i listened to the new BTS album even though i don't like BTS

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I don't like BTS, I've never liked BTS,  I've listened to BTS. And I think that   they're incredibly overrated, just by my  own subjective standards. That standard   being they're famous, and I don't like them. Hi, and welcome back to me talking about whatever   I want. Today, I want to talk about BTS's new  album. Because I don't like BTS, but I do know   that if I talk about BTS's new album, I'm going to  get a lot of views. But that doesn't mean I have   to ignore their existence completely or talk bad  about their music. I'm still going to give their   album a chance. And if you're new to this channel,  you already know how I do album reviews. I'm fair,   but I'm also honest. If I don't like it, I'm just  going to say I don't like it. And if I don't like   it for no reason, I'm just going to admit that I  don't like it for no reason and move on. However,   I do take music very seriously. I've listened to  their new albums several times. Which is insane,   because there's over an hour and 10 minutes long. And on top of that, I know all of the lyrics. I   know what each song is about in English because I  looked it up from multiple different translations.   And on top of that, I also know who's singing  each part in each song. I familiarized myself   with the boy band members, found some of those  color coded videos. I may not be a BTS fan, but   that doesn't mean I'm just going to be completely  ignorant about who they are. This is an informed,   but honest review of BTS "Map of the Soul:7."  20 tracks, a couple of features, let's go.  All right, track one " Intro: Persona." This  track is rapped by RM. And it's kind of a song   about losing track of who you are. My issue with  the song though is that it's messy. And it's not   RM's fault, his delivery is pretty amazing. But  the beat, what even is this beat? It has like this   rock and roll sound. It almost sounds like a joke. I don't like it. All right, of course a rap song   is more than just the beat. The lyrics are  pretty amazing. He kind of talks a bit about   getting everything you wanted, but it's still not  being enough to assuage the voices in your head.  It's like imposter syndrome. He also  talks a bit about losing your roots,   which actually made me a bit sad. It's not a negative track because despite   all these insecurities and uncertainties it ends  with the reassurance of who he is. I like it,   I like the message. The whole song is  kind of summed up by they're afraid.  Who is he?. He's RM. And that's basically  all you need to know about this song. Still   though the beat was so not it. It's like  really deep lyrics on a wacky instrumental.   And it's like, "What's up with that?" "Boy with Luv" featuring Halsey. I don't   like it. First of all, the instrumentalist  of the song is so commercial is like radio   ready? It's unoriginal. And then if that's enough,   the autotune, the autotune, oh the auto tune, It's so much. Also the delivery of the chorus   is annoying. Anyway, Halsey shows up and she's  the first feature on this album. And why is she   there? She's barely there. You can hear her,  but not really. The only place she is really   prominent is just one part of the chorus. Waited all my life for what? To get some   actual lines on the BTS song because  it looks like you're going to have to   keep waiting. As for the lyrics honestly,  it's just a commercial love song, there's   not much to say about them. I wasn't even a fan  of the rap in this one. I didn't like it. Next.  "Make it Right." Okay the song was actually  co-written by Ed Sheeran. And that's interesting   to keep in mind, however, that wasn't enough to  make me like it. And honestly, with this being   track three, I was starting to get very worried  because the auto tune was back with a vengeance.  On top of that, the beat was very similar to "Boy  with Luv." I was highly concerned because I was   like, "Is this what the whole album is going to  sound like?" It turns out the answer is yes and   no. This one did have better lyrics though. It's  kind of still a love song, but it's about becoming   a better person. It's really nice. Also J-Hope  sings in this song, which I didn't know that the   rappers in BTS could also sing. That's crazy. As you can hear, he actually has a pretty   nice voice. I'm assuming, even though I wouldn't  really know because it's slathered in auto tune.  'Jamais Vu' This is a sub-unit song and it's  featuring J-Hope. Jin and Jungkook. Honestly,   the three of them go really well  together. First of all, Jin and   Jungkook vocals really compliment each other. It's like a very soft, nice song. And then on   top of that, we get sad J-hope. I like it. The lyrics are pretty.   They're about dealing with the pain of repeated  mistakes, but not giving up no matter how far   back you get pushed. Overall it's pretty  cool song. I enjoyed listening to it.  Track five. Awful, awful, awful. What is  happening? It sounds like bad rap from the 90s.  It sounds like someone's WWE intro music, a  wrestler would just walk out while the song   blares in the background. On top of that parts  of the song don't even sound like the same song.   For example, towards the end Suga shows up and he  kills it. His flow is so good on the song but it   literally does not sound like it's the same song. I wish we could just get Suga by himself. Not   that the other members are bad. It's just the  production on the rest of the song is awful. The   lyrics on the other hand are incredible. They're  really deep. It's written on multiple levels.   