How To Enslave Villagers in Minecraft

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all right guys so today i'm gonna teach you how to get these villagers to work for you so first off you need to find a village this village looks kind of nice so i'm gonna do it on this one so starting off you gotta take out the iron golem because they just get in the way okay so now i'm gonna let them know who their new leader is and that they work for me now attention everyone [Applause] y'all work for me now you can start building me a mansion asap i bet the mansion looking nice so far hey yo why don't you do anything bro hey go get me some diamonds yeah oh i didn't even ask for a statue but i looks fire hey yo why you all standing around for no reason i think we need a wall let's go phil's gonna be hella fortified now all right guys so as you can see i've got the villagers working for me now and it was actually wait what [Music] oh what do we have here someone sleeping on the job wait what the oh my mansion fire let's go looking good looking good all right thanks [Applause] yes sir let's go all right let's check it out bro sharks now i'm not trying to be like sea world bro yo a flat screen tv i'm living life at the top now i got some big plans for my village tomorrow [Music] all right general you've located the other villages i bet say less oh i bet i see you bro [Music] so this is us right here all right so i say we invade those yellow guys right there what you think [Music] are y'all [Applause] [Music] ready all right guys stick to the plan all right what's up everyone we come in peace all right all right settle down settle down all right where's your leader at i come bearing gibbs it's a pleasure to meet you sir all right you may do the honors [Music] [Applause] all right that was light work let's get these guys next shouldn't be too hard all right get the cannons ready archer whenever y'all ready bro they're not gonna expect this [Music] bro too easy all right let's get those guys next all right let's get those guys next all right are y'all ready bro this one's gonna be easy bro they're not even gonna know what hit them [Music] all right three left say less [Music] are you all ready [Applause] hey yo that's kind of loud [Music] all right that's it it's a wrap let me know what y'all want to see next [Music] you
Channel: Grox
Views: 25,478,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, groxmc
Id: SG03HM5lOTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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