I learned game development for 6 months...

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never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life stop waiting for things to happen go out and make them happen these were exactly the quotes that were running through my mind in early September of last year see i' had been sitting on ideas for video game projects since my freshman year of college but I simply had no time between a part-time job and full-time classes this past September marks the 5-month anniversary of my college graduation never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life stop waiting for things to happen go out and make them happen how long would I wait to pursue the things that would truly give me fulfillment on September 20th 2023 I started to put pen on paper to build my first video game design document to start learning game [Music] development yeah so the first week mostly consisted of writing down what I wanted the game to be this was important for a few reasons firstly I have goldfish brain and writing my ideas down helps me retain information secondly my concept of the game was very shallow at that point and writing it down would allow me to identify some of the flaws of my design and buff out some of the rough edges I also added a journaling section at the bottom so that I could keep track of my Milestones every week I knew that I wanted to work with gdau since Unity just self-destructed a few weeks prior and unreal cost money I watched a few tutorials on YouTube to get a grasp of the layout of gdau and familiarize myself with the engine's quirks I built a basic test level cons consisting of some blocks and a plain flooor I watched more tutorials specifically on how to create an FPS camera and player movement and here are the results check it out um I've got first person controls firsters controls I can't do this [Music] while week two took a different route as I began my 3D modeling career I like with gdau learned the layout of blender and the Bare Essentials with a few smart people on YouTube by the way I will link a playlist of most of the tutorials I watched or thought were interesting if you guys wanted to check them out what the help from YouTube people I built a little guy this little guy consisted of a mesh and a skeleton you can combine those two things with the help of a weight painting this tells the bones which part of the mesh to control in week three I put that little guy in the game I spent most of my time working on and finishing my first gun model if you couldn't tell by now we're making an FPS game also I started some initial work on The View model camera in week four I edited the little guy's mesh cuz his head and hands were weird also I had to redo his hand bones also I had to redo his weight painting and that wraps up my first month of game development I feel like it had a good balance of learning stuff implementing new features and creating new assets the second month followed a theme of making [ __ ] in blender and then importing it into gdau with occasional features being added to the game here and there but first I had to fix my character because this is horrendous while doing this I learned that square faces are better for soft body models because they're stretchy and triangles are better for more rigid models simply because they're more efficient for the computer to render or something so I made my characters joints and then I didn't like the result so I remade them again and I think the result speaks for [Music] itself week six was focused on animation I learned how to add bones to the gun yes guns have bones grow up I made animations for drawing and firing I think they look good enough for my first try back to gdau I worked on procedural animation specifically weapon sway based off mouse movement I combined this with the animations I made in blender I think it looks really good in week seven I made my first reload animation after exporting this animation I realized I probably imported the blend models in correctly since uh this was happening it's okay all I needed to do was not import the inverse kinetics bones when exporting to gdau and now it works fine but gdau is still interpolating when I don't want it to interpolating being the process of adding frames in between the hand key ones this makes it so that the animation can scale indefinitely depending on whatever frame rate you're playing on this is great for most cases but my reload animation pulls a magic trick and swaps the position of the mags within the span of two frames it's supposed to be hidden but interpolation ruins the trick this is fine though because GD has the option to turn off interpolation per animation this is great I can turn off interpolation for the animations in which I use magic tricks and keep it on for the rest that would be the case but my version of gdau is bugged so that button just simply doesn't exist on my version I searched everywhere on the internet for a solution to this and I even put a discussion post on gd's Discord but I couldn't find any help unfortunately also on week seven I began work on projectiles they're going really slow for demonstration purposes also you could spam left click and fire a bunch of them at once so I'll have to fix that but not before I added a spark effect for when a bullet hits something this only ever worked 5% of the time but it looked really cool when it did happen also when you pause the game your character now Holst SE their weapon and then draws it when the game is unpaused at around the Midway point of the week I realized that I would have to have a few more weapons in the game in order to add more mechanics like weapon swapping weapon inventories Etc of course I could just put in placeholder models and work on the mechanics first like a normal person so I took a break from gdau and began work on the model for a new weapon the akm okay that's enough back to gdau I made it so that you can't spam projectiles anymore much better okay back to blender I worked on the animation for the Glock 17 for when you have no ammo like the animations that play when you try to reload fire and draw your weapon I spent the entirety of week N9 working on the akm model initially I was going to use the Bake Light magazine like the green one but I scrapped that halfway through and chose a stamped Metal magazine instead okay tangent time why the f is it so hard to find references and measurements for some of these weapons like the AK is one of the most produced weapons in the world and I don't know how wide it is for this model and the other model that I make later I had to find other 3D game assets online and cross reference there to find out certain Dimensions or like I just have to eyeball it which