Icay's Snow Kingdom Challenge (SMO) | IS IT POSSIBLE [Live]

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] I think we are live baby what's going on guys welcome to the stream how's everybody doing tonight welcome welcome welcome thank you all for being here yeah guys I know I have a timer at the start never trust the timer I usually start early I start as early as I can with these dreams the goal was to go live by 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time how's everybody doing today what's gonna an iron razor Cameron Nicole birdboy TWRP Gen Henry monkey derpy Jared Brandon Logan Deshawn phase Luigi cat name I can't understand Josiah zero bro she its master sans Ryan poor mr. Krabs tedric so silent in here what's going on th B so I'm Dylan Spencer Burnie term lists Andrew Cameron Matthew casein yo it's hairy hockey God let's get some hype up in here for teriyaki with that $5 donation man thank you so much teriyaki I really appreciate that dude you don't have to do that but I appreciate man thank you so much in Sam nachito what's gonna tongue him Freddie welcome Hayden Curtis all right guys so you're probably wondering from the title of the stream I say is Snow Kingdom challenge yes it's pronounced I say I've pronounced it wrong many times I've actually done a few of Isis glitches and challenges before on this channel so do yourself a favor make sure that you check out his YouTube channel which is in the description below but we are taking on a challenge in the snow Kingdom I actually was working on filming this last night only to realize that I made the ultimate content creator boo-boo I was thought I was filming you know as doing all sorts of crazy stuff only to look down after about an hour and a half to realize I wasn't filming so at that point I'm like you know what this would make for a good is it possible livestream I'm just gonna wait till tomorrow and do this live and let you guys be part of it so we are gonna there's I say right there and the chat guys make sure you go check out his channel he is really really good dude does a lot of crazy Odyssey stuff he's actually the first person to do a blj in Super Mario Odyssey anyways um so here's what we're gonna be doing let me kind of explain the challenge a little bit we need to go to this challenge section down here in the snow Kingdom right here with the Scarecrow you know juicy Jasper with a $0.99 donation my dude I appreciate that juicy thank you so much so this section right here this is where the challenge takes place yo new member hype teriyaki thank you so so much teriyaki I really sincerely appreciate that man thank you so much dude and I think we almost hit a hundred light guys almost hit that hundred light pipe thank you guys so much um here's the thing we have to complete this section without jumping might sound easy but it's really not and I will show you why it's not easy so obviously we have to get through this section here not too bad right here things start to pick up in difficulty in this section right here without jumping so after we make our way through here I'll keep showing you what we need to do I'm just gonna fly through the whole thing here teriyaki thank you so much dude I really appreciate it so again making our way through this whole thing without jumping right the fun has only just begun because the real fun comes from a glitch that we have to pull off that is ridiculously precise in my hour and a half of attempts last night I only pulled it off twice yes it's it's insane but what what essentially is gonna happen we have to grab that moon and then what we're also going to have to do is grab this moon down here that's floating in mid-air so obviously we can't get this without jumping yo vex with the 420 donation thank you so much vex ax I appreciate that dude thank you thank you thank you but we have to get this moon right here so you're thinking how are we gonna grab this if we can't jump we don't have Cappy to bounce on well by utilizing a glitch we can actually clip through this wall by using those poles at the top does it sound like it makes sense it'll make sense if I'm actually able to pull it off so yes that's the challenge in a nutshell it'll make more Sun sense once we actually start it up so teriyaki thank you so much man I really really appreciate it dude thank you so much man yeah you guys we'll see you okay you guys will see here in a second so let's go ahead and start it up yo Talon my dude how are you man it's so good to see you I was loving that video man you are you're editing and photography dude is video video footage skills are crazy I kind of felt bad for the pumpkins though not gonna lie kinda felt bad for those pumpkins I was thinking of all the pumpkin pie that could have made so first thing that we have to do is check our jump counter so we were we are at 80 8472 jumps I need you guys to remember our jump counter okay because once we get both moons if we get both moons we have to check our jump counter if the jump counter has increased by one jump or more it means we fail the challenge and we'll have to redo it so hopefully we don't fail Oh KC bought a switch a few weeks ago because of you thank you so very much man thank you so much dude I really appreciate it all right here we go so I don't think I'm familiar with game jams guys but I don't think game champs did the glitch version so thank you so much again Casey I do appreciate it so here's what we have to do for this first section you have