It's kind of mixing Korean folk songs with Greek  mythology, which is a crazy concept. The song is   not really about getting drunk on alcohol. It's  about getting drunk on art and music. Overall,   it's really neat, too bad it sounds bad. "Interlude: Shadow." All right so my wish about   getting Suga by himself came true and I couldn't  be happier. This song is incredible. Sonically,   this song serves as a bridge to the next part  of the album and things are getting a little   darker. See, it starts off with Suga listing  off his aspirations and it's pretty chill.  But then it kind of changes. And all of a sudden  those aspirations are sounding a little scary.  And then the song's just... Suga goes crazy  and he starts rap arguing with his shadows.   It's legitimately terrifying,  but in the best way possible.  This is the full potential of this album's concept  as an exploration of psychology. In this moment,   I understood. I think is the most fully  realized song towards that concept and   Suga's his shadow that he's rapping against is  actually part of his subconscious. It's just   neat. It's more than I would expect from like  a boy band. Easily one of the best songs on   the album basically is scary BTS is best BTS. Track seven, "Black Swan." I would literally   have to make a whole video just to tell  you how pretty this song is. First of all,   the instrumental is gorgeous. On top of that, the lyrics are   intense. In fact, this is one part Jimin  sings about refusing to be swallowed up.  It's some powerful stuff. This song, it's  about BTS falling out of love with music,   but then not falling out of love with music  because music is all they really have. It fits the   dark direction after the "Shadow:Interlude" really  well, which I was happy about. And on top of that,   you don't find very much music about the love  of music and that's somebody who loves music.   I just thought the song was incredible. Track eight, "Filter." All right   so Jimin's solo in the song and he  does an amazing job with the vocals.  Actually, he still has a little twinge  of dark, not just in the music itself,   but the lyrics they're not necessarily healthy. They're still fun so honestly who cares?   It's just a cool fun song. All right, next we have "My   Time." Which is a solo song from Jungkook and  it's basically just Jungkook flexing his vocals   for four minutes straight, but he deserves it, if  y'all had told me this man can sing this well...  Okay then he's my favorite vocalist from BTS  hands down. Besides being a stellar vocal   performance. It also just doubles as very nice  R&B. Overall, this song is going in my playlist.  All right. Track 10, "Louder than Bombs." The song  is actually co-written by Troye Sivan, which was   cool. He has like this cool thing on the chorus. I like it. The thing is it's a very standard BTS   song. And I can say that confidently, having  just listened to nine BTS songs in a row. It's   not a bad song, it's just not particularly out of  the box or interesting to me. The lyrics though,   the lyrics are very interesting. First of all,  they are heavy and they're like extremely sad.   In fact, this was the first song on this album  so far that didn't end on a positive note.  But then we got a whole positive song. Sonically  at least, this track "On" has this real gospel   vibe to it. It's a super fun instrumental. I was really excited to hear the thinking and   then I was instantly deflated because guess who's  back the auto tune and it's back with a vengeance.  "I can't understand what people are saying."  We can't understand what you're saying because   you sound like a robot my guy. This is track 11,  we're halfway through the album and at this point,   the album was starting to blend together. Part  of it was how similar some of the songs were.   The majority of it was literally just the  auto tune. Started kind of sounding like   this electronic singular song. And honestly, these  people are talented enough to not need auto tune,   was a little confused by that. However, in spite  of this, Jungkook delivers the most stunning   performance, maybe on the album, he hits these  notes on this one part and it's just like...  Okay, then. Track 12, "UGH" The only thing 'ugh'  about this song is the title. Everything else is   phenomenal. This song features BTS rap line, which  is of course RM, Suga and J-Hope. And they kill   this beat. There's this one part specifically  where J-Hope hits this flow and it's flawless.  I like it, don't stop. On top of  that this track is just so angry,   it's amazing. The lyrics are very pointed, but  they're angry at people for being angry over   nothing. Even though the track is delivered  in an angry way, it's more so an exploration   of anger and how negative it is and its effects  are. Also towards the end the beat just goes so   hard it should literally be illegal. Perfection! "00:OO(Zero o'clock)." This song features BTS'   singers so that's Jimin, Jin, V and Jungkook and  honestly the song is boring. It's very mainstream,   very commercial. It's similar to  a lot of songs I've heard before.   But on top of that, it just sounds dated. It has nice lyrics, but it's a weak song.  Track 14, "Inner Child." This is V's first  solo track on this album and he got played.   They did him dirty. This track is not... No. We going change is such.... no. And what's   with all the 'Oh', is that really necessary  in the background? It sounds like a church   worship service, you know what I mean?  It sounds like music from a commercial   targeting Gen Z. You know what I'm saying? All Right. Track 15, "Friends." This song is   performed by Jimin and V. And it's hilarious.  