I Made A $170 Fruit Sandwich

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hey guys it's Inca I am still here at tasty Japan today I'm gonna be doing something that I think is super interesting Japan I feel like is really famous for a lot of different sandwiches something that's become really popular is this sandwich that I've actually seen in convenience stores and supermarket through whipped cream and then like really fluffy milk bread can't really go wrong with it I also know that Japan is really well known for having really expensive food people are putting more care into growing them developing them the whole process is something that involves a lot of attention and detail I have a stock where I would find some of these expensive fruits and then make them into these popular fruit sandwiches that we've been seeing everywhere foods in Japan are also just amazing I was at the store and there was just so many things to choose from chill whole grapes Muscat grapes strawberries oranges melons I ended up buying a little more than I should have ten of these are the fruits that I bought how much was this this is like almost like a hundred seventy one hundred eighty dollars worth of food so first off these are what I thought were oranges but I guess there are more like tangerines meat cup up minute mica mica mica they were a thousand three hundred and fifty yen I think that's a route around like twelve dollars for seven oranges which is not bad we're starting off at it and an okay price these are whoa whoa whoa there you go look at that strawberries look at how red and big and just like fresh they look this is called Ichigo in Japanese Hunley confirming with everybody behind camera and this was 2160 yen which is around twenty dollars I would say it cost okay I know Costco is not a good comparison but at Costco you can get like a whole box of strawberries for like five dollars third one already this is Muscat grapes should I take the plastic off I'm like I almost don't want to touch the grapes this is really expensive look at these boxes like this looks like huge iPhone box I'm like so excited but I also have to be slow and that combination just doesn't work for me there we go holy crap this looks like grapes from Getty Images you know like stock image grapes cuz they're so perfect oh my god I just want to eat one can I eat one right now nobody would care right no I shouldn't I'm gonna wait these are also in season right now apparently so I bet they're gonna be amazing okay grapes very exciting wait is this just called Muscat grapes and Japanese Muscat Moscato Muscat them Moscato musk the more I say it the worse it sounds so he's our 5400 yen are there even fifty grapes here we're looking at two dollars per great putting that back in its little cushion and then this one oh look at this even has a lot of gold sticker so shiny [Music] Wow perfect melon I've ever seen this melon is our most expensive out of all the fruits it was eight thousand six hundred and forty yen which is around eighty bucks that's a really really expensive melon but look at the pattern on this melon if there was like America's Next Top Model for fruit this is like the winner right here then you take it out or should I I'm gonna drop it my hands are also shaking Wow it even has a little Bowl can also just talk about how they like trimmed this perfectly to eighty dollars I hope it means it's really really sweet so now let me reset the table and get ready to make some super gourmet sandwiches we're just gonna crimp all the fruits cut this up into bite-sized pieces and then we're ready to go into this sandwich segment let's get started heal all the leaves off hey I did it that wasn't too bad that's one okay that's the only ruin this strawberry that means I can eat it right oh my god holy crap that's so sweet oh my goodness there's like a tartness there it's like when you eat a lemon tart and it's like tart and sweet at the same time what out oh yeah me did it I said I did it and then it broke oh we're just going to try to clean off these little fibrous bits this is commercial level tangerine it's like a little cocoon of juice oh that's sweet whoa this is how you get your kid's vitamin C they're gonna either not stop look at this cross-section so good oh really I'm eating melon candy I keep on saying candy candy doesn't even do it justice likes a candy cuz it's so sweet but it's not the artificial sweetness it's like it like the sugar of nature think of like a really good Honey Crisp apple in the fall pick it off the tree and you eat it that first bite that sweetness but times 100 that's what we're talking here now for grapes peel its skin off my mom used to do this for me as a kid great you know somebody loves you when they peel fruit free all right here we have our beautiful tray of pachinko chain fruits very very catching catching so now all we got to do is get the whipping cream get the bread ready and we're ready to finally make the sandwiches well over here we have everything we need I believe we have the beautiful fruit we have the whipped cream beautiful whipped cream that Gabi made painfully in the back kitchen we put in sugar vanilla essence and teeny a little bit of rum just to make it a little more gourmet we're using really expensive fruits here so of course I had to buy good bread so I went to the bakery this morning to buy some choke up on fluffy milk bread these just came out of the oven so I'm super excited about them they're so fluffy so we're just going to lightly cover this up with some whipped cream alright now that we have cream on both sides we are going to put in our food so I plan on cutting it diagonally so I'm going to put the fruits in like so tangerine we're gonna put a grape okay here's we go the grape oh okay and then we're gonna put emmalin-- damn okay gonna go heavy on the melon cuz you know why cuz it's the most expensive this is an expensive sandwich so it's now we're gonna cover it oh my god this is please don't just fall on it okay all right here we go oh boy okay first sandwich because you kind of want it to stabilize so we're gonna do is actually saran wrap this saran wrap it's not my friend tightly I need another tray hold on because you kind of really want this to press down together so I'm gonna actually cover this with another tray to help squish it down chill it in the fridge for half an hour to an hour and then we'll see what it looks like but okay it has been half an hour where's my knife it is now time for the final reveal okay honestly it looks the same but haha okay you want to make sure you're actually cutting it the right way we're gonna trim off the sides please don't mess up please don't mess up oh my god I'm squishing the bread last one almost there Oh Oh God no we we we we we we we we yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I should not have done that know what happened oh god oh my god go back in there okay this is why you have to put it in the fridge for a longer time I'm gonna cut it off one by one actually why are you doing a close-up of this don't show this all right moment of truth to Jung okay now it looks good right expensive fruit sandwich how do I get all the food mmm the bread is so good the melon when I bit into it the juice just like it's kind of heavenly [Music] Wow I'm gonna get a couple more people to try this I have a very special guest here who's going to try this sandwich for me he's somebody who has tasted a lot of expensive fruit in Japan so I am curious to hear what he thinks are you ready to do this I'm sorry this is Simon from Simon and Martina hello Martina code Omega the Simon's here I'm super excited yes I'm really excited it's my first meal of the day oh really yeah actually it looks not bad here we go that's delicious yeah nobody would say no to the same haha great one was so good a great one is so good I love to break one I'd say great number one okay strawberry okay then melon then orange if you just make a whole sandwich with that grape you could sell that I would back that restaurant I'd be your first customer that grape sandwich was legit alright I'm doing it I will try anything you want to make no I was a little doubtful before I came here but alright what do you think he did yeah thank you [Music] good music me the see a third you see you know what do you buy this yeah I think like you can the rum is actually very strong no you know I'm not in a bad way that he just thinks robbed me but it's us you definitely taste it and it's good you know who really likes putting alcohol in their food create that's where I was like making fancy alright put some booze in the heresy [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 1,439,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $170 fruit sandwich, I Made A $170 Fruit Sandwich, K_fe, PL-ViralFood, Zuh7, buzzfeed, buzzfeed inga, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, crazy expensive fruit, expensive food, expensive fruit, expensive fruit sandwich, expensive grape, expensive japanese fruit, expensive sandwich, food, fruit sando, fruit sandwich, inga, inga lam, japanese fruit sandwich, japanese grape, japanese melon, japanese sandwich, muscat grape sandwich, super expensive fruit
Id: BtUpX_5Sh6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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