I made my own Web

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this is bossing web X which instead of https uses the boss protocol every website is written in HTML CSS and Lua there's a custom built browser from scratch no chromium in here domain name system which means sites like this can exist search engine and a bunch of websites to explore but wait how do you actually reinvent the web well you probably know the basics websites are composed of three main parts HTML CSS and JavaScript think of it as a Bones skin and nerve system except the nerve system is really annoying now you're probably watching this video on YouTube which is located at https youtube.com however your browser is actually communicating with an IP address behind youtube.com this process is part of the domain name system in short DNS that basically holds the entire web in place once the HTML CSS and JavaScript is retrieved from the IP the browser renders it most browsers use chromium so that they don't have to ride their own engine but we're going to approach it differently instead of just using chromium we're going to write our own browser from scratch using rust and jtk which is basically a tool for making desktop applications popular on Linux and it also supports Windows HTML is first the point of busing webx is to have a place where people can upload their simple or complex websites for free and since this was popularized in the mid '90s before Facebook took off I went with the HTML and CSS support back then let's quickly go through them in the head we've got title which sets the title of the tab link which Imports either the CSS or an image which will be set as the icon of the tab and if you know a little HTML you might have noticed that this doesn't follow the standard and your godamn right this is the better HTML meta supposed to be used by other applications that craw the web a you just need a description so that the search engine which we're going to make it later on knows how to display it script just like I said before we don't care about the standard in fact we're using Lua instead of JavaScript simply because we can the script tag is a little different since you can't really have Lua inside of HTML files with good support from code editors so we have to close the tag and import it from another file we'll go through l in a bit now for the body we've got text which are headers paragraphs and hyperlinks if a hyperlink starts with BS instead of htps the browser will go to that website instead of opening your default browser Dives basically wraps a bunch of tags in a box lists either ordered or unordered and can have list items in them HR I have no idea what this stands for but it makes a dramatic horizontal line images gtk is a bit weird and doesn't allow you to scale images so you will have to manually size them in an image editor tool in there are on line text fields that can be accessed through laa text area line text fields and then we got buttons and drop downs if you combine all of that in an HTML file and give it to boss and napture here's how it looks oh and it's called napture because uh Netscape net Escape net capture napture the HTML doesn't support IDs why do you need IDs when you already have classes and since IDs are not supported there's no reason to have the dot in front of H CSS declaration that applies to a class with CSS on each property you can modify the borders which can change their color with style and radius the padding which means space around the inside of the tag the margins which means space around the outside of the tag and the interesting part there's no display property you can Center text by simply modifying the Align items property to Center sorry to break the can Center div mes now for D we can change the direction which can either be row or column and the gap between each tag inside it for text tags we have the usual color font size font height font family font weight but here's where we deviate a bit from the standard you can make text tags have an under line like this an overline like this and a strike through line like this and last the WID and height which only apply to inputs and text areas together with the HTML here's how the rendering engine in bossing nature looks the engine is code named B9 by the way because my dumbass thought V8 was the name for the rendering engine in chromium but Noe that's the JavaScript engine the rendering engine in chromium is called blink now if all this talk about the rendering engines and coding makes you feel a bit lost don't worry I've been there too that's exactly why I want to tell you about brilliant brilliant is where you learn by doing with thousands of lessons in programming math Ai and data analytics brilliant provides an engaging and interactive platform that makes learning fun and effective if you aren't sure how to start there's a thinking in code course where you can forget about syntax errors or setting up development environments and just learn this course will get you started with coding without all the hustle of installing four different python versions plus you can apply these skills to your everyday life like automating boring tasks or creating extensions for your everyday software to try everything brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days visit brilliant.org faev or click the link in the description you'll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription now let's get back to Lua the cure for the web the language used in many projects such as Roblox passing greedy code I made that NE after 10 minutes outside I came up with this Lua API or integration or whatever you want to call it instead of typing over 20 characters just to get an element you just type get yeah just get and then the type C if you want to get all the matching tags you just pass through as the second argument you can set and get the content like this the link of a hyperlink like this and the opacity like this now into events you just do on event for example you can do on click on input and on submit you can set HTTP requests to the fetch function which means you can have your site communicate with your API the biggest bummer is that it runs on the same thread as the UI meaning that if Lua takes a long time to run the entire app will have to wait because of this we can't really have sleep function since they'll kill the entire app now that the engine behind the browser is mostly complete I moved on to the DNS the domaining system basically documents with a domain TLD and IP the domain is wherever the user wants to put for example YouTube the TLD which stands for top level domain must either be MF by the way for real Yap Dev scam zip root web re hadii Sigma now it soy and the one I want pronounce each one was suggested by members of my Discord server but hold on what's the IP field well if you hate yourself you can host HTML file on your room machine or use a GitHub repository that has an index.html in plain site I quickly made an API that lets you register update delete and view domains registering your site is completely free and patreon and YouTube supporters can suggest a new top level domain to be added anyway everything seems to be done so I decided to create an event in my Discord server where the top three most interesting websites win some money I started the event and the P yeah I think it's safe to say it didn't really work I already had jtk installed on my system and others didn't the Linux issue was sold within a day thanks to Smart coder