Basically just to grown men singing a love   friendship song to each other. What I'm trying  to say here is, I love this song so much.  It's really cheesy, but really soulful.  I did not know V belting out "You are   my soulmate" at the top of his lungs  was something that I needed to hear...  But I am so glad that I heard it. All right. "Moon." Track 16, the album was   almost over and I'm kind of glad because I don't  like this song. It sounds very similar to "Inner   Child". Just take all the criticism I gave towards  the track "Inner Child" and apply it to this song.  Track 17, "Respect." I was seriously  losing interest in the album at this   point. This song is by RM and Suga. And  it sounds like another bad 90s rap song.  There's a cool sample in the beginning  though. I don't know whether it sampled   from, but it sounds nice. I like that. That's about it.  Track 18, "We are Bulletproof: the eternal." I  guess, since we're towards the end of the album,   they just wanted to hit us in  the fields and that they did.  That is the most heartfelt song on the album.  It's kind of like a BTS Anthem. It's very dramatic   and powerful and good. I'd imagine if you were a  longtime fan of BTS, then the song would probably   be really moving to you. But honestly I have to  say, even though somebody just casually listening   to their album, because it's there, I can still  recognize that the song is pretty incredible.  And the last original track for this album,  "Outro:Ego." This whole song is performed by   J-Hope and it's a song. It's not a bad song, it's  simple. It's a nice, joyful finish to the album.  It's like good vibes on ironically. The final of the track on the   album and is a remix of "ON." Featuring Sia,  but she's barely there. What was the point?  Okay, so my closing thoughts, auto tune. That's  all I'm going to remember tomorrow. Why was there   so much auto tune on this album? Now here's the  thing, I don't even always dislike auto tune.   In fact, I like certain performers solely because  of their auto tune Travis Scott, Post Malone, Don   Toliver but on this album, it just sounded bad.  It was excessive, it was robotic. And as I pointed   out, it caused a lot of the songs to just blend  into each other. More over, it was unnecessary.   These people can sing. Who did that? BTS, why did  you let somebody do that to you? Beyond that the   album has too many tracks, far too many tracks.  If an album is going to be like one hour and 16   minutes or however long it is, it has to be really  engaging otherwise, it's going to feel long.  And I think it was quite engaging in  the beginning, but towards the end,   it definitely felt long. A lot of the tracks  on the second half of the album are lyrically   redundant and it just dragged on and on. It was  not pleasant for me, honestly, towards the end   there. Those are my main negatives of the album. Overall though, the songwriting was a consistent   win. The whole concept of the album was  incredible. They delivered an entire album   focused around exploring psychology through  music. On top of that, their performances were   flawless. All seven of them, Jimin's vocal style,  Jin's high notes, Jungkook's literal everything,   V's deep notes, RM's power, Suga's versatility and  J-Hope's carefree delivery. They all came together   on this album to create an amazing product.  And that product gets a B minus. Minus one   that regrade for auto tune and redundant songs.  They were just too many. Why were they 20 songs?  Anyway, do I still just like BTS after  all of this? Yeah. It was good music,   but this was still very much in the vein  of all their other music, which I already   didn't like before listening to this. They're  good artists and I definitely understand why   they're so popular now, definitely more now  than I did before listening to the album. When   I'm just minding my own business and going  to chill, I'm not going to put on BTS. Well,   okay. I might put on "My Time" by Jungkook.  Other than that, I'm not going to be listening   to BTS on my downtime. Their style isn't  for me and that's fine. That's allowed,   it's for obviously a lot of people. My final word is that the album felt   like a 2000s boy band album that somebody sends  to the future and asked people from 2014 to   mix and master, and that's not inherently  bad. And if you like that sort of thing,   I think it's a really good album. It's just not  something that I really get anything out of.  That's my review of BTS "Map of the Soul:7." I  remain fair and more importantly, I was honest.   But I did my best to educate myself on the members  and everything. Though, I am aware I may have   messed up some names or some pronunciations or  maybe certain things like that. But I promise,   I didn't mean to. I really spent hours in  preparation, just getting all the lyrics   together and putting the little pictures up on  screen. Really, I cared a lot about this video   because I cared about listening to the album. You  know what I mean? I still wanted to do a good job.   But it's still probably going to have a ton of  just like from BTS fans, who only listened to the   first 30 seconds where I said, I didn't like BTS  and then clicked off. Anyway, honestly who cares.
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 1,109,657
Rating: 4.5529871 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, i listened to the new BTS album even though i don't like BTS
Id: tTIsmliC8FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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