to do a ground pound jump to get out of the water that does not count as a jump as crazy as that sounds it's not a jump it I know it doesn't make much sense in the fact that it's it's literally called a ground pound jump but because you do it under water for some reason it doesn't count as a jump so y'all in Bros with a one dollar donation thank you so much Lynn Bros appreciate that it's gonna ke fresh and Vinny okay there's our next section now we need to do that again right here one two okay so this is where things start to get a little bit tricky I'm going to use something that I call yo you guys are crazy tonight thank you all so much I didn't good numa purple spores Oh with a four dollar holiday thank you so much purple spores oh can we get some hype hype hype for purple you okay see I hope you get Odyssey next week too man definitely worth it Thank You troll ox I appreciate that let's come on fishy so here's what we have to do I'm utilizing something called well I'm calling it jump storage it's not an official term or anything like that so we can walk and bounce off these goombas heads but what will happen is if we're not holding the jump button Mario will only get like that much height and then you can't dive it's like impossible but if we roll into a wall and immediately hold the jump button hurtful oh my gosh thank you so much what's gonna Nitro and balloon happy birthday dude at the early birthday so we're holding and jump but it does not increase our jump guys now when we walk on to a Goomba we get more height so and it doesn't count as a jump again I'm just calling it jump storage that's not an official term or anything like that that's just what I'm calling it yo epic potato check chef I cannot wait till No Shave November is done man cannot wait get this thing off in that now that was a jump that was a jump I jumped out of the water but you guys get the idea now okay so that's a fail but you guys get the idea now let's start over now we need to start over that's a big rip we couldn't get it first try man we couldn't get it first try just it couldn't happen like that it just can't that's just not the DTR away the DTR way does not mean we'll get it first try F's in the chat was absolute yet yeah what's going on Dave how are you men alright let's take a look at our jump counter eighty eight thousand four hundred seventy four that's our new number to remember you guys you know what's gonna Dan have you man 88 474 okay so we're gonna fly through this section here because we've already done it we know what to expect now we can fly to this again we want to do the hanging ledge jump there okay let's do some jump storage here Kim that is a unofficial term don't go to like professional Odyssey players and be like use jump storage they're gonna be like what the heck are you talking about now yo get it this try and I'll shoot super chat 50 bones yo you're on dude you're so on let's go do you guys see that talent just calling me out boys 50 bones riding on this attempt let's go guys let's go so now for this section we have to use you know it doesn't look like we can make it off this ledge right well here's what we actually have to do so far so good so far so good so again I'm gonna use what I'm calling jump storage its fearsome in here what's gone fearsome and now we can bridge this gap okay okay perfect so let's check our jump counter 88 474 this is where things start to get crazy all right this is where things get nuts and get really challenging so the first time you play through this part it's it's pretty difficult um but this is where boys become men at this point in this part of the challenge it will test your patience it will test your mettle it will test your manhood so there we go we got moon number one so part one down that that's the easy moon to get alright that's the easy moon to get now we got to get the second moon and this is where this glitch comes into play there is a very finicky glitch that we can do where we grab this pole and drop off and we actually clip out of bounds and it's really precise and hard to pull off like I said in my hour and a half of trying this last night I pulled it off twice so yeah let's go Papa needs the fifty bones boys Papa needs the fifty bones no wall jumps do not count so let's just make sure no jump the jump counter is not increased okay here we go we could be here a while just buckle your seatbelt boys we could be here Wow okay that's okay we actually have an alternate strat to get back up here we can damage boost our way up on that ledge when I tried this once last night I actually accidentally killed all the goombas and yeah it sucked here we go you'll notice Mario grabs the end knob kind of weird he starts to dance along the the knob for lack of a better word here we go here we go boom he's a knob hit Z all right come on baby okay you kind of saw Mario's start to do it a little bit there hmm close close you know what's gonna MEK so thanks again for that donation man oh this is gonna be crazy it's so finicky to pull off man okay okay oh my gosh okay like I said guys buckle up we may be here a while so the glitches we're gonna clip through the wall in a nutshell we're gonna clip through the wall my controllers been doing this weird thing where Mario instantly gets back onto the wall or onto the ledge after grabbing it yo what's going on Ryan our jump count is 88 470 488 470 soar what's got mr. dr. pepper and JP come on in come on oh that's what it's supposed to look like only