for bringing the app on Arch Linux and queen start for getting it on flag pack the windows version however uh boot into Windows search on Google how to compile gtk app to Windows find the jtk ra book it helps me to build jtk from skretch and do a bunch of Windows Shenanigans try to compile my program PC files missing no actually the files I have the PC extension first time seeing though install Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 202 whatever install Mason and ninja I don't know what I'm doing run a bunch of commands Okay maybe building jtk from scratch wasn't a good idea second solution download mc32 open mc32 m w64 update with Pac-Man get gtk4 get tool chain get Bas devil try to build the browser again PC files missing what in the copy every possible library to my folder hello sir your computer is running out of space install virtual box create a new Windows 10 machine install mc32 open mc32 m w64 install the packages build the browser in are failing how the hell does the Linker fail oh great the six Google result solve my problem send executable to my friend to test it doesn't work dl's missing boot again into the machine try sending each DL one by one after four DLS it started working get a zip create another virtual machine to test unzip run it's still wants DLS boot into the first VM copy everying DL send them to my second virtual machine it works but now we have 120 files to upload to GitHub install the sketchiest application I've ever seen that claims to bundle DS into an execut running it takes 30 minutes to finish blocks thei thre F spin at full speed like I'm about to start a jet it finishes i r the file this crap capitalized every DL name for no reason and a program can no longer find it's been 3 days since the event has been paused my anger cannot be expressed in words this is big Windows development Experience download WinRAR make a self extracting archive ship the executable the event results with 5 days remaining everyone's happy wait there's no way to search for websites on WebEx oh my making a search engine okay so today we're going to making a search engine we have a bunch of websites so since there's no way to search for websites right you have to memorize the keywords and we need a search engine that can go through everything here fetch their IP which can either be GitHub or an actra IP and we need to get the contents from the HTML file and basically store them for when the user wants to search stuff so we have a search engine name Nam ding guys it's quale Dingle here I have been arrested for multiple crimes including battery on a police officer hello it's me from the [Applause] future good morning welcome to Boston Park we are so excited you could join us today for some big announcements with the release of our upcoming two products bsing web X and bsing neure we are eager prounce the release of our search engine bosing gbo which will be available at boss. now before we conclude I'd like to open the floor for any questions you might have so does anyone in our exed audience have any questions they like to ask let's hear from adri Tech please yeah thank you may I ask why is there a toilet talking on the ride and we're getting a bunch of 4 fors okay so now we have to F the HDML uh thanks for joining us have a great day so it's a waste of time it's better sear why do if you're wondering here's how the finished search engine looks like the browser was still broken so I ended up doing two releases one day apart I'm going to Rapid Fire through some new features I did the logs when you press control shift p an about popup when you click the tab title and finally support were links in script text all right the event has finished so it's time to see the results okay we're going to go to time with and starting with it's taking time this is a test wow kill this man oh this one actually has something oh welcome to the bank uh make an account and tell me the username oh I don't have any money uh I mean print some 100 print how does it work what wait what's her name gay okay yeah I sent I sent it uh balance loading oh yeah it's loading I bet we have a lot of money there let's go loading loading loading loading loading Lo still loading it's still loading oh I'm going to have to log in hell yeah balance 200 sender face receiver K am 200 time St okay that's cool okay that one is good that one is good yeah at least it's working it's doing something just do the hello I'm just true like cheese PlayStation 2 I have 12 of them 12 cheese pieces or 12 PlayStations I think both overall I have 23 PlayStation consoles for the uh what is DS again I forgot Nintendo DS I think yeah hopefully this one is comms the [ __ ] common GS no I'm serious actually [ __ ] everyone who uses Comm gs on purpose everyone to Comm everyone who found comms [ __ ] everyone who steal I have the same feelings too why I love comms I hate JavaScript but this bull okay valid criticism anything towards JavaScript is very criticism I don't care what it is yeah I shouldn't have bothered like to read all this I just I should have just said I agree I agree guys we're talking about big money yo damn takes a long time to load oh my oh okay oh account created let's go I'm logged in I think yeah me too what's what's your username okay okay I'm going to send the message oh yeah it's working okay okay hell World okay will send something right now I just hope it works I broke the entire thing bro it crashed oh reasons to use busing nture it is [Music] fat no blow I mean who needs features right doesn't track you I mean if I made a browser and the Chinese like offered me like big chunk of of money I will [ __ ] track everything you do I don't give a [ __ ] I mean a cool website to be honest it's it looks genuine it feels genuine okay login register okay send private message public message you registered successfully login successful okay it is by the same developer you can tell by the chats they have like the same format we have some chats going on okay uh I sent a public message oh oil yeah this one seems interesting you can actually use this okay it is interactive it is I see my the messages you sent pleas is ranking I think personally I would rank the chat. up first and then we got chat. it we're kind of on the same boat I mean I'm not sure if I would put [ __ ] com GS or rapture. web on the third the reason is the first one is funny but the other one also seems like genuine I just felt the humble but I'm not sure let me let me do do spin wheel because for me like both are in the same ranking well [ __ ] common GS I guess [Music] jdk easy to code with beautiful outcome hard to crossplatform I hate rust closures my code is full of RC ref cell and clone there's a guide on how to make a boss website in the GitHub link below also where you can download the browser a quick nowe that the guide on jtk Rust book actually works I just didn't bother to read it till the end and waste it 3 days if you want to contribute and you're using Windows I'm sorry for your hard drive or SSD thanks to all of the patrons and YouTube members for supporting the channel thanks for watching and as always see you in the next one Linux deserve to be hacked because they won't let us play games at all
Channel: FaceDev
Views: 401,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facedev, programming, dev, coding, web, web dev, html, css, javascript, lua, griddycode
Id: qiOtinFFfk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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