I Made A Bad Choice...Broken Axle

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hold up everyone stop everyone stop so we got a call for a jeep that has a broken axle it's on the fault line Trail so we're going to head out here in the wrecker see if we can get it scooped up we got Colin with the weather it is a cool crisp 52 is that what it is I don't know actually but it's a nice Clear Day couple clouds it's going to be an awesome day we got Tom Kobe and Jake behind us and what's left of the Tang we are riding behind Matt in the Tangerine we're going into Warner Valley which is huge so I have really no idea if we're going like just a minute in or like this is going to be an hourong drive but we'll follow the record and see what happens hey it's a good day to go down here on the road we got the whole crew with us even the dogs I got my Tangerine windbreaker on because we don't have a windshield I'm realizing it would have been a good day to bring the glasses I think we're going to get them out all right this is the beginning of the Fall Line Trail the pen he dropped me has him up on top of [Music] this um it doesn't look like you're working too hard no this little Hummer's crushing it okay it's easy going from here on out so I used to be a real estate appraiser trainer and I used to take my appraiser trainees that they brought me from all over the country country up that trail right there and it looks a lot sketchier than it really is in real life so all of them would freak out I had one guy from New York City he was just like oh I've never done anything like this in my life it is a cool cool [Music] Trail I really like driving the Tangerine because I don't worry about what's going to happen to it cuz what can happen to it that hasn't already happened to it I see people y i see the Jeep it's up there how did you get up there uh did they just drive up these rocks I don't know see any TI marks not seeing any right here right here let's walk up there and look yeah this is the trail right here marks oh wow we can either come straight up here or up this way so both axles are sliding out yeah we snaap that one and then they drug it sideways to pull this out and realize that that one was coming out too so so we got to get this up and strap those in so that we have brakes so I've just got to get backed up right here and pick this up and then we've got to drag this off both are coming out so are these retained by c clips and you lost both assume they are yeah it's just that's a day 35 it's just a day in 35 yeah last climb right there yeah we came up we came up from over that side no down through here and around so Matt wants to bring the Tangerine up here so that we can strap it in the back and when we're going down something steep we can use it to help with the braking so we're going to follow him up [Music] here [Music] right there that looks good get turn around and nose into it no okay since this vehicle is not outfitted for off-road recovery yet we're going to be putting a soft shackle right around right there and then we'll put another soft shackle right there we need to build a bumper don't we yeah how Strong's your back bumper I don't know oh my goodness I don't know either it's got some welds on it that we broke last week when we dropped when he's dropping off things it's already punching into his body so we're going to have to grab under here yeah so these are going to go around the axle let's go outside the spring under the brake line under yeah that way well at least on my side how does yours look getting under is going to be tough but that would probably be better this one's all bent to pieces this one's not there it is all right this bumper still might Flex a little when you it it'll Flex a little but that it is what it is better than leaving it here better than ripping ripping it off so we'll put these inside here so when I tighten these up just make sure they rest nice okay Tom I'm going to want you now putting pressure on the front yeah okay okay Tom's going to be your brakes for a minute till we get these I got to back up quite a bit before that's going to do anything okay okay right there hold it okay don't T the brakes start this thing up and then let's take it out of four-wheel drive so we got to put it in two high okay that should be too high right there all right I'm going to pick you up now the exhaust pipe is on the strap you can only turn it on when you need to steer so we're got to get this thing this way so go ahead and start it and turn to the left okay turn it off for a second put that in park and come back let's try to put these back in what's coming out break Parts brake parts like I think you're losing the shoe yeah oh yeah up up top here yeah that's not going to go in you want to just do we have a strap we could just hold them so they don't come out no they're not going to come out you don't think those B are way loose okay this one is back in yeah yeah I'd like to get both of them in and tie them together okay this one's going to have to come back out a little bit that top shoe is got to good oh it's bent let's get that hammer wow is that clearing maybe yeah it looks like it should slip [Music] on oh it's slipping on yeah