is fine I guess anyways tangent over initially in order to work on game development I stopped making videos for YouTube entirely it was during week 10 that I realized that I had missed making those videos at this point I decided to split my free time in half alternating whether I worked on videos or game development every other week so during week 10 I worked on videos in week 11 I finished my YouTube video and I finished my akm model from the beginning of the project I've been striving for a low poly art style but I don't know I get distracted in modeling every single detail of a weapon so I hope that my art style doesn't derail in the future here it is really big looks kind of off though oh it's just cuz some of the faces are inverted you can fix it by clicking some buttons and blender and then re-exporting so that's two gun models done lastly is the M16 also I made a Bas pose for the akm so there's my guy holding it week 12 mostly consisted of me working on videos the rest of the time this week I spent working on my M16 model this was the point where I feel like I was starting to Plateau with my project I knew that these models had to get done but I was just not interested at all and putting in the hours to finish them what I was looking forward to was adding more features to the game which wouldn't come by for a long time I spent the entirety of my Dev time in week 13 modeling the M16 nights they were about 90% [Music] there it wasn't until week 19 until I started working on my Game Dev project again I finally finished my M16 model which just has basic iron sights right now there's a plan for weapon attachments down the line but we'll cross that road when we get there going into week 20 I had all the weapons that I needed to start working on more features one of those features being the weapons manager for some reason I forgot to record anything this week but I basically just worked on the framework for the weapons manager and fixed a few bugs one of them being that all my blend files disappeared randomly I think when I updated my GDOT version 4.2 the blender application reference was removed um I don't know I don't know what it was I fixed it eventually with week 21 we were finally in the last month of the project it was at this point I realized I had spent one month picking a strand type game 2 months making cute models and 2 months of not even working on the project your player now has a weapon inventory I'm reusing the Glock animations for the AK right now don't worry about it check it out you actually have a HUD that stands for heads up display just in case you didn't know reloading now does something instead of just looking cool you have to reload when your ammo is empty it also accounts for One in the Chamber this is similar to Battlefield and some mstom games week 22 I just worked on some videos in week 23 I replaced the physics based bullets with hit scan this is because the physics engine couldn't handle how fast and smaller projectiles were this is also why the spark effects weren't working correctly hit scan I think will be better for our project and I'll make some tweaks and modifications to make it look like it actually is a physical bullet in order to test out my new hit scan I added some new objects to shoot at destructible barrels these come in red and blue bullets now physically affect the objects they hit and that's based off weapon caliber so the the AK will hit way harder than the pistol will the red barrels are full of non- explodable oil and are heavy while the blue ones are empty and therefore lighter these barrels have health and get deleted if shot too much I updated the weapon sway so that it is unique to each weapon the sway amount is based on how heavy each weapon is okay let me explain real quick how most hit scan guns work most games that use hit scan make the hit scan come from the center of your screen and then make it look like the bullets are coming out of the gun on screen some games even make an extra Ray cast for the gun to the end point of the hit scan to see if anything would block the bullet so if your gun's in front of a wall it'll shoot the wall instead of whatever you're looking at but it's just not real enough you know what's real the bullets coming out of the actual gun so I actually spent a long time figuring this out cuz this [ __ ] is confusing and scary but now the hit scan comes out of the gun this will be super convenient too because recoil and sway on the weapon will directly translate to the accuracy of the gun I also improved the weapon sway so it looks better now I also added weapon rot rotation based inversely on weapon length so the shorter the gun the more the rotation I also added walkway also added some placeholder falling Sway and then Landing impact also some rudimentary procedural recoil I made the hard decision to scrap my hand animated firing animations but I think that the procedural ones have more potential in the long run and also fix the fire rate problem that previously plagued the weapon also the empty holster and draw animations have finally been implemented I animated them along with the initial Glock animations but I guess I just forgot to put them in also Sprint animations have been added but they're glitchy right now and I'll have to fix them in the next video I love working on this project I documented this process in order to give myself some accountability in regards to making stable progress every month but I mean by no means was I trying to rush this I'm glad I took the time to learn things to understand them if it takes me a month to make a model and blender so be it as long as I'm learning and making progress in a skill I know my end result doesn't look like other Dev videos where they recreate Minecraft in 24 hours but I'm proud of the work I've put in I think this video might serve as a lesson to those who are interested in doing something a hobby a project or whatever it doesn't have to be a game that if you're progressing slower than others making something that doesn't quite live up to your expectations it's okay because you're learning and you're growing as a person I fully intend to keep working on this project I can't say how long but I'd like to say until it's finished who knows when that'll be thank you for watching to the end of the video and I'll catch you later [Music]
Channel: Soup Plays
Views: 44,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thomas, blaine, soup, soup plays, lets play, gaming, commentary, funny, gameplay, soupplays, hydra, here, macks, max, prefers, games, scooty, stick, gator, game, development, coding, 3d, modeling, software, godot
Id: sA55RmGxeDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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