I lost 120,000 robux from a 2014 Roblox event. Here's how.

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so this week sucked [Music] i've had a hell of a time on roblox this past week and not in a good way the stuff that's recently gone down on my account has caused me stress both in game and in real life made me change my opinion on certain aspects of roblox potentially forever and might have even given me coven 19. that last part's probably not true but i did have covert this past week so you never know and the best part is that it's entirely my fault but that's still not going to stop me from turning it into click baitable content by deflecting the blame onto the second biggest cause of what happened a little event from 2014 known as the bay area maker faire let me explain [Music] as you're probably already aware of if you watched my which accessories deserve to go limited video or if you've just been keeping track of the roblox catalog recently roblox has been making several old not-for-sale avatar accessories limited recently which means that they can now be obtained by buying them from other users with robux or by trading other limited accessories for them this is a big deal because ever since the tail end of 2019 roblox kind of stopped making new limited accessories the only new limiteds they would release were ones that were paid for by a big company or celebrity and those were usually advertised heavily before their release making them not very rare and only worth a few hundred robux there are so many historic accessories out there that players would give their left arm to own nowadays and now that certain accessories are being made limited they finally have that chance this new development has shaken up the limited trading market quite a bit and it's reignited a lot of people's interest in trading limiteds including mine you see before i started posting regularly to this channel i was very into trading limiteds that's actually how i became interested in roblox history in the first place i wanted to know how all of these high value limiteds became so highly valued what makes this hat worth 500 000 robux to people and this hat only worth 6 000 i wanted to know the answers and i also wanted to get that robux obviously but this was a big part of it trust me but how did i get into trading in the first place well that had to do with a little something called projected flipping a projected is a limited accessory that someone has intentionally bought for an unusually high price to make its recent average price which has a big effect on its perceived trading value get very high the high wrap doesn't last forever and will return to normal over the next week or so but for a temporary amount of time this does make the accessory suddenly seem a lot more valuable people tend to do this to an accessory that they own a lot of copies of so that they can trade it to people who don't know that it's projected and earn a massive profit and that's what projected flipping is you trade a very low value limited for a limited of the same value that's been projected to have a seemingly high value and then you find someone who doesn't know it's projected and trade it to them for what they think is a good deal in actuality though the accessory they've just gotten is bound to deflate heavily in the coming days and you've just gotten a lot richer so does this mean that every trader has to be obsessively checking the price of every accessory someone wants to trade them to make sure it won't kill itself the instant it goes into their inventory not necessarily rolamons the website that controls basically the entirety of the limited market right now has a solution for players looking to avoid falling for projecteds a warning flag in the form of a bright yellow caution sign in the left-hand corner of wherever the accessory appears on the site if you use role mods or any trading help extension that goes through roller mods to find information you'll be warned whenever you see a projected accessory and this type of trickery won't be an issue since nearly every trader uses role mods in some capacity because again they have an iron fist grip on the limited market currently it's very hard to find a trader that projective flipping works on but it's not impossible well rolo mods is a big hindrance in a lot of ways in fact so many ways i could probably make a whole video on them at some point but especially to projected flippers it does have one thing that's actually a massive help complete lists of every single owner with roblox premium of every single limited accessory on the catalog with these lists it's possible to successfully flip a projected by simply sending a trade to every owner of a certain accessory and waiting for one of them to take it projected flipping is kind of like throwing darts at a dartboard while blindfolded and hoping to get a bullseye it's not very likely but the more darts you throw the better your chances and if you spend a day or two doing nothing but sending trade after trade via these lists you're pretty much guaranteed to hit that bullseye sooner or later although i don't know if that's true anymore but we'll get to that later this method even allows you to make an extra profit by ignoring rolamont's values because if someone is willing to accept a projected for equal value they most likely do not know what role months even is so it's possible to send a projected accessory for an accessory whose value is above the recent average price of the projected but whose rap is below it easy profit indeed there's just one problem with this method it gets real depressing real fast you sit in front of your computer all day every day sending treat after trade and getting no acceptances and hardly any counters worried sick that your projected will suddenly fall by tens of thousands of robux in value while you own it and growing sure and sure every day that this is