when we do it right you'll know coz Mario will literally go outside always believing the controller it's the controllers fault man it's of course the controllers fault GJ he'll you actually love me appreciate them in appreciate we might need to summon clutch daddy for this do you guys think we need to bring out clutch daddy to pull this off now we haven't jumped yet 88 474 it's gone Simon balloon dude again happy birthday in advance all right clutch daddy coming out I don't know where my hat is okay no clutch daddy that's alright klutz daddy's got to warm up to a little bit all right here we go Christmas daddy hey Bob later one thanks mr. unicorn happy birthday ma'am oh my gosh clutch daddy you suck hahahahaha there might be too much clutching is going on right now I like crafts daddy no all right this is the one witness me my friends witness me yo duck life with a $20.00 hauler what do you call Mario character on strings in mario nets oh my yo duck thank you so much man duck life hype I appreciate that man thank you so much dude thank you thank you yo Coco how are you I say you know how much trouble I've been having with this jump it's okay see I'm popping the clutch I got it I got a knot pop the clutch clutch daddy's popping too soon here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take these glasses off put these glasses on okay later monkey thanks don't miss this don't miss Triss here's the thing even if we get the glitch the challenge isn't over we have to land directly on the moon otherwise we fail yeah duck life what are you doing to me man what are you doing to me duck life appreciate that man thank you so much dude thank you so much you're amazing double legend you dirty dirty dirty man child:ah hey at least I didn't lie to you guys I told you buckle up well welcome Freddy no I hate you so much I hate you I hate you pull I hate you it's good on tracer thanks for being here not you I hate by you I mean me when I say I hate you I mean me does that make sense grab the pole what's a man gotta do to grab pole how hard can it be to grab the pole I mean really no no so dirty so dirty all right it's too dark I can't see can't see with the clutch daddy shades on clutch daddy has failed us like that should be grabbing should be grabbing that pole man it should be grabbing it see we can't triple jump because we're not allowed to jump I thought we jumped there yeah Jeremy this is jump list this is jump lists all right call it now this is the one where we get it right here I meant the next one I meant the next one get over here you guys are about to witness history you're about to witness history you guys are gonna be on Sunday's video you guys are about to be part of Sunday's video when we get this how hard is it to grab pol man I don't know I think you should probably be able to clip out of both poles oh my goodness your patience will be rewarded my friends exactly Cecily exactly oh we need the the bolo tie you think the bolo tie is what we need at this point I'm willing to try the bolo tie oh gosh we need health no no no no all right let's get our health back here two hours later Yolo bolo you actually need to grab it that that's part of it yeah grabbing the come on it's gonna Dan burn so much later that the old narrator had to yeah you can be in here being here to watch me try this same section over and over and over that's such a choke City button is broke no it's it's broke I had the hiccups today and I realized kind of like having the hiccups anyone else like having the hiccups it's kind of a oh gosh man we're trying to clip through the wall man trying to clip through the wall I was wondering if we could clip through the wall somehow like this but I don't I was messing around with that last night couldn't get it to work Johanna did you guys know Hannah spelled backwards is Hannah thank you so much Hannah a nanogram a palindrome that's it thank you so much Hannah you are amazing guys let's get some hype up in here for Hannah and thank you for believing in me because I don't believe in myself quite honestly oh my gosh a banana Graham never trust a fart there's one thing you take away from this streem a Hannah Graham yo what's going on ska dude I saw your video right before I went started streaming anyways if there's one thing to remember from this stream is that never trust a fart just leave it at that there's some deep meaning behind that why I don't remember what happened though why I needed you to bring me new underwear that wasn't the first time stuff happens okay stuff happens I don't get tacocat is the same backwards what else give me some other Hannah Grahams spicy Mima hoping the God is some like backwards logic you know it's going on Dan that is a life experience Dan and I'll just say on more than one occasion to never trust a fire that actually is probably gonna go on my gravestone here lies DGR never trust a fart he was number one why dude it's been like ten minutes since I've grabbed Pole backwards long jump spelled backwards is not backwards long view madam I'm Adam a Toyota he was clutch daddy alright I say truly that's the same thing spelled backwards that's going on my gravestone I just gotta get in the rhythm boys all right honey it's the Internet we're trying to glitch here Mount Rushmore spelled back late what no fingerling potatoes Atlanta backwards is not Atlanta all right thank you super cab I appreciate it oh my gosh where are you guys getting these all right okay I'm diving - too high up