Eating An 8-Course Boba Meal

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there's so much stuff here and all of this is boba themed this is honestly like a boba lovers dream hey guys it's dick so I'm here in Taipei Taiwan I'm supposed to being on vacation but I found this really cool spot that I really wanted to share with you guys so here I am at the Regent Hotel you're doing this boba festival event that's kind of like a boba extravaganza where they designed an entire menu that features boa in every way you can possibly imagine we're talking croissants we're talking pizza we're talking calzones there's 14 items here 14 items at Peter boba that's insane I would try all 14 but an eight-course boba meal is pretty intense right I also love boba I already guys to live through this experience with me let's get our Bobo on the first one we have here is a boba tiramisu chef Ondrea demonstrated the entire making process but you can see how like it's super intricate it looks super good oh she's gonna dig right in I think that's a really big bite Oh super good the coffee flavor like really comes through right away and this is this part it's so fluffy the moment I put it in my mouth it literally just melts right away you get that perfect thinner sweetness the boba is super chewy super QQ it actually matches this really well this is really good I know this is just the first course I should stop eating this I put that one aside this is our second dish this is the matcha croissant super indulgent it's practically losing boba out if I do that oh that's so good I'm gonna put that bobo back in there I love croissants I love matcha I love boba those sorts not perfectly so chewy because of the girl but it's not too sweet and I also like talked about how I was watching chef Ondrea make this he had a bowl of piping bag I've seen piping bags with whipped cream a piping bag full of boba just so you can cram them as much boba and here as you can that's pretty dope really loaded of this bite so here we go this is this is great prashant also super flaky their offers sort of like a neutral palate that really complements like the soft sweetness of the boba and the matcha and just take a look at this like how how amazing does this look this is one of those cases where it tastes basically as good as it looks there's a third item that we're trying there's so much of what we got on this look at this Wow it's perfectly smooth out this is milk tea cream if you transformed a cup of boba tea into cake this is exactly what it would look like this is incredible absolutely it is probably the item I was looking forward to the most I also just watched chef Ondrea squeeze on morph OVA so that was delightful and go in for it oh wait it's so soft oh boy this is an 8 bobba avalanche into the GoBot and then you can see how again we can help fluffy that is this is definitely my favorite one so far this cream maybe because it's milk tea flavored the aftertaste of it really does feel like I just drank the milk tea a lot more food but this was so good look I'm to see a mola one of my friends Jasmine really likes boa tea she's gonna be so excited to see this now for our fourth course here they are I was greedy and I'm trying all three of these this one is a sparkling tip why do you drink tieguanyin is a type of boolong which is really big here in Taiwan there's a bit of dried food up here too I already know I'm gonna love this this one is an ailment coffee drink up I'll shake it up in a bit this one is a caramel soy milk it looks like a regular milk tea right now but I'm sure it'll be a flavor explosion starting with the caramel so now what's really cool about this is you can actually leave with these musical bottles I was expecting this to be really sweet maybe because I saw caramel and I expect a lot of caramel syrup it actually is a very very subtle sweetness which I really appreciate the soy milk it goes really well with Bobo I'm not a big common person but I love coffee the texture of this is a lot thicker than I was expecting it to be you don't get that like piercing taste of almond syrup because they make their own almond milk there with three types of elements element people out there this is probably the dream drink and after the one I'm most excited about not shake it because I don't want it to bubble out like crazy even though it is already doing that this is definitely the drink for me you get that fruitiness the bubbliness I'm getting the best of all the world's learning number four right now guys I have four more items to go I feel like I've already had a cups worth of boba so far we've done a bunch of sweets now to do some savory things this my friends is a who that's hi this my friends is a calzone this is how big it is it is filled with boba I've seen the caramel sauce I can also see these little Parmesan cheese bits calzone and boba who would have thought open up what is that boba and cheese oh it smells like and marshmallow look about it can we just talk about this moment here this moment of cheese and boba coming out of the calzone this is incredible I get everything in here there's a lot of chewiness going on in here because of the cheese and the boba feel like at this point I don't know what I'm eating I feel like when I put it in my mouth it kind of melted into one I'm gonna make a little bite here here's that bite all right cheers Cheers - nobody cheers it's a little cooler now so I feel like I can taste the layers a little bit more stop sweetness at the sauce the savoriness from the cheese I know the concept of it sounds really weird but it kind of works with the force done Jose I'm getting really full here I feel like I'm like 85% over right now already we have this boba pizza here boba and marshmallows and caramel syrup and cheese spoken pizza is again one of those things that I would have never even dreamed of I love that they have that concept here I'm not sure how this is going to taste like but it looks fantastic oh yeah this is what his legs looks like my mind is like very confused right now feel like this is a combination of like a s'more bubble tea and people dessert pizzas are becoming a things you do have that cheese to add like that savory element so it kind of does work next time you guys want a dessert pizza public needs up like just either way to go are you guys I am in boba zone right now I'm like days because of how much boba I've had two more to go two more to go this is the charcoal custard bun with boba you guys ready for the reveal oh this is so pretty yo this is not what I was expecting at all ooh it's so soft oh my god I almost dropped it this is why I can't have good things for those of you who don't know what custard buns are they are a very popular item in dim sum places usually it's white what's inside is this sweet and sometimes savory custard we're gonna open this up right now so you do see the yoki bits maybe a little bit so then you see a bunch of boba here it smells super custardy I'm excited to try this again it's salty and sweet I already knew there was boba in here the chewiness still takes me by surprise but I would say visually this is stunning I'm going to set this aside and get ready for our last course [Music] this is our last course of the meal there's a lot going on here I want to show you guys what kind of toppings we have here there's taro there's boba what we call human it's like made from both taro FC potatoes this is barley kidney beans peanuts red bean and mung bean it also comes with two different types of tea Thai tea and then this one's Earl Grey tea I'm gonna go with Earl Grey because it's a little less sweet this my friends this massive thing right here is a bubble I spot they're shaped ice beneath all of this so instead of hot rock you get a bunch of shaved ice in Taiwan shaved ice is like such a big thing I will say though I have never seen shaved ice serve like this this is super cool you get a little bit of everything in here boba in so this is what my bowl looks like right now it doesn't look as fancy anymore but that's only because I mixed all the good stuff in there final course my friends here we go in one bite you're getting so much variety this is like a friggin treasure box a lot of these toppings are the traditional toppings that go on tommy shaved ice I love that they like kind of took that modern take and evolved it into this incredible-looking dessert last bite ova it's only right great that I end this meal with another bite of boba all right guys the eight course meal is done I'm definitely a little bit open out you had to tell me to pick your favorite though I'm obsessed with this cake I am super happy that I got to try this a mobo feast today this is honestly like a bubble over stream I am now going to pack all of this up and bring it home and share it with my family and friends I brought my beau levesque but clearly I'm gonna need a much bigger back to take everything out really hoping that you guys can come check out some of these amazing boba treats here and uh see you guys next time back in New York [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 780,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8 course meal, Eating An 8-Course Boba Meal, K_fe, PL-ViralFood, Zuh7, boba, boba cake, boba desserts, boba festival, boba food, boba meal, boba pizza, boba tea, boba themed food, bubble tea, bubble tea meals, buzzfeed, buzzfeed inga, buzzfeed taiwan, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, eating boba, food, food with boba, inga lam, taiwan bubble tea, viral foods
Id: tuhggJhSwqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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