the one time you really screwed up the one time when you've gone too far and there are no more dumb people left to trade projected to and feeling worse and worse for everyone you've already sent to who knows about projects for wasting their time with bad trades you worry that you might get a black market accessory that gets you immediately banned you make enemies of pretty much everyone in the trading community and you just generally take several hits to your overall mental health until finally you trade it off wait about a day and end up having to repeat the same process again that's how it was for me at least maybe i'm just a weak little baby but that lifestyle is not for me and yet despite how unhealthy it was i kind of developed an unhealthy relationship with it i became obsessed with checking rolamon's values in recent average prices every chance i could get i became less and less active in real life i knew that at the end of the day i was obsessing over literally nothing like actual pixels on a screen in a kids gaming platform but i just couldn't stop i needed to take control and cut myself off before things got out of hand so i made a plan october of 2021 was coming up and that meant the headless head would soon be out it's an item i always dreamed of being able to afford and i decided hey if i'm stopping trading i might as well use some of my money so i sold around 50k value to get the head and the rest well that went into this thing the dethroned ruler of the universe my signature hat and the main draw of my avatar an intimidating beautifully crafted and detailed silver space crown with glowing red jewels and an equally intimidating name and description but that's not why i wanted it i wanted it because it not only looked cool but it was also rare so rare in fact that when i first found it it had no sellers at all only two had been traded in the past few months and the people that were trading it were asking a lot for it but it was just inside my remaining budget after having gotten headless so i decided to go for it and with that i was finally done for good i did have a few smaller items left over and i sold and downgraded them sometimes when i needed a few extra thousand robux i also checked in on rolo mods in the role mods discord server sometimes to see how my dethroned ruler of the universe had or death for short was doing and it actually ended up climbing to nearly 200k value which was pretty cool and there it sat for a long long time [Music] now that you've tolerated my rambling let's move on to the present day the day that everything changed and i began my descent into one of the worst weeks i've ever had on roblox as i mentioned in the beginning new limiteds were beginning to come out and they weren't just random accessories either there were accessories like the poison horns of the toxic wasteland the red void star the blue clockwork headphones and tentacles junior to name just a few that were part of series that were beloved by the community and that i really wanted not enough to break my promise to myself of course but still i did find myself wandering over to the new limited channel in the role mods discord server every once in a while and seething with envy over what i saw there it had also been five whole months since anything had happened with death it hadn't raised in value it had barely been traded and it was actually starting to go for lower and lower amounts of value as the months passed you could tell this was true because it was starting to be put for sale on the catalog by its owners and not for anything impressive a rare item that's doing particularly well for itself will usually be on sale for amounts of robux in the millions if at all and meanwhile death owners were only asking a measly 400k not too bad but not good either one of the big reasons i jumped onto death so hard was because of its incredibly low circulation and its non-existent sale price i wanted people to notice my avatar take a look at how much my hat was selling for and think i was in possession of a forgotten limited of sorts an incredibly rare hat that was outside the common mortals budget this obviously didn't work death is not a widely known limited and as a result most people who saw it didn't bother to look at his price its recent average price also was and still probably is abysmal to those who only knew rap and not rolomon's value it looked like i only had around 27k to my name impressive but not rich the main draw of my avatar as it turned out wasn't usually death when i did get compliments on my avatar the main focus of them was usually just how well everything fit together and that was all well and good but i was getting greedy and bored no matter how much i denied it it was obvious by how much i kept changing my avatar's clothes that i wanted more i didn't give in to these urges but i was beginning to run out of small items to sell for robux so as soon as i had the means to you i decided to do something i hadn't done in a while get roblox premium [Applause] it started out as nothing more than a side project when i wasn't making videos i would take to rolamon sometimes list my remaining smalls up for trade and see if i could get any good deals but people kept hounding me for death a lot of the time it was trade bots that were just automatically programmed to find my most expensive item and make a bad offer on it but sometimes real people would stop by and shoot me a half decent offer i would counter them with something they probably wouldn't take and that would usually be the end of it and then i came into contact with commissioner commissioner was a fellow death owner and he had found me through a post tide made to the value requests channel of the rolomo's discord server asking staff to raise the item's value unlike me he was very much looking to make a profit off of death and i would be the perfect person to help him out rolomon's goal first and