that's my problem I'm diving too high up that's that's what's going on that's where mistakes are being made radar spelled backwards is radar [Music] what as IP sir okay all right wait Lindsay trust me telling you telling you boys telling you boys your patience is about to be rewarded I got a hair in my nose I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm with child hurry up before your laptop well we got to do it guys for Casius we have to do it before Cassius's laptop dies could be Cassius there's a very strong possibility no I'm not pooping yo Lauren days fell backwards as you can tip it they yell austin jirafa gig wait gira frig two-month-old poop looks like butterscotch pudding just thought I'd share it pass along that thanks labid man I'm out just so you guys know I just wanted to share with you in case I'm sure all of you are wondering what a two month olds poop looks like right dude I can't do it anymore I gotta prove that it's possible man by the way tomorrow's my Friday I have a two-day week this week asked me how pumped I am someone in the chat asked me how pumped I am right now ask me ask me ask me how pumped I am that should have been good should have begin I'm super pumped that was any more pumped they'd have to know it doesn't work that doesn't work nevermind I'm pumped I'm pretty pumped super pumped yeah we had 200 likes all right time out time out I gotta stop and say you guys are the real MVP I have been on this same section for the last half hour and you guys are still hanging in there still supporting me you guys are the real MVP pat yourself on the back right now because I love you I just love you guys are amazing amazing amazing there's just no other words for it okay that doesn't count as a jump okay we're still good yeah later tracer our like level is over 250 I can't even can't even your patience will be rewarded I'm telling you it will be we will get this we will get this I'm actually thinking of starting up for the next streams until smash comes out I want to try doing Mario Sunshine hover list challenge beat the whole game without hovering I know it's been done I know it's possible but as I've explained what the as a possible series it's about finding out if it's possible for me so picture it more like a good title for this series would be is it Dave Abel because yes these challenges challenges are possible for a lot of people but I'm trying to find out if I can do it so one in doubt if you're wondering I already know what's possible think to yourself is it Dave Abel because Dave is not that great at games in all honesty yes I know game champ did it there's been a lot of people that have done it that's always been the point of the yo right thanks for the bits it's always been the point of the is a possible series I haven't my aim has never been to prove other people wrong it's just been to prove myself wrong in all honesty that was close boys that was close that was close Amanda sneezes more than anyone I know you just need Tedric said he heard you sneeze again I called her Abin easer sneezer sometimes oh my gosh okay yep we're on it okay we do not want to kill the other two goombahs we do not want to kill the other two goombahs we kill both these goombas we're screwed and have to restart we got 50 bones hanging on this guy's 50 bones Talan said if we beat this on this attempt which has been an extremely long attempt he's super chatting 50 bones I said he is on but oh all right we're getting it down now boys oh he's still here he's the real MVP right there in you watched towns video didn't you the one from where you shoot in pumpkins where was that filmed man Oh your stepdad would love it Dan would love his videos he would love it I mean I know a lot of Pennsylvania looks the same but that looked like it could have been filmed in my backyard I'm actually not sure hmm okay that was close guys mmm that should have been good yeah I'm wearing my bolo tie Yolo bolo Eastern okay that's what I thought okay it doesn't count as a jump Thank You Jeremy yeah this glitch is really really hard Gavin thanks for being here man have a good rest of your night dude if it's the official guy fieri taking us to flavortown all right this is actually it's just nylon what kind of cord is this it's starting to annoy my neck I don't think it's real leather I think it's pleather no way Tedric can you see your house in it hey Morgan I'm sorry electro pee I'm going man pleather is real man pleather is a real thing we're at 280 thank you guys no I didn't poop again hmm yo Justin X we are trying to beat this section jump lists and it's ridiculous it relies on this really tricky glitch that's extremely precise yes like mmm how is that not working man oh you want some mama sweet nectar when you've a poop that large helium it can fulfill Mama's sweet neck sorting your local grocers freezer see more precise as Dave yeah it's gonna crispy oh I'm doing good Logan how are you I can do anything the cheeto me and Javel please don't do not do that do not do that Serena the glitch I've done it twice in my life and by life I mean yesterday hey we've all we've all enjoyed the fruits it's a form of a synthetic Mama's nectar synthetic nectar but it's synthetic see like mama sweet nectar is leaded whereas formulas like unleaded what is this sixty-four sweet we're just talking biology okay you can't you can't get mad at me for talking about Mama's sweet nectar all right Oh curdled oh that was it that was it that was it that was it does it