Grey Box Testing play through

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[Music] hello you're probably a little confused but don't worry not dead and you're not in trouble actually the opposite we are recruiting you based on this huge list of bugs that you exploited I'm guessing you've probably already figured out that you have been living in a simulated reality what you're in right now is a testing environment okay not because we are testing you but we want you to help tests what we've built so I guess I'll let you get to it try to find some bugs break stuff do what you got to do [Music] so have you ever played that game portal yes it's kind of like that just look at the cube and click on it to pick it up and then you can click again to drop it I would suggest maybe dropping it like on some round [Music] Oh my name is G by the way you can call me mr. G you're just just she's fine let me know if you have any questions I'm here to guide you through the testing environment I'll help you out if you get stuck let's see what you can do in this next cell [Music] [Music] notice you can pick up a cube and you can also jump off the cube I don't know maybe if you tried see what would happen if you maybe do both overtime I know you're probably wondering is it like a matrix type of thing where you're a real person but you're in some sort of like virtual reality world it's not like that you are actually a computer program - so sorry about that [Music] [Music] and just letting you know I'm not saying that this is gonna be a useful thing for like this level or anything but you can press the e key or the P key or the Escape key to pause the game so just letting you know in case you need to take a break or something not that it has anything at all to do with the gameplay or anything like that I mean the testing [Music] I'm just looking at this list of exploits you found in your universe infinite money nice what does spatial repositioning [Music] [Music] oh you want to know some things about me all thanks for asking I'm a computer program just like you but I didn't grow up any universe like yours I was just to run you through these tests I mean guide you through your testing our stuff [Music] I can't think of anything else nothing can you can you on please [Music] [Music] Wow I gotta say I'm really impressed so far found a lot of bugs that we just did not see with ease fixed and we'll get paid yeah you'll get paid and yeah you'll get to go back to your universe you know yeah yeah you already had infinite money I know that so I guess we could offer you vacations to other universe that's a perk it's a perk with this job you get to go to other universes that's cool young figure out that exploit happy you can hang out with me now we can outside of work I know is like a I got a work relationship here like now we don't have that if you want to we can [Music] but can you continue on you're almost done you're almost done with work it's worth today as I'm on I get to go watch I don't get to go home I don't have a home I'm just this program in your bed [Music] Wow excellent excellent job great job great job you finished the game ending yeah there's gotta be some kind of ending here big reveal okay ready here's here's the big reveal you're not real and you are a simulated thing living in a simulated way you already knew that didn't you yeah and every game means a good ending right this is just a game jam game so I guess we all really need a great ending so yeah oh here's an idea we are not letting you go back to your universe and we're terminating your program how's that for an ending yeah that's a pretty obvious ending well yeah there's no more to the game you can quit now thanks for playing this was a lot of fun to make shout out to Jonas for hosting this game jam and wish list we'll use snail on Steam see uh I am done recording these voice lines Island recorded like Tanner twelve oh yeah I'm never gonna do like 600 or something in a week that's not something I would ever do yeah I don't think anyone would even consider doing that after they record like after you record five or six your voice starts hurting you're like I can't do this anymore yeah see [Music]
Channel: Luner Link
Views: 367,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K2hmLqq6u30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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