foremost is to accurately represent how valuable a limited accessory is based on how much value others are willing to offer for it if you can get tons of offers on your item for a certain value you will eventually convince role mods that your item is that value and they will change its value accordingly commissioner began to put me in contact with several people over the following weeks people who had told him that they would be willing to give superb offers for death many of these offers turned out to not be so great after all but i still got some that were worthy enough to be posted in the value requests channel and i did just that but i forgot one thing a crucial thing a thing that would lead to my downfall and expose me to the harsh wrath of what was to come to raise death i couldn't keep sending incomplete trade requests role mods required actual completed trades my goal at this point was just to help commissioner out i'm a very people pleaser person like that when someone wants my help i'll usually help them even if it hurts me in the long run and if i was going to help commissioner get his item raised i would need to trade death i didn't want to i wanted to stall i wanted to wait for another owner to come out of the woodwork and decide to trade theirs before me but alas it seemed like i was the only person who would even consider trading death and the offers from the people commissioner was putting me in contact with just kept getting better and better one day someone offered me 241k in items that were doing decently well we had gotten to this point after nearly two days of negotiating and compromising and at this point i felt backed into a corner i could always say no to this guy and just block him but he had been so polite to me and if i did that the past two days would have just been a waste of both of our times there was no reason to do that his offer was reasonable and having 200k rap as opposed to 31k would be pretty cool but that wasn't the final nail in the coffin for me it was one extra item that he happened to have in his inventory the bay area maker top hat 2014. the bay area maker top hat 2014 hails from a time when roblox was very interested in doing live events centered around themselves specifically at maker faires which are large conventions put on across the world by the company make maker faires are meant to be places where anyone from big companies to small communities can show off cool things that they made though if you're too big of a company it might cost you that cost wasn't a problem for roblox though because they've set up booths at several maker faire locations all across the united states their booths were usually very impressive featuring appearances from famous roblox staff members and developers opportunities to participate in games and challenges opportunities to pick up real-life roblox merchandise and even free avatar accessories as special thanks for coming out starting in 2014 everyone who visited a roblox booth at any maker faire would receive a complimentary card with a promo code on it and if you redeem that code before it expired you would receive a free top hat named after the city and year you visited in the hats all used this mesh but their textures were drastically different from milwaukee to miami to dover to detroit god damn it the colors all varied wildly but in my opinion none of them would ever truly be the first of these top hats to ever be produced the bay area top hat 2014. named after one of the two flagship maker faires and the first roblox attended fair of 2014 this had sensible navy blue fabric and tastefully bronze goggles scream innovation and make it a rare beauty that any airship ride and sword cane heaven's steampunk gentlemen would be proud to own in fact i'd go so far as to say that this is one of the coolest looking free and easily obtainable hats that roblox has ever produced and apparently roblox thought so too because on may 12 2022 this hat became the sixth old off sale in the past three years to go limited the role rolemon's discord server erupted into celebration roblox truly was staying true to the unspoken promise of new limiteds that they had made to the community and cranking out those old off sails even though this one was kind of random it sold for well over 200k in rapid succession three times after it was released the age of the new rare limiteds was finally upon us and the traders couldn't be happier and then its next sale was for around one third of its rap that's really the sad truth about these new limiteds their original owners are not here to stay most of them aren't traders they're just people who notice that they suddenly have an opportunity to make a lot of robux by selling their limited item and if no one buys it for the amount they sell it for they aim lower and lower until someone finally takes it i think a big part of why this hat sold for 200k at the beginning was its novelty and once that wore off people just stopped buying it but the original owners didn't care they got this hat for free any robux they can make off of it at all would be a profit and so the prices kept dropping and dropping the rap kept lowering and lowering and its trading value drastically declined this would only continue on during the coming months until eventually the bay area top hat was regularly being traded for only around half of its rap it was obvious that its rap was no longer a good indicator of its value and rolomonds had to do something about it so on july 17th 2022 the bay area maker top hat 2014 along with a few other items that were experiencing a face similar to it were marked as projected that was what really made up my mind about the death offer if this guy was willing to trade me his bay area top hat for anywhere close to half of its wrap and i could flip it for equal or extra value it would be the most profit i've ever made all at once i could use that profit to invest