okay as you can tell these polls are very glitchy [Music] okay yo Anthony Bobby and your relation to Ricky Bobby he ain't first you're last thank you so much Anthony thank you for that $1 donation David we're trying to beat this section jumplist and it is it's taking away what childhood wonder I had left oh you dirty birdie let's keep diving on the left side of the pole Gogeta see I have I know it's hard to believe but go go buy us go buy us industries go buy us a cup of coffee dang it [Music] use pole storage I wonder if there's a way we can somehow glitch out there hit me boy no jumps allowed that's the whole premise I explained it if you are listening your razor what's going on what putting her together all right it doesn't look cold enough for Polestar maybe more I just need to stick his tongue to it stock stock stock I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on a Christmas story overrated or a Christmas classic I like it but I'm not one of those I need to watch it all day Christmas oh don't get me wrong I'll watch it and I will enjoy it but max Creed I noticed you that's your fault you brought up Papa you did all right here we go yo croaky yo let's get some hype up in here for kuroki out killing a Goomba or blinking those are seem like so random but you're on I won't blink the rest of the time thank you so much Croce that is awesome guys let's get some height for croaky I don't oh okay I really got a blink oh gosh I really got a blink fight it boys that should have worked okay that should have worked Wow okay I'm still not I still haven't blinked yet somehow it's killing my eyes I was wearing them you could have five stores or just one okay that was close okay oh come on don't blame you only hit 300 like hi boys let's go let's take a let's take a slight reprieve and reflect on how we got to this 300 likes you you are the reason we got that 300 likes Todd Rogers oh yeah he's an yeah he got found out for like cheating oh yeah he cheated on like thousands well I won't say thousands a bunch of his so-called records they found that he is he's he started his speedrun in second gear yeah a bunch of people from Twin Galaxies their records got expunged a lot of stuff was falsified hmm yeah but they're trying to become a reputable source again oh my gosh Kevin look how it's spelled he just spelled it like oh my gosh okay I okay I blinked I couldn't do it anymore oh gosh that was too long too long not to blink Wow hey Tara voltage if you want to know what the challenge is go check out I say subscribe to him and it will magically pop up what the challenge is now it's on Ice Age Channel and we're trying to beat this jumplist which sounds easy but it's not because there is a glitch that we have to do oh ok well it comes down to this we cannot fail again because I killed the Goomba I need the Goomba otherwise we have to redo this all over we didn't want it rip the 50 bones guys we all know Talon 50 bucks I got a feeling Talon is like legit pokerface that that man Talon knows he knows when to hold him it was one to fold him knows when to walk away knows when to run he never counts his money when he's sitting at the table there'll be time enough for countin when the dealin's done okay so we alright here's our new jump counter 88 479 yeah let's get on Red Raven 88 double or nothing here's the thing town maybe I'm calling your bluff maybe I was failing on purpose for the last 50 minutes 88 479 new number to go talent you're on dude your own let's go oh well that doesn't count right there we go there we go yep nothing to see here no I accidentally killed the one good and didn't mean to oh yeah I forgot to check her jump count dang it shoot 88 479 yeah yeah there's our jump counter garlic is for the weak yo is that the score right now no way that's the score the game just started oh no the game like started the game started like probably 20 minutes ago I've been ridiculous play some Spanish words for you how do you can someone tell me how to say sweet nothings in Spanish I'll whisper that into the microphone sweet nothings okay jump storage Oh well that didn't work out oh well there we go cause hey that's not it I just okay it was the first Spanish thing I saw not a do say not a Dulce you ever heard that the the saying whispering sweet nothings in their ear oh that should have been good why did that not work like that should be good there's no reason let's check our junk counter yep jump counter is the same jump counter is the same I do need to get the other moon first thank you Dave thank you Dave okay we're close boys we are so close mmm I'm just a fraction to early or late one of the other I'm not doing with the right timing okay that's too late I think there's a very fine line bring out clutch daddy clutch daddy failed us it's gone Jessie yo ska thank you so much guys let's get some height for Scott and the chat dude too much you too much man thank you so much clear my mind clear my mind okay yo oh I don't want to die here [Music] see clutch daddy just can't do it what's gonna Brandi it's gonna pull Omaha come on man oh my shiver me timbers hey bro she yo vex huh thank you so much vex add this is dedicated to you vex oh this one right here this one right here Dan's got some sexy new swag sellin on his channel selling some merch and it's really nice what what works that was not expecting that middle school is awesome even if you don't know me I live in a state away I would love to meet you I was in catch stream now I'm here yo