Topdress Leveling Overseed + Labor Day Bonus Footage

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[Music] so this car right here has not been out of the garage for far too long now and with all my renovations going on everything going on this upcoming weekend is Labor Day weekend and I really like to have this car out of the garage first I got this pile of soil out of the driveway which means I got to do some more projects here and that's where we're gonna be working on today so I got both sward men's out today because well I need to use two different tools the scarifier and the reel and one has one in there right now one has the other so I guess why switch them out right so I'll show you a little bit of both today I'm gonna be going through this yard first I know it's going to seem extremely crazy because it looks amazing right now and it does but we're not really after the look on this step necessarily we're after fixing all the stuff that happened during my irrigation install and then so topdressing basically as much as possible some leveling where we might have to do some more seating probably on that far north side it'll be the exact same seat it will look the same and really not too long because it's perennial ryegrass so it doesn't take too long to grow in so basically on the closer look you can see here some of this brown this is just stuff they got a little bit too toasty during the summertime or fungus or and or maybe both so this should come in and clean out most of that there's still plenty of good grass here and we shouldn't harm a lot of it but it's okay because we're going to oversee it a little bit as well get some morning in there [Music] I talked about this little thing before that's awesome I will have a link down in the description if you want to check it out basically who knew there was all this stuff kind of mixed in there now there's some green grass in there like I said we're going to be putting a little more seed down so I'm not worried about that but also it's a lot of brown stuff down in there too that looks fantastic here you see all that brown stuff has gone out of there but yet we still have plenty of good grass left here so if you just left it like this and you started watering again fertilizing again even though this is rye grass and it's not going to spread as tight as blue grass will these plants will still start to bunch themselves bigger than they are and fill in these little bit of sections here with new leaves on these plants so it would work that way too but we're just giving this some room to breathe here get rid of all that junk that was in there and now I begin to cut it just a little bit lower so we can see where our leveling areas need to go [Music] there it is cut at a half an inch this Bad News Bears for me because I really like it at this height and I'd prefer to keep it there during the fall time or during the cool part of the year if I could but what's revealed to me though even at a quarter inch all are cutting at three quarters of an inch is I have a lot of uneven areas happening in there and I knew that that was the case especially after the irrigation there's some sections over there where you're just driving along and you could feel those tire marks where the indentations from the tires it's like bouncing on a gravel road right there so feel of it though it's really amazing at this height it really feels much more fairway like and so we'll see how the leveling goes and where I can get it to moving forward I wanted to see if you can see this - this is a big patch of feschi right here and it has been surviving just fine yeah it's a big patch of fescue there some more I'll be mixing in here and a piece right here so that's all left over from the old yard I've never sprayed this yard out completely I just smothered it last year so there's still some stuff in there okay here's where I'm at so far that kind of one layer of soil put out here gonna rake this around get it somewhat level take the roller over it and then start to make my fine-tuning adjustments so this one's got some pretty drastic areas so it's going to take a little bit of work here to kind of fine-tune everything [Music] [Music] [Applause] well it's almost dark working my tail off as usual and have to probably continue some of this in the morning so I'll see you then good morning everyone or afternoon or evening whenever you're watching this you know I may only be in my mid-30s but my body's starting to tell me that it's not so happy about certain things that I've been doing like shoveling all that stuff yesterday so I'm pretty sore this morning but we will push through it like the OS do so I just spread this out here and I wanted to show you that if you were going to be just top dressing the are you want something like this when you're done spreading the soil so we got a nice layer here that leveled everything but we also have the grass blades coming back up through that needs to happen in order for it to continue to get sunlight grow back up through that soil so if you were to smother this thing like I have a couple other areas here that are completely covered then that's why I'm adding seed back on top of there to make sure that I'm going to have grass growing everywhere again and that's that's mainly just because I had some drastic leveling work to do if you're just top dressing and you just want to come in and kind of cover everything with a nice even layer not go too heavy and this would be what you would want it to look like [Music] I pretty much ran out of soil now that I can really sift really well this stuff's pretty wet it kind of got through underneath my tarp that I had on there so I'm gonna let this dry out a little bit more what we have for the area that was the worst I did my absolute best I think it's gonna need some more top dressing over time there's really no doubt about that in my mind but for now at least we can get the mower across here and we're not running through valleys and big bumps and stuff so [Music] for our bare soil areas I'm going to try to put some peat moss on those and may or may not hold we do not really have any storms crossing my fingers in the forecast so some of these bare soil areas I'm going to try to cover those the rest of it is totally fine no problem with that it will hold the seed down in that existing grass it's a nice thing with rye grass is that as you go along one I've grown it on concrete before so it's pretty resilient stuff and two is that once you see thin spots throw out a little bit more seed there within a week's time you're not even really going to notice it anymore so let's see how long this takes to germinate normally three to four days or so is what I've seen in the past [Music] all right this is it it's all I have left I hope to not see the shovel again for quite some time [Music] ladies and gentlemen the President of the United States on this day this American holiday we are celebrating the rights of free laboring men and women [Music] maybe it's just me but it often feels like Labor Day is just another day for more Labor sure you might be away from work but it seems there's always more work to do at home for my wife it's canning season and that means hours and hours of boiling water and time spent in the kitchen [Music] for me of course its lawn season which also happens to be my job but I spend more time on that and the video work than you might believe but I do that for a good reason because I truly love it for us we don't know any other way as my wife always says I don't sit well on this Labor Day I hope you had a chance for a small break from reality or if your work was just replaced by more work at home I hope it was something that you enjoy for me I got back to a few things that I've been missing for a while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may it be said on some future Labor Day by some future President of the United States that we did our work faithfully and well
Channel: Ryan Knorr Lawn Care
Views: 1,537,411
Rating: 4.8577209 out of 5
Keywords: lawn, lawn care, level lawn, how to repair a low spot in your lawn, low spot in lawn, lawn care tips, how to level a lawn, fix a low spot in the grass, level a lawn, lawn leveling, leveling lawn, how to level a lawn using topsoil, top dressing your lawn, can you use sand to level a lawn, lawn renovation, topdress, uneven lawn, topdressing, overseeding an existing lawn, leveling an existing lawn, flat lawn, lawn tips, reel mowing, perennial ryegrass
Id: 6chcDmQUmWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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