those cops come directly at us here oh I see one what is gonna happen here you have no choice you know I remember there was a high powered one of these let's go and slow us down I see look how much smoother it looks in slow-mo that's just cause of the slowed down frame rate oh boy it is over cop actually there is a very oh he's slamming on the brakes he knows he screwed up he knows it's Oh Oh Oh we just need to use this to smash vehicles we don't even need police chases we can just use this thing all right let's go full speed up got a little cop stuck in the tires there here comes another victim and oh oh oh man the head is so brutal always gonna get hit by the back tires too well if the first set of tires didn't do a man that one definitely is wow that is a flat cop car Oh the frame rates killer right now with all these cops gone wow you know I think of chase with this thing would be pretty impossible here because of that I think we have hit the bridge all right let's back up all right looks like we got one more taker here what's he doing he's gonna try to swing around is he on his brakes I think you might be trying to avoid his buddy there oh he knows this isn't gonna work oh man but oh here comes more somebody's gonna hit that ladder that's gonna hurt a lot actually really are you guys that stupid beamng cops won't speed it up and yeah they just caused a pileup on the ramp here yeah like that yeah that's that's intelligent well if you guys have any ideas for the big truck here maybe some more chases we can't do police escape with this because honestly the frame rate when not in slow-mo is absolutely terrible because of the amount of cars and this big thing spawned in the map but overall had some fun here today like I said I will link that in the description for the the Polish map the GTA ramp car I'll also link that it does seem like it's a little busted with the sound but doesn't drive the greatest but it does cause quite a bit of chaos but anyways I think you guys for all the love and support on the beamng Drive series I think I'm gonna do some more races coming up soon I think we're gonna get some more multiplayer together so I'll have a bunch of cool things coming up for you guys but yeah thank you guys for watching and we will see you guys next time in beamng [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,226,748
Rating: 4.8910351 out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng ramp car chase, beamng gta, beamng ramp car, beamng drive car crashes, beamng polish map, beamng cop chases, beamng update, beamng police escape, beamng police mod, beamng mods, beamng police chase, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng biggest crashes, beamng crash compilation, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, pc game
Id: IzZWy1iHfwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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