Ben thank you so much Ben I appreciate that dude thank you guys please some height for Ben in the chat believe it or not Ben if me and Amanda had a boy a child avoid child we were going to name him Ben Benjamin but we didn't have a boy get another girl what was catch streaming Pokemon that was good that would have been good that's true that's what that's what I meant a child all right oh goodness all right mm thanks Lucas it's not a Mario game er you got double - it's my favorite one that's my favorites of the Mario Kart series it's just so good to shame people don't not everyone sees that the greatness it just started you know missing I can do two mountains always oh my gosh dude I'm about ready to say it's not possible not attentive Alan president I I still think my best impression out of all the ones that I do is my Tom Hanks when he's crying when Wilson dies castaway is such a good movie no because last time I said I'd do a great impression of the Red Hot Chili Peppers everyone made fun of me I'm not about that life I'm not about that life he's like bawling in the movie oh my word I'm about ready to cry Wilson here Leiji Abraham okay here we go clear my mind are you to sell dang it it's not Dave abodes worse Nonnie they are not random I don't think so Tim like why is he not grabbing pole what the man gotta do - grab pole oh I hate you so much hey Darby from btg is online we should go say hi to Darby from btg alright come on I just gotta do it man optic and / 365 what up dog get some speed going back and forth here speed between the poles oh yeah come on come on man yeah you know the words either can't make fun of me you always make fun of me for messing up lyrics no what can I see accept yo I love the vid Ben that is like a hidden gem on the channel no one knows about that video dude the laundry basket one thank you so much Ben you want way back into the archives for that one thank you so much Ben what's a man gonna do to get a glitch around here he's gonna sub extra extra that was filmed with a galaxy s3 high quality footage man no it was your s3 like a 2 megapixel camera alright I'm serious I'm serious this time I mean business boys this was I have to play for two more hours someone said I have to believe I have to someone told me a half to side well she's a dude so khakis that hmm so my new favorite commercial on television right now have you guys seen the Geico commercial where grandpa's nose plays flight of the bumblebees and then the little voices his nose and it starts playing some heavy sacks oh my gosh I just love when the lady is like knitting and she's like really getting into it it's so good [Music] that sounds gross no it's awesome Hey Kyla kind of like that name okay guys Goomba death means we got to get it here treehouse sci-fi yeah I've done it twice my luck and it's really precise probably one of the most precise glitches I've I've ever done Nikki I say we're trying to clip through the wall that helped you that help you kid well it sounds like you're asking whoa what just happened there I don't know if I've seen that one splat town later shiny Umbreon did anyone just see that nonny puppy nonny babies i really we need to play Tomodachi life on stream nanofy co what was more awkward was I specifically said my sister and she wanted to date me I like I specifically put that it was my family well Talon Gigi's guys we owe Talon hundred bucks we owe everyone in the shadows in 100 bucks he made out like a frickin bandit fat Jackson daddy Talon you didn't have to do that man I appreciate it guys Talon is another awesome content creators on YouTube you might not be think you'd be interested in his stuff like he showcases like different guns and knives and outdoorsy stuff but it's really high quality stuff so I recommend checking out his channel if that sounds remotely interesting to you check it out otherwise tell your dad's grandpas uncles check it out thank you so much it I appreciate it anyone that likes hunting alright this is gonna be the last attempt guys because we're gonna get it here we're gonna get it here I'm telling you I'm telling you oh oh I forgot to check my jump counter both flex max trainer anyone have one those things are crock of crap Grich gets shredded in four minutes a day yeah okay nothing I mean nothing you could literally I don't know do the world's greatest workout for four minutes well whatever it's a crock of crap I only have running shoes it's all lies it's all lies yeah the cycling ones what are those called [Music] what's the cycling ones where there's like a trainer that yells at you and you're starting to slack yeah yeah what's the cycling one what is that called I've seen commercial max speed no it's not max speed just run push up planks just think of how much money we'll save I've seen Dave he looks fit Dave in the chat empty Dave's he said run push-ups plank don't let him Anna Foley she looks good I'm serious peloton that sounds right that does sound right yo Thank You Noah I appreciate that man chin-ups chicks dig the chin-ups man that's my wife that's how that's how I got her to notice me she came into the gym I was doing some heavy chin-ups I had a 45 pound weight dangling from my yo Maxwell Bowflex is trash use this towards a good gym membership Maxwell whoa thank you thank you so much I I will put that towards a gym membership but that's like something as a man you should never buy your wife a gym in fact I'm not gonna buy her workout equipment because that's even bad