in a much bigger and more respected rare than death and everything would be chill again all i would have to do is get back into the projective flipping lifestyle for a couple of days and i could make bank projecteds above 100k don't tend to deflate as quickly as lower rap projected so as long as i didn't get lazy and do nothing with it for months on end i would be fine i originally wanted to trade my death for his bae and some additional items but commissioner advised me not to do that as the rollon staff team counts projected as zero value for some reason and it would actually hurt death's chances of raising so instead i made a plan with my trade partner to send him an offer for bae as soon as i received his items he wanted 100k for it which was quite a steep deal at the time but it didn't really matter as i would probably be making double that from bae anyway so i agreed he sent me the first offer and with a heavy heart i said goodbye to death and hello to my worst nightmare if you were worried that this was going to be a story about me getting swindled out of a deal i made don't be because i did in fact get my bay hat after trying it on i realized it was a bit smaller than i hoped it would be but that was okay because i wouldn't have it for long i quickly threw together a temporary avatar for it and got to work on my quest for profit by which i mean sitting motionless in front of my computer all day clicking my mouse a bunch i first tried a bunch of items with moderate amounts of copies i know it may seem like a bad idea not to go for items with more owners first because that's all the more darts to hit that metaphorical dartboard with but i've found in projected flipping that sometimes you get a hit with smaller items before bigger ones that may be because smaller items are less likely to be targeted by other flippers or it may be because they have older owners who potentially don't know what the limited market is like nowadays i don't know but regardless that was my strategy i went for several moderately expensive and common faces first such as grandma's lipstick punk face the dog whisperer freckled cheeks optimus troublemaker and the silver punk face i also tried for some moderately common and expensive hats such as gold king of the night blizzaria the frozen sinister fedora and bright-eyes bloxy cola hat these were all well above 100k and below bay's wrap except silverpunk face for which i just added an extra item anyone who didn't know about rollman's values and didn't bother to check bay's selling price would happily snap these trades up in total i probably sent a thousand trades those first few days it took a lot of time but i was pleased with what i had managed to get done so i sat back and waited and waited and waited i checked my inventory after a couple of days because you know covered and the bay area maker top hat 2014 was still there it makes sense that it would be harder to trick the owners of bigger items than those of smaller ones but it still kind of ruined my morning i was now sick with a worthless item that i was suddenly far less confident might give me a profit and the worst part was that this all happened in the middle of my vacation to a lake in south carolina so i was also stranded around a thousand miles from home but i'm getting off topic i wasn't going to give up so easily i was sort of avoiding this but it was time to go demand there were several items that i hadn't tried for yet that have thousands of premium owners these are known as demand items and their higher popularity usually makes them a target for bots and other flippers so it's pretty hard to catch a dumb owner before they fall for something else but it's not impossible and with the amount of different 100k plus demand items there were out there it was even probable i send hundreds and hundreds of trades over the next few days i sent to every owner of silver king of the night valkyrie helm ice valkyrie immortal sword wicked heart jj 5x5's white top hat and even the newly limited blue clockwork headphones which i had especially high hopes for considering that they had only been limited for a few weeks and probably had several older owners who didn't know how to handle them still once again i probably sent well over a thousand trades over those days if you were an owner of one of the items i just mentioned and you had your trades open without requiring a follow you probably got a trade from me i'll tell you one thing you have a zero percent chance of having done though accepting said trade yes once again not a single person out of the thousands of people i had sent to at this point had accepted my trade and at this point i was getting legitimately panicked why wasn't this working was every trader just smarter now i would have been happy to receive a good counteroffer from someone at this point but the highest offer i was getting was just three-fourths of what i originally traded for this thing hardly anyone was countering my offers in fact it was just decline after decline after decline by this point the top hat had dropped in value then randomly reprojected and was poised to drop again it had been nearly a week and a half i had sent a trade to every owner of almost every item within my means above 100k at this point and not received anything out of it but i still wasn't going to give up i kept on trying i started sending for even more expensive items and just adding extra hats to the trade to try to match the rap although i was well past the point of being burnt out and tired i was still dead set on sending a trade to every owner of every above 100k item below my maximum available rat possible and after that i was even planning on settling for an item slightly below 100k super super happy faces started doing pretty well and it had over 3 500 premium owners surely one of them would take this thing i knew that making my money back was possible but sadly it would never