it's like it's like halfway it needs to come like another we come put put some pressure on this well a little bit more but it's not all the way if we could hold it there now with a strap try and strap it in somehow yeah prob you're going to try and lift these really high so they don't ever bump and try to roll yeah they don't have a strap that's the problem if he bro if he hit the brakes now I don't know what would happen back here hit the brakes gently we got brakes no pump him he's lost a bunch of fluid back here this cylinder's leaking okay it's already over there's not going to be brakes there's no brakes okay well you're the brakes I'm following close so four four low low brakes lots of brakes okay tell me how you're getting out of here the same exact way that I came in same way you came in they came a different way might and it was supposed to be rated a three or four oh let's just go out that way then straight better than crooked that's going to be the easiest way out so this is going all the way to the water tanks yeah which is not as far as it seems Seems far I need the camera guys to tell me whether I'm booming up or moving down or what I need to do okay okay I'm ready we're going off this fin you're good you're looking good I going to make it cut the other way a little bit hold up everyone stop everyone stop axle's falling out Axel was falling out quite literally can you set the parking brake have any r or anything we canra that that did it man this is gnarly yeah it is we got some more gar to get through right here here but we'll do [Music] it Tom you're about to drop don't worry [Music] come forward a little bit he's on the Rock he's dropping now we're good okay now this axle's falling out C back up a little all right turn it off Colin right there all right that'll keep it from falling out too far yeah this will keep it from falling out completely I think yeah okay this is gnarly we should have gone the other way holy smokes came down I thought we were on the recommended path so you guys didn't come from this way we came down right behind oh you got it spun around yeah we came in okay oh my goodness oh man we can do this we've just got to take it slow Colin's going to have to work to keep his nose out of there and he's going to have to kind of steer uphill and even if it slides down it it won't it shouldn't but he's just got to be uphill I can go down this a million different ways this can only go down at one way okay I don't want to ride this wall though yeah you want to be in it yeah so how am I doing you're you're perfect you're [Music] in you're dropping in right [Music] now I just need to keep coming and looking at this this tire just touched down which is our problem right now it's not a problem I can pick I can pick it up there's all kinds of controls that can get us out of all kinds of problems I like the where this tire is I like where that tire is everything's looking really good looking good he's clear good yeah we're we're down we're down [Music] you you're good are you door you're looking good Tom keep on that line good okay keep coming we're good it's looking good Tom you're going to drop the back off here soon you're going to drop off here soon keep going you're down Tom's [Music] good you're going to come off this pretty hard slow Tom [Music] okay that's good that's good we got to disconnect from all this we made it down we did that was nuts so I think once I get up to the Hall Road I don't need any breaking so and at that point you can turn around and go get the rest of the stuff meet us at the water tanks okay that should ride okay I'll follow you the worst is behind us but the rest is still in front of us okay I'm going to take it [Music] [Applause] [Music] easy through this [Music] D [Music] unhooked we're going to send this whole crew back the way we came in to get blue steel and the roll back and we're going to head to the water tanks and then we're going to meet him there and do some other [Music] things that road took us right back to our truck where we need to be so we loaded up the tangerine and Jake's taking the roll back we're going to go meet up with Matt right now at the water tanks all right so we are here at the Rendevous Point not exactly the Rendevous point we told them the water tanks but we are going to cut them off at the past just cuz it's easier so we're waiting for them how are the good dogs doing they had a pretty good run today don't worry they've had plenty of water in fact they're still wet from being in the water how was the ride Colin he gave it a thumbs [Music] [Music] up yeah they don't shrink so Jake's going to take you to Sand Mountain Offroad and that'll be that thank you guys so much thank you very much appreciate it you guys are awesome we made that a lot harder than it should have been and for that I apologize but it was a learning experience for us all I thought it was a good time thanks for watching you know how to get back Jak he gave you the directions not me I don't know where I'm going uh do you guys know where we go no nope
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 732,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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