because you'll be like it doesn't matter you'll even though you're asking for it if I would buy it for you be like you think I'm fat Samuel the kids are good man thanks for asking kids are good oh I gotta get the other moon thank you thank you pro/con all the way joy cons are hot garbage a my opinion the joy holding the joy Khan's like just right joy Khan left you a con he's probably the most uncomfortable controller I've ever held in my life well the pro controller is one of the most comfortable controllers have ever held in my life oh my goodness dude why is that not counting you the glitch just now with Joey Khan's maybe that's my problem maybe it only works with joy guns dude Dave I would have cried dude the pokeball plus I do not like the pokeball plus I'm I'm sad I spent the money on it it's worth it just for my daughter to use it she was doing better than me I couldn't catch this I don't even remember what Pokemon it was but I couldn't catch it and I turn around I turn around all of a sudden here a pokeball being thrown I'm like what and Carmen caught whatever like what you grew up with the Wii Remote I don't mind that we Remote and Nunchuk I think it's more comfortable to hold than the joy cop joy cons I like the GameCube controller it is pretty nice I personally like the n64 control the n64 controller gets so much flack there's only 20 bucks I do not like that one it doesn't it feels very cheaply made I like the design of it but I mean for 20 bucks I can't really expect more but it definitely feels like a cheap third party the design is good execution not so much okay let me see it can you grab it I'll show it off it's right in there it's right in here okay I'll show you the controller I'm talking about I got a support into this company on Kickstarter and they designed a new and 64 controller to me to be more like a modern controller as you can see here really good concept for it but if it was made from high quality material and didn't feel like cheaply made um this would be a solid controller but sad to say yeah it's not not that good but like I said I paid 20 bucks for it so I can't complain too much I was all excited for it you miss old DG are you mean beardless DG are because I'm not sure I'm not sure what old DG are means I think I'm think I'm pretty much the same person I mean I am old I turned 30 in May 30 it's gonna hit me hard all right why I just got to get this one time I mean that's all I'm asking guys can we just get if you guys could just pose art drop I turn 30 in May 30 can you believe that if we can get one singular four-leaf clover sorry he feels Elizabeth I feel his pain tell them tell them to let me know how 30 feels because I am dreading it oh we were they okay I'm calling it within the next next five attempts we got this what are you doing you always do that I'm calling it okay there's one there's one thirty feels good I'm a little nervous I'm using tilt controls yoke a fresh thank you so much k fresh you didn't hold our UK fresh there's no way there's no way you're thirty or older than that there's just there's no way a fresh you look I kid you not okay fresh I when I go to your streams I think you're like 23 24 maybe 24 tops you're 32 I don't believe it I don't believe it man Dan you don't look old either dude can you hang on the pipe at the end and squeeze a wall jump and dive it's a good theory but I don't I don't know that word yo cats psyllium thank you for the donation dude Casius Liam Cassius Liam Cassius Liam with the $2 donation dude Cassius thank you so much man it might I don't tell them this as far as I know this is the only way I know it can work and it's really frustrating that I haven't been able to pull it off it's really frustrating that I spent an hour and 20 minutes trying to get this and can't do it especially knowing that I have done it twice that lonely virgin with the $2 donation thank you so much good night Alex you got banned from my bro switch wait your brother banned you yo lonely virgin thank you so much we are trying to beat I can't remember what exactly this moon is called but we are trying to beat the section without jumping and there there is this crazy glitch that no one believes that can probably happen after wasting their time watching me probably don't believe this glitch can happen but we can clip right through the wall we clip right through the wall and then we have to land on the moon oh my I don't think I jumped yeah we haven't jumped yet boom boom boom see I'm not bored because I'm getting a chat with you guys screw it all right there you know what there's a new glitch I want to try I saw it on Twitter screw it all screw it all man there's a glitch I want to try I'm so disappointed right now you have no idea the disappointment deep in my deep within me the disappointment oh I'm not saying it's not Dave able I'll come back to this ok first I gotta get this hold on I feel so good to jump it feels so good to jump boys who will I play I want to try out Simon Richter pretty bad yeah we're gonna try a glitch here I'm gonna at least make make it worth your time and show you guys a glitch I want to try Simon Richter I want to try waluigi I want to try Skull Kid and Knuckles I'm just kidding I know they're not in the game guys it's not funny oh gosh oh gosh the rust is real my my dudes so I need to we need to beat this kingdom gotta beat this kingdom really quick Dave yeah casual speed Ronnie this is casuals you're gonna get man yeah we're doing a new thing now I'm gonna have to go back and I've I can't believe I didn't film that yesterday man to at least show that I got the glitch once let's get a different let's get a different moon you know a moon that I've never gotten whoo I prefer personally prefer Super Mario Odyssey but that's just me okay I still didn't get it nevermind I was trying to do the whole thing where you go under the bridge and back over and I didn't do it anyways let me at least show you guys a pretty interesting glitch I don't even remember who's Twitter I saw it on um so I can't even give them proper credit but I might make a video out of it or something thanks max the Contra road take me home epic dragon cat we should have the glitch number then hopefully hopefully I don't know this might be a well-known glitch I just I haven't seen it till I saw it on Twitter yeah because of childhood no it's not globe storage Nathan although globe store just pretty cool fact globe storage is really neat this is a very useless glitch in the wooded Kingdom dude I have nothing against Mario Galaxy Mario galaxy's a ton of fun too I just think Mario control yo max whoa dude dude dude oh my gosh man no dude max well thank you for your support man I don't deserve that in the slightest man thank you so much we'll miss you dude we will miss you on stream but know that you will know that you'll be missed and we'll look forward to seeing you when you come back man kill myself 10 times yo I look forward to him and thank you so much again for the support dude I really do appreciate a min yell only virgin mario64 off see that's like me I think I'll always go with Mario 64 just because of the nostalgia factor personally wait a second H th-thank you for the donation man I appreciate it personally Odyssey is probably the better game but yeah going back to the whole childhood thing dude Mario 64 such a huge part of my life where nostalgia will usually always went out I'm getting to the glitch I swear I swear we're getting to the glitch okay I need to make this jump which is might take a little bit actually yeah so I need to get up there okay we got it we'll take that I thought that was gonna take a lot longer and all honesty now how does he do this glitch there's a way you can run up this I can't remember how that works well that's not the glitch are you kidding me I could have warped there okay here's the glitch you ready for this croaky I see you man what are you talking about Willis all right here we go hopefully this works I don't know if this is like a version specific oh no it works it works oh well we have to try it again now we gotta try that again I'll probably make a video out of this because like I said I can't remember who discovered this glitch but it needs a it needs a video made for it did I turn assist mode off I don't remember turning assist mode off the antigravity tank so yeah you take the tank out here very simple to do literally how far can we go with this dude okay so that must be all the further you can take it literally no point to it but it's still cool to see spider tank spider tank oh yeah Lauren makes total sense lose my coins by dying in different ways oh man I don't know which way to do it Sebastian um the challenge is done I failed it like how far'd okay so we try it one more time nevermind you guys got the idea you guys give the idea alright I want to sincerely apologize for not pulling off that challenge I need to try it again sometime off stream I won't subject you guys to that level of torture anymore I swear um give me one second here guys [Music] but Bona bump yell only virgin yes I have lonely virgin I've 100% completed this game oh I loved every minute of it man thank you for a donation dude I appreciate it bah bah bah I think we are gonna go on a raid guys let's go raid chadley chadley is playing New Super Mario Bros for the Wii all right guys I'm gonna end the stream there thank you all for hanging out with me I do appreciate it again I do apologize that I wasn't able to complete the challenge but I will get I'm not gonna call it impossible because I've gotten the clip before and I just didn't land on the moon so I'm gonna try it again sometime on my own personal time but yeah I'm gonna call it there thank you guys for hanging out I really appreciate all the generosity tonight and just for being amazing you guys are seriously the best thank you all so much I'm gonna put Chad Lee's link in the chat make sure you hit him up with a like hit him up with the sub guys I really appreciate all the support tonight I'll see you guys again very soon if I don't see you by chance Happy Thanksgiving if you're an American and are celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday hope you have a great time with friends family whoever it may be but yeah hopefully I'll see you before then take care guys have a great rest of your night and I will see you over in Chadli stream bye
Channel: DGR
Views: 42,368
Rating: 4.9046483 out of 5
Keywords: dgr, dgr is it possible, is it possible, is it possible mario odyssey, mario odyssey is it possible, mario odyssey challenge, mario odyssey challenges, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, mario odyssey dgr, fearsome fire, fearsome fire mario odyssey, mario odyssey fearsome fire, mario odyssey glitch, mario odyssey glitches
Id: pZLxozlFnbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 53sec (6293 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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