happen and that's all thanks to one fact that i hadn't realized the projected was the least of my problems [Music] [Applause] [Music] so because of this deflation i was losing money fast one night i went to bed with a 125k valued super super happy face in my inventory woke up the next day and found out that it had been lowered by 10 000 robux i lost 5k from my stickmaster luke's peanut butter hair 5k from my neon pink top hat 4k from elf ears 2k from adorite antlers and a lot more and that's not even counting the overpays i willingly gave for captain doge peanut butter hair and dominus fermigilosis which probably cost me around 18k combined i was being bled dry and i could hardly do anything to stop it because between my constant need to keep sending out bay area top hat trades the fact that i was heading back to my job again very soon and my need for dumb things like you know sleep and a social life i had no time to train normally i still managed to squeeze out some decent overpays on some items here and there but they were no match for the tsunami of loss that kept hitting me over and over again and all the while they kept deflating like all projecteds do i couldn't keep trading with it for much longer or i would be left with nothing at all day after day i kept trying to find one person who didn't know about role models values one usd buyer one lazy miss sender who might finally take this thing off my hands and i was disappointed time and time again out of the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of trades that i had sent at this point not a single one had accepted at the end of my first day back at work i pulled out my phone one last time and still no luck it still sat there in my inventory i couldn't get rid of it for the first time in the history of my time flipping projecteds i knew that i had finally failed it was time to give up [Music] i had one saving grace that day which was that that person who had offered me 70 to 75k when i first started hadn't stopped making the offers they might have been a trade bot i don't know but regardless i'm thankful to sluggify for taking on what is now formerly my bay area maker top hat 2014. the curse of the 2014 bay area maker faire was over i was free when all was said and done i had about 230k left but i knew that that wouldn't last my items were still all under 100k commons that still had a very good chance of being further affected by deflation just like when i got death i needed to put all my funds into one big safety item before i could walk away and it couldn't be some random rare this time i'd learned my lesson from death i needed something that would actually raise in the years to come and benefit me greatly over the long term it took a bit of deciding but eventually i settled on none other than the blue clockwork headphones like i said earlier these have only been limited for a few weeks as of this video being published and they're actually one of the items that i was rooting for to go limited in my which items deserve to go limited video they're already getting pretty good overpays and the fact that they're part of the clockwork headphone series means that they will most likely be very popular in the months to come every christmas there's usually a period where very high demand items become extremely hyped and raise in value quite a bit due to everyone having extra robux to spend from christmas gifts and i have a feeling that these headphones will inflate heavily when that happens after that i may consider trading them for something else but honestly until then i'm done with limited trading man like i honestly cannot care about this anymore maintaining a healthy youtube real life balance is already hard enough as it is and if i throw trading into the mix you'll probably never see me upload again plus i'm not even good at it the only reason i managed to get where i am now in the first place was because i projected flipped and every time i've ever tried to trade like a normal person it's always been a net loss for me i'm not a good negotiator i'm not good at convincing people to overpay for my items i don't know how to strategically hoard i don't know how to use demand items to my advantage i am simply incompetent at trading in every sense of the word now i'm sure a lot of you if not most of you don't feel bad for me at all a lot of what i had was pretty much blood money from people who didn't know any better and i probably deserved to lose as much as i did if not my entire inventory and that's all true i completely agree with that this video is not meant to make anyone stick up for me it's not meant to paint me like some kind of anime protagonist who got dealt a bad hand it's just meant to be a warning trading isn't for everyone if it was everyone would be a millionaire you need to have a very specific combination of luck and characteristics in order to succeed and even if you do one wrong move can tear it all away from you in an instant there are better healthier and more permanent ways to make money on roblox and if you're looking to become rich i urge you to treat trading as a last resort it is a way to get limiteds but it's not the only way anyway thanks for sticking around to the end of the video i know it's not what i normally make but to be honest this week did not exactly leave me a lot of time to come up with something else so i hope you enjoyed it and with that being said i've been lord nitrous and i'll see you all next time bye [Music]
Channel: Nitrolord
Views: 150,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maker Faire, Bay Area, 2014, Maker Wrench Pack, 2015, The Maker Fedora, Robux, Trading, Roblox Trading, Roblox Limited Trading, Roblox Limiteds, Roblox History, Dethroned Ruler of the Universe, Deth, Projecteds, Flipping, Projs, Rolimons, Roblox
Id